Trommel Worm Harvest

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hello this is Greg Allison from bring Greg's garden and warm form coming to you from my log barn and my rotary trommel this is the device I use for warm harvest and I'm going to show you in this video how to use a rotary to hot trommel to harvest your worms that is going to be the subject of this video so I will show you everything with the exception of squeezing the peat moss which is covered in my quick easy steps for harvesting the pound the worms see that video and please do subscribe to my channel and quickly update notification bail cuz there's a lot more videos on worm farming garden in micro and growing your own food living off the trees and such the wall weeds how to survive thrive and stay out of the hive so I hope you enjoy this video alright here today I'm going to show you how to dig worms out of the warm bed and we're going to run them through the rotary trommel you viewers have asked for this for some time so now you get to see it and please support my channel click the links below I do sell these worms ww David Greene Greg's comm links below and for primping there's my patron supply I'll help me out you buy from them link below and also to plant your own heirloom seeds and then now it's a good time to get them you know what supplies know better spring because things are getting kind of short in the garden in the world but go to true leaf markets so let's get started the key thing about harvesting worms is don't dig them out with a shovel the reason you don't want to use a shovel is it will cut a lot of your worms in half I mean it's small points or a whole lot less cutting surface area than the edge of a shovel and the worms can kind of get pushed aside so you a lot less like a bit to cut a worm far less likely if you use a fork now this is a traditional gardening fork and it's good because the tines are real close together a big pitchfork the tines of safar apart everything will fall apart but this is a real good thing to dig worms with sometimes you can find some pitchforks and horse sections of your feeding seat stores that have bigger pitchforks a lot of times that work just fine I have one of those but I broke a couple of times out so I'm going to use this today and if you looked at it we actually fed water these worms already probably smarter thing when they've been too fed and watered later cuz this moisture worm cassings here will be a little hard to run and probably some participant pushing and say I've got a lot of worms in here here and I'm just gonna start to shovel them out for cool about that is you can see the stuff will stay together when the tides are kind of close together and I guess I'm tossing some farms the ground so that'll be free-range worms now living on their own and I'm gonna do videos soon maybe it's already up on free range people might want to see that so there's really no rocket science to this I'm just digging in here look at this watermelon all the ones rector don't get a lot of worms fast going or something like that and it makes them easier to run when you get stuff that's got lot of worms in it I really like typically to start at the end of one bed if I'm gonna dig out most of a bed less about four wheelbarrow loads or for stuff and a cubic yard I said the one that four barrels worth so it should be about a twelve barrel some clothes you see sometimes it don't stick your hook them in some tire bed in there look at all those worms in there let's not my worms are a little bit more of an adult side right now I don't screen and separate maybe learn some adult worms so we got to work here that if these ones breeding really this is the essence I wanted the swell bear with worms run them in the trommel this is my DIY do-it-yourself homemade rotary trommel motor came from tractor supply the Dixie on you see down there that it's got all the pulleys on it came from Lowe's the pulleys came from tractor supply it's just built out of two befores and it's got these tractor supply mower belts to run it and they're running in bicycle hubs yes those are bicycle hubs and the rollers came from Harbor Freight so this is totally a DIY operation and they're just a regular electrical light switch box here this is one that is and so turn this thing on I have to give a little bit of a kickstart basically it's got current plugged into it now all I got is a hit switch the S North turning but it ain't enough to get it really going until I get a roll I have to give it a hand assist to get it started this metal funnel was staffed out by a local metal sheet place sheet metal shop and I put these down here to collect the worms in the compost what happens is you gonna see me here feeding worms into the back of this trommel and I got an elevated a little bit so everything will flow down this way and I got a string on here this is eighth inch and that's a quarter inch all the castings will fall down here into these buckets I didn't build this thing to put little buckets in here but it's better if I just put my hand the bottle and so what happens is is the gases flow down through here and the worms the worms are soft body creatures they're gonna stick on this fall and the first time you use a funnel you know a little spray Pam or something on it before it gets kind of uh a little fatty don't let this one pass and the words will will stick so they'll roll up a little bit to the side and they'll fall off to the side so I've got these things sitting a little bit off-center now I may have to just order they fall that because I want worms the following one get in compost oh so the composter you come right down the center and fall out so the compost must have fall over here and the ones muscled over here you will get some mixing but I want all ones over here he'll still be compost little but not as much so this will shorten the harvest time so about that start shelling worms in here okay in place got my fork trommel that belts a little loose on them down to the other direction clips are