TROLLING Ultimate Spammers with OMNI DIRECTIONAL PUNCHES in Roblox The Strongest Battlegrounds

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all right boys I back on Roblox the strongest Battlegrounds otherwise known as Sait Battlegrounds and boys today I decided that I wanted to do a little bit of trolling so if you guys didn't know they just secretly buffed the saaba bald hero move set I guess it's called the strongest hero now this is like the eighth time that they've changed the name of this move set but boys they added an ability to be able to block explosives if you perfectly Tye an explosive that's coming at you with the shove move you can deflect it so in this video we're going to be doing the ultimate trolley with this saaba move set by not only doing that but also using omnidirectional punches on Ultimate mode users but before we jump into the video I want to go ahead and give away some Early Access and VIP to people who commented and subscribed on the last video I'm going to go ahead and give the Early Access Game Pass to my boy twiy he's been subscribed for 9 months here you go buddy I hope that you enjoy Early Access and metal bat and then I'm also going to give it to de force 333 and he's private server plus all right here you go buddy I hope that you enjoy this private servers plus and boom there we go and let me give one more away to ethn F gamber and he wants Early Access all right there we go and boom dude while I was doing that that there's just a crowd of people and there's a fake stud in front of me hey I know that you're a faker you're a fraud and before we jump into the video I just wanted to shout out a few of the people that have bought the merch recently shout out to all of you guys and boys if you haven't actually joined my Roblox group yet make sure to join we're trying to hit 20,000 members all right but it is now time for me to start trolling players with this new Saito move and also by trolling players with the obni directional punches on Ultimate spam hey this guys said sub to St you guys should subscribe all right this little goober just started attacking me while I was AFK so you want to die huh oh oh oh he said LOL fake all right where are you what happened boom and we'll go W boom uh-oh buddy uh-oh Boom 1 2 three and boom oh dude how did that not hit oh he used his ultimate dang it it's too bad we don't have our thing crap we didn't have our freaking obni directional punch ready it's okay it's okay it's okay we're going to fight him we're going to fight him watch this he's going to use the move yep I knew he's going to use that y uh-huh he said bro in all caps bro he's getting mad he's getting mad oh no no no no bacon just saved me oh my gosh bacon oh my gosh bacon you're the goat bacon we're friends okay we're friends you saved me now I'll save you I got you buddy I got you bro this bacon is just murdering him all right 1 2 3 he said I'mma report you nah nah 1 2 two three and popop we have our ultimate all right now what I want to do is I want to I want to make him use his ultimate so I'm going to let him beat up on me a little bit I want him to use his ultimate so that I can uh so that I can use my ultimate and ruin his oh that guy's got his ultimate right now you know what you go ahead and take out that guy over there oh and the bacon is murdering this guy again oh my gosh bro the bacon is just destroying him oh my gosh and now he's he's emoting on his body okay all right man come on activate your ultimate yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh what are you doing bro here hit me a little bit so you can activate your ultimate come on come on hit me a little bit so you can activate your ultimate yep oh and now he's getting beat up by somebody else bro this poor guy just can't catch a break this guy just can't catch a break he's just getting murdered oh my gosh he tried to throw a trash can and he just got demolished no bro this poor guy bro I hope he doesn't leave the game cuz he's so mad he said wow this server is full of teamers bro I'm not even teaming I'm just watching people murder you I'm not going to lie let's go ahead and boom oh all right nice nice nice nice activate your ultimate I dare you I dare you to activate your ultimate come on yes yes yes good good good that's what I wanted to see he just tried to throw a trash can at me you do it again oh he got me all right I'm going to try to get him to activate his ultimate now all right come on use your ultimate I dare you I dare you use your ultimate I dare you come on oh ow okay all right he wasted his side Dash dude come on use your ultimate already oh come on come on you goober use your ultimate come on stop stop doing that you yes all right come on here we go yes we got it we did it let's go first try let's go dude this guy is definitely so freaking bad right now nah we actually did it first try dude let's go let's go let's go all right I'm waiting for him to say something in chat he said you mother do what you fatherless child no way we made him that mad at us look this guy's reaction he just went this guy's said yo