TROLLING My FRIENDS With EVERY TATSUMAKI ULTIMATE MOVE... (Roblox The Strongest Battlegrounds)

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so as we all know in the latest tatsumaki update we got our hands on a brand new Ultimate move which is this one right here called seismic fist okay why was it just invisible I I don't know what just happened there and this is pretty much a w because now we have a two tatsumaki ultimate moves on the wild psychic move set right here but what if I told you guys I actually got my hands on all four of the tatsumaki ultimate moves early and what if I told you guys that I went ahead and actually trolled my friends with these tatsumaki ultimate moves and guys I'm not even going to lie these other tatsumaki ultimate moves look extremely overpowered so real quick as always make sure to smash that like button hit subscribe and I think the first friend that I'm going to be trolling with these tatsumaki ultimate moves is of course our buddy stud the zombie just uh ignore our last conversation uh someone made really cool fan art of us mango is yui stud is Toto with that jawline bro is a sigma and for some reason I'm meum me and I look menacing and also I'm bald but let me just go ahead and spam with the private server to get his attention come on goober check your DMs oh bro replied with the stead sticker and then hey yo what is that right there seriously though xdo why am I in your private server dude why did you like threaten to kidnap my entire family if I didn't join oh you know tatsumaki updated again so as always we have to fight each other and if you don't I'm going to harm your family tatsumaki don't you mean gatum Maki mango pool's girlfriend n the only thing that's got got a yach here is you get over here oh my God yo what is happening yo yo see that's that demonic turbulence he can't handle it what the heck just yo X demon you know what you never said that I had to be down in the Battleground part of this video you you just said I needed to join the server where where you going bro you just said I needed to join the server so yeah yeah I just need you just need to join the server huh huh oh wait I fixed myself okay now what did you want we're going to One V one with the new umaki ultimates best two out of three why you like this why are you why do you exist turn around all right you know just go bro best two out of three get over here okay oh no oh no what best two out of three I'm digging your grave this dude really singing in the middle of a fight what is I'm digging your grave buddy I'm digging your grave you're going to need it I actually think you you can go more brain dead than I can and you're a zombie okay oh no oh no oh no bro how am I already below half health no wait where you going come back well I did say that we're going to One V one with the new uh tatsumaki ultimates right wait what are we using the ultimate bro I hate how much of a sweat you are you know what you know what run it run it wait Did you activate mine too oh I did not mean to do that oh god oh no hey buddy hold up you know what St open up for these big balls coming right down at you okay that actually hit me ouch ouch ouch you think you're going huh you're half health now you're looking pretty low now I just need one hit oh God stay away stay away from me why are you running dude has not used a single move all right all right there we go that's what I wanted and then your ultimate ran out now you're dead you're dead easy I did not mean to do that 1 2 3 4 You should activate the our ultimate modes again I think I should kill you wait wait no no you know what I'm about to do to you activate our ultimates I dare you I'm about to do this to you e e you look like an inchworm you look like your own thing okay you know what done activator ultimates yes wao you know I'm not even mad about this because I have something in store for you so you know what just Just One V one me whoever wins this fight will be the winner okay wait hold up oh oh please how did that not grab you Mir Pooky what the who that was scary how do you like my giant stone hand just smacking you across the face wait hold on wait just like hold still really quick I just need to show you something cool really really what is that combo what is that combo what are you trying to hit over there buddy you're dead buddy you trying to yeah where do you think you're going huh okay okay and just dig your grave for you real quick I got you don't worry about it I won't charge you anything all right guys you know what I just want ahead and muted on Discord real quick and you know what guys since this dude is so annoying to fight we still do have all of our other tatsumaki ultimates we have not used yet so I think what I'm actually going to do is just try and challenge him again and then get him into the other game all right you know what stud you might have won the first fight I challenge you to another fight but inside of this other Battlegrounds game that's like the strongest Battlegrounds it's that kind of exactly like it