Trip Report: Virgin Atlantic New Year’s Day A330-300 Economy London to Orlando

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[Music] body [Music] take forign spe you thank you so much finished [Music] it you can't color into in the [Music] a thank you [Music] really appreciate that we've got about 20 go and the last bit of data is just downloading to the airplane which tells us exactly how much it ways so as soon as we dealt with that we should actually be ready to go just waiting for One customer to join us uh we're going to uh push back head off towards the one the westly runways here and then it's more or less straight ahead um Cross Island uh across the Atlantic uh new found and all the way down the east coast of America wide over the top of New York so if you got a window seat actually after about 7 hours or so you should actually get really you um expecting a little bit of turbulence just the cold front that's come through overnight um just until we climb out he about 30 first 30 minutes so see up after that it's uh to our data actually looking like clear skies all the way to Florida uh Jason and his team of nine in the cabin uh they will very give you a safe FL to or and Ash is driving so he will give you an update before we start update so enjoy the fight thank you over to the funshine destination that is Orlando Florida as our captain said there my name is Jason and it's my absolute pleasure to be your Mickey Mouse your little mermaid or your evil gella DeVille but also your flight manager and I'm joining by some of the best cabin crew in the skies here at Virg Atlantic unfortunately none of them were available for today's flight they're off to La instead so I've got this rabble instead no I'm only joking I've got nine fantastic magical elves that are going to make sure whether it's your start of your holiday or whether it's the end of your holiday in you head him at home that you have an enjoyable flight with us and as you heard we've got most of our passengers on board we're just waiting for a few bits of paperwork but once that's done we're going to be shutting the door and on our way so in preparation if I do have any remaining ground stuff on the aircraft can you please make yourself off the aircraft otherwise you'll be joining us for a nice little 16 hours in [Music] all Virgin Atlantic and the communities we serve thank you thank you thank you you thank you hello there where to welcome you on board Virgin Atlantic thank you for flying with us today you're no doubt King to lose yourself in our dazzling world of entertainment but first we're going to show you a safety film and we'd like you to give it your full attention it's really important that you want it helps explain the safety equipment and procedures of this particular aircraft and gives you an idea of what to do in an emergency if you have any questions after watching it ask [Music] the aisles and exits need to be kept clear so if there is anything you haven't put in the overhead lockers put them under the seat in front of you [Music] now if we land on water take your life jacket from under or next to your seat pull the tab to release it tear opens a bag and takes a jacket out slip it over your head pass the straps around your waist and tie in a double bow at your side only inflate it when you're outside so it doesn't restrict your Escape put the red TP on or blow into the tube to the F there's a light and a whistle to attract attention cabin cruel and smaller life jackets for children to help reduce injury in an emergency landing fasten your seat belt tight put both feet together firmly on the floor slightly under your seat Place one hand over the other on the back of your head Bend forward elbows outside your knees rest your head on the seat in front of you care if you have a child on your lap Place one hand on your head lean over your child and place one hand on their head in the back of the seat in front of you return it to its home now there's a safety card in your seat pocket have a good look through to remind you of what you've seen and for information about this particular aircraft please always pay attention to the signs and the crew they're there to keep you safe so if you have any questions just ask now sit back and enjoy your flight and thanks for [Music] watching [Music] B well I think you'll agree everybody my cabin crew did an amazing job of their amateur dramatic skills there but feir not not many of them will be hitting Broadway anytime soon uh for those of you who are wearing a face mask on today's flight if there is a very unlikely and unexpected loss of cabin pressure then please remember to remove your face mask before fitting your oxygen mask and for those of you who are looking to to charge your devices you'll notice um our power our engines aren't at full power yet therefore there is no inseat power available it will be turned on once we reach 10,000 ft so for now could I kindly ask you to remove all charging cables from the USB ports or the Universal Power ports just to prevent any trip hazards from occurring should we need to get off the aircraft quickly e you begin this is but everybody now we are in the air I just wanted to take a couple of moments to uh go through some top tips that's going to make you fly a little bit more comfortable but also go through the fantastic team that are going to be working to make sure you have have cont starts your holiday or a lovely comfortable ride home so as I said before my name is Jason it's my absolute pleasure to be your flight manager and my fellow manager joining me taking care of our economy and premium cabin is Abby and for our economy passengers you have the Fantastic Delights of the forom of candy L Louise and Nim and then for our premium economy passengers you have the Delights of popping and then for our upper class passengers you have the dynamic J of ba Bailey and Julia with Avon are on board Michelin star train chef and beware ladies and gentlemen that's Michelin tires not the mission but G creditation our flight time is around about 9 hours and 20 minutes today but if you'd like to