bro we really just made this dude bad we made it wasted is Ultimate mode guys you got to leave a like for that guys leave leave a like on the video that is too funny I can't believe how mad he's getting like all right you know what now now that we don't have an ultimate mode to use it's time to combo him up a little bit oh wait did he leave the game oh no he left the game bro he dude he literally Rage Quit no way all right well Mission succeeded we have officially reached our goal and trolling somebody using the obni directional punches but that's not all I want to try to troll somebody by using my deflect move with shove and I want to try to get somebody else with the obni directional punches too so yeah with that that's just troll number one of many all right ow what The Jug oh really all right now I'm going to try to find a speedo sound Sonic user because that is a move that we can very easily deflect with our shove move all right there's a speedo sound Sonic user oh wait is there two of them oh no it's just this one oh and he like and he throws regularly oh God that guy just used his ultimate let's go ahead and run away all right this guy has menacing Cyborg and this guy has ninja okay so we should be able to get one of these guys to use their throwable move with like with this guy uh jetos has Blitz shot and then he's got the explosive shuit okay bet bet I'm just going to stand and see if he throws it throw it at me I dare you yes yes we got no no way no no no I I refuse to believe it I refuse to believe it there's no way there's no way I just did that Bop one two three boom and let's go Bop dude nah n and then we just one shot com him what is going on in this recording dude nah that's that's crazy and and then we had a furry just watching us the whole time you see that furry it's going to happen to you next all right this going to happen to you next if you're not careful furry I will kill you oh God he's coming back for vengeance he he he is upset with me I dare you to throw another shurik at me man oh no he looks like he's more interested in furry oh he's bowing oh furry yes he show his respect respect your elders furry dude that is crazy look at this man he is like shocked at what just happened all right so I just joined a server and this little Noob goober is right in front of me you know I'm not even going to attack him cuz oh well I guess he's not AFK I definitely thought he was AFK okay but in order to actually troll players that are using their ultimates we have to do two things we have to build our ultimate mode bar all the way up so we can use our omnidirectional punches and we also have to try to bait somebody into using their ultimate mode so yeah this is this is a little bit of a challenge but you know what I've done harder in this game all right I I've fought some of the best players in this game before I can do this oh really so let's start off you know what we we'll start off by trying to kill this Noob get over here 1 2 3 hit him with this let's go ahead and oh oh my gosh all dude I literally thought that I was about to get freaking blown to outer space somebody else just used omnidirectional punch I get over here why can I not hit this guy oh my gosh bro is like falling apart while I'm fighting him all right get over here get over here and there we go we already have our first kill yo I still can't get over this new week is dummy I wish that he would like fight back in actual servers that'd be so funny oh do you want to fight you want to fight goober oh oh oh no and I am already getting trolled bro I am literally already getting trolled I how did I just go under the map all right but we've made some progress on our serious mode bar but we do need to get it all the way up so we can use our move dude metal bat is actually super overpowered in this game guys what and comment down below what your favorite uh what your favorite move set is okay you know we're going to let them fight we're going to let the Headless guy fight that guys a skib toilet wait this dude is a dragon level threat what dude I'm going to try to get the dragon level threat guy what's up dragon level threat what's up buddy what's up goober all right there we go all right you going to use it Oh I thought he was going to use that one move okay and this guy's attacking me now bro I was trying to find the dragon level threat what are you doing oh crap I can't use that move I I don't I don't have it I don't have it activated I tried to use my consecutive punches and now I'm getting attacked by somebody who I wasn't even fighting bro why is everybody trying to attack me I'm not even fighting them and yeah and two people just use their you know what you guys can fight it out all right b boom there we go I have my serious mode bar all the way filled now now what I have to yo is that Goku black Goku fighting bro there's about to be a legendary battle right now one more time oh they're about to fight all right you know what I'm going to let them battle and that guy's just watching on his uh weird bouncy ball thing okay all right but now what I need to do is I