what what are you doing is that a yes or a no why is he just walking away what what okay you know what goober I'm just going to refresh the server make sure to join back all right and there we go server refreshing oh and look at that still joined back too but guys as you can see the game is looking a little different and that is because I actually put it into a custom mode with only the wild psychic inside of it and if I actually go ahead and activate my ultimates boom we have our green aura and we also have four full ultimate moves down here let me actually go ahead and turn this off real quick and then make my way back to stud all right let me go ahead and unmute again hey what's up study buddy you ready to run it back again question where are all the characters what do you mean what are you talking about they're gone they're gone just like your dad dude there's only one move set in here that's actually important and it's the Tatum Maki ultimate G you say Gat where where'd you go you know what St just just come here just come here I think it's time for me to get my get back I think it's time for you to die bro where did this dude go how do you keep flinging around bro are you just constantly switching your move set oh it's pulling me still nah nah nah you're dead you're dead you're dead wherever you go the tornado goes wherever I click it goes dude that's op this just broken trees you know what stud yo fun fact mango pulls is actually trying to survive a tornado in real life right now just letting you guys know that's a real thing D you think you're safe over there I'm just going to go ahead and summon a giant meteor I think I am safe actually look it's right there bro he keeps changing his move set Bro that was loud oh my God I should have removed the ability from do that no way bro did you fart n n n die just just die just bro I can't even you know what you know what buddy they St we'll step behind you where oh wait hold on switch okay there we go I'm good bro I can't troll this dude dude I'm really just trying to troll you with all of the tatsumaki ultimates early and you always somehow manage to troll me back in Troll videos what the heck just happened to the meteor oh my gosh I think it B you should have made it so that you can't switch move sets you know what know you're dead hit you with one of these oh what are you going to do now huh what are you going to do now huh okay he just switched move set again ain't no way okay well stud since I tried to troll you with tatsumaki ultimates who do you think I should troll next do you think I should troll mango pool dude troll mango dude he's such a goo all right bet say less see he would actually not know that you could change your boo set and completely like ruin everything yeah um about that just uh stay there real quick just stay there okay he switched move set I'm leaving I'm n I'm done and since we are going to be going up against our buddy mango pool next you already know I had to get bro's attention by spamming him with the tatsumaki gifts and now I'm just going to send bro the private server link and say join you don't want to miss this there is a free gatum Maki inside and oh my God bro is already rep flying OMG I'm joining right now omg omg smash smash smash smash yo what's good mango what's good bro where's yui yo chill why are you already attacking me chill let me explain the rules okay okay so since tatsumaki updated again with another ultimate move you know I thought we the One V one and mango if you are able to beat me then I'm going to show you some secret gatum Maki ultimate moves bro bro I need to see the ultimate moves by the way Exum you get no all right you're dead all right all right what is with both you and St complete goobers today bro you just don't pull bro ex does not pull any girls bro all right [ __ ] just for that you're going to die buddy go ahead put you in the stone coffin boom in the Air Boom hits you over there I need gotu buy stop it bro you're actually getting Wombo comboed right now no way no I'm not bro I'm not getting Wombo comboed bro X Ste spells like burnt popcorn in real life bro he doesn't pull any girls n does it does it sound like you're getting mad is that a skill issue I hear wait why'd you not get flung what he's literally using ad bro he's actually using I kads bro how did you not get flung from the wall combo but where do you think you're going get back here nah get in there bro stop using ad commands like actually stop using ad commands you know what Migo come over here you're in my arms now come here buddy what is that what are you doing how did you do that wait hold up XT quickly bro I think we got to get you a new haircut bro oh you're going to get me right you're going to get me right yes sir bro I got you bro I got you all right get me looking nice mango come on come on all right bro all right let's see let's see yo oh that actually looks good on your avatar bro you brought back my old demon hair nah N I got rid of this just for that you're dead this ISS literally my old demon hair