Tropical White Sand Beach with the Sound of Ocean Waves & Bossa Nova for Sleeping, Relaxation Enjoy
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Channel: Cozy Annie Chill
Views: 46,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cozy chill, bossa nova, smooth jazz, relaxing jazz, bossa nova jazz, smooth jazz music, coffee shop music, study music, cafe music, coffee music, work music, jazz music, Coffee shop Ambience, Jazz, summer jazz, jazz music summer, Coffee Shop, Ambience, Cafe Ambience, Coffee Shop Jazz, Ambient Coffee Shop, Ambient, Relaxing Jazz, coffee shop vibes, cozy coffee shop, cozy coffee shop ambience, rooftop coffee shop, summer vibes, cozy summer jazz, summer music playlist
Id: LM7e6cdyuHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 45sec (11745 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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