Truck broke down. It’s bad.

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welcome to barn life 2020. apparently we have a hummingbird in the barn with us right now a little new friend i will welcome a hummingbird over a bat hummingbirds are much more pleasant and apparently the dogs don't care that much truck broke this is bad what a week this has been a week so amber and i things seem to happen in twos with us and pairs and it's happened like that for 10 years with us like if i hurt my foot then a few days later she hurts her foot and we have been doing that for 10 years there's some kind of connection with us so amber got in a wreck a few days ago two days go by literally the day after she gets a rental car because her car's in the shop getting fixed my truck blows up with the kids literally me the kids amber and a rooster in a random town we've never been to truck blows up roll the intro don't you love it when the good guys win big storm outside whoa thunder coming this is the biggest storm we've had since we've lived in the barn 20 20. 20. um sit around nope nope sit up nope up good girl remy come where is he oh there he is come here see it give a boy that's all you can do that's all you can do that's all he could do good morning everyone it is take a bolt back to the verdi farm day so we have them in a kennel right now i need to put some shavings in there so we can take a bite got them in our kennel sure pretty bolt thank you for protecting our girls i'm gonna miss you bye-bye what is happening y'all are in in the chickens because we're down coop 12. we have 14. no we don't yes we do no we don't one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve there's gotta be two in the coop now our girls have to get used to us again because we haven't been in here in so long so they run and i used to pick cloudy and diamonds all the time so we only have i don't know twelve i was thinking i guess i was thinking of giggles and guys hi girl oh yeah i was counting bolt hi is it going to feel good not getting fertilized every day multiple times a day hey butter are you so pretty so pretty oh you just got right from the camera which one's your favorite lincoln that's a good answer because you don't have a favorite child either you just love all of your kiddos i'm talking about me hey we're in the same shirt that's another shirt from brett's barn so this whole area used to be a whole garden along this perimeter here but now it's just a mess i know are you guys gonna miss bolt are you okay with it though so never ever get rid of this because on the chickens when they're scared they go under it unless there's like a swarm they go under it and once it's really hot they go under for shade that's true come on diamond she's so slow and she's really slow right i bet diamond's the skinniest one inside her fluffiness but the are making her fast yeah you can you can tell when they get wet well buddy here we go it's been fun it's been a great adventure me and you i taught you to crow we've had a lot of good times had some rough times the girls are going to be happy without you i hate to admit it but you're going to be in a better place too whiffer will singing on a summer night make a room swing with a tractor tire river stays high but the county's dry country things fried catfish at a corner store thanking the lord for a thunderstorm tracking of arnold craig no more country things oh goodness gracious so here we are in middle neighborhood we're in bartlett texas little bitty town driving through driving about 30 miles an hour down this road all of a sudden all my gauges just went all the lights came on and all the gauges went haywire and it just gave me every warning that the truck has and uh looked down and the temperature was all the way at you know 260 or whatever that gauge goes to zero seconds it took to do this so pulled over killed the engine opened it up see uh cooling everywhere and water hot probably water pump probably went out that's what i'm thinking i don't think i could have on a head gasket or anything i just it wasn't hot enough but maybe the water pump went out which it's common it's just funny because amber's got her car out now my truck's down and we got a rooster in the back and we're in a residential neighborhood and we got the kids it's just one of these times guys one of these times well well well i just burned the truck up guys just a pretty good checkup we're on our way to take bolt back and granger's truck just broke down and started smoking i don't know if i shut the engine off in time but i don't know what caused the overheat it's like one of the cooler days 79 yeah something bad happened though i'm not i'm not a fluid it smells awful we just pulled over into somebody's random person's yard sorry random person who lives here hey uh my my truck blew up this morning oh the engine did at least what well it overheated yeah yeah i'm out here i'm in bartlett with the whole family in my rooster and i just all of a sudden out of blue out of the blue i just every light came on on the dash i looked down that engine overheat was all the way on you know it just went from it went from regular to all the way to 400 degrees so i just pulled over and every auto place is closed so i just didn't know if you knew of a guy i think we know of a towing guy for razz barbecue he's a police officer he's the officer and he gave us some awesome sausage you have a knife in your pocket yeah he always has a knife thankful for kind people yeah people are amazing people are good right buddy nothing hits home like where are you born and it's a dirt road slow jam yes sir no man homemade pass down recipe for supper small church white veils front page white tales if you're like me you'll always be a sucker for country things yeah i forgot your things i got a girl with a pair of boots she'll take her one lane over too when i pick her up all she wants to do is country thing yeah she likes a firefly kiss or two if any crickets we're listening to it's a dirt road slow jam yes sir no man homemade pasta is gone 160 bucks later be delivered and we'll find out what's wrong with it i'm betting water pump it happens so fast but now we got bolt we got to deal with this now our adventure is not over i'm just whatever sorry bolt or congratulations bolt however you want to look at it but welcome back home you gonna touch one no they look like avatars hi gene how are you so good what we got we got our rooster that we got from you and he's amazing but he's getting real real real aggressive all right does this happen often no no there you go come on buddy go find the girls all right welcome home buddy turkey yeah that's what we eat at thanksgiving or in your sandwich every day turkey sandwich and one of these yeah one of the black ones okay one of the black ones and one of the white brahmas