get it out of here all right M I think it's time to die I think it's time to just get this over with no uh no katsuaki ultimate moves for you bro guys I was literally at ex's house the other day you guys don't want to see his homework folder bro there was not any homework in that folder bro it was a horrible folder that had so many horrible things in it like bro bro what are you talking about you don't want to see that folder bro mango you live a whole 8 hours away from me no like bro I was at his house and he had so much horrible stuff in there it was it was bad bro all right you know what mango stay down stay down mango stay down what the bro what are you doing yeah well mango you did not win the best two out of three for the 1 V ones all I guess you don't get no gatsi Maki ultimate yes I did it was visual bug bro it was a visual bug it was glitch bro I did win you did not win any of those what do you mean yes I did bro the game was bugged okay you know what mangle since I feel bad you know I'll still show you them okay yo let's go bro let's go look at your ugly haircut bro you just have to admit you suck at this game real quick oh I have to admit that I suck at the game yeah say you suck at the strongest Battleground say I mangle pool suck at the strongest Battleground all right my name is Adam mangle fool and I suck at the strongest Battleground all right clip clip clip clip them everyone clip them wait but will will you get gataki in the server though let me just go ahead refresh the server okay where is where's yasuaki okay and guys I Meed on Discord real quick again I saw that mango already joined the game but I'm going to quickly switch to Wild psychic again all right and then let me go ahead and unmute yo mango are you ready yo what's good yes bro I'm ready bro wait hold up why is the dashing and stuff it different now you know the game's actually been like a little buggy like character animations have been breaking if you refresh the server it happens but that way you get the secret ultimate oh okay okay I I I need to see Yu watch do they have the jiggle physics in this game bro bro jigle physics oh my God bro I need them bro I need them watch this mango okay ow ow ow yo chill you know you're dead you're dead bro what the flippers dude hold up watch this m check out this ultimate move it's a literal tornado bro bro what is that bro what is that can you feel the gatum Maki turbulence I can bro boom you're dead your health is D oh my God his body is getting flung around oh my gosh bro that was the best 5 Seconds of my entire life what is this dude talking about what do you what what is wrong with this dude now I'm sending the tornado back to you you're weird bro you're weird oh my gosh it's so my keyboard too bro what is this dude talking about bro and my mouse oh my gosh bro it it was worth it bro thank you bro thank you X for for inviting me to This Server bro I'm going to need therapy after this video comment down below and like the video if you agree all right you know what mango if you like that ultimate move then let me go ahead and show you the OG me meteor move let me just uh go ahead reach into the Stars send the meteor down towards them check this out mano y I need that meteor yo let's go bro why is he liking this what is wrong with this dude what are these noises he's making oh my God I'm going to have nightmares tonight oh my God oh my God BR I don't no I don't know no you let me go check this move out you ready oh yeah I've I've never been more ready bro let's see all right feel my gatsu Maki 200% all right let's see bro let's see yo yo oh yeah how you like that huh y you just got slammed down little man you're a bottom now I know bro you know I'm going do it again stay down yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo where at tatui Avatar you can't be doing this with your ex demon Avatar what the hell bro what you know what makeup not you're weird I'm just I'm just going to kill you over and over again you need to die bro oh I love this t torado bro no I just did a sick combo putting you in the tornado and you can't escape from the meteor oh that tornado smells so okay this dude's this dude's weird okay all right well that was me trying to troll my friends with tsumaki ultimates they're just both weird like the video subscribe for more bro what the flippers dude all right let's see bro let's see yo yo oh
Channel: xDemon
Views: 55,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox game, roblox gaming, roblox gameplay, xdemon, demon, roblox strongest battlegrounds, strongest battlegrounds, roblox saitama battlegrounds, saitama battlegrounds, bald hero, hero hunter, menacing cyborg, deadly ninja, adrenaline demon, sorcerer, saitama, garou, speed o' sonic, metal bat, genos, gojo, strongest battlegrounds update, strong battlegrounds new, stud, mangopool, atomic samurai, tatsumaki moveset, strongest battlegrounds tatsumaki, wild psychic, sukuna
Id: LrS44RcBaWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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