keep up to date on our arrival time and off map then all you need to do is look at the sky map function which is located on your entertainment screen now as you can see the seat belt SS are on and when they are on we do ask that you stay in your seat with your seat belt fastened and if you are traveling with an infant just make sure that the seat belt that's provided by the cab crew is attached or that the baby is secured in the sky Bonet once the seat belt signs are off you're more than welcome to move around the cabin but if they do come on then please return to your seat and make sure your seat Bel is fastened it's now once the seat belt signs are off you can now collect you can collect your personal items from the overhead lockers and store them at your feet but we do ask that you careful when you're opening those overhead lockers as they are heavy and things could fall out and cause inur to yourself and those around you now if you haven't been on board an aircraft since the 1980s you won't know this but smoking it's illegal and not allowed on board any aircraft in the world and all our toilets are fitted with extremely sensitive smoke detectors So to avoid embarrassment of looking like a drowned rat in front of your fellow guests we'd ask you not to give the sprinkler systems a go uh this also does include the use of Vapes and E cigarettes now if there's nothing that you've listened to from my dlit tones and the next 23 seconds is probably the most important announcement that you need to hear today and that is the location of your toilets so for our economy cabin there are four toilets two located out side of the cabin with two located in the middle of the cabin which being pointed out by my glamorous cabin crew right now just be aware that they may be behind you for our premium economy passengers you have your own single dedicated toilet which is located on the right hand side of the cabin next to the kitchen and for upper class passengers there are two toilets located at the rear of the aircraft just behind the onboard bar and my favorite area the onboard jacuzzi now if you are looking to charge your devices um our in power will soon be enabled also with our Wi-Fi as well and if you are connecting to the Wi-Fi Jason's top tip number one is try and create an account that way when we do lose the internet connection which is about halfway over the Atlantic and you'll need to sign in once we get that connection back that way once you signed in um as a guest um you won't be able to sign in with new credentials so please create an account if you are looking to buy Wi-Fi and if you are looking for your charges and for economy there is a USB port located in Your Entertainment screen and for upper class passengers and premium passengers there are is a universal power port which is located onto your seat or in your seat Pockets there are some device restrictions that can and can't be used so for more information just take a look at the back of your seat pocket so as I said ladies and gentlemen uh nothing but fun on my flights especially when we're over to Orlando so we do actually have a couple of competitions today for you so the first one is can you guess the total age of all the crew be kind ladies and gentlemen it's been a hard Christmas I know I look a lot older than I am but if you'd like to have a go all you need to do is drop the total age of the 10 cabin crew and two pilots on a piece of paper and hand it into a member of cab crew and then what we'll do an hour before we land into Orlando we'll announce the prize winning draw and there are prizes for adults and kids so whoever wins will have will be able to get their hand in Jason's sack and have a good rumage calm it down ladies and gentlemen it's not that kind of flight um also we do have for those little guests traveling on board today we have our competition our coloring competition so if you'd like to join all you need to do is just use those pencils that were included in your kids pack then our captain will choose the best picture in his eyes and we'll hand them up at the entrance as you boarded the aircraft and you'll also get a prize as well and then about an hour into the flight we'll also be doing Jason's fantastic Orlando quiz with once again lots of prizes to be one so for more information I'll do an announcement about that halfway through the flight but for now all I need you to do is sit back relax and Be Our Guest on this flight over to Orlando EX that's a nice a good job I wi police you you stand you any Dr you not going to be 18 window feel see get epep after folks for the fight my name is as my pleas to be the first today and Orlando with a final update from us at the the we've making veryy good progress since we push back ahead of schedule at routing today Shannon across the Atlantic SC and crossing the United States across Boston New York Washington Atlanta just off the right hand side at minute routing over Daytona down Florida Co right hand in towards Orlando final left right now we find ourselves at 34,000 ft temperature 50° we have making good progress hope to have you on the ground about 40 minutes ahead of schedule if you're UK time just before midnight uh local if you're Curr us time be 6:55 in the evening uh it will be 5 hours behind the United Kingdom time has just gone at 619 in evening we'll just R treating to a very lovely uh sunset uh the front of the aircraft but if you want some things to look out course as We R Florida coastline you should see Kennedy's way CER to left hand side and as we make up on our right hand side you got really good Vision might to will be switched on in uh 10 minutes time so please use it fin opportunity to walk uh use facility before the C do need to complete the check onf of uh but finally I do hope you've had a plan fight with us today hopefully Jason's quiz wasn't too hard uh he has been known not people of the aircraft if their exam especially if you guess whatever brings you to Orlando V Mickey Shrek marel who knows your family have a lovely time enjoy everything this beautiful state has to offer myself and the captain and