yes sir and a rooster no no no what if he has a sweet rooster what if he has an older sweet rooster so we make sure her beak is straight eyes are clear and bright she's nice and meaty across the keel i mean she's growing and thriving well she's clean across the vent no poopy butt will be sick or wormy the feet and toes look good and who gets to hold this one all right there you go sweetie thank you we had one we've only lost one boom they don't escape the net see before i be reincarnated i was a hockey goalie now i'm just a chicken tender you got two big gentle chickens they're gonna be nice and big and gentle now they still need to be on a starter girl or feed okay okay because they're still young you have some i don't but i'll get one i think we do i don't have the starter feed oh we don't i have no idea yeah i love it i love mine we should say buy the bullet shouldn't we we should go say bye let's go find them maybe he'll run at you one more time okay bye buddy we're gonna take off see you buddy hey hi what did we just have to name him bolt do you like that yeah both we're gonna all three go over there and try to catch him ready we all three move in at the same time go go go go go he almost got him guys he almost went through this ball how many bolts are you turning on us you turning on us bolt i get it i get it you got to protect your girls but remember i'm the one that feeds you i'm the one that feeds you don't you turn it you turn on us you look at me like that it's fried chicken for dinner oh god you're gonna get bold you're so brave oh my gosh you are a ninja oh we got you good girl oh you okay i just want a pedal hit that back your face when you do that minnie doesn't mess around all right go he's gonna get you oh he's trying to come out the window they want a therapy not going too well huh let him get him get him get him get out i'm trying to get out got him got him all right all right here let me open the door london got it you lennon got him good job how'd you get out okay he came around not gonna lie a little sad thanks for breaking my truck trusty old van coming in clutch new girls so the black one is vader then the white one is cece you got there mom is holding vader right now okay let's go beautiful let's go show them their new homes okay so these girls are only two and a half months old so we have to keep them separated well he said for a while he said two months because they have to eat different feed than the adults in about two months but we'll see you already have a friend i'm just gonna stay here with cece okay did you put her in sorry girl i know how vader's two years old all right lana your turn you're just making a friend yeah cupcakes you know what he wanted what do they want happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear daddy happy birthday to you i tried it four loubies no graham cracker cake no no so you get to blow up this candle okay all right so these are from 18 carat bakery on the georgetown square which one are you eating but i don't know about the icing yeah you're not a big fan of icing though let me try red velvet and carrots they're known for their carrot so that's supposed to be really good which is your favorite red velvet red velvet chocolate's your favorite i think mine is the carrot but i haven't tried the red velvet yet so bolt is in a a good place i feel good that happened yesterday i feel good about it i do too we took him back to the place where he got him from and he's very much at home there he got right out with all of his other rooster friends and new girls he's right at home so and the guy that took him back gene yeah sweet man over at burton b farm and he was like as we're leaving he's like what's his name again we said bolt i said good i want to know so that we know what to call them so it sounds like he's gonna be there he's in a happy place and our place is much more tranquil without crazy bolt running around mrs crow even though i raised him from a chick he turned into an angry mad rooster so if you're new to this channel we had a rooster i know you've already seen us turn him in but he got aggressive on us he got super i raised him from a chick i taught him how to crow and he turned aggressive and it wasn't like he was you know ripping our body parts off every day yet but he was growing spurs they were getting i saw them from nothing then they were like that big when i turned them in but it was just to the point where you had to gear up to go talk to our chickens or to go feed them or go water them or do anything you have to like mentally get ready to deal with bolt he would get mad if we came in the fence and then now it was if we even got close to the fence he'll try to attack you through the fence some days i'm okay with that some days i'm like all right bring it on rooster and some days i'm like i'm barefoot i'll just water them tomorrow and i didn't want it to be and if that's like how it was with me i don't want our kids to be dealing with that so anyway both gone truck gone tahoe gone hot weather gone it's not that bad it's 90 in here so we're like 10 degrees cooler than we're listening i'm sure you can see our glisten yeah new album just a couple more weeks guys september 25th get ready for that i'm gonna start teasing some more songs the best thing you could do to help us is pre-save or pre-order or pre-playlist or pre-anything has a pre to begin with uh wherever you find music if you see that album then pre-it just don't prius you don't need to be driving a prius just pre the album and then you could hear two two songs right now hate you like i love you and country things which i'm sure are playing a lot in this video what else tell them to subscribe and stuff you know hey guys please hit that like button subscribe that helps us know that you guys like what we're doing this is free if you haven't subscribed yet please do what are you waiting for share with your friends share some of your favorite episodes let us know what your favorite episodes are let's get this account up to 200 200 000 it's slowly growing let's get it there let's get it there maybe we'll do something really cool when we hit 200k yeah we'll see you on thursday yay thanking the lord for a thunderstorm trapped in the barn don't crank no more country things
Channel: The Smiths
Views: 47,761
Rating: 4.9877944 out of 5
Keywords: explore usa, the smiths family vlog, amber smith, lincoln smith, london smith, yee yee, thats why i love dirt roads, the smiths, granger smith family vlog, country music vlog, country music, granger smith vlog, backroad song, luke bryan vlog, dustin lynch vlog, lake life family, granger smith new album, granger smith, truck broke down, truck restore earl dibbles jr
Id: TjIQBfQk7bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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