need to try to bait out somebody's ultimate mod so I'm going to try to fight somebody and wait for them to activate their ultimate and then I'm going to use my obni directional punch on them and the secret to doing this is actually to wait until they're about to hit their hands on the floor the or for hero Hunter when they're about to hit their hands on the floor and then you use the omnidirectional punch I want to try to find a guard o there's a guard user right here wait is this bacon going bacon you you you you just wanted to be my friend why are you trying to attack me BR this bacon literally just wanted to be my friend and now he's trying to attack you bro I I don't know I don't know why I dare you to use their ultimate on me buddy I dare you to use your ultimate all right there we go let's go ahead and combo him up really quick Boom Boom o nice block nice block but let me go ahead and say wait what what just happened bro is This Server laggy I don't know what's going on I I dare you to use your ultimate mode on me you goober I dare you I actually I actually might kill him before then oh and this Goku came and interrupted my fight how rude I did not interrupt your fight when you were fighting all right it looks like we're just going to murder him before uh we even get a chance to uh get him to use his ultimate hey bro just more kills for me I'll take it all right man I literally just play AFK for 1 second said I am a fan subscribe all right you know what I'm going to I'm going to give these guys uh I'm going to give these guys Early Access watch this we're going to give this guy oh wait he already has Early Access all right what about this guy all right there we go this guy doesn't have Early Access all right you know what since you were so nice to me I'm going to gift you early access bro enjoy metal bat he said thank you yeah all right n but now I got to try to find somebody that's using their ultimate all right bro I want to try to get one of these guys to use their ultimate dude there's so many people around here oh and no wait he's not dead yet he's not dead yet all right there we go we got a kill all right Spider-Man use your ultimate so I can troll you come on oh yo this guy's got his ultimate this guy's got his ultimate okay all right we just have to not get hit we just have to wait hold on wait we just have to not get hit we just have to not get hit okay I activated my ultimate right oh crap he got me in his ultimate oh no crap I messed up I messed up come on come here little goober come here and let's hit this move come on please oh did I get him wait did it kill him what happened bro why are you trying to attack me again I'm not even trying to fight you I think that we actually might have killed him with that ultimate move I think that just like the impact killed him so we did ruin his ultimate move but this demon guy is literally just targeting me look at this he's literally just like coming after me so you know I'm going to build up my serious mode again just by murdering him get over here come here come here you've been trying you've been you've been targeting me for a while now so it it's about time that uh it's about time that I seek revenge on you all right there we go there we go look get him a little bit of a combo again all right let's normal punch him come here little goober come here I'm going to teach you a lesson about targeting all right 1 2 3 hit him with consecutive punches and we'll hit him with an uppercut and he's he's not getting out of this one and there we go we murdered him and just by murdering him we almost have our serious moar all the way up again wait this guy just said bet and he's coming after me again all right bro we can fight again oh wait oh he's using he's using garu ooh maybe we can get him to actually uh use his ultimate against speed all right come here come here let's go and throw in the air punch him there we go Bros head bet came after me and then is about to get obliterated again all right ow oh oh we got a hit okay all right all right all right let's go ahead and end him again there we go oh and now this guy's attacking me ow bro everybody in this server is after me look at this bro this is ridiculous this is okay you know what this is absolutely ridiculous why is everybody after me why is everybody after me bro what is going on uh yeah I I I might need to make it all took out bro what what is even happening right now ooh yo we have our serious modat I don't know if I pointed that out already I didn't even know I had it I feel like I feel like I already said that but I forgot ooh this guy just used his all no that was Spiderman dang it I freaking died right before Spider-Man used his ultimate all right let's go ahead and finish off this demon guy again yo we just got a double kill we just s two people to outer space at once all right all right come on somebody used their ultimate already so I can ruin your ultimate Mode come on use your ultimate little goober use your ultimate mode I know you want to all right ow I'm not even fighting you go away it's hard to fight when there's like