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million subscribers on tg plays if you haven't uh subscribed to that channel i it's all content not filmed on stream so go subscribe with that with the bell uh link in the description below and i also got the new channel more tg which is uh videos exclusively from the streams so go to subscribe that too because we're almost at 200k subscribers but yeah this should be a good time i hope you guys watch and enjoy this i'm using a little bit of delay so nobody can stream sign me don't even think about it and uh yeah i hope you guys enjoy this and between games i will do my best to talk to you guys so uh yeah all the donors i will read probably towards the end so just a heads up let's go ahead and jump on comms don't forget to use code typicalgamer onward and uh how are you guys doing today let me know let's get some hype and chat for the boys all right boys i landed here yesterday and i got purple spaz like every other game i'm not even trolling oh my god i got like team launch pads like everything this let's go boss i'm like 99 certain my tower's contested actually maybe i don't know he's weird we don't have to have to no it's definitely contested they're going wait no they're going dirty wait where are these guys they're cut landing with us and what that i think they might be going dirty i they're not looking they're coming no they're they're they're they're going to you guys wait no never mind this guy's tripping me out actually dumb they're actually dumb but you look at like it wait we got search tags on them these kids are actually like like their fruit flies i want i dropped you a shotgun i hit one for uh 40 or 60 oh i hit him for 41 damage um who's trolling i'm not trolling the tg's okay i'm gonna probably get shield out of the henchman thingy because i need to i just need minis i don't want to like oh yeah we're in zone zone um there we go the zone is uh north northeast though all right i'm dropping i'm dropping like a green attacker actually i'm gonna loot this tower i think there's a chest on here i always skip this little mini tower ah yes don't forget to get your medal up now don't forget we get to get your medal in the middle met dealer chucking him up i have 25 i can split okay i'm gonna check this tower first see if there's a chest it's not done okay come on shock anymore come on oh okay we can even if we really need to we can go tower like uh to get more loot or sorry we can go sorry bridge my bed i was confused i was thinking i was like i just looted tower is there is a cosmic chests uh available it doesn't seem it hasn't popped yet i was told that they uh changed it i don't know if they made it better they made it worse than middleweights [Music] i'm going to fisherman with ranger by the way no you're still over there i'm getting metal right now i got a big pot here silent smg if somebody wants it wait why cg in my loot path i'm already done looting and i already have i have all the resources there's no fishing on this side do you have any i got a pro fishing rod uh i don't have a rod yes oh there's a spot right here i don't think the pro fishing rod does anything uh for the loot i think it just gives you the uh different kind of fish for the challenges you think so i like i think there's no there's nothing about it that's the problem they should say what it actually does yeah oh my god i just saw that he just pulls the ghostbusters should i look down river here ranger was there any do you remember uh yeah there was one down the river just a little bit not too far bro i have no pack of loss at a gold spas and someone unping oh we got the we got the cosmic chest someone said i thought the gas cap was over peppa every week bro somebody says it every freaking week i dropped the purple ak if somebody wants it on my mark i'm fishing down the river here okay we we should all get the chesticle you know okay i just got a hot flop i'm gonna drop a medkit for it just in case late game going down in the d when your brain goes numb i'm fishing one thing and then coming over to you guys i got another i got two hop flops for late hop flops are kind of cheeks i got like three of them off of a solo kid and i perish i jumped so high into someone else's tarpon i i'm just gonna keep it for fall damage i guess i got one more fishing hole then i'm coming like just we don't have to connect when we're on high i fit these yeah no more connecting just just only hop law vibe i gotta start fishing here if somebody needs can anyone hold a big pot uh yes actually no oh okay uh i can't i can drive a circle i can drive no i can drop a pro fishing rod well yeah oh this is not a stacker 53 alive w key i'm gonna make this a lever i think if i don't get a shotgun out of this yeah what shot do you have here someone take a hot flop i don't really on it just pop it it smells really bad that's how i rub myself so how many of you guys have snipers and one yeah uh okay we can like kind of roll kids then bar and then like if we hit this knife then like we can get a free w key yep yes and i also have a gold spaz so i don't think we should can we we should try just not w king the whole tournament like straight up come over here we're going this way anyways all right i'm going to pad over oh i just ran towards cg i'm padding over i need wood like zero five five that's fine that's so easy to find i didn't know but there's there's oh my gosh yeah i see it uh there's a green ar here if somebody needs it i have an article you're calm like a fish healer ranger you want to carry the thingy uh i can yeah pretty big it's not dropping my kids then i guess oops gg can you carry my kitchen i got two slurp and one big pot so i can drop the big oh yeah there's also minis in there if you wanna i mean i don't know instead of the medkit uh yeah just carry meds we might need it i have minis and big for chilling i think all right uh and i got the chuck counter for white health too so all right well i got two slurp fish i'm taking instead of six mini so i don't know but yeah i think i think it's worth it it's a good investment man it's a good peppa there's a chest up here but [Music] is this looted i don't think so i'm looking at it um you're dirty has been been connellard i see kids at 30 hold on he's like down here i'm looking for a snap if you stand so all right tell me when you shoot and i could shoot you um he's like behind the tree sort of yeah i don't see him the kick to the right as well hold on i'm gonna see if he's not gonna stand still there's no reason we can go up behind like this wall and wait for them to exit i don't know yeah he's down here he's like next to the bushes right you want to go upstairs i can save him three two one go got him dead nice good shot good shot we need to shake him down oh no yeah how much longer you hit him is he going to die i i don't know i hit him for like like twice in that yeah i'm shaking him make sure i can't shake him there we go i can do it uh i don't see them anywhere ah they ran away i don't really want to think of a hog they were stuff don't use it oh yeah they're opening i thought you guys hit it yeah those guys are just gone we can we can get a car here real quick isn't there no oh there um there we go oh my gosh everybody talk to this guy you guys want to talk to this guy yeah he sells a scar if you have 100 gold oh yeah oh i have 86. shoot i really want that it's all good it's not good it's not worth it well i mean no i just shot a blue one have 86. uh tj can get that i know where gold is there's only eight here i got it i got it is there more there um are the washing machines in here can i get them yeah yeah there's a little piece of gold okay there's two ammo crates in here and also you can buy a blue pump from the setting machine too i don't know what's going on honestly the scar will probably be more useful um i need to go to the washing machine actually take it again thank you and then i'm gonna go check the washing machines here do we think they're coming back or no no we got no no yeah they were coming back we got wheels let's get the car okay where is the car they farmed this house over there okay i think i need a a little more gold i think we just go i don't think we have time to go 24 gold that's sad big sad see a lady alert scarler oh oh okay i thought i i honestly thought you were driving for a second i was waiting i was hauling the fork so tripp dude i'm so true i don't even know what just happened i thought tg was noah that no tg thought no one was already driving it but he was driving oh my god that was uh my man's sticking to the roads bro he's trying to get his he's trying to get his driving permit i respect it yeah we could check up here forever this car might actually be faster on the dirt we could check up here for pads if you don't know just this whole area real quick there's actually quite a bit of correspondence yeah no nothing um if you wanna if you drive uh never mind that's a bit out of the way i'm having my builds out ranger away from orchards it might be people there uh might be a team up here no i just saw the satellite i mean we have heck of snipes so anything we can take this help there's literally just snipe there's people on there's people on there right there i see him right on your ping right over here right here if you guys want this is a pretty good break for like free base let's do it box up the car there uh we're gonna have to move it in so we don't waste too much oh it's good yeah he's kind of chilling hold on there we go easy though it's showing us john it's chilling now yeah so you want to bring it like this yeah i just want to make it yeah i just want to make it so it's easier to leave uh we should probably just leave now yeah hey let me drive ranger i was rubbing my article uh i don't see any teams though right that's complete dead there's team on the middle of the road right in front by the bridge you're right are we gonna go for a snipe bottom i'm gonna go for it if you want oh i got hit i'm gonna uh i'm gonna wait do you have a big pot money yeah right here get out just get out we don't really need height to be honest and they're going to freaking be mostly for you up there i'm one layer up you guys have a big pot oh wait wait i checked out you oh my gosh i was like how did i gain it can you chug them off maybe so you don't have to waste heels they're by gas station still there's team fighting on the top of the hill oh there's team above us team above us just heads up that's fine that's fine okay it just comes we're center so we basically gained people next time so that's good yeah well something weird just happened i heard a really really loud like like thud and then dogs are barking like ages away uh kind of crazy in your house a little past the bridge here they've got minis they're throwing them finger check it yeah there's actually oh there's a chuck cannon i'm gonna grab it okay uh i'm dropping my sniper now okay are we not gonna get that lead down the rear we don't really need it right no no i just left it because we're just gonna keep fighting do you wanna get back to our car uh how much better uh actually can someone lower that or yeah there you go oh oh flip it to the other side ranger but there you go oh we're along here uh well it's it's quarter tank we'll get here a 50 um good job guys we're still good here we're chilling i mean yeah we were in like what math do we got extra down here uh a little we like 90 metal i think or 79 metal brick over here 400 400 yeah i'm gonna replace this this wood with metal real quick just because i just randomly have wood here yeah there you go we have 29 metal 29 metal okay i'm just gonna take this part we got nine squads left by the way all right so we got a couple of uh duos and solos i actually took the wraps off my weapon and they look so cool the things you appreciate right it goes full circle it doesn't look cool it looks cool the distractions the distractions of a of material possession i mean i do want the snipe but i think you want one of the truck cannons like i don't know yeah that's why i grabbed instead of this knife it's up to you i mean you should probably hold it we can give you a chunk cannon later if you need brother because uh you're you're pretty nutty oh someone's coming down the hill they're on our builds on our old builds okay well they're right he's all the way up it's a solo right now yeah the tug cannon we could triple spray him down he's literally right above right here yeah right here we can shuffle through this come here oh here where you are here hey go go yeah three two one go nevermind he's above me i don't know he's above it we can edit down we can add it down he's getting straight yeah right here oh we gotta get to the side here so we don't get sprayed he's right here i'm done to me all right right over here i got the pad i counted it i'm gonna play i'm replacing with brick it's fine it's fine i'm surprised he lived i'm gonna be real i was getting sprayed by the other team that's why he lived yeah i saw him getting sprayed ranger hug yourself he was probably like chug yourself right here chuggacool i don't think we need to use the car anymore that we have yeah we're kind of chilling oh my god i mean we can continue to vibe i think yeah we're stacking points at the moment it's about to get heavy so uh we okay let no set i was gonna say we can hold people southeast but i mean i don't know how much you want me to say how would you like you out no you're chilling it's like reset noah's count listen man that's that's good that you do that it's just like just because i i'm like ideal doesn't mean you can't like make calls and stuff yeah in the water in the water right beside us right here unpainted like if you come over to this side this side you can see him clearly come on he's right in that box there oh they went up more hold on don't edit this okay you're not out of focus wait wait wait spread that for that the right side the right the right oh we can't oh damn this guy's landing near us here you want to open wide right again it's freaking sweet okay i'm gonna look southeast i'm gonna look southeast i'm opening this up here careful you guys can come back here we're still in zone over here all right nobody's southeast by the way nobody's selfies okay make sure our we gotta make sure that the pad isn't buried yeah it was under that corner all right yeah this one yeah right here gonna mark the pad yep i'm unmarking i at this point we should 100 focus to win instead of some limbs you guys he's [Music] here i got oh that's you you're here eat this eat this i can't right now hold on give me a sec all right i got you okay i'm throwing here here it is here all my heart mess all my heart mess don't ranger don't give behind us look low ranger right okay look low right here right right here spears crack on crackers he went to the back part oh it pulls her away it pulls back through a tarp yeah we're chilling through on that left side they're kind of just uh okay i need to go i need to go i need a rotation seven okay here half through the full time i got you i got you did you drop oh did you get yeah i got it i broke his pad he's dead he's dead he's dead yeah we're one layer oh okay they're they're gonna try to i'm coding this ranger it's not our floor okay we're watching we're getting spread thank you you're here there's someone down here yeah i want to look for a beam on one if i beam one then yeah oh no we can't we can't they're looking should we go now or minus fighting spiders i need help they're kidding me i'm popping a bag hello i'm gonna go up and look i'm gonna eat okay can you pop me with one chug that's literally right about one minute if i can all right i'm mark i'm marking the uh zone yeah come here stay close hold on if you can i'm holding your top i'm taking the lower layer follow me follow me this is the screen got in this wall you got this wall got it back out of the back we won't be we won't be all second high i think we're not second i'm gonna break this yet low ground here head knocking drop nice bring them in bring them in i'm grabbing it get that free fish i don't even refresh mats here noah oh shoot they have this they have this in front of us they have that they have this they haven't moved hit one hundred one one drop one two one we gotta go in thirty he wanted hard knocked one knocked one i'm they're inside the circle he's solo he's solo i'm looking at him i'm gonna drop down i'm gonna drop down okay he's still in it everyone hit him let's go oh my [Music] too scuffy we had to go all the way around i don't even know how we won that that was nuts though when you called him i got blocked off so i just went up and i started popping them so much damage right i hit one over 180 and i hit the other one for like 117 on height i just want them don't talk to me don't talk to don't talk to me oh my gosh okay you gave it to my chad said you just beat us for the win rangers like don't talk to me that's funny okay we took it seriously good columns i like that let's go let's go let's go i like i like the vibes i like the vibes of the first game i liked it yeah yeah we're not trolling too much no no no trolls the trailing is low the trailing is uh there is minimum curling those truck cannons are crazy good down there yeah like i know it dropped me like a sniper and big pots i'm like peppa [Music] i was like we gotta switch if we're gonna switch i was like just take this i'm like what am i gonna do with this sniper well yeah that was uh trying to find what layer was the lowest was kind of tough there but good job noah yeah there there was i don't even know i was weird yeah ranger good job capturing that guy's soul when he dropped low [Music] oh yeah there was zero chance for him zero chance yeah when you said stay alive noah i i couldn't respond instantly because my chug cannon had no charges and i like saw him build out and for some reason he didn't build to his sides like i don't know what he was thinking so it was really just a free shot and i hit him for like a hundred and something that the guy died is like in alaska uh yeah well i hit him for like one experience oh okay i think i killed all three of the last guys i'm pretty sure no i killed