Troy Aikman credits one coach for Cowboys turnaround success | Undeniable with Joe Buck

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and that's really where it began and that takes you through this this great run I mean 20 and four at UCLA you win two bowl games you have the success and now now here you go so now I'm trying to decide on an agent when I was coming out of college I'm in Oklahoma City having these meetings with agents and uh in the middle of the meetings with the agents it's it's announced that the Cowboys have sold they had already told I mean I was pretty certain I was going to be drafted by them they had told me that I would be but they said yeah I said well who's buying the team and he said yeah it's some oil tycoon in Arkansas and he's going to hire Jimmy Johnson as his head coach Jimmy Johnson and uh so now I wanted to come to Dallas I wanted to go to Dallas and and now I'm thinking man I I I hope he doesn't have any bad feelings about me you know I've turned him down twice I hope he doesn't turn me down now and uh so yeah so he's the head coach uh so I'm drafted I'm excited you know I had I knew Jimmy he's excited Jerry was great he hell he's always excited you know so when you get drafted number one overall you wanna you wanna come out of that and you want to feel like you were a good player you know you don't want to be regarded as a bust so we go into New Orleans our first game of the season is at New Orleans and we get just throttled I mean we lose 28 to nothing we couldn't do anything it couldn't get out of her they killed us couldn't move the ball couldn't stop we lose 28 to nothing the next week we're playing at Atlanta Jimmy calls a team up on on Saturday's walk through we go through the walk through Jimmy pulls the team up and uh he tells us he's we're all in one we just started the Year we're all in one Jimmy says hey let me tell you guys something this losing is over it is over you know tomorrow we're going out and we're going to whip their ass you know well little did he know that winning was far from me you know we we'd lose 14 more times before that year was over so that was the year we were one in 15. that's great yeah how do you plow through that how do you how do you mentally get your your wits about you and get ready for 1990. I mean now it's kind of all right you got to start doing something and and quite honestly the second year through the first 12 weeks of the Season were were the really harder than my rookie year because then I really felt urgency I felt like we needed to do something I was Joe I was tough I was tough on my teammates I was tough I wasn't interested in being anyone's friend I had great friends I'm not saying that but but that and maybe it came from my dad you know I mean my job as I saw it was to win and uh so when we hit the practice field if guys didn't know what to do if we'd have receivers that didn't know how to line up and what routes to run I'm pissed off I was incensed and they knew it and I tell them were you a face mask Grabber like I wasn't a face mask Grabber but I was confrontational you know I mean I was not afraid of Confrontation and I wasn't worried about whether I was a great leader or not I was just hell-bound I'm holding everybody responsible to doing their job and I would walk off the field and I just say man what do you got to do to win a game in this league yeah and I would imagine the motivation is is kind of hard to find because it's a team game the record really is on you nobody says the the center went Owen 11 in his rookie year nobody cares right they look at you the number one overall pick it was it was miserable I mean it was absolutely miserable it was worse than anything I went through as a rookie uh Jim and I weren't speaking um you know just everything I was looking to I was actually wanting to be traded uh I had meetings with my agent and said I just can't do this uh and then we went out to Los Angeles and and we played the Rams and they were a really good team and and out of nowhere we win the game and uh then we got on a four-game win streak and so we ended up finishing that season seven and nine and feeling you know actually pretty good about ourselves but tell me when you meet norve who's a receivers coach for the Rams yeah and here he comes in 1991. right what is a great offensive coordinator do for a quarterback what did norve specifically do for you he just it sounds simple but he took what everyone does best and he had him do what they do best you know I didn't throw this particular Corner out particularly well uh Jim Everett with the Rams dead and they threw a lot of them and I I just couldn't I never got comfortable with that throw and we didn't throw it we just said forget it you know what I did throw well we threw the Dig routes well you know the 20 yard in routes we threw The Comebacks we threw and that's what I did and Irvin ran those well you know that's what he did he wasn't going to just blow by to people all the time so we didn't ask him to do it and Emmett Emmett wasn't a guy who was going to catch a lot of balls out out of the backfield he's going to catch swing passes and that type thing and that's that's what we did with him and so uh it sounds really simple but it's but for some reason most offensive coordinators don't go about it that way and uh and it worked for us and uh we all you know when they talk about the triplets me Michael and Emmett uh credit nor for our successes and uh you know he was he was the right guy at the right place at the right time and and he got us where really where we wanted to go
Channel: Youth Inc.
Views: 396,481
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Keywords: Joe Buck Interview, Joe Buck, Joe Buck SVP, Joe Buck Handshake, Joe Buck Fox, Undeniable, Undeniable show, Joe Buck Undeniable, joe buck best calls, Joe Buck Troy Aikman, troy aikman, troy aikman highlights, troy aikman zach wilson, Troy Aikman cowboys, Troy Aikman Dallas Cowboys, troy aikman jimmy johnson, troy aikman yelling at teammates, troy aikman interview, Troy Aikman Cowboys, Troy Aikman ESPN, Troy Aikman Monday Night Football, Troy Aikman Joe Buck, Troy Aikman MNF
Id: 9ZgZasJLqjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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