Truck cartoons for kids - TRAIN CARTOON AND SUPER LASER - Super Truck in Car City !

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[Music] are you alright Carl looks like somebody needs your truck hurry up there was a massive storm last night in the city a lot of trees have collapsed and blocked roads meanwhile Billy and Edna are mixing cement but they need water Frank was going to deliver her but now he can't because of the traffic jam [Music] when we get that water to the construction sites super trabajo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey guys super truck is here haha but you see the traffic is so bad but there was no way you can deliver water to the construction site on time what are we going to do super truck what is it Bobby a water container you can give it to super truck and he'll deliver to the site but he'll still have to tackle the traffic ah ha that's right super truck huh this is the time for a new transformation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a super train okay super trucker you're now ready to go and thanks Bobby see you later Frank baby boo [Music] that's not going you're working super truck these trees are too heavy my boy you're below you're right we need something to cut through these trees laser of course this will cut those trees enough 9 whoa this laser is so powerful like in Star Wars movies we look at super truck large tree is probably going to fall that was close you nearly got crushed by this tree okay let's deliver the water to the construction site construction team a super truck is here with water a giant rolling pin Miami bomb yes super truck I'm also wondering what the construction T is going to do with it whoa that was the it's bowling pin and the biggest bowling ball I've ever seen see you next time friends wow that looks great guys is it for Christmas you're right something's missing but what of course the lights are off okay you turn them on Walter ready guys on my count three two one it's not working hmm I wonder why you think Santa won't find your tree if you don't have any lights on that means he can't deliver your Christmas presents we better do something quick super truck that's a great idea huh hey Carl what are you looking for Santa he won't be around till tonight hmm the babies need your help at the Town Hall the lights aren't working and they've worried Santa won't see the tree to put their toys under right a real Christmas emergency let's go fix it [Music] [Music] [Music] impressive I know but the lights aren't working can you find out why can you see anything wrong a transformation nice but what what a helicopter cool you'll be able to stop the problem from up high [Music] [Music] hey mom [Applause] mmm-hmm nothing wrong there good idea huh let's follow the lights right they're all tangled up that could be the problem Gary could you want tangles and white Gary how did that happen thanks Walter I'm sure you can help nice work Walter the light's still aren't working though better keep looking a bit you Gary are the lights plugged in inside hmm but you think it's the power crystal well there's your problem Gary can you plug that in oh I forgot how clumsy you are Gary you're going to try from the other side hmm okay oh no that was the city power Carl you'd better do something the SD 3000 I can't wait to see a telekinetic wave awesome looks like it's working super truck well I think you need to adjust your range you want to count down okay three two one good job Carl alright everyone did a great job decorating Zinta won't miss this tree for sure I think I can hear Santa's sleigh now I hope you've all been good this year whoa guys what's the big hurry hi you're racing to see who can find the first Easter Egg we will see anything huh how about you Carl well good luck Carl wait buzz on yes Florida interrupts but there's an emergency no babies can't find any eggs at all [Music] Walter hid them too well ooh can you help them search you are great at hide and seek hmm this should be an easy case for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't worry babies supertruck is here Ian Walter will finally exit no time come on let's go look you see the eggs Walter what about you super truck nothing oh wait look some candy Oh are you tired babies huh well that's sweet of you super truck I think they're getting tired and could use a ride Maya [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wow super car carrier that perfect forgiving tired babies a lift all aboard huh are we ready to keep looking for the missing Easter eggs luck with your search babies find anything yet look everyone super truck found some eggs and you remembered we're the rest of them are it carries well then let's go well dear what's wrong with the babies ah I think you're right look the eggs are melting from the Sun sewer truck what do we do use the st 3000 great idea hmm stand back and close your eyes everyone the free three is right whoa nice work super truck that ought to keep them cool while we drive back to carries mm-hmm it's safe to open your eyes now guys now let's go get the rest of ya the Easter eggs are here at last couldn't have found them without you Carl oh wow another Easter treat thanks for the chili beans Carrie have a happy easter everyone see you next time Wow you must be in a hurry Carl oh you're late to deliver treat for the Cherry Blossom Festival huh wow what a move wow this sounds like there's an emergency you'd better go Carl see you soon Carrie [Applause] [Music] looks like the festival is already underway whoa the High Noon sunset the tower on fire we need to put out the fire and fast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa be careful at night the super truck is here to help [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're truck use your hose Wow way to work together the fire is almost out oh no it's getting near the trees [Music] there you go nice job [Music] awesome the fire is out great works super truck oh no quick super truck we have to help regna what SD 3000 could help us my name in that old oh good idea [Music] Buie use your crane super truck are you okay excellent hey goodness look Carl Kerry delivered the treats you left at the restaurant thanks Perry thanks for saving the festival Carl sure is beautiful enjoy everybody see you next time hey kids thanks for watching if you like super truck click here to subscribe for more adventures click here see you on the road
Channel: Super Truck - Car City
Views: 102,376
Rating: 3.9253731 out of 5
Keywords: Train, laser, storm, supertruck, super truck, carl the super truck, superheroe truck, carl truck, transformation cartoon, vehicles, baby cartoons, car city, truck, trucks, car, trucks video, truck cartoon, cars cartoon, truck for kids, cars for kids, cartoons for children, car cartoon, cartoons truck, children cartoons, kids cartoons, kids videos, cars disney pixar
Id: dbEEBPb8hbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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