i killed one like come on oh did you i was just trying to stay alive honestly yeah well you did that that's your job honestly me and tj go feral and you see you said you heard him and then i got blocked off so i'm like i'm just gonna jump up there and i just pump him in the back when you said you knocked on her like no way we might have a chance he broke his back up freaking his back out i didn't see anyone i didn't see anything jesus uh i didn't see anyone uh jump out with us but it might have jumped earlier hopefully i can capture my power without any issues honestly i should land on the turret if somebody comes with us and just beam them um that sounds like uh very interesting and uh that sounds like a very popular strategy yeah you got don't hate it like it actually is pretty nuts it's very i mean the turret is crazy the turd is nuts dude bro there's three like two yeah two teams retail i might get conned if i do all of your off oh i'm chilling i get cert storm surge tags on this guy there's a you got the pump here i'm gonna get this supply we might need surge this game guys just saying because i was watching the asia and like oc catch up second game was like a stacker um i'm chilling i have an extra one for you you have another beggar now i thought i was muted i just got no response from my teammates somebody's got a you go that's acknowledged to acknowledge the technology i was slightly uh slightly like there's just there's zero acknowledgement there acknowledgement acknowledging something else i understand tgg he's just like like comes in game we're not in zone we have a launch pad that's easy placement easy placement i easy love the fact that he's giving me tires every game it's crazy big dude in pubs it's so active that it doesn't give you any med kit here if anyone's carrying med kits we can stack no tv no no actually can you throw it to me i'm i'm quite far away bro i'm sorry i love medkits solos yeah they're pretty nice i always like i always get an eliminate you did you 100 um i always get at least one elimination when i use a medication you said you already have med kits i have one there's one over here oh well there's like three or four in this building okay can you throw them to an open spot or not right here and you throw that now or no aren't you gonna get over here anyways uh i don't need to if you're already gonna loot that it's up to you unless you have like something good in the vending machine you don't really need to go over there no i threw them i can throw one then uh enemy scenes and svg so you guys don't need to come we can loot bridge no when ranger comes if we're fast yeah i'm trying to farm metal currently and then yeah i'm i'm at 463 middle so i mean i can just vote over to get there fast oh my gosh i i left my scar over there on accident yeah i got it oh freak i'm stuck with a pulse rifle no no go ahead okay thank you here do you need metal do your metal yeah we can farm for ranger real quick too how much metal do you have ranger uh 80. okay i'm just farming some random metal here i know it took a lot of it random did you max out no i'm not like 400 here take this take this out i'm gonna get that or i mean we should probably get it i feel like it's yeah it's close to you here we could farm wood and brick over here no it's faster i'm gonna grab this medkit ranger we're gonna farm brick and wood while we wait for here people are still spamming the scar that's the only reason why i remembered to be honest so it's been going on for you a lengthy amount of time yes i'm about to max out on everything i just need a brick damn no gold spas this game uh i'm just gonna check the bus over here i know there's just that uh i don't actually know a good question um new edition are we gonna load it up do you see that where yeah yeah all right let's get it i'm farming this rock real quick and i got a truck to get over to you so i'll be fast okay there we go uh oh wait next time tg gets a purple pump or a gold pump and come and give it to me i'll give it back and then that's a good clip good clip profitable video files of course it's me running to get the brick first and then yeah i just want this brick honestly that was clean that's clean do you know anything nice nice i can kill the big nice i can drop an smg for a blueprint i don't have max metal should i go back and farm yeah definitely we're not farm you but i was kind of like needing it so yeah kind of let's escape okay bro it's good i feel bad let's i'm just looking towards dirty um i was thinking we can go to bridge and get that while rangers still doing this but i don't know if you want to leave them i feel like it's like two chests i don't know if it's but yeah there's a lot of floor response though we could get pads yeah are you guys right here like here i dropped you 55 metal here we'll go to the main building the main building was like is there is there like more is there fuel anywhere we can get here uh there's not now i'll check the other fuel on the bridge though uh there's something a little more here ranger i found do something how much do you need ranger uh just like 100 more here come here i'll fire me the rest i get 27 here yeah i got you talk to me oh my god the big typical gamer from metal gone live are you good yes all right oh no that's not it all right i'm pretty much max besides brick oh i can farm break here never mind oh no do you want the bad yeah i can't pop the top like the highest survival ability this is true this is speculars and then i'm second in tv's last this is uh you know it changes every other week but uh i agree wait i just saw a car fly up the mountain yeah there's a guy there's a car right in front of us by the way i don't it's not moving but oh i see it i think i'm telling yeah they fought up here are there people up here uh oh yeah that guy's just standing there what the heck did you see him just standing there yeah yeah i have my builds out or else i would have shot up yet deflected what do these kids want to fight in the middle of the zone they don't have the w igl on their team they don't know what to do yeah that's crazy we could farm we could farm noah's house [Music] i mean it's good for mats too i kind of want to get that side if possible instead of getting out you guys can just get back in you can i just got a big pot here can someone carry i can't actually um okay let's just go let's just go we have to get i want to get all the way like around like slurpy on this side and we kind of have a ways to go i don't want to have to fight over here oh fact dealers i burned 100 wood on that so oh build ceilings ranger oh okay i got it we're gonna burn all our wood but we're good it's okay it's okay for now are you chilling are you gonna lick your wounds this has been looted to our left you guys kind of need a fun wood i don't know where you're at though we could farm in oh a guy's in front of the building there's a car to our right somewhere i can hear it okay i'm trying to go for snipes because we might need surge all right well this first charge is gone but if what is it 50 on four or five yeah but like barely anyone dies right now whatever you guys can start oh you can snipe that ranger i jumped out okay i'm getting out of that mess up here then all right okay you guys go farm trees before you can anymore go find trees go from trees here let's go together ranger yeah uh these weird green things or are they gonna like conceal they'll turn into they'll turn into yeah you're with me right here there i got it i'm holding your hand don't worry should we build a fake face at the top here probably not how do we do the real base up top here yeah or you can base up a bit matter you can hold people oh oh i just got three two one i just got three two one yeah i'm here with you i'm here don't worry i'm holding your hand i'm healing i'm gonna w off that 100 i'm i'm i'm boxing next to cg a layer above i don't know if they're partying sniping you guys get down to me maybe uh no no no oh we can try yeah wait i can't i can't i don't know are you chilling yeah yeah okay i'm gonna go for an angle then give me a sec yeah i got two in front of my wall here dropping one down oh no i can't i hate coming yeah they got scared i edited it i think they might leave off this ranger i scared them if you need to you could drop down on here okay no i'm good i don't think they're on our server because they can't take my wall they both see me there they literally can't take it i'm getting sprayed okay should i crank up but like what are we gonna do i'm chilling for now just chill i guess i don't know they're still coming over to me actually you should crank up you should crank up they're coming to me now i'm getting doubly cute okay i'm going up oh they just beating me dude i gotta go back down i'm healing i'm feeling like i think one night didn't go on height no i'ma look back at you i'm looking at you go down one floor go down one floor okay are you talking to me or no no no no no you go down one floor i'm with you right now they can't take my wall either i broke them up from height one of those on my wall close here the two of them on my walls i i dropped down ranger you got to get dropped you didn't appear to be bad like i'm not dropping down you got to get to us we have a full tarp down here come here nice i got you guys these kids are horrible bro td don't don't edit for me please um here no yeah do you have another 50 bucks come here we just wanted these guys to roll them like i'm not even going they're bad i'm not sure that's nice you can spray this again i'm i'm pop your wall behind you yeah these kids are so weird we can't just take her and hold it they're gonna keep spraying there's two guys here underneath me i'm gonna hide right now what are the ones he's going for his card he's going for his card right here on me okay okay i can dive on this guy i can dive in this guy they're both here they're both here i'm dropping i'm gonna drop down okay okay i'm shooting out of the floor coming down from height gotta stop gotta stop hitting hundred i dropped one down on the floor one cent on the floor got his wall i'm pregnant with you i'm just pressing in with you right here i'm with you back tomorrow shake shake shake shake shake shake shake i'm holding your walls i'm holding your walls are weird he's gonna try to reboot there's weird things after me dude i'll take this pepper he's rebooting i'm coming coming i'm coming i'm coming he's just we're a little bit uh behind you a little bit behind yeah he's done he's out he's uh there's a drop on end zone nobody's picked it up now okay i mean we could go that way to farm you guys yeah we can farm that way as well that is i could tell they were i could tell they were bad when they were like trying to take my wall and they weren't just exporting in 1v2 like yeah they're trying to take my wall instead of just jumping in my box like we kind of were just holding our walls hoping that like they would like but they were just completely stupid there are four drones and then they got boxed not turning yeah you still have the car you know what guys maybe the cash rep isn't froze never mind that's kind of like the zone's yeah do we have the car still or no all right yeah but they're on it like they're in our builds weird i don't know why uh well we have two pads so if we need to we can use one yeah i'm trying to farm them up max wood i just need brick okay okay yeah i just need brick too there you can prime that too it did i got a gold star actually no no no you take this i got a p90 i forgot about it don't worry about that right now just rotate it we're good the pistol don't have any machines don't worry over there too i have three med kits and two sardines actually it loki is because i can buy this slime though good comms six six more bullets i have a scar people left side we can get in for free here i think those kids that were behind us i don't know where they went they were like in our old builds careful with that bush head careful with this bush okay i'm gonna go right a little there's no way anyone's still in it but okay i'll just shoot at the bus possible the work the war cry of the warriors there's team up ahead on ping pong another team telling the ping i don't know they're in front of us those kids right here in front of us yeah that'd be an aggressive three men in that cone he's coming out of the house he's paddy padded oh he's dead to storm he's dead right there that might be a pad no in zone i think there's another guy still in store i'm just saying i have a ton of med kits for you know okay if you want to go out there there's luke's loot there free three loot on your right you guys are rotating these guys are rotating wait no they're they're still below us they're still blows i need to get my shotgun no no they're rotating they're rotating you're leaving me open there ranger you're leaving me over there okay there's still somebody underneath us just heads up yeah one one dude underneath i think i think it might be a circle there's a powder here actually there's a pad in this in the storm right here all right can you i don't know you can give me medkits i can go for it yeah i got my kids oh there's a car here scarier ranger yeah this okay okay i'm gonna grab the stuff back here scarring 30 seconds to rotate we're good we're gonna have three pads now right yeah yeah i have two give me med kit thank you i'm gonna pop this then we pad okay i'm gonna go get one we can still rotate hard right there shouldn't be anybody there oh my god i got max metal and stuff nice is there brick is there brick i don't know oh no oh there's no brick i'm not my friend all right let's go right side a little bit uh hug the the hill sort of i'm going right more follow this wood there you go just team up ahead but they just rotate it out right in front of us like literally straight in front of us don't shoot them yet there's a market store right right close just stay with me okay we're good all right right here no bigs i don't think nope you're on an open slot if anyone like ranger has two peppers i think i don't have peppers though oh sorry sir i thought you picked up more than one i'm looking for yo this team southwest don't edit that wall by the way oh this this guy's open this guy's open okay i'm looking hold on you see him right in front uh he's just standing on the ramp no matter what wait you can back up and edit the floor here but we cannot edit that wall did you use your pad do you need another pad or you got one i i have two items can you refill me on masso here's halfway everything is okay can you move right now like when did you get the first because it's like later on he's not close to me or the closest i'm looking at our back here yeah uh right side that's very clear right side looks very clear we're going down it was worth i guess to just try but i think they padded behind us yeah they just got in front of us they just pat in front of us no that's so far yeah that's so far like right over here there's all over there yeah and we can go for it there's no one over here all right am i three to one us from behind just heads up i think they left i think i heard them pat i don't know for sure though all right maybe i heard the people in front of us pat i don't know uh it's a short pad this this team moved over where i think okay come here i just got shot okay come here here they're breaking it out they broke it okay i'm just gonna miss another one all right placing it that exactly i'm gonna dive left i'm landing i'm landing like right here right here okay i'm in here chuck cannon would be nice yeah for real again it's so good i'm removing i'm removing dude there's so much loot over here where like it's farther but it's like over there if someone pulls that way do you see it on the left yeah i see it it's like underneath that wood yeah yeah uh i might farm this tree where's this tree there ranger can you still film my match please yeah i'm farming this tree sporty wood [Applause] [Music] we've gotten three maxes and zones in a row yeah yeah so we're gonna get lucky in the next one hold on i need to look i need to move watch out okay yo this team's right right beside us i think one layer up yeah i see him right now they might pad yep ranger i might drop somebody in here if they're walking okay because they're walking on her stuff here let's just stay alive right now stay alive we have somewhere yeah here here's all my metal and brick all my middle break thank you they're right down here oh my gosh this guy's in the open this guy's in the open come tomorrow bring him crack them back home cockroach all right just leave leave it leave it leave it where's noah oh my god i'm chilling don't worry okay follow me call me i headed back no i'm go i'm with uh noah ranger i'm everybody wait i can't i'll farm it all apartment i'll farm it not our floors but we have the cones above it so just sorry ranger sorry sir wait we're right we're trying to go for our roof right here come here come here i need that refresher you just gotta type frankie go talk for now yeah right here okay it was just outside your mouth just like i'm holding hold of it watch out seven bills all right i got i got here no no no i can give you guys it goes back i'm dropping you full i'm dropping you half double hat i'm looking down looking down right here i got an easy refresh oh no yeah right here there's one shot with 36 weights oh my god here we go me and me okay keep going keep going ranger come back bro i had a free kill but it's fine it's fine you look down here look down here ranger come right peek with me right right people trying to make it right in that box 87 on this guy in the zone watch out they got her top they got her top i need your time for doing that something dropping jumping jumping not right here no you got it no i have okay i'm dropping this guy 100 100 in here bro no i got uh i don't know how we worked together yeah damn good i i had full blocks the guy i thought we were more together but you guys were like i was there but somebody put a ring some jumped in alone so it was like somebody rambled oh yeah but i thought we were all together right you said you said to let me tarp so i was tarping and this guy like like he just like ended