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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to a new video where today I'm gonna be trolling my little brother in Minecraft we have this amazing minecraft map where one person places a button and the other person has to find the button it's kind of like a hide-and-seek but here's the kicker I am going to enable my hitboxes which my little brother has no idea about this command because he doesn't play a lot of Minecraft and what it does is that whenever somebody places something down it shows me it's kind of like an aimbot hack so as you can see I've had my friend Sam place down this button and you can see it shows where he placed down the button so anytime anybody places a button down it will actually show me where the button was placed so anytime I let her brother places down a button I will be able to see it to a certain extent all I have to do is look for a blue or white line like this and I'll be able to track the button I'll be able to click it and win the game and he has no idea it's gonna be an awesome video so make sure you guys smash that like button down below and let's get into the trolling goodness welcome everybody do they find the button map with a giant twist I'm playing with my little brother Joshua what's up joshie howdy howdy there partner ladies and gentlemen can we get some hype down below in the comments you can just say Joshua if you want to see Joshua in the video more and then Joshua what else should they do on the video like comment he already said that but yeah come on guys if you want to see more sibling videos at that like button down below okay Josh well alright okay cool so I will explain what this map is Wow Joshua is hiding the button basically there's two people there's basically a placer the person who places the button once you once Joshua's place the button I have to go seek it out and find it so it's almost like a hide-and-seek a little bit it's gonna be a good time I want to see how good my little brothers skills are in his minecraft hiding button abilities oh the krusty krab No the Krusty crane Peter uh it's a pizza for me yeah yeah all right so where did my little brother hide button i revealing he hid it somewhere inside them hold on wait where could this button be hold on oh there it is bro you gotta work on your button plating skills dude so I let you start off Josh I'm gonna be the high dirt you got to come over here you got to change to the finder so come over here and we'll even do this same math again because I feel like bro you are such a pleb I literally dominated you like a second all right so now I'm the blade sir I gotta play this but I gotta hide it oh my gosh where am I gonna put this button okay okay okay all right how much side oh my gosh I only have 11 seconds bro with the fudge they don't give you how much time I told you this is not looking good brother okay I'm good I'm good let's see if you can find it so Josh you have a 200 seconds basically two five divided did i blaze it up there all right let's see will my little brother find a button I don't think he will he will probably not find a button and when he does not find about me is going to be a very disappointed Oh Josh where is the button where did it go oh he's looking he's looking he's looking at the spot he's trying to find it come on don't make me spank your right now like look when you get to like 30 seconds left I'll start giving you a lot of hints okay there's a ladder yeah there's a ladder over there so I could have placed it on top of the Krusty Krab I gotta place it in the krusty krab gonna place it around the crest crab I think I just said a crispy but you know what I mean the Krusty Krab technically right now I'm kind of warning Josh because I found your button in like 15 seconds okay okay I did yeah well I mean it's kind of down there so little brother okay 82 seconds left Joshua I'll give you a hint it is not inside the Krusty Krab I gave you a really big hint I gave you a really big head like come on time say hot or cold you're definitely getting a little bit warmer but that's all saying I'll tell you that is on the where am I facing right now East so it's near the east side of the Krusty Krab okay this is we're looking at it from front we're looking north bro that's not the east side that's the west side my guy was right here do you see it it was literally in the easiest spot ever game how about this so you're gonna be the hider again okay a change a patina do you know caves oh you can't so you wanna go to the gun all right I'm never the concert oh it's gonna it's gonna blow never right now everybody in the gadget oh wow alright so for this I'm gonna put on my serious shades and see if I can beat my little brother so I'm looking god yeah it's a really big odd spot it goes like can you see me right now yeah I guess you would you say I'm pretty close really not at all you don't think I'm close at all huh dude hold on what if my little brother was extra sneaky cheeky arenõt and he hit the button on the edge of the map you don't said I'm or may not be the king of hide-and-seek I mean you remember you played with me before by cheating cheating gross no freakin way judge how much minecraft have I played compare me to a firefighter put some time and effort into a Joshua think about this try to hide it in a really obvious spot cuz like that's the thing if you hide it - well I'm gonna find it because I'm gonna seek it you know it's got to be like almost plain sight cuz then I'm gonna like walk over it I'm not trying to finesse you right now oh brother I try to help you I'm giving you wait what wait did you not place the button Josh no I did you just never cooked Rinder and remember well I've been fine too the entire time so just go place it back - you know what your where your plays it alright yes let's see can I find my little brothers button did you place it on the outside again hold on I'm looking I'm looking yeah investor because like it's like reverse psychology okay Josh if I can find this before like a hundred and fifty seconds ish what do I get I gotta get something you know any mean flight can I get like a I win if I win this I get V rocks just