five people following you wherever you go yeah and down slam oo I missed the down slam dang it come here come here boom and uppercut all right and then we'll go ahead and catch him 1 two three and throw him in the air again hit him with a serious punch and dude we did we kill him again oh no we almost killed him come on B I come on use your ultimate already use your ultimate already all right there we go boom oh dude how did how did he escape that what the J all right there we go we killed him again bro I'm hoping that he's going to get mad and then try to use his ultimate he said screw it oh no all right use your ultimate oh he changed a metal bat dang it you were supposed to use your ultimate wait the the the guy that I've been fighting said I'm not going to go easy now bro all right boom go ahead hit him with a little combo Boom 1 2 3 and boom hit him with boom ooh he he dodged that one okay all right ooh all right you little goober all right all right there we go come on man I I want you to use your ultimate already I want you to use your ultimate so I can murder you bro we literally killed him again all right so I had to go ahead and join a different server because bro there was literally like five different people trying tried to murder me in the last one and I didn't know but I have my joins on too but that means we have to build up our series Mo bar again so uh yeah there we go come here little goober come here little goober yo this guy is actually not bad he's got good movement he's got good movement but that doesn't matter that doesn't matter oh we are we're already halfway to our serious mode again bet the serious mode is like super to get super like easy to get for some reason 1 minute later all right so I finally got my serious mod bar all the way back up and now I'm fighting this little goober right here Sigma final boss okay yeah yeah build up your ultimate build up your ultimate for me just do do me a favor build up your ultimate for me uh that that's all I want that's all I want I I want you to use your ultimate let me go ahead and combo them up really quick we'll even the score go ahead and O all right all right all right we go ahead and normal punch him oh man and I'm getting killed by an ultimate bro yeah guys I'm not going to lie I've been trolled more than I have trolled in this video this has not gone my way but I will troll somebody okay I will do it you know I I I'm doing a pretty good job at murdering people but you know I I I keep messing up when I try to troll somebody bro oh this guy just used his ultimate this guy just used his ultimate okay here we go this is my chance this is my chance here we go all right come on work work work work work wait did I get him no I got the wrong person I got the wrong I I didn't even get the right person bro oh wait hold on wait I think I got his girlfriend though so I mean that kind of counts yeah this is definitely this is the person that he was teaming with okay we'll take it we'll take it we took out one of the teamers all right you know what I'm not even going to bore you guys abil in my ultimate mode I'm just going to build up my ultimate mode again really quick 20 minutes later oh they're doing it they're doing it they're doing it all right come on work did I did it did I do it yes I did it yes I finally did it let's go and they rage quit all right so as you can see I now have my friend demon in the server and uh I'm going to try to tell him that we're going to fight with ultimate BS but as soon as he activates his I'm going to murder him with mine all right demon you may be wondering why I invited you to my server are we finally getting married Bro what no no no no no we're going to fight with ultimate modes okay oh bet I'm down for that all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you your Awakening and whenever you're ready we can fight okay whenever you're ready to fight we'll fight okay okay so I just activate activate it whatever you want and then we'll fight all right okay let me just go ahead and uh okay all right all right all right so you ready to fight you're going to beat me you think you'll beat me wait what wait what well GG bro no no good game man I just hear you like screaming well Deon uh GG bro that was a good fight no no GG ow ow stop stop stop but boys if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like subscribe and also comment something down below
Channel: STUD
Views: 1,007,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, saitama battlegrounds, saitama battleground, strongest battlegrounds, trolling roblox, dragon ball roblox, roblox games, best roblox games, roblox mobile games, heroes battlegrounds, new moveset, saitama battlegrounds update, roblox anime, the strongest battlegrounds glitch, gojo, geto, admin moveset, gojo and geto walk, trolling, the strongest battlegrounds update, the strongest battlegrounds, stud 2, stud, blade ball, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, boss battle
Id: trp-eCMCiWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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