Troye Sivan - Dance To This ft. Ariana Grande (Official Video)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: TroyeSivanVEVO
Views: 183,121,672
Rating: 4.8973751 out of 5
Keywords: Troye Sivan, Dance To This, Ariana Grande, EMI, Music, Australia, Pop, blue neighbourhood, dangerous woman, god is a woman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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Love this song. Not personally a huge Ariana Grande fan, but I think her vocals work perfectly for this number. Wasn't expecting the video to be like this at all though. Haha. He told the story a while back about how he came up with the lyrics, and I was imagining something similar to that story. Maybe him and another guy chilling at home, standing in the kitchen or whatever, not doing a whole lot, but being perfectly content to just stay home and dance together.
I'm a huge Ariana stan and this song introduced me to his music. I'm so obsessed with him now and he's all I've been listening to lately. I feel ridiculously happy seeing both of my faves together in this video β€οΈ
Loved it. Definitely subverted my expectation of what the video would be, and in a way that was interesting.
Gives me warm feelings <3 It's simple yet so beautiful. I'm pretty sure they had so much fun filming this because I had so much fun watching this lol. I wanna see the behind the scenes video right now!!