you got a little lucky so I'm gonna have to do is just give it a spin here this give it a hand span and with these worms will start making our way down [Music] [Applause] some compost fall down with the ones that falling got too many worms are falling on this side all just about when I can this is DS arnott Murphy's Law well uses the composter fall over here looks like multi this is broken down and the castings will get already cuz I'm getting a lot of cast and springing down these screens train our castings and someone's do get three unfortunately welcome to anyone who gets here today but you get ones over here without too much trash in them right now but as I go it'll be a lot more accumulated I'll show you a little bit ahead and fork the stuff do we get a lot more of these in here get the wheelbarrow empty and I feel what they look like what you can see from running this promise there's so many ones on my bed right now the most of the compost was turned to this real fine worm castings they really process the worm castings real fast and watch you all but it's not much coming out here in the way of just regular worm compost it's has some big chunks of dirt that all shut together and that's an occasional rock before other seniors make a 10-minute watch we'll see this is pretty much what you get from a barrel load of worms that's pretty much the barrel other ones are you know in there anyway that's how it works right there dab it on the other side there shoveling in forking in the lungs okay here are the worms from that barrel going down as we take them and put them in kitty litter boxes and we put them on the Sun side not the shadow side because worms are gonna dive down get away from the Sun and the neat thing here is to get tough we can take a paintbrush or our fingers and just sweep the dirt right off the top of these worms then we let them dive down and someone will sweep more dirt off them and we just keep moving the paintbrush or when our fingers around and go from one bed to one but a little bin here to pin these little just key to let her boss that's what they are and so sweep this stuff off keep it up we'll have all the get the one back here keep the worm he's jumping we don't want any of this dirt won't get all this dirt this way we get the way out pure worms and the way I want to see what we already got on us expecting that we've got o to date no I meant six to eight pounds here looks like it more than that what's so not even have our 10 pounds out of this we'll have to see a little bit how this works out imagine when these piles is about three pounds of worms give me the idea that's how it's done and as these worms I'd shovel that stuff off of they'll dive down deeper more than a bit exposed and we'll just iterate this until we get all that stuff up off in down here watching the trommel clean a lot of it out okay these worms are must have cleaned up we've got mustard stuff off them that's the end of my food you start thinning them out to make sure we don't have any maggots from your larvae or anything we don't want in there and we do that not make a real thin screen of them make sure that there's nothing else in there that we don't want to send to the customer or user so whatever purpose you want to use them that's what we can do next these worms are about ready to start weighing up mix these up really good with my hand because I want to mix the form with the peat moss and the warms up so the ones can breathe well to bunch stuff they might not breathe too well choking down on each other as they breathe and the moisture that's in this peat moss you know squeeze it out really good there's nothing there for survival and it was too wet it would die and shipping that's why they all look we're gonna bag these up on but that's an order right there one pound pound orders okay so we got a bag here I'm gonna put the worms in this is a 2250 count order sizes mixed in with the peat moss and I mix them up with my hand so they can breathe you don't leave warm this block together you'll mix them in really good pour them in this bag I'm gonna take the bag you'll need a whole sand back two small orders back even large rollers only use half sand basses even breathe better the way y'all shipping some people put all the worms in one bag the big waters I'm gonna take it and twist it up sometimes I cut off some of these these strands and scissors make sure you get all the corners you don't want to leave a corner Li hanging down will get all the corners all the edge just wrap up into this cause otherwise one might escape twist it really good twist that stuff up to make a piece of tape I just tear off pieces and hanging on the side of the table and I can just come around here wrap this tape around back over the top a little pace or two that's this and then let's move off too much drag your pieces of this white stuff gonna tear up or you want to have complete coverage here no room for anything else to get out neat thing about this in this makes a nice little carrying handle steel arms nice little shame in the bow and that'll hold them in the bag right there so that's an order we'll put it in the box shortly and that's how you harvest worms please remember to subscribe to my channel if you're not already subscribed click the update notification bill below and do check my links below to support my channel thank you for watching
Channel: Green Gregs
Views: 31,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trommel Worm Harvest, harvest worms with a trommel, trommel, worm trommel, harvest worms, worm harvest, shipping worms, red wigglers, how to harvest worm castings, harvesting worm castings, worm casting harvest, red wiggler worms, worm poop, harvesting worms, separating worms from castings, weigh redworms, weigh out redworms, worm farming tips, harvesting redworms, harvesting earthworms, organic worm farming, organic vermiculture, worms 101, worm farming for profit
Id: khVwEz_zPn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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