up in the box so then i edited on him or i think he broke that i don't know if you were i don't think you tarped that way i think you just jumped in because you saw like a potential refresh but none of those builds were ours and i saw kids behind you so i just didn't go with you because i knew you were dead like there's like you're just dead i saw that i had them full box those those were all my builds like in the box except for i think the cone maybe either before that uh both they they're both times it was awesome because i remember the first time yeah you boxed that kid but we had to like go we had to go oh no no if you're talking about when i said there was a free kill there was a dude literally med kitting if you just gave me three seconds we killed him anyways but if you literally not even three seconds if you gave me a quarter of a second i would had a free kill because he was met kidding no in a one-shot wood wall yeah i know but but if you just literally give me one second what if i just turned around as well and just builds then we're just scuffing he wasn't though he was he was a complete drone he was sitting there just med kitting like like it would have been a free kill yeah i don't know i like i can see what ranger's saying but what noah was saying is like it could have there's so many other factors that could have happened there his whole team could have been like right beside him or something and like if we lose that on placement just because one kill is not worth it right yeah but thinking of all the places that we could get if we i mean we did end up getting the kill anyways but i was just saying that like i feel like i still feel like i would have done that the same thing that i did again because we had to go over that tile to get to the zone we were there's almost at our back so like we don't have time to like even do that and even if you didn't also know what it is and also another thing um normally it's noah tarping so normally i'm the one right behind him like ready to jump in if he like boxes a guy like right there i boxed that guy hit him for like 150 or like 130 and then there was just there was just no one there and he was like literally they're so stiff i know you said that there was a guy to the left but like i feel like we just jump in anyways at that point like if we have no mats like i had like i think like 150 wood yeah maybe i just want to say what i was doing there um you had edited like a three wall in a ramp and i could not get over it in time so you already died before i did that but i was trying to get around the left side behind them as his two teammates were trying to push on that guy yeah i see what you mean yeah yeah so from the back i saw them that's why i didn't jump in or else yeah so i i was just going off like i i was helping your ranger but i was going behind the two that were then pressing on to you and then noah's on i think your right side so i'm not sure what happened i was i was behind i was behind ranger but like i said i didn't jump in because i knew yeah yeah i i jumped in because yeah but the thing is like i didn't die to the duo that you guys are talking about i had him full there was no way i saw it no no no uh maybe i got hit by him but i didn't thought of that guy yeah in front of me the team going uh dirty we got one team going dirty i can i might be able to get some surgeries still really good 18 18 on one 1701 i got 18 and 17. three research research well we got third place that's great keep going yeah and we got a good amount of kills oh yeah that was good we got seven or more let's get our kills end game honestly like we don't have to wp yeah yeah we should never w we're not uh we are not equipped we have bigger brains we have to use our brain power we've evolved i saw a team on eu uh had uh won five games and also dropped a uh a 30 bomb their first game and they only got nine yeah they won five games half the games they won that's down bar you must have gotten like no kills in that game that they that they uh won against the three because the 30 bomb plus five wins like i have like a lot of mini ecg do you need minis i have no minions you know right here and i can't even carry it because i have like more than six also a medkit at the end twin chest over here all right i could have some worn on do you need that bag as well bro i have a big okay i don't think i've ever gotten a tire from this thing i don't think it's worth breaking i don't think that you can i think it only gives it in thugs uh that might be true i think there's like a chance because i've really never gotten it it's possible some g right here and another medkit you should carry my kids again yeah i got my kids right are both on your ping i got a purple scarf all right sorry i got a purple pulse if you want i have a blue arm chilling all right i've marked one medkit and the other one's like on the henchman chest another place there's another one right here there's a lot of my chips my farm metal see i could like i don't know i think it's better than we're like focusing up you know i feel like sometimes we troll a lot he tries to grasp my udder and he gets me all excited we actually have a good amount of points for the amount of time we're in yeah no utter talk can beat that one game that one end game where tg is just yelling otters oh yeah that was that was a really fun game honestly we had lost to all our marbles let's be honest i was trying to review it that was so trolled the goose man the keys oh yeah that guy i'm like who the heck are they talking about it's a good drop shot you guys like this draw spot does it get dropped i don't know i don't mind i can lose every game no one comes here i like it no the spot stock it's horrible only land here because we're bad at the game yes we don't want to get contested i mean honestly though it's definitely not as good as like any of the other like pois but it's still like pretty good as for like if you don't want to land out like a poi you know noah really doesn't want anyone to confess the spot [Laughter] every poi has more chests in this place yeah yeah we do we do get henchman chest though what happens let's do hey back off buddy i'm gonna i'm gonna pay all my controller player friends to land on you guys i literally don't lose here in solo cash cups well i just lose later on i am no longer of the afraid variety you're now assisted no i stole their assistance uh we should get the cosmic chest i oh i didn't mean something i didn't even pop my freaking minis well did you get the stuff that i dropped you that's that mini in that place and my kids do you have two minutes or no i have six on me yeah i need another mini okay i can throw it but i'm kind of far no you got it hug it there you go we should get the the chest cosmic cosmique i see and i hear a car right in front of me i'm coming back but i sniped at him it's only it's whatever that frick that new car is yeah it's only a duo then i don't know yeah it is but i see their teammate like farther back they were like gonna come loot this i think that was their whole like plan they ran i snapped that and they ran we should get the cosmic there's two extra 50 pods over here oh i can hold i can hold can you throw one i have one as well uh yeah i can try oh no i know one of them is uh quite far where uh it's at the hut right there you just carry it then why not right there oh bro i can't mark that there we go oh at that hot yeah that's all right let's just get the um what's it called let's get the chest before they do because all right i have a great attack by the way so uh yeah the cosmic chest doesn't show up for other people no only for us they don't they don't know what's there yeah oh really that's a thing what's that back back jewelers well why do you think you've never seen someone else's cosmic dress right because they suck he's like i never thought of this what he's like i just think about the the rotations okay yeah i'll let you do what you're an expert at okay yeah expert leave the restaurant okay i want to say that ranger just got ahead of me because he's using an actual genetic modification that's crazy yes longer legs like long arms via hop floppers you got really long arms though yeah it's pretty much actually not cap it um does anyone want that yeah i got one yeah it would have been nice if it was pumps you know yeah for real but you messed up so we didn't get pumps uh i believe you messed up sir uh the bridge has the taxi i don't know if it has a wheel well on it is that a pad oh that's nuts and bolts that's my nuts i left them over guys we gotta we gotta only get top three in our games that's it yeah that's what happened to me yesterday and then i got 80 packet loss and it's pretty nuts everyone did noah okay buddy they're saying did i did i give you the back loss no no everyone the whole server got back lost can you guys farm this bridge with me i have no type of metal i'm farming the carson right here yeah i'm getting this underneath i always forget that oh wait two air drops back to back where we just came from okay okay i got this one for you we should definitely get those like quick get the taxi get the taxi now oh yeah i've been right here ranger we can farm your thing like as long as we get the pads we can farm your metal you guys go for that i'm getting the phone close you guys drive farther to the other one there mean they're both pretty close together but yeah but yee yeah i'm gonna wood it shoot it out with me right now i don't know why you built such a elaborate gymnasium no way the supply drops actually like you can see when you shoot it now it's not just like yeah it has like as hell has numbers oh we got nothing literally just got nothing when i was like what'd you get what tg said at the very start of this room oh my god oh my gosh uh we should get ranger metal at the bridge or yeah we can go back up there it's not bad i don't know if it's gonna be in the zone in seven seconds but i guess we're about to find out just peel up here peel up here i don't know if it's pressure that's all that's okay okay okay really quick before we do i'm farming for you how much do you need right here uh 200. oh stop touching me i still have a grey attack by the way ranger no jokes today okay we're winning this cash cup buddy yeah there's wheels wheels for the right in the garage i'll throw i'll throw a stay in the car okay i'm gonna go with this blue attack right here oh thank you thank you thank you is that you know you grabbing it okay there's a house vetting machine it's a minis i can buy you guys something if you need it uh i need it i need it i can buy i can buy i can buy that as well guys we gotta gas up the car and we gotta go this is like a really bad stuff yeah yeah oh shoot that would have been bad tgg almost done i tried to grab it at the same oh my god peppa okay get in i'm gonna switch this attack to uh no i'm not gonna switch to a lever that's what i did the other game i'm gonna switch lever i'm going to switch to the lower right hand we can talk to the npc nope um i don't know where to go there's people right up ahead there's a fight we can third party on top of tower and then take it as free lift we have three pads so like we don't need to do anything this would be a third party spot and a half yeah we can show up there like that's not dead side so like um yeah we need to go like up here yeah up here oh oh there's over there too someone just got exploded into confetti [Music] there's a oh never mind the little radar thing was lying a bit i saw bills to your right don't know how fresh i'm going up here let's go up the hill like this yes yes there is a team to your left three boxes could go by those rocks over here no might not be a bad idea sorry to the right more it's right there yeah yeah right on those it's a good spot gg has pretty good columns today i'm not even going to lie i like it the communists i'm stuck i can't edit this because i'm like first person there we go he is now nourished yes we have created a massive box of epic proportions i have a 130 wood missing okay that's fine what the heck there's five brick here if somebody wants it i ego typical gamer there you go ranger there's your title there's a whole forest behind us and we didn't see any uh there's still the team uh east so we got what three pads yep three pads and a card if we don't get top three we're just bad egg yep i can use some shocking am i like four spare i have uh 13 total i have a heck of an i got scuffed yo there's a guy anybody got sniped east is just in the open east is launching east is launching on this team in front of us this is actually like those guys are literally just diving in their controller players 105. oh my gosh okay they're gonna get mad at us yeah bro those guys are literally just gonna jump in they're exactly they're gonna go on us for sure yeah we kind of made him angry nice they have a chunk in it yeah i don't really want to wps i don't find you're buying your name and i don't like this yeah can we get the chuck in it or no i just left it they already picked it up push on we don't need it all right did they pad away yeah yeah is that that we can get their loot something close he's dead should we pad do it no no he died he got thirsty he got thirsted okay i'm gonna go check their old loot i'm gonna check their old dude okay okay we can go for that too it's more central we can go that way do you want to check this guy's loot first yeah we can we can because i saw a chuck cannon oh scar chuck and it's oh my god oh my god oh my god what the heck what is that oh my gosh no i didn't go we should go on that guy's loot though no okay yeah let's go can you chuck me can you try it just just go just go whoa what are you when are you okay they thought they had pepper you guys are actually assisted for that what in the world bro let's see if you got a sister are you following the tree and pump here oh there's problems right here oh yeah i'll just grab that air oh wait we can get on top of this roof we can use the extra mats funnel it up yeah i'm building a little bit just all right i think i'm going to take this don't use any of the metal i already used all do you have flippy do you have flippy um uh nuts and bolts nuts and bolts oh yeah i don't know i had some earlier on raider maybe nuts and bolts uh yeah you can i might not right there no jokes no jokes not funny you're dead i guess i need it too all right give me a typical gamer why don't you go just up instead of building boxes for us i know i'm going to build metal here i think somebody's in here i'm going to be completely honest with you guys i think i heard something well we can all stay in this elongated box can we just in different appears i got 43 ping in the trio catch up with typicalgamer no way hi 1v1 yeah there's actually i don't need that we're showing oh my god bro we're stacked dude i mean there's a full pallet here does anyone have like a lot of armor 82 82 wood here 82 i have 500 here i got like a massive amount of wood no cap here wait padding here yeah give it up give up no no no no no no no no i'm too thirsty height is actually useless in this meta i guess everyone just pads on high it's not even like it's ridiculous oh sorry sir uh do we have multiple boxes up here no you like built straight up oh i'm like okay it's all good bro i don't see you doing anything for this family okay stop joking stop joking stop joking stop joking stop joking no joking down wait how far down do you i'm gonna go just right there yeah you're chilling now we're just on different stories we're chilling we're chilling kids landing at the oh people right in front of us uh cabbage they landed like below us don't even we don't even need a peek bro we have so many pets don't even speak we're literally chilling we have surge too i don't know but we have it in case it ended up where are they flying from oh my god do not look southeast wait they rebooted their friend that you guys been out of the air in the first and then he died again like good job debbie king bro you're getting so many points congrats yeah that guy's getting a lot of points he's really good literally us every other week just kidding i didn't hear what the second thing you said can you remove your mind how many pads do we have now did any of them have extra pads that was the whole joke no i didn't say anything oh i thought you said something about me but i didn't hear exactly what you said no no no i was like oh i had faka loss where's every team i don't see any team i'm going to ramp it we don't want to go that far don't land on this metal careful go left we're landing right here all right we got like 18 chugs i didn't want to waste mats and then i ended up winning no here no here oh thank you i need brick too ranger can you get moving here i got you okay yep that's nice that's good let's go yeah uh can we hold for minnie yeah this team rotating east is doing a wood tarp i got it thank you i'm not gonna oh yo ranger ranger if i did the old you see that you see that you see it i'm not i'm not about if they edit it again is that yours take it take it i got it good comicals uh we're buried west i think but besides that we're good can we have like more solo caskets so tj can just like pop off afterwards yo it goes almost back where we were like our pad is reusable there can you ping our pad can somebody i'm going to pick it i'm going to finger it bad oh it's not it's not dead guys in front of us wait what that does not look like where it is yeah it's yeah it's not it's a cap we have enough we're chilling all right i'm gonna i'm gonna ping it this edge do you wanna look down or no do you wanna let your left or left no no to our left they're rotating yeah let's just focus on getting in i kind of do we want to ramp or like high pad i don't know dude i think there's no there's no uh height on the other side we ipad we could spray out second high here before we pad this metal yeah they're right there they're gonna spray okay call it yep yeah padding dive the height pattern as well oh careful on the left yeah i'm with you don't close i'm closed we're here with you i'm dropping you all my mats no all my hearts here on my heart thank you okay look back with me ranger look back look