everybody here at Virg Atlantic virgin holiday our extended Sky Team wish you very safe and safe journey to your final destination and the very best for 202 has arrived for us to announce our winners of all our competitions on today's fantastically fun flight so as I said we've got three competitions that we're running today um the first competition was our coloring competition um and we've had some amazing entries um you were all winners in my eyes however it was the captain's decision and he chose three of you you to win so in third place for our coloring competition we had Claire who sat in 23 C in second place we had Eden who is sat in 59f and in first place can I get a drum roll please it is George who is sat in 57e and all your pieces of artwork have been the and pot up at the bar so when you're getting off the aircraft and make sure you have a look and George Eden and CLA I'll be down to you in a moment so you can choose one of your prizes from my secret sack um now the next competition that we had I can't make that sound any not not dirty than it sounds um the the age competition so um we have 10 cabin crew and two pilots who are on today's flight I know we look tired it's been a rough Christmas um but I'm happy to to announce that we do have a winner and if you're interested the total age of all the crew put together was 436 years of a very youthful experience so we have a winner of Carlos who is sat in 2G you were the closest by 4 years so congratulations to you as shall be with you in a moment to once again you can choose your prize now the best quiz and it's not because it's got my name on it but let's to be honest ladies and gentlemen it did task many of you um I'm happy to say in all the many years I've done this quiz I've never had so many full answers we had 10 that's right 10 quizzes with all the same amount of scoring so it went down to our bonus score which is um the square mileage of Walt Disney World that then whittel it down to four and the captain out of those four has has chosen the winner so I'm happy to say the winner of Jason's spectacular Orlando quiz drum roll please is rer and Caitlyn in 64 Charlie as shall be down to you in one moment once again so you can choose your prize and ladies and gentlemen boys and girls whether you are going on holiday whether you are going home I really do hope that myself and the rest of the crew gave you a fantastic New Year's Day it's one of the ones I will remember and cherish holy and if there's anything more that we can do for you in the 30 minutes that we are landing please let us know um I will be turning the cabin lights off momentarily um and that is so you can get some amazing views and watch the fireworks outside the window cuz we are coming up to nighttime at orando I know some fireworks are flying around so I'll make the cabin as dark as I can for you but once again from myself and the rest of the team it's been an absolute pleasure taking you over to Orlando thank you very much [Music] sh on [Music] for w on well everybody you have just been treated to one of the best land ings in my 20 years here at Virgin Atlantic by one of our Pilots so a round of applause for our first officer Ash who I think you'll agree was one of the best Landings [Music] ever uh so for those of you who didn't realize we have landed into Orlando uh where the local time uh has just we've actually landed 55 minutes sorry 50 minutes ahead of schedule uh where the local time is just coming up at 7:00 in the evening H while Ash drives us to the gate we do ask that you just remain seated until he turns off the fast and seat belt signs but you can now turn on your mobile phone and reconnect with your loved ones but we do just ask that you're AF frame from smoking until you reach the designated smoking area which is located outside the terminal building here at Orland uh for those who are connecting to onward flights you will need to collect your bags here at Orlando before you can recheck in for your connecting flights so once you've got your bags and cleared Customs just make sure you follow the signs to flight connections for those of you who have requested assistance could I kindly ask that you just stay in your seat until the majority of our guests have left the aircraft and that way my fantastic lves will make sure that they can help you to the door but more importantly that your Carriage away so when you're retrieving your items just be careful of opening those over head lockers even though that was a very smooth Landing things can fall out and cause an injury and we don't want that to start your holiday and before you leave us just make sure that youve checked you've got all your personal belongings especially small items such as mobile phones children and apple airpods uh just be aware once you leave the aircraft you will not be able to return onto it so please make sure you have everything with you and if you'd like to donate any last minute change to our onboard charity appeel then one of my glamorous elves will be holding our charity back for you as you disembark the aircraft well everybody it has been an absolute pleasure like I said before bringing you over to Orlando on this new year day we really do hope you've had a fantastic flight if you have then once again my name has been Jason and you've been flying virs Atlantic if you haven't had a good flight then just call me Tarin and you've been flying British Airways a very good afternoon everybody and welcome to [Music] Orlando I just got hey dadal interational Del Captain Crew uh thank you so much for looking after Us St survival please ladies and gentlemen children thank you uh for flying with us today I just wish you a safe of the journey and a very happy New Year just please SE to leave fast and SE switched off thank you to that's [Music] thank you Happy New Year small business in Orlando is something for hope you enjoy your visit [Music] everything
Channel: AH45
Views: 6,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lV_8hi0LZCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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