getting just getting just when you get B bike okay how about Mojang bucks I don't think those are a thing yet but what if they were then you could get all the Mojang bucks in the entire world well we're play submerging to me yeah yeah yeah you would be okay you know what the inbox you want that you're the V bug so I think there's actually a lot of good spots to hide the bite on this bad brother flying in a lot I'm trying to find it you're not gonna find it [Music] smack bro you're doing a good job like I will say this you're placing him in really good spots but like my minecraft skills broad they're just they're unreal this is kind of not the best map it's really uh it's really really open brother I'm not gonna lie very very open it's it's kind of disgusting oh no dude I'm panicking I'm panicking panic at the disco bro panic at the disco I don't know what a place is but what I put it what do I put it oh okay I'm sorry I didn't have enough time I don't have enough time boy I'm gonna give us let me go to options real fast Josh I think we can extend the time oh yeah there's time to hide the button I'm gonna put it to fit let's do 45 seconds I feel like if I had 45 seconds and that's due time to find the button we'll do 200 seconds how about that no what no it was it was like two hundred twenty seconds or 215 seconds or something like that anyways whatever just be quiet listen your older brother I'm gonna places in such a god spot you're gonna be free get out you're gonna be like yo bro watches Chiefs gated yourself and me how do I wait what wait wait let me show ya what kind of just cheated brother how did I cheat because I got extra time you did the same thing you did the same thing that's why I won that one game because you have place it fast enough you pleb so don't wonders don't put this on me brother okay I want to see if you could find this you really really should be able to find this one I should yeah yeah yeah yeah you definitely should be able to find I don't I don't actually have Optifine installed cuz I I'm on my new computer again I didn't install it but Josh there's also an under part of this map by the way wait what's you die okay don't look around don't look around with a button roll I can't believe you Jeff don't fall into the buggy next time just iPad /gamemode and fly back up okay I got it see if I can remember where I put this button down now dad gummit you little sneaker dude I'm not even gonna lie Josh I kind of forgotten where I had the button no person I know brother I know I know I know it I guess didn't seconds bro I'm not joking I'm not joking I just I just all right this is not as good as my last spot but I don't have time of it I did have got new to tell me if I'm getting hot or cold no bro what the heck give us some time dude it's a hotter 92 seconds this masks a don't forget there's like a downstairs area to this map so don't kill yourself again it's big there's like there's like tunnels are old I just found a really good spot where I could place the button in the future Josh I think you're thinking into this too much you got to check that like yeah okay very oh I didn't even know this place Explo this place would be displaced it'd be hard this place would be really really hard I want to be honest Josh I kind of forgotten or I'll try to find it okay we'll both try to find it together right the only thing is that if one of us finds it it's more important than the other person finding it you know what I mean you kind of need to find it yeah you do yeah buddy can I check on the outer edges see you for taking my strategy oh my gosh dude I can't tell you but like at some point time you were so close to finding my button dude like it was actually unreal I love this map in this game dude oh my gosh please I think I'm in the right spot then no I can't no I mean it was a long time ago so are you serious you said you're gonna hit game mode and you never did I did I gave you game mode you have to type it in bros for oh my god you're such a bum you walk by by the way if you watched my video you were looking on the outside of that you were shifting on the outside looking for it and it was right in front of you on the Birchwood tree alright I'm gonna go play this parkour and then I'm gonna complete your button highly finding this you big oaf pleb dude I can't believe I am just smoking you right now like artichokey ham sausages you don't stand a chance against my potato you tomato I will eat your licorice for what a mess No my liquor is now brother and he doesn't know where to hide it or is he trying to throw me through the wringer ladies and gentlemen he has hidden his button where is his button hidden I feel like you might have hit it all right I don't think you hit it down here all right Josh I feel like you're finally getting a little bit better you don't I mean I just heard some lightning strike down I don't know I feel about that okay okay really see anything down here either it's kind of uh this map is kind of difficult dude I know I got a lie it's kind of hard whoa I just got hit by lightning go back you just got claps yeah did you see that I lose got struck by LA okay what the heck is that about lightning clearly doesn't like us where oh where has my little brother hidden dish button okay I feel like you've actually done a pretty good time this thanks you've done good this time Josh am I pretty coals are hot right now what do you think I'm not giving you any hints oh look at this pot Josh look at this pot I should say you're semi-cold look at this pot oh my gosh I have found a dude I have found some spots where you will literally never find it okay I was just spectating you when you said look at this salsa hold on I have to give you a hint I would say you're cold it's on the other side of the map from you okay I really haven't checked the outside of the map that much person why wouldn't you think I would do that three times in a row hey big guys look I know you Josh and you're you're always sneaky and kind of cheeky like you like into your reverse psychology you like to throw me through the ringer skated that over here I'm trying to check all the outskirts right now because I might be able to find it what oh my god I