look look look up here they're running into each other they're running into each other we have another pad we have another pad from ranger remember yeah i do have a pad ranger come here come on he's coming in on you guys he's coming in on these guys he killed me next zone it goes further it goes further you're on edge all right another one find my mind you guys have the pad it's large there's a big build on it you can probably pad up to it if you really wanted to but come here ricky follow me follow me are you with me all right right behind your right hand wait never touch up gotta go come back this way i got the feeling though am i ceiling again you gotta drop noah all your brick when you get a chance you gotta drop no all your brick when you get the chance ranger okay okay okay drop it drop it drop it right here all the bricks got it i got it no you're solo you're solo they're all fighting right there like crazy no it goes uh it goes towards the farms you have seven hundred miles through my body in case uh it like pulls back through it i i pinged it okay i pinged another okay still got a lot of mats you're firing placement right now everyone has huge points dude that's not your cone nice good pump nice noah you still got chuck handed don't forget nice oh good stuff not bad not bad dude i hate getting my wall taken first try bro like it is the most lame thing about this game like like you could just be holding a wall and just instant boom yeah that was kind of unfortunate that's honestly from you guys because like you got you got your thing taken and then there was just someone like lurking in the back for tg and then you blocked no yeah i blocked him and he got one pumped like yeah yeah he pumped me for like 160 as soon as i started the thing is the thing is i triple layer blocked him behind us and he just chopped through it like he didn't care yeah so i thought he was gonna like yeah i thought he was gonna like give up but no he he wanted tj's cheeks yeah he was inhaling them i mean i i think you just if i'm last just let me reset it yeah but i didn't want to get pumped in the back like you did you know what i mean yeah but like because you didn't want to get pumped i got pumped so you kind of just gotta trust tgw yeah you gotta you just just like cause look look if you got pumped there dude i could carry your body in but i got pumped outside of the other wall i can't get carried in i don't think we would ever worry anyways but like oh no i think you would you um you um actually you ran into another tarp i don't know if you would have but it was unfortunate that all those old pills was that same one second one second real quick this is this is important can everyone look at the group chat real quick there's no new skin twitter we're to win one boys i feel it yep and we need to every time noah pops up a a launch we need to give him a launch if we have another one [Music] i love that of me yes tg has had great awareness great comps this tournament no bait stuff i was sad i got pumped after that performance real quick did you guys read twitter games yeah we responded yeah it was just it was just bad did you send something else i actually don't get it why do you think you don't get it are you just laughing at the existence of it yeah yeah okay no not that has nothing to do with that person wrote okay i was confused like if the caption or something was funny to you i didn't get it top five all three games well top four all three games actually guys we have an hour and a half and we almost have as many points as we ever got like i'm saying this this season because oh this season already doesn't change you can't really count like other seasons yeah because like going to rangers marketing marked out i thought that was where i was going for some reason i knew i know for a second too i was like what the heck yeah never all landing at the tower triple stack so we're landing here oh yeah yeah you gotta come here ranger we got like three teams we just literally needed a different one go to fisherman go to fisherman go fisherman yeah there's like three teams i'm not trolling three teams yep fisherman i was gonna hop on the turret and go ham i'm gonna be honest i thought about it no chest here we can third the third party would be nuts if we get stuff quick yeah because they're all going to be down bad i might be able to buy something from this thing it's only a pistol though i have a case i took 50 fall damage on accident i'm not capping that's an ar i bought a blue ar all right we can do a lot with that i'm not even controlling g you can come by blue air until you spawn 150 gold can you do you have minis or anything well i just got it big do you want to third party them from here like we can go up on that yeah it would actually be huge dude i just got a shotgun nice nice if i get minnie's yeah yeah i can get you guys out of here i see a great attack over there yeah great pumpkin right on the little uh dock right uh noah no no you're right like near me i think so so if you guys want to go in now you can i'm going for this this great attack i don't know what you're talking about it's fine it's right here we're taking a long time i don't think they killed him yet i saw them hard fighting and they're not shooting at anyone anymore i think they stopped okay we can still set up um if we want or no i think we should just go i'm 30 or something like not too dirty i don't know bro we have we have games to burn though like it might be good if we can get these three and take our uh take i'm ready to go in i got i got max shield i just need shield if you have shields for me i'm down too but it's not enough one minute all right throw it to me i can't for a moment oh yeah you're pretty far no okay i'm gonna get you guys okay whatever noah says is final so he's right in front of me we're looking back thank you for some repairs always hear me here i'm getting you know uh i can try to hit a head shot snipe on this guy just step dude he's a sniper they have stuff he's yeah he'll throw me and he throw me this one might be trying to sneak i'm getting shot at now just so just go around i'm getting a boat i'm getting a boat for you ranger okay drop it there's this chest up here at minis and stuff let's go let's get let's get the cosmic chest we're on it no okay okay let's farm up ranger i'm gonna farm these back three you're on the front yeah i'm coming i should be enough protection oh i just dude my firefly was in my healing slot no that was mine just break it break it break i'm done i'm sure you're my favorite yeah i have one build as well we're just dead yeah we should have bought them yeah i don't think we should have gotten close and they didn't even see us like we should just left from the beginning in my opinion yeah i mean i mean your call no yeah i mean i was just sitting there waiting for you guys but then like he saw me because i was like just kind of like lingering around over there and then that's when they started pushing us i had a feeling they were gonna push but not that it would probably matter but for some reason my fireflies were in my sixth slot even though preferred item slot is on and for some reason it was on the sixth slot i don't understand but i was gonna turn it off because it's just screwing up my inventory yeah that dude just wanted to firefight himself just admit it yeah exactly right we have a gaming burn that's fine i mean there are two teams that contested that place i mean if we landed there we was dead anyway so it's better that we just at least tried to not land there and find something it could have been better if we just left from the beginning though because once i saw that they finished the fight like we were still like waiting around there for like at least like two minutes yeah yeah well no feel free to just be like we're not doing this like um yeah i mean i was kind of like indecisive because like yeah i missed the fight i didn't know at first i was like just remember the choice the choice is up to you at the end so like if you don't think just say right away you don't have to listen to me in ranger yeah that's fine i mean that was from finish shambles games a shambles game even if like we did leave from the start we could have like probably leave it like junkyard or something so i was thinking like somewhere over there but it's fine we didn't waste a lot of time either so it'd be more down bad if we wasted you know 20 minutes and got one point and to before i had 25 shield yeah they must have been flanking even before we started rotating because they came up from that side that i didn't build on they saw noah because noah got really close and was like crouched behind the stuff they saw him so probably the second they saw him they started like you know pushing you know what i mean no i saw i saw when they saw me he was just standing there so i started running away and i went on top of that hill where that chair is and like that chest like right there and i saw them they were still at the building so i think like they weren't that far so they could actually they could have had it after that they could have had it yeah i was thinking because i was trying to think how did they get there so fast yeah they probably padded that wouldn't make sense i got a good drop oh yeah i'm calling uh are we going for this yeah ranger can you play with us maybe uh yeah i can try to was it one team or two tg oh they got a pad over here one computer okay okay [Applause] i got the pad tg what type of ammo do you need i i got a new gun i got a new gun i'm coming up coming up i'm just uh pressuring him yep i'm coming up on i found him he's under here one shot one job one shot he's coming up nice job nice job nice job guys good job tj you got the gun out so clutch here minnie's you got that first initial four hey good job boys right here take this ammo if anyone has ammo i have like no type of ammo i have 30 straight ammo i don't have anything yeah i don't have ammo for anything either really honestly like we see anybody landing uh fish or anything i think we're good ahead and look we need to split off now we get loot yeah you guys can loot this i'll go loot the fish all right i got a pad from there was just a pat on the floor straight up yeah uh i'll give you a note whenever all right we're chilling for now just lead up your thing you get metal and then we'll leave all right i'm gonna loot the uh the side outputs no we got the uh the second kill there oh i got both of those polly ranchers i got you one because i had to like veer off a little bit when you first got that kill because i couldn't find a gun and they've two people like somehow like have you ever like like glided somewhere and you thought you had like the you thought you had like the front like you were gonna land on a gun or like in through it yeah and then there's somebody out yeah he like appears he swoops in yeah yeah here right in front of you so i just went back i saw an ak yeah because the audio is so bad on gliding and footsteps basically just everything it's bad dude the fact that you i'm just gonna say that like one of the contributing factors i won there know is that you called two inside because i went to the window that i knew they wouldn't look through because i i've memorized this place and i just beamed them in the back let's go cause both of them you can see these windows holding hands in the air bro you know i mean that's what me and you dude did it worked out really well sure yes cosmic chest on road did you look at the side like little tower over there yeah i did yeah i need a i don't have a shotgun now all i have is one weapon uh vending machine oh nice nice nice i might launch over there in a sec i'm just gonna max out metal oh there's a pump above me i mean we're gonna buy many ways where's we're going let's see this guys go gotta be crazy holy trolling or not trolling we're gonna win a game too so let's let's remember that i mean we already won a game we're gonna win another game so let's remember that um another one i'm just two floppers uh six minutes in a slurp nice i have one mini and a two med kits we're gonna go up to in the comments uh the bus is missing did any of you do that no no all right well heads up this is our game just wanted to say that oh he's free we killed him and uh can do everything you just bought a green pump yeah when you bought it tg it like got rid of the option for me to buy it so i thought it like swapped my cursor and the other one uh you need to buy yes he does he does yes okay i couldn't tell if you were talking to me or not already about it yeah all right big spinner we know you got cash i just need wood we didn't break the bus right to confirm no okay so just be careful we uh be getting lurked on yeah we should get the car and go to the chest or get ranger metal here 18 18 of me i have one mini uh here did you take that do you have light for me i like ammo i dropped it i dropped it thank you we should uh we should get the supply drop or the costing chest for uh light ammo right there ranger we need from your metal yeah i don't need like a lot because yeah a bunch on the floor here i can farm this how much do you need uh 100 here i got 40 50. more here all right let's go i'm max you want to take the car no i'm gonna pad just to look over um yeah dude do you guys want to get the cosmo chest thingy yeah we should we should uh it's kind of a stacked lobby by the way i just want to say that i keep seeing a bunch of like us we're good we're arrested we're west grimmers too don't worry yeah there's some of the fact that we don't scream oh doesn't matter we're the best we're the best music i'm gonna build over our heads here i've i'm traumatized from last game go ahead uh yeah i'm traumatized by you showing yourself a truth yeah it's true honestly blame preferred items a lot jesus bro why is it so violent wow i got nothing i have 48 armor and 10 shotgun shells take something i don't have shotgun shells for you but i have i had that for you yeah thank you i mean bro honestly in this meta i don't even shoot the shotgun we should get the car why are we leaving the car now shoot the shot i'm a little just free flying you disoriented get your head in the game bro i know there's a big game but uh stop running stop running stop running here i'm farming trailers get in get it okay with such haste uh we can get ammo here or do you want to check the uh the open area there for more pads i want to get these ammo here take the pad can we fill up the car can we fill up the car maybe yeah i'll do it all right dropping pad yeah uh right there here we are does anybody can anyone carry a big or no uh i have three med kits and six minis so here i'm dropping them dropping medkits all right i have four minis i don't know if anyone can fill out ranger you're driving yeah it's a tight squeeze we just gotta ram it in interesting [Music] i no chess here no peppers let's see if we can find tires can we get that out we already got tires oh that was an abrupt oh i thought i stopped on the ramp oh there is is dead side gonna be north no we we have we have a drop back there if you want to try to go for it probably not actually all right yeah this is this is farmed we can get cabbage instead if you want if you want to drop the i don't think no there's there's three pads just three pads i don't know i i'm gonna drop fireflies i'm gonna drop fireflies grab it quick though oh it's not bro it's like bug for me oh i dropped fireflies for the cabbages there's people built top of the popular hill okay there's a big fight at radio tower all right unboxings over here watch up the car too i'm sorry we just got freaking demolished i got falco we built a unique structure here uh i don't have wood by the way i have an 82 okay you don't okay uh we i think mean you should go down to orchard while we're interested up here and get wood because i need like 150 no there's a team far southeast like far though okay does anyone need a small bullets or no uh no i dropped my team rotating uh north east behind us as well don't forget these trees are easy to break oh okay nice come up also team bridge northwest uh i hear a car west yeah oh my gosh i did not mean to do a door at it but it worked perfectly they're they're going to be on the road we can beat them uh oh yeah other boxing they're boxing they're in a rory though yeah are they in a rarity that's a duo i think yeah it's not the truth how did the other person go they walked really fast they got the flash on their team you just ran with haste i gotta stop yawning need some ggs in my system they're farming 285 you definitely i don't know if he's baiting there's no point do we need search i don't think so no no no i mean there's just 11 more than we're pretty much good until what eighth zone yeah but sometimes not a lot of people die and then i think it's like whatever rotating zone is like it's crazy this season that's what got us killed in scrims a lot yeah and uh what's it called so like half and half i think you need 50 people yeah like that's we have a lot of time to laugh enough we're chilling and then um and then the next we need 30 people for moving zone so yeah we still have an hour 15 just heads up on time all right okay west has sniper oh someone built uh northeast right beside us it could be one person it's literally two wood builds there's a car driving near them right over here man these guys i see the wood okay we can actually get anything hold up i only see what i see two guys over there it might be a trio since we have a car i think we're going to stay here we can drive late just like do we want to beam them they're going to come down this hill can if you want yeah go for it actually ranger east east east do we want to view them yeah they're in the car nah okay we're not going to go hey just let them away that means we'll have the side of ourself i think i think i don't i was thinking about going center but i think we could just drive there later if we need to yeah the closest team is this one um southwest but we also have a team northwest and they're going to rotate in so they're going to paul you come to this right um yeah i don't know do you guys wanna ah frick dude i don't know if i wanna drive to center or stay here i can't see over there how many people are like here uh there's like one two like two teams just like box up like different places there's heck of people on the mountain we should be okay there might be three or four teams that will rotate from our side i don't know there's a big fight happening northwest oh so i'm saying like if they live that's gonna be three fourteen right now i think you could drive through the garden what the trees does it break the trees uh i don't think so actually if they're hit once i think they do okay padding wait he landed in the fight the guy 22 33 item 55 all right oh my gosh how did i do the math over here next to us i actually did the math right what uh we we don't know i think so okay this team is still fighting south west uh the team that landed in shambles there's another guy that padded like towards us towards us 33 22 44. then i'm white oh my god another one another one another one another one 22. you guys can double spray this wood right here bro i'm only we have some surge now oh yeah we have three kills i'll spawn too so we're bigger and then i just got i hit about 150 here yes yeah we're reviving i uh we're already below the um arkham just gotta kill we're already below the the half and half one so the only thing you need to worry about is 30 for moving i think we'll be okay another pad another pad coming towards us coming towards us 22 23 southwest is trying to get his buddies card like them 20. there's a pad far away minus minus uh east um by the cabbage spawn you just went into that little hut no not close like 80 meters one person you went into that hut right there one person yeah okay i see him i see him i see him i see him standing still yeah you can you can snipe him i don't have a snipe there's two there's two it's two it's two wait come here do you want to fight do you want to take the car there's the car because of the trees right and we're gonna get sprayed up no we could just drive straight straight 195. yeah i'm holding wood out to the right a little bit more oh no we're good we're going to look i thought there was less gap between the trees i'm going to be honest yeah right in front of us i'm building a building the car is going to blow the car is going to blow make me go go around the top jump rangers jump back jump back go back one we're good just get off the ground i have cabbages i have what the heck yeah it's weird i don't know what's going on how many how many do you have now i have like ten you give me like one seven is my favorite number thank you thank god i have something uh we should look northwest those three teams have to rotate and one of them is shambles one more cabbage no hold up i'm i'm building any other no right right here northwest this guy there's a kid in the open right here yeah there's two in the open he's doing the opening yeah that was the one team just he just shot my cone tried to pre-fire i have a slight feeling that that is the arc of the ram who cares nobody cares nobody asked no one cares he's terrible saying like i'm just saying i don't know about that it's okay just just place normal wait i need i need metal from somebody tg can you give me metal here splitting half okay i i don't think any more teams are gonna rotate west do we have anybody uh east uh no i think we're chilling i was looking over there i don't really see anybody okay well we know both these teams are gonna have pads over here so well if it pulls to us we'll know they're going to pad over so yeah they're probably going to pad over anyways because 100 they're going to bat over let me look and let me lick right now we don't have to go that far i don't think we should waste our power we should just get in yeah can we ramp above like uh yeah but i i kind of want to let them go because it looks like they're looking through their container i don't know why they're not rotating maybe it's not archer maybe it's like some brain dead team i mean they can get us can you guys rotate you're throwing hello come here right now if this is arkham he's gotta have some elaborate plans the kids behind they're gonna shoot out something a lot of teams flying in i'm confused why they're not rotating this is so odd okay they're going now follow me all right they're buying it all this come here this is not ours not ourselves some of this isn't ours be careful building bonus i'm gonna go up another layer yeah they're trying to get in they're trying to get in now they're getting feisty with 2d okay i'm talking about thank you i'm looking back they're they're right below us oh yeah they're trying to go up here right right here oh shoot oh yeah i didn't hear that guy i thought they were all too loud you're just in the open so it scared me just in case oh i'm good no no i can hold one thing though if someone could split something i got a cabbage i got a cabbage yeah we're going to bed yeah i'm wiping my slimy hands uh yeah this team this team's major height here 231 southwest they're going to break this and then yeah no left over here's better pad no no until the leftover is the better pad yeah like this wall right here okay okay padding yeah make sure you dive in a second yep it's still left to left do you see them right over here nope okay i'm waiting okay over here yeah i don't like that right here that's our cone now we're showing you back there are you careful careful careful get off that get off that there's mine now it might not okay i'm looking back right here yeah 500 that's one of the things okay we have we have surge right now we're good about to be right here i think right here right here one shot one shot it goes fine i guess i'm talking stay with me let's go i'm with noah go ahead get ahead get ahead i'm adding it no ranger you're back back walking back i'm running out of money all right that's fine that's only 20. it's only 20. here here here drop more drop more okay ranger look back here look back here okay okay okay okay leave this leave this please go with the nose i'm gonna drop you put in a second here now take it out oh get me off of it yeah yeah thank oh my gosh i'm coming in we gotta build out we gotta go bella yeah we gotta go outside go to the side another third holding i didn't get the bathroom i got the mats i'm dead if you don't i wanna i went up oh sitting in a cone correct man then just you're clutching placement stay in zone if you need to for like 10 more seconds go get more stuff if you if you need to if you're nothing i can get it careful there's a full team to your left dude damn i didn't think it was his bro yeah yeah i mean what are the odds honestly oh man good stuff good stuff yeah those old builds bro like what are the chances that that's his oh my god no did you run out of mats when we hit the bottom or what yeah i did and we were getting sprayed from height so i dropped down because yeah they were just we're getting standing from everybody so i dropped down i boxed that kid like a fish hit him for 100 and then you killed him and then we couldn't get the thirst or someone got the thirst and it took a long time then i killed another kid yeah as soon as i got in zone i got in zone with one health dude and then there was a kid sitting in a cone as soon as i ran in like i don't think i got in the zone and then this guy pulled me in the back because he had a spaz and i absolutely pissed on him i'm not a truck oh i was just like he thought he was crazy there was i just had the cabbages in the zone i was already hit pretty low he's always taken didn't get like any refreshes yeah that game so i was like kind of just found to happen what do you think that if if we're about to run out of full mats we just you just call out somebody we just run in yeah i i weren't even about to run out though the issues we got burnt through like 500 wood that i had as soon as you refresh me because you guys are great yeah we're getting sprayed from low on the side and height all at once i don't understand a layer before that as well because we were second hyped but then we got down so i don't know if other kids drop down same time so like we were still second high after we dropped down but like i'm not sure i guess it's probably because we were building wood they were just like oh i said let's all just spray these guys all right let's pick it up we got this we have an hour and change chilling or trolling no i'm kind of low i'm gonna land on the turret i'm not even trolling i got double chest on at the tower i gotta go tower okay you know you're like all by yourself there i'm probably gonna get perished upon i'm sitting on the outside right here all right i can get to you in like five seconds though okay oh why did it send me that way okay it's gonna take a little bit longer i've not i have nothing i have no chest i have one chest here i'm gonna open it up i have a shotgun but i'm just sitting behind this this angle i don't know where they land where did they land exactly does anyone know they're they're in the building where i am okay the big building okay at least i can line up this small building and get a henchman justin yeah no no a guy landed near there i got into landing here there ranger yeah i see that now he just crawled into this room right here he did i'm just holding an angle right now hit 130. he just jumped on me knocked him knocked him knocked him nice yeah i'm not trolling guys i'm stuck on the turn i can't move it won't let me escape guys i'm sorry i can't move you got to get back in the turret or something dude no i can't i'm in the turret i can't escape it it doesn't let me leave well change your keyboard look at your keybinds trying to like try to like i don't know yeah give me sir i'm white i'm going to die here i think then i'm here i'm here oh yeah i can't i don't think i'm not going to go nice there's one more on me he's going to have a blue talk though on my butt you can have a blue tuck wait you can't build right there and i'm 70. i i can't help you i can't help you i can't yeah like you can't help here oh he has a blue tack right now so you hit harder but nice good job nice nice nice you might want to go help him or something i don't know no he i don't know guys i can't even find the body for it take the turret yeah you break the turret you can see me dude this is the dumbest bug i've ever seen in this game bro i literally can't move dude oh my god well it was worth it because i killed the guy yeah let's get out forehead just press the button dude yeah i'm literally pressing it can you break it right oh me if i overheat it mia oh i'm out i'm out oh my god oh i just had to pick axe at once oh my gosh you freed bro me was that that was the dumbest thing ever oh my gosh thank you ranger how about can i repay you uh repay him by rebooting his idea yeah let's go i'll try to take something else do you have a big pot or no uh no i don't okay we should fly over to colossal and get them okay yeah we're going colossal's so scary bro it's like so open oh this kid's fighting over there i think unless that's old but we can get the reboot and peel yeah i can get the i can get a car she want me to get a car i'm going to get a car in company so we can pick up no quick uh okay yeah it's not new it's just uh broken yeah i got a car to pick you up i think we just go straight back i think we just go straight back yeah i've been up and up and i've been get ready to build it get ready to build if you need i absolutely smoked one with the turret rings like no he's attacking me and i'm like oh i was about to roll that guy yeah sure buddy i hit i hit him 50 with the pump i was about to roll him okay buddy i i can't escape out of this car i'm not joking i can't escape give me a second dude there's just wait if i like hit it then can you no i changed my key on cars to try to get out of the other one so there we go i'm good peppa can you put the can you put your bind back now yeah i just put it back okay nice what a scuffular start thanks for the points boys yeah i have quite literally nothing currently well all the loot here that we normally get as ours did they grab everything pretty much yeah we have to go oh they didn't they didn't open this henchman chest oh i guess we got a popular you can place there's a med uh i got the med there's a pulse rifle you need yes he needs the false rifle there's a shotgun in this thing so you can obviously punch as long as you don't buy at the same time as me i have a blue pump already there's a blue attack here or somebody needs oh we can all buy green ones at least we already have a green wait how much gold is the gold pump can you take a loan or something or okay uh oh this girl here has a quest to pet eagles diesel's legs 200 gold on the dot that's crazy we're not in zone and there's uh two minutes for pop there's also a uh cosmic chest yeah we can get the cosmic they haven't gotten spazzes once from itself they reduced spazzes specifically in the update but they're still like the heels are big did you see that in the patch next yeah yeah nice no they actually did drop passions they decided you know what let's spice it up and do fast though today yes i didn't meet that everything so it's all you yeah my leaders hitting mechanical cards so i could upgrade should i pop a tire should i pop he's like dude not trolling he's like dude natural good times good times with the lads good times uh i don't have any wood but besides that my loot is a little bit less trash i just don't have like max metal i have 215 by the way uh are you guys grabbing a car there under metal i can get i can get the i can get the fbi card here all right yeah i open up you guys want to rotate towards ridge i'm just farming mats not the uh i o car right here just grab the car all right i'll have to get the tickets i don't really want why did they put me in the passenger seat hmm i don't know can we not bring that back um i don't know no it's not chairling all right comes normal columns normal columns back to normal comps too bad we can get the gold pump there's 250 gold they need to like reduce that he's like 200 200 is even hard to get 54 percent how much is that dude uh this one's like almost full it's 153. almost full yeah oh no this is the one you were talking about okay i'm confused did somebody need brick i farmed 20 yeah there's that gas here do you want to fill it up you can okay i'm filling up this 177. all right we're good i just need wood i'm gonna look under the bridge i'm gonna look at another bridge the one with a hundred get under the bridge i'm gonna like leave you a little bit not like completely just to go here okay those are deleted but we can check the menu i gotta i got a big pot underneath the bridge oh never mind that's a defense to the side of the fence i'm not even trolling is this the healthy car man [Music] wait is that a pad is that a pad oh there's a deagle no yeah i thought it might have been a pad at first as well did you steal 50 pot no i was next to the car i grabbed it yeah oh uh what are you carrying for shield three minutes too big can you give me the minis i'll give you the biggest i want quick heels i'm i'm max max okay wait can we just buy it from here oh this big tg you can buy some big in there i i'm holding one big i can buy i know i don't have enough gold i'll take no i was saying diesel has a quest for 200. noah from right to left so if you go right we're safe it might be left here this car is like too fast to control what like it can break one but not the freaking i'm getting out and breaking them we're gonna know i'm breaking it yeah i'm gonna flip it anyways that is actually so weird are you going to go satellite are you going left here just no i'm not going left i'm just going downside grab cabbage if you want uh i can drop a deagle for cabbage i'm gonna do it oh i can i can pick up that oh i can't pick it up can you pick it up for me uh yeah i think creative i don't think we can all carry it anyways i i'm grabbing it too yeah but i can drop a flop i can drop a big pot for cabbage yeah do you only have one i have yeah i have one but uh there's not enough cabbage for everyone okay wow there goes up this way a little more there's a guy there too i thought i saw someone break the car from the truck oh opposite hill you can go for the right go sand on the beach and we just take some zone we have cabbage okay can you ramp i don't i don't remember i can pick home okay why is that happening okay i guess we're wrapping all the way around we're gonna get ticked but we have cabbage this car is like so hard to drive with tires it's actually like so fast and like slippery team height we got to build ranger we gotta raid the builder us we're dead you're good about it it they're looking at us they might be king i don't know that was kind of annoying but okay where are they even looking back there we still have 200 on it we could we could go to flopper island um you want to be super dead said it's kind of risky about the right side over here i don't know if these guys are still looking at us that's the issue i don't see them i'm just gonna try if i get beamed and i get beam there's no other way to know okay we're chilling for now i'm gonna swim right side this team tower thank you snapchat i think that's the team that was holding us earlier what i just don't wanna get shot go far right go far right behind the hill a little bit i don't know if there's still i have no wood i spend it all on the by the way yeah this guitar right now as well correct okay just try to farm up then you've helmeted like almost 500 oh okay so it was me building the whole time there i see yeah i was terrified i just don't understand why your builds place and online buddy that's fine uh i mean they're all one shot okay no no that's not all like this one's on one shot oh i'm just worried about this team and these are one shot i don't know if they're looking this is of the spooky variety you can find the fences if you want yeah people in this house that would be really weird but yeah minis in here yeah i can grab ranger take this give me the minis why did you chuck it at me who's got the mini i got him i got him oh well i don't have any he'll know yeah okay well just don't worry about it right now just up and we'll do it i'm farming this wood here i'm from the