can't believe it Oh okay let's try different map you wanna try okay yeah it's a mr. cave cave at a cave mate let's get brought inside of the news why educated might we're gonna get it and I'm gonna sort of the cave right now all right Josh oh yeah sure no way you're gonna find this now okay now let's see let's do this is kind of okay did you hide it on the edge again no okay that was a very creepy laughter yes I do yes I actually do hmm like I'm not even kidding you the reverse psychology again another reverse reverse psychology how many reverse psychology's give me half in one day we're first we have too much reverse psychology I don't even know if it becomes reverse psychology just becomes ridiculous I love you Joshua but I am going to find his button if he's the last thing I do scouts honor Josh scouts honor I will find this button did this map has got a crayfish ate it yeah dude it's got a great fish and then you're kind of a doodle banger you change the timing on it bro are you doing this to me why brother I thought you loved me but instead you don't it's pretty cool it's small but I feel like there's a lot of like nooks and crannies [Music] at a spot okay oh maybe that's not a spot all right yo this map is small but like I actually don't know where you've hid this bro if I win my first round okay let's calm down dude let's calm it down I need to see it he'd like did you put this your funding a close close you know what I don't believe you dude I feel like you're trolling me I feel like you're trolling me no yikers I'm good okay I thought I was gonna die by jumping in the lobby first you keep saying that Josh but I know you're probably when you look at the chest you almost looks right at it almost liked right at it I like that the chest I don't believe you dude I feel like you're Charlie Brown ladies and gentlemen I come to interrupt your viewing experience because there is a fourth of July sale and it's fire fire fire bar July afford back-to-school sale now I know what you're thinking Preston I don't want to think about school it's July 4th and I understand that but you can prepare for school by getting your merch just early ok just like my mom told me to do this video so just bear with me guys we are releasing it three separate packages we've got the three-ring binder this is a three three-ring binder rings that's more than do oh by the way this is the light package we got a ruler we got a Preston fire notebook well it is also the fire pencil bag that one of my personal favorite sees it all the time not for pencils but other things we even got a fire lanyard clearly we've gone too far not to mention pens and pencils this bag contains the entire life bundle which you guys just witnessed now we're gonna move on to the basic bundle if you want the basic bundle you can choose either a backpack or a duffel bag it's gigantic you can store a lot of candy in here okay last but not least we have the fire package and no this isn't all you get you get to choose the duffle bag or backpack with all the three-ring binder cool stuff I've shown you but you get a lunch box lunch boxes can we put my cheese in there it's great I think I think that's everything have I okay let's just cut the video I've done enough selling out for today good job guys feel like controlling me whoa I just fell off the map what the I won what you did outside didn't you you know I would like I don't sound and I might've found it there was four seconds let's pray okay can I let you in on a little secret Joshua yes I've been cheating the whole time I ever find a button like hack on let's just put it that way we'll do a new one Josh and yeah I'm not I promise like seriously you can watch my video no okay you've already been given so many V bucks on our deep in our fractional I don't want to hear it you've been given movie bucks and probably any other twelve-year-old in the entire yeah I act but dude I mean let's just say I did a pretty good job of cheating good night I feel like you're just gonna cheat again I dude I'm not gonna cheat in my ever zero I already got my video title I got my pranking I'm good with a prank I don't need a prank on this road okay are you freaking kidding me let me game oh oh my god you're so bad I've only been at once you've better like five times yes it is all right come on place the button it's not hard to play sound of button Josh wait wait where's she at dope what am I going go oh buttery biscuit butt ends but buttery biscuit bar ends okay Josh you've had literally a minute and a half I've his button you've had two entire rounds oh [Music] my god you know I had one second left bro why is this worse why I don't know where to hide the Virgin buttons baby stop being a pleb bro it stopped being a pleb I think I might have played this map before actually oh my god are you kidding me I told you I don't even need sheets the beer that was a sad thing yes I would have because I played I played these types of maps before I will say this the one that you put on the caves I probably would not have found that one but I swear all your other ones I would have found and Bette Bette okay you know what how about this guys if this video gets 50,000 likes we'll do another round or I guess episode of this map and we'll do it 100% legit I never said all right no cheating allowed guys thank you so much for watching have a lot since they say guys if you want to follow my little brother I'll bitters Twitter down below in the description he may leave plays out fortnight but he's really really good at it so you're gonna definitely want to check them out and yeah guys we'll see you next time ladies I went for watching them boots off [Music] you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 8,217,999
Rating: 4.9040194 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, minecraft trolling, trolling in minecraft, family friendly gaming, prestonplayz, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, no swearing, custom minecraft map, playz, mod pack, prestonplayz minecraft, tbnrfrags, minecraft modded, minecraft mods, family friendly, lets play
Id: pPG87N37GT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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