water wait i'm farming wood i found it okay i'm just gonna box here at center i want to build an owl shape i'm nice in opening your account no no do you want a bigger now that's my only one it's my only one okay doesn't range have something i have two uh i'll pop it together oh you will yeah i'm almost losing like 30 so i don't know i just drink my child there's a team northeast by the way i don't have that much mass like i'm like five five two i don't have metal do we have any pads um no i don't know do you guys have does jenny do you have a lot of metal are we all kind of struggling uh i'm max metal here i can use them oh okay yeah i have 350. okay so both of these play and then i actually get max you split and then you split very nice there's a little extra no it's padding they're going farther never mind oh nice or close the worst case i don't know why i've been honoring so much right now beyond like 40. if we go now the team team left here though no team left okay that's fine and there's team to our right to oh my god make this the back box and box that way more and then do in all shape like box to the right one after this oh this is fine very fun minus team honest i'm gonna i'm gonna i can box him did i get him no it was so close oh what the heck no i'm trying to break the tree but then yes the hitbox is like very scary i'm landing it tour they might land right next to us yeah that's a dangerous peak i don't know i did that in front of us getting a lot of focus right here tandem i have 300 ar we can kill this guy okay it's on the left side him 33 blue how much do you guys have now i'm 73 when you're reading 73 are you reading extra emma yeah okay i have 70 yeah i know it does that i know i know he's so weird no no no no the easiest the easiest one the easiest one to call him is the biggest number now come on yeah yeah come on bro you got to use so much brain power to be like oh you have this and you have to look at the little number yeah but you know everyone else is normal all right no you actually have in the clip too dude that kind of you're counting your ammo so can you not shoot the bullets that are in your foot yeah i can't actually uh i'm dropping all mine here thank you oh we're close we're close we can go back to our tarp we can go back to our tarp yeah go right side come here can go early they're cranking right there yep there's team rotating near us behind us not our floor i'm taking it ranger we can set up an ambush here oh yeah they're coming in behind you see him behind you see him behind you you see mine on the left yeah yeah he's going his team is coming down here him down right here right here they're right here they went up they went up two layers they went up two layers they wouldn't know if you like i don't think we edit out uh these walls like east right yeah not probably not very dangerous team rotating east underneath us east underneath us don't even edit these cones they're gonna awareness check you so bad like like above us yeah we're gonna get absolutely about it there's team rock sitting in east easy shots easy shots easy shots easy shots i see him i see him i see him i'm talking about these guys i'm talking about these guys right here i should've had that guy dead honestly though are you looking with me here oh they're truck splashing right here right here you see this right behind us that we got to go for it because i think we could triple spray these kids above us i i think it's too risky we can hold these we can hold these guys right here right here right here right here literally right here right here i'm looking i'm looking he has a right peak on us though dude guys come here just do this right here try this three two one full metal too hard do you have a pat or no do we have a pattern now no no no no no no no no breaking back right here bring her back right here ready they have a right peak ranger we can go back through our tarp a little bit hold up no zone pops in five come here careful they're like looking at us right here sort of oh i got dropped down i got dropped down yeah that doesn't suck it's awesome you got this now thanks for hitting me for eight damage no you're in this box in this box nice why oh my god what is going on right now no you're not dude you're not oh yeah that was so unfortunate yeah yeah maybe we should i don't know ranger maybe we should hold our like floor out or something when we're running i don't know it doesn't happen often i i think that was just honestly like a just like a bad rotation honestly like i don't think i think um i think the left side would have been better but how about the left side nor where we came from because that was kind of free congested right where ranger was looking at really like there was like so much builds and the way that i the way that i was looking it was like straight through the center it was like a free like like ramp tarp and it was free but they were like there were kids below us they didn't want to rotate so they just double sprayed our stuff down it's not like we went over old builds it's just that they sprayed our boats down i don't know they did it so fast too like yeah the build's evaporated the second they second they saw you rotate they just inspired that's crazy no that one team was so bad though that that sprayed you down there yeah like durability [Music] i know you know what it was too it was just the floor right because we were doing the um yeah the stereotype yeah that sucks if there was a con i mean that literally is this the first time that's happened to us uh actually it's happened to me once actually twice remember when they sprayed and then no went off on them at the end uh dude i had such a good rotation they're not a good rotate like a good like kill and like a good refresh and then i just get sprayed out for like some random too you would have you would have caught so much placement right there yeah it was smart that you got out though yeah you were so slippery the the only thing with hindsight would be that you you should have built out like brick or something because you built out a wood when you got out i did no no they i definitely built a metal or something you built wood you built wood i just looked um that's weird because i wouldn't do that like if i was like thinking about it yeah that's what i'm saying like hindsight's yeah you were probably panicking but you built out a full wood and they just freaked out that's weird maybe it wasn't even you playing though yeah maybe like i mean you wouldn't do it so why the heck did he do it you know did you get hacked by a peppa pig it wasn't brick it was not i'm looking at it when you exited when you exited the uh the floor that you guys got sprayed down no no no i'm saying when you when you eliminated the guy at the end but you didn't finish the kill you made a box no no no no no no no no i was saying you you you built out of wood where if you built that like brick or something you probably would have lived yeah i don't i don't know why i thought that i would let's see yeah and pepper you killed faze dubs by the way actually yeah that's funny that was that was the team that sprayed us out too all right let's put it on the line boys [Music] i didn't even mean to jump in that kid's box he probably like opted out like heavily assisted he's like what's this guy doing that's funny i faced like i like shape-shifted through that cone below me like i was landing on top of his box and he like placed the cone like last second it like melted yeah like melted through that box and just assisted him dubs megan once again i was going towards ranger's mark on accident yeah ranger why do you ping it uh i don't know i'll just do it throw up man okay lick my nine okay we're contested tg we are oh shoot yeah that's late calm like calm like home like huh playcon i didn't see anybody all right definitely there's definitely people here i know for sure i'm popping a big you know there's definitely people here yeah break down the floor break down the floor right there oh hold on they're right below me dude i could try but i don't know i have zero builds here will they open the chest below you okay we gotta get off this we gotta get off this there we go i'm riding in right now yeah this this gives us a little space let's see where some of them are no no no they won't expect it oh they're all three in your room come here come here yeah i think so he's right above me he's right above me and try to grab a chest he's like above us and to the left or to the left of us directly okay we're stuck in here dude they realize we're dead yeah i think he realizes he sees us through the middle yeah above us i see why i can't bring boom one just give me a second i can get a bmw no no build okay i said 21 41 no bro i got one of them one hp the kid that i killed me at four health dudes what in the world man damn sucks it's okay we had game stop freaking sucks dude damn there's no way i would have had a better job if i knew people there i honestly didn't see them and then when he calmed down i was already on the ground so if like you don't think we're contested you don't like care about your job sort of well i feel like it well yeah i was going for like a big pot that i just saw because of everything else like i would rather land in because usually you go for the i o chest so i go for the back one so i was just going the way i usually go but if i had known i had probably the best drop i think yeah i got a green pump off of the porch but yeah i don't know if we were all talking or something or i was distracted but i didn't see anyone yeah because you were like really low and i was higher up so i was able to like see like that was perfect but i think you're like going for something else you said or something so that's well i i i could have landed perfectly in the window for the chest but usually go for it so i don't want to yeah if if we weren't con right that's what i did i went through the window but instead of instead of going down like the um you went to the layer below or above it yeah because i heard three like i saw the people and they went down there so i didn't go for it i got a pump and i was like i'm just gonna chill with this and stay with you yeah i only had an smg yeah that sucks when you like i don't know i called him i called him on the stairs but i looked back and he wasn't there but he was he was probably hiding mid stairs to be honest but i i heard him on stairs yeah like i went out of the side and went up and like i was chilling ranger good beam yeah that was good yeah i i honestly like i hit that guy one hp and then see me come up behind me and then i hit him 60 and then i i'd like blocked them off so that i had time to come help you guys and both you guys instantly died and then i knocked one and i cracked the other but i was just dead yeah now we're on con like i i probably did like 400 damage in that fight like i'm not controlling not a good job oh there's a guy late landing like dirty behind us i'm gonna go for a beam 20 white 23 white 20 again oh wow really it's kind of hard to hit shots like that with 100 ads sometimes like i don't know yeah but i might have a free job i thought he's gonna drive over i had him once even if i hit him again no this still wouldn't have been enough yeah we needed like two more shots oh i got a gold snipe out of the engine chest very nice ah that's not worth these two of them you're crazy with the ghost knife no i thought you're saying the gold snipe wasn't worth at first i was like right i'm like what the heck i don't have a shotgun so if you find one no let me know i got full health all right like can pulse rifles just like fall off of the face of the earth you know they're actually so good at hip firing pulse mirrors oh yeah like medium range hit fire it's like so accurate i'd rather have a pulse right from medium range than like an smg you mean an ar uh i guess i don't know how would you want to have a smg mid-range i don't think he i think he just knows that the rifle sucks or that whatever the pulse rifle sucks trying to give it some advantage okay yeah he's trying to give it like a little bit of juice you know i have a big pot here he's like well if the wind is going at a certain speed and it's a certain temperature outside though the falls right was pretty good yeah it's not enough like when the moon covers the sun in the space yeah that's the the the cliffs yeah that's got on the cliffs yep he died like too many times like right before the good place man sucks peppa we need a launch pad man or where is this mom or we need to reuse the pad more yeah that last game was just cringe like i don't even know her that was weird yeah like it was double unlucky the fact that you guys got sprayed down and then i got sprayed down like why is there a trio on the underground looking and it was literally perfect so me and tj broke up yeah like it was just one of us that it wouldn't have been that big of a deal but it was literally the both of us hit us with a double whammy does me and td were like holding hands like we used to like we always do like we used to like you you see before you like said like i don't want to hold your hand anymore yeah did you grip my hand too hard no memes no more moves calms calms comes back to focus okay um like i i know samara watches tv stream so it's kind of like i don't have a shotgun let me know if you find a shot like that thinking what do we got here we got a it's a sniper it's a sniper it's crazy that's if you're just shaving the subject going off you know i'm just trying to focus i'm just trying to focus i'm just trying to focus i'm just trying to focus i just got psyched that for a month where's where from chilling uh oh oh somebody built south like did you build this ranger yeah oh no not the ramp not the ramp what the heck is even that it's an ss if you guys know what i mean you know what i mean i have full brick and metal yeah i'm trying to get something that is so weird i see where they're at i don't see them oh yeah did someone carry three big pots uh i can carry one i can carry one i have two minions i have two minis okay there's three houses i'm getting this chest up here real quick there's a great pump here i'm gonna grab it i think okay little green taco can you roll it down the hill or something very mud uh i'm going to grab this thing real quick at least it's actually really good except for my shotgun so we're about to get spasms and we'll be trolling or chilling it will be what the cool kid is called vibing you know mm-hmm driving dude there was people that went dirty there's at least one chest on radio tower ranger just wants to touch the testicles perfect that's perfect my gosh i got a sniper right here i might have heard a glider i think i heard what you heard i think it's just a chest it's like weird i don't know all right i'm going back we're chilling i don't you want to go back there's not really anything over there you need metal do you need metal oh do we are we're not gonna get an idle car uh i'm gonna be good i guess i just want to like find out okay where you go do whatever you need to do over there and we're gonna go to the junkyard because wait did who just popped the truck cannon right here it's like we swapped the rules me and tv are on point today i know it's just like vibrating uh vibrating a med kit down there somebody else there's one chest up there possibly too yeah you want to snipe them you want sniper yeah yeah when if you stand still i will no there's one closer too at the rock below me wait double sniper this one can you see him wait ping ping ping ping me yeah three drivers one go didn't hit him wait what'd you say the car is here oh he's gonna snipe the car dude okay yeah here come can you come pick me up can you come down and just build a little bit because they're gonna try to shoot us nice and successful there's a chest on top of this thing i don't think it's worth there yeah that's the only reason people would do this because they rotated from dirty right that's my like i don't know where else they could get from so i don't see anyone dirty you got metal here if you need ranger if you didn't get metal yet oh i got max i got the llama remember oh i actually forgot because i even asked you if you had middle yeah i remember you got the llama i just didn't remember you got in the middle does that make sense there might be a pad do we have a pad already or no nope no i farmed you some wood back there right here right here i'm just saying there's a uh alien right there oh my gosh i already have it i need those minis more miniature all right max i'm six and three for minis and bigs yeah same i just don't have a good shotgun but i guess we don't really need the car we should get the car i'm gonna grab this one quickly all right what do you have okay someone carry three big pots for now no no we both have three bigs how do you see all right is it worth through this shock here i have a p90 and a great pump i want me to turn down here quick they're like that way already they i think they might have seen us i don't know i'm gonna go for the sniper if i see him i didn't get him getting kidding everyone on march if you can't he's right behind that hill how does he john in a second uh rory up to the right oh llama allow my head love my head all mine here oh nice nice drive into it i'll box it no no no just drive into it he can only run left so just drive there yeah and it's defenseless it can't attack us yeah oh just don't hit it oh my god okay what no i said to ran to drive to the left of it i don't know misleading comms misleading you want to know it you don't take it for now i think you don't take it for now you take it later or maybe yeah yeah let's get back in the car i've unburied it i have a great pump yo this game is dead we need to win this like we need to win this game yeah should be our only focus if we can find a pad we're gonna be great if you hit this real quick we might see floor drops oh uh nothing nothing cabbage uh no no we have two we have chuck cannons we have choking yeah this is i think i'm gonna drop big then so i can have whites because like all right i'm just gonna drive you guys no no we don't we have two candidates i have three bigs oh okay okay i don't know here drive here there's gas oh we can get this drop here it might be risky though you can you can check up you can check up here for uh pad oh i thought you weren't gonna make it yeah i have a feeling we're gonna get w heat if we like i guess we're heads on i don't know look to the right more uh nothing i'm gonna chill here there's a testicle does it cross the way on the other hill okay other hill which other other one like across oh uh solo right here from bridge from bridge here another llama i think i just heard another llama another llama right there not even careful dude where is it do you want do you want a third truck getting super close the one on the still literally right there i mean you can go for it then i'm going i'm going let's just pull metal metal to it okay we can just box down there it's fine i'll bring the car down yeah doesn't really matter get your butt over here it dropped a bunch of big pots back here it spewed him out yes indeed how much mass we have triple chug cannon is broken i i actually think we prioritize the drop we need a yeah there's one over there i'm gonna look there's like a heck of people that are like around there it's so risky we could try though let's just look we're all here with you yeah i'm dead oh my god that's full metal we got full metal there enter through the back or something there's a ranger build you pick up we're good i'm rising just come to our box i don't think they're running we're here that's the funniest thing rangers ever okay bro we're healed like there's nothing hello bro are you okay you saying this one can you back us up more old no everyone's funny oh come on come to us you're in like a scrap spot a little bit we have a lot of maps here don't forget this wall right here for some reason just out of full metal we're good so then we have mats on the llama i grabbed extra there's no more metal with this brick i think i just got most of it though also the brick do you guys need any brick there's something there sorry about that guys like these kids are not your children we need we need a box one we can double eddie and just double pump the speed triple combo hello my wolf open the walls no i can't find a sign we gotta finish this fight we can win this yeah let's just go back to the other loot dude we killed one who cares this could suck they're just gonna sit there and be rats it's right here just hit a gold snipe yeah i think i know who this is are based off the skins and they aren't very good his name was like salty or something oh yeah it's salty now is that the guy i'm thinking i don't know who that is but i i know who he plays with and they're they're okay they're not crazy they're okay i think i definitely big build behind us can you say what his name starts with wait he just comes they're going back for the card we should we should just we should just hold them here yeah they're rotating they're rotating yeah i'm going to td i'm going to take it we just hold them they're they're literally too yeah we all right they're gonna try snipe all right i'm gonna move back with her no i'm gonna move back with them no keep holding i am i hit him for 50. nice here's the sniper though careful yeah just don't get sniped i'm gonna go in the bush we should probably just keep going he's going left back hit him 27. careful he has a sniper yeah i'm not uh i just hit in the bush though he's he's in zone he's in zone yeah they're probably gonna like they can't even swim this way because it goes the other way well i mean we're in zone now but the freedom northeast rotating i've had an ar bro oh my god i had one nine they are but there's just a five thing isn't it yeah it's about a hit five oh yeah good luck boys oh you guys have fun hit him 27 hit him 27 there's no way he doesn't run out there's no way he doesn't run out his friend 25 crack crackers i'm bringing his bill he probably doesn't have anything left um i kind of want to carry a sniper bro i guess i don't need to facebook come here all right i'm coming to you guys i have no match this guy looks at me i'm going to snipe him though and there's brick and let's break in this brick you're ready yeah he's going to beat this bush right now dude i'm worried about the bush all right he's going to be right and like around just in case they're in the bush just go do just just go i'm trying i'm trying i'm like staggered behind you a little bit okay we're in here we're big sean this is dead game bro we need to win this this is free yeah we're trying to take the wall with holes it's very holy perspective surprise you laughed at that no that was not funny all right guys if we keep our bro we can wait if we double spray one of these brick walls and then someone's like yeah this guy the left this guy left the four yeah the far left of the right here spray it three two one go stack them dana made him hit him 31. one slow they're abandoning the friend okay yeah shake shake shake wait wait i don't know where he is they took him they took him oh yeah he's right here yeah i got him i bought the other team's coming yeah their team's no you guys built like two layers in front of me i couldn't see i i went up a layer and then just bring the metal and brick to me if you can they're landing back i'm never going to use them but you want me to stay right here right yeah okay because they can't i don't want them to sneak up in the back of our tire right yeah hey the tt your shoulder i'm bringing the metal and brick right here okay wait we're getting pushed we're getting close this is risky this is a risky i'm going to stay back there so you're fine i'm still here i'm holding this i got lots of mess thank you for the pepper oh shoot oh shoot that's all open back there don't go there what the heck no you good yeah i'm big i don't have three big clouds by the way i got more wood here can we can we uh oh what the heck somebody else broke that that was not me that broke that was that uh max wood i'm just gonna cone and peace control this stuff with it wait no do you still need uh mats like metal uh i could use a little bit of like 30. yeah thank you that's it guys we have good ar if we can find someone to spam that would be good i'm going to watch the background because someone could definitely come through it these guys are in wood north no no we're nervous we have a sniper you're right about right above right now do you see this up here yeah look up here look at here you see him on height oh yeah i see that i'm breaking it up on our minus connection yeah there's there's guys right over here you beam this beam be this coming everywhere watch it yeah this floor beam is floored in this one three two one go we can do that that's a good comb those good calm though yeah not too shabby no pad no pad now okay follow me follow me come here it's hard dead side we're big chilling kids above us so careful they might drop down do a hero play careful ranger we yeah we can follow this down here follow me oh my gosh we're still protected yeah i do not want to get demolished i want to wait for you to get ahead of me watch i can't build it i'm building for you know okay i'm gonna open this they're gonna run over this platform look look right here right here i'm dropping the drop down go away guys oh my gosh i thought you were with us you need chuck cannon yeah i can check out him once you get up all right okay come here come here we're almost in come here go farther go farther we're in the open sort of they've got their area but it's fine come here let's go i'm gonna do it on this one okay i'm looking back on this i need minis i'm dropping sniper and pop minis oh build the build top build up break this bring this above i'm building floor there we go there we go all together all together 500 metal 500 metal checking in no come back i'm chucking hear everything everything i'm looking low ranger ranger come right here right here at this point come here come here you're back up to me i'm coming yeah yeah i'm gonna jump down one lane drop down drop down okay i'm looking back go ranger come back ranger come back come back thank you thank you just getting a refresher right ranger you're solo gotta refresh i'm down with no i have no more i have no masks no more mats here dropping mats halfway through the td grab that grab that no i got it i mean as well okay okay okay i drop me down i dropped them down down truck yes get that get that get that not getting me trucking i don't have any i don't have any more juice it's three v two three v two three two okay all right can you just use one i'll use one i'll use one ranger here pop this pop this noise i don't i don't wanna i don't wanna i gotta go for a side play in a sec i gotta go for the side play okay i'm going first off like going for a cycle let me play off i'm playing okay i'm gonna i'm gonna go with him i'm gonna go with him okay okay okay try not to give him right actually yeah i'm not giving it to him i'm chilling they can't get it from me they can't get okay i'm gonna leave you okay i don't have a match i don't have a match here's all no he got it from me he got it from me he's one let's go my god actual apex dominators oh my god we're crazy okay ready up quick we better get in this game dude it's gonna be a stacker i think i i did to what that to that team ranger what the other team did to us but i thought you guys were right beside me i called it and i just see the guy pumps me dude that was good though that guy had fat mats right yeah yeah i think he had fat match that was good you've been so crazy you're doing a lot better staying with me which is really good like we're all doing a lot better like just glued together yeah good peppa good good peppa that was scary when you died i was like oh no this is really bad yeah but ranger killed the guy and i had the the floor up already yeah that wall there was no wall there right so then when you edited him down he instantly built a wall and i had to break it before helping you oh that's what happened before and one in like the uh i think it was a really complicated so what before you're weeping right control it yeah yeah near weeping try to peace control it if possible before you do it i know sometimes it's a split second thing but usually when i do that i always just you just place a wall do that big like right like edit like the six tile one and then place a cone and then that's it and you're showing it's open bro no chat wait dreams in my chat bro that actually looks legit i don't know if that's real hello it's the big dream in your chat that's it dude how do i check with him you can't that's the thing it's like scuffed yeah but he's verified so i don't know oh well then it's follow him maybe but he said answer me in all caps i don't know if that would be him boys we have the potential to excel he's gonna bring me up to the sky and then drop and put down a hay bale and then just leave me up in the sky you like dream i never killed the ender dragon let's go man come on we're in 116th place our teamwork was solid though god mean ranger just sprayed the utter living out of these two people and they were literally milking them wow it's like our brains were conjoined for a brief period of time so early and it's kind of weird this doesn't matter from the jump killer jump you like the big jump yeller [Music] yeah you might be able to just annihilate them out of the sky with the dirt because then rangers can have to help you out again yeah i don't want to help you out last time oh my god it was crazy there's nothing left all right boys let's let's finish this out nicely let's finish it strong this could be a dude some money no probably not i think we're gonna be hacking close i think we will because if we win that's what like 30 something coins yeah but top 12 is already 180 or something i don't think so because i think getting money is usually around 180. i just looked at it but maybe i saw it wrong i don't know i could check just do the best we can do it's fine let's see the best we can do and if it's not enough then we'll figure it out at the time when time comes you know we'll figure it out no it's just crying yeah uh what is it top 12 is it top 12 um yeah it's not talking i think it might be top eight actually top 12 is a 182 right now oh shot yo let's get like top 50 though we're we're improving let's just do better than last week he's like yeah can we get first oh let's just get top 50 instead honestly if if those two games they're just like something really odd happened didn't like we might be up there i'm not even trolling yeah that was like heavy placement coming up or if i didn't get freaking demolished by some rats on the ground after the wheelers yeah the other dubs oh this is bro this is a key game 67 oh my god replacement let's go baby we're about to get beat i don't know why people think they're gonna actually it might uh it might it might just stop it here like yeah i don't think it's a key game i have one mini on the ground here yeah but they don't usually die in that amount of time that's that's an automotive that's a very specific there's a truck here truck here truck you're noah no no okay i'm here how many are there in here there's one it's just one i think okay he's white in it knocked him oh my gosh bro through the windows i'm not gonna lie i heard that truck and i kind of just ignored it because i thought it was one of you guys no dude i saw like a choo choo train through three different windows like like i just stood at the angle and i saw it through like this one that one it was weird did he die instantly yeah he died in the inside yeah i was like he was he was escaping dirty or the tail maybe the tail no dirty it was going quite crazy oh maybe the dale yeah he's like no no no no no no just the way he came from like he came from over here uh yeah yeah we should get that chest yeah yeah hmm i'm feeling quite ferocious after asking let me check what the vending machine is that was a good dub there's hope for athens yes maybe maybe not yeah there's no hope for f and fiat we need td we need to do yeah we need to do not go to the lava lamp spanish yo um what's the vending machine um bad comms ranger bad comes that's a i've literally said it three times it's a sniper oh my god he does you're being dramatic yeah i need something better than a grey pump i have a great pump as well and we're going to get spazzy you want to eat gg so he said that no i don't know what he said that's just what you want him to say i don't know that's what you want me to say like why are you weird i can carry i can hurry i can hear okay i just got bark p90 might be the most satisfying thing playing game it's so good because like everybody's just struggling the servers haven't felt bad to me or i've been playing more comp and that's just how they are i don't know you just get used to it you feel a little better i i definitely feel better now we shall see when fncs comes oh yeah i don't know that'll be the real stress stuff i mean i guess that's cool but like not cool enough someone's gonna be shambles and just be like wow 12 minutes uh there there's uh at least two two chests over here if you want to get a better shotgun on top of the top of the tower on top of the zipline oh yeah i mean wait wait wait guys guys guys what they added in a chair that's big enough for td all right let's go that comes that comes we're going to die because we spend an extra second here there's two others too i saw it okay we can grab it then it's fun start building up then i guess i'm going to build closer i'm going to farm the trees and stuff all right i need to get a break yeah two chests i'm gonna get max brick and then i'm gonna look though uh i got a sniper here now i have a blue one all right i see kids down like far north there's a blue smg not worth i think wait hold on they're staying still what are they doing guys there's a pad there that you guys missed oh my god we're so confused because they're being weird hold on i can feel that free headshot sniper no no no the pad's more the pad's better you're not even going to get the kill though i i might dude i'm not even trolling oh i probably won't but we gotta go we gotta go with that pad gotta go okay you guys just gotta wear this check that comes where is it oh it's let's see what's up i need to talk to her too and you're feeling a little lonely no i'm a rock oh my god don't touch me there what the hell is wrong with you ladies rick started feeling some type of way or what all right cut the heck it's not your musk we better take advantage of who i can no one likes your musk she sensed your pheromones they match the alien pheromones oh my god all right no more jokes no more jokes we don't win if we joke we don't we don't win we literally don't win if we joke no joking no jokes only winners here yo yo protect ranger it's uh threat uh orange that means they're they're coming from dirty that means they're close oh it went away it went away i have one third bar it went away they're in the car in the car right there in the car in the front of the car in the car ping again yeah green car live ping please in the water [Applause] i just need wood i just need one yeah we gotta farm it because we have to rotation i just need a hundred wood okay i'm coming back up oh no no i literally needed like 50 more metal and everything i was farming was giving me nothing i need 100 wood but well if you want to get technical with it i need 80 more wood and 18 more metal so yeah that comes 49 cracked nice good job 49 crashed from one shot yeah i don't know i don't know wait another zoom rolling up i'm gonna i'm gonna bring up the top of the show we're gonna box up here all right nice that max everything your car come from don't get sniped they're getting shot they're getting shot bro how i got your wheels you guys have like a flopper or medkit or anything nope nothing i got a big pot if you need yeah i don't think that damn bad comes if you said don't get sniped and then i did crazy mm-hmm this car door right all right to our right you're on the road oh they're they're boxed they box up no point oh yeah but they're down yeah i have a grey pump we have one pad does noah have the power triple great bump when i have the pad you're like yes i don't have to worry about it if he doesn't say his fault probably yeah honestly it's smart though because like me and tg have a higher chance of dying that's just like i don't know that's just how it is northwest io guard it's going to be on the road ranger come here ranger come here look on the road look on the road here dad this is not working oh yeah i blocked it not worth team west has the taxi but i think one of the tires are pop top 17 top 17 oh my gosh let's go let's go baby [Music] what was your best even last season 157 i don't like that i don't like that yeah okay the comms maybe hopefully yes fdg doesn't scam us um i'm going to make it into a rapid fire no the rapid fire is insane are you kidding me so bad you're going to die and complain oh let it reload angel what do you think i think p90 is better like yeah 100 90 percent of the time odd i mean people always tell me that um they're just fighting like in the open par uh what's it called they're fighting for the right to party 20 seconds for zone pop follow the right no fun we can't have fun stop no fun no fun no fun i haven't eaten motor once no fun real fast while we're waiting can you can you just like turn away from me for a second just turn the other way like look northwest what do you think bro i saw you what do you think you're doing yo no fun no fun get up there are we moving you want to move center i do kind of want to get more central indeed all right all right let me get the cat okay i got wood out we could do bottom of health yeah yeah there they yeah i i built i switched on you gotta back it up a little bit i built half of the box in the car [Laughter] can we not move the car okay i got it uh top top like what is it on you to make money it's like a lot of people make money top 30 probably or something like that yeah yeah i saw someone got like 28 and got money yeah there's like 10 times more people yeah if it was like that yeah i mean it's harder i would think yo uh 300 no that's a free snipe guy rotating out of the open he's getting beat him now never mind oh yeah he actually has a sniper a guy built on our old base okay i feel like it might be like harder most people would think just because it's more stacked and there's more like pros but i think that's easier because there's less like idiots that's going to storm push me and like yeah but there's more pros but there's also more brain deads right because eu is like frozen that means my lobbyists are going to be full of good players not half could play with i don't know this is true west dealer is slightly ocular sometimes you know even good players on west do really really really dumb things guys is it a point per placement uh uh i don't i think so yeah i'm pretty sure every yeah after top 50 basically like 50 people alive every team that dies is one point is that one of you guys just no no no there's two layers up right above us yeah i want to look like a double spray snipe i think that would be really easy but there's not really many yeah that's what i'm doing so i'm looking for wood or something yeah well we know this team over here is gonna have a supply supply drop no top 55 on eu what nar that is crazy someone said shotgun down bad shotgun down astronomical i look at my inventory gray pump yeah we all have great pumps bro yeah we have triple g but i have a p90 so i'm i'm genuinely not going to use the pump in a bite i'm going to be tarping so i'm chilling i actually might just throw away the pump so i don't even rise not turn two no they're not an hour i don't i don't think that's crying i don't know what that is okay no more fun stop i'm not having fun i was just cleaning my throat sorry uh we're in town we could get 5050. the whole lobby right now i'm not trolling yeah how much ammo you guys got 349. uh oh my gosh dude it's killing me what the heck does anyone have a medkit no no bro i just see wheels what the heck no cabbages or anything i might have a free headshot knife up there oh yeah this guy's meeting over here yes uh southwest southwest right here where i don't know i don't know i'm leaving that box i'm leaving that box i'm leaving that box pushing the box they're shooting the car oh that's so good build hard build hard build hard build hard build hard yeah build both heck of a hard both heck of hard hold on leave that leave yeah i'm training i have so much ammo don't worry they're getting lobby focused we've literally just turned the tide starting i need smgm if you all got cracked one i think he turned the knocks back i needed a second yeah no i i shot it down i shut it down i shut down he didn't get the rest he didn't get the reds oh hit white why why why i need ammo i don't have any i don't have any no in there i don't have that right now just i will but i'm going to shoot their bottom layer so they can't rest they're behind the full build metal i think i'm dead i'm knocking that again i need the rmm do you have some gmo i only have 30 bullets uh a 200 oh my gosh give me that you think the griefing's over yeah do you think this is over we have to pad this anyway yeah there's no 50 pounds right is there 50. you're careful i don't think i have the angle or anything nice thank you i have to go for a pad here yep we need to make sure there's a good tile okay right here i'm gonna place it here where ping on me i'm me okay just kidding in front of us my pad but i don't really feel like i don't know i mean we could there's only one team west we wait a second here but i doubt oh no what the heck come here follow me follow me i'm just running for now uh i think i'm going to die if you don't pat bro i'm petting them i didn't know you're like dead yeah they they waited they waited for us to pad now okay okay i'm landing on this metal right next to it right i'm laying right here on the hill there's a guy right next to you oh you're good oh you scared me i got you i got it assistant i got i don't have a lot of ammo [Music] yo no all my masks here we've thank you i got 250 wood brick back ooh they're probably going to pad above us now i'm thinking yeah what you guys match oh oh that's bad yo can you repair this prepare this gun grab that four or three it's fine it's fine just leave it four three zero okay what are you at math uh five two zero i don't know if we depend on them padding bro if they don't pass then i mean we can we can rotate left here we can rotate left here this is pretty dead yeah i mean but what if they're saying that about us what if they're saying they have to have a bad nah people i don't know where where the pad is i have no idea i just got sniped no no right i hit this guy i hit this guy for everything the guy in green where do you want me to land what's going on i'm blogging about it oh my god no pain no pain okay i'm laying on top of this metal i think i gotta go slow ranger you have to go up two layers i'm trying to see come here come here get behind us oh you blocked me off no i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm trying to knock you but it's really hey yeah i'm blocking this off careful that's not our ceiling not ceiling not ceiling sorry no can you come i'm coming up i'm coming off coming up here i don't know i can give you a match i can do maths here uh everything everything here i got a point okay from crazy are you good are you dead that's there's spraying above you need to get down lower layer get down the layer if you can i can't right now coming with you i'm here with you i have 130 wood well they're beaming out the side they're being outside okay i'm building floors uh i have ninety five minutes ninety five minutes no done no no no we gotta go in on somebody noah pull up it pulls further pulls further wait down to the right i don't know where you are i genuinely don't know where you are now there's two girls in that box in that box don't bother you gotta go to the zone yeah i'm going down with you now up front from oh my gosh i i had zero match zero how to zero anything i got in the steve's tarp awareness second one and then the other guy had to run back in the storm or there's another storm after i got the thirst and i i didn't know the dude i killed had a launch pad i saw it literally last second but i i was dead anyways right i couldn't even have gotten out i don't even know i was like really scuffed i pickaxed the dude and and he died so i got the point for it oh my god that's so funny i got hit for like 70 when i jumped down with you but i swear i was covered i killed two when i dropped down too nice good job did you get the thirst on him or yeah yeah he got it you got to move i got a really good refresh on the kid before that but like i didn't find like i broke through a tarp and they were waiting for me it's weird yeah i mentioned playing med k right here i'm not even watching it well that's one of our best performances uh it wasn't one it definitely this season our best but um last season we we had better ones i mean the other times like we didn't even have a drop spot so like at least you have a drop spot now i mean the last one we did but we got like we had like ten times the whole game or the whole uh attorney yeah well we got yeah we got top 100 yeah no we got close we didn't get we are 102. oh 102. damn it's not bad wait i see us twice on the leaderboard is there like a fake us or is it just bugged no it's just bugged that'd be funny though someone named then us yeah we're 99th and 102nd yeah we outplaced we oh my god i'll put wait wait wait wait we have a place we and wavy deco oh my god every type of uh you know who um no yes what the heck well then maybe we don't need to scream then yeah i mean i would still love to just because like uh i i like we literally what was the last time we played as a trio like four days ago yeah no like seven days later like it's like the last cash i think it was like four days ago i don't know it was four days ago because we ended up playing like a couple games together and i forgot yeah those are most of the limbs too yes yeah bro i fragged out i'm not trolling like i got so many kills this cash cup not [Music] how many kills i get i got that doesn't even show us on the leaderboard for me i'm gonna restart my game seven nine thirteen uh fifteen eighteen twenty one twenty one kills how many kills did we get as a trio i got fourteen we got fifty something am i officially the fragger because i got the most kills um you know there's some variables so am i obviously chrissy i do [Music] absolutely insane [Music] no the update is coming out i gotta decide if i'm gonna go just leave alone well it's the update tonight at like one yeah in preparation for a patch services will be disabled at approximately 1 30 a.m pacific that's a late disable what the heck yeah it is normally it's 12 30. i might just wake up at like 4 a.m and do it yeah you're gonna do a stream or a video uh both you're fancy boogas late game boogas like you no no no no no no i mean yeah i'm not a person we were so consistent dude we got a first place win with eight kills first game then we got third with eight kills then fourth with four kills then we died early 27th then we died right before the placement 10th with seven kills then the next game same thing 11th with three kills next game we got 27 i think we died off spawn again in the next game we got first with 13 kills we won with 13 kills and then that last game eight to seven kills like that was like a consistent i don't know how he didn't like i don't care what you guys say i think that was our best tournament that we've played i don't care what you said yeah i think in terms of consistency it was uh it was really good yeah if we just turn those 27 or i guess those are off spawners if we turn those 11th place games into like five fifth grade yeah yeah yep yeah yeah honestly i'm not i'm gonna lie i'm gonna be completely transparent you did really really good today thanks you did you did i'm not gonna lie and i like your comments to you like i don't have anything thanks and you're honestly we just can't have fun we just can't have fun during these no fun we can't no fun in the patch they remove fun sorry yeah if we have fun it just it just ruins the comes you know because then we're talking about arena anytime i try to like no scope someone or like do something fun like that i die and i feel stupid yeah see like if we play like picture riffles if we play like that every time i would definitely like trios more oh we can that's the thing i know i know oh wow why is there infantry what the heck what do you think of your team now um okay what was the worst thing that we can improve i actually don't think there was much um i think we need to work on like getting i mean we did pretty good for refreshes today but there was a couple games where we didn't get refreshes and it cost us to die right before the replacement i think we needed three men into a box at that point to be honest yeah i agree but that might be i don't know if that's like a yukon or what but where are you landing i'm hanging on dog house oh my god there's a million dudes here this is so laggy why is this laggier than the tournament that's what i was just thinking oh my gosh i got sprayed no right here i'm good yeah oh let me through yeah i'm gonna look click done stay where you are yeah right here on this layer though behind you okay watch out oh above the guy just vibing on higher right now well ground we get double frames three two three three two one just get it all those kids come in triple i'm holding walls holding walls holding walls splash what the heck he's going to kill me throw me back oh i tried it i tried oh my gosh noah's carrying us on his back i like to leave there throw me in too throw me into no no no no no [Music] no you guys smell good i don't kill you let him kill you let him kill you let me kill him cookery quickly now quickly i don't want them to kill me i'll let someone else kill me bro i'm gonna jump in that box i just don't want them to kill me i don't like them they smell you guys are not allowed to kill me i do not care it's funny because that tournament we did in wq once even when we killed one person we didn't even try to finish off the trios okay no don't die in the next like minute okay i'm gonna go grab something to eat oh homie's ringing the doorbell do you hear that what in the world td told me the paris window told me not to play what am i looking at he's ringing the doorbell still what this is so odd i'm not even trolling oh here's peace control i can talk and not double edit just a little bit though not crazy it's nice to see you do it because i do it all the time yeah i'm going the wrong way why did that kid go that way i'm dead now like hello oh my god because i followed that kid's footsteps that kid was so dukey i should not have done that well now you're dookie too yep now i'm geeky i was assuming that so that was zone over there because he tried to go that way what the heck man okay i think it's time wait where's rangy i'm gonna say i think it's time for us to play oh my god okay if he's cancelled yeah i died because my fruit flies started rubbing a little bit too fast one more boom one more boulder oh my booger oh my god then i have to go then i have to go oh td 2d oh td the common td i'm 99 sure this dream's fake jack there's no way he's still there yeah it's definitely fake then how do you get verified then yeah it's so weird because you can't uh change your name once you're verified you can't no like ever until um you can ask to get re-verified but they're not going to re-verify a dream you know i mean banana it's all good dm you homie i'll believe where you land on a pepper however where are you laying on pepper where you land right here i have attack [Music] on me you know i killed him i'm here with you holding him holding him calm down you okay i'll save them i'm down how about you oh thank you welcome where'd you take me from i see you from wobbing your power tv is big that's what they all say is weird that they call it big even though it's only four oh you really think it'd be more than that it's very jersey though like it's a good one [Music] we're here right here oh yeah bro somebody boxed me on our team help me peppa i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive can you save him can you shave him i'm just good i'm good nobody's here i'm ready to get away get away i'm resting right now nice good job can you live yeah nice i think i wanted you back for me by acting with the enemy yeah i got them both down as soon as that peace control that i could i killed the kid on the ground that sprayed me down okay i think you got peppa hey peppa mike carol baskin guilder husband harold gives me bad bad vibes from the old tick tock that means i've gotten into uh kid's right here he's a sniper oh okay wait carl's really in my chat what's up carl no way the big carl brown wait are you that guy from mr beast carl that's crazy that's crazy i love you man i love you i love you carl oh carl there's some tubular carl just got me there one shot on me right that dead on me i just feel like a fish the army we're like literally crawling in the pit i know how the heck this kid is alive i boxed him so hard and you just sat there with his gun couldn't edit on yeah yep that's peppa oh whoa what's that noise what the frick still have x off in the description except why'd you even tell me you could have just like kept it this guy's pumped one shot it worked but what are the odds dreams in the chat and also carl like that's a little odd yeah that's two big juicers that's the two of the big cojones did you like do me a favor and never do that again i'd appreciate it your mom really liked it wait what yeah i thought we're gonna stop the tournament the don't worry if you tweet i'm gonna tweet all right okay you can tweet go ahead no you know what i won't tweet you're not we're not worth it okay you're not worth it but you're gonna laugh oh shoot oh my gosh wow dude you hit him with the left peek so rare yo i'm panicking [Music] i don't oh and i'm 24. are they up or down or what we're just doing that guy guys i think we're we're not high enough can we sky base up like i don't think we're high enough i don't know wait noah what oh that guy just no oh i sprayed this guy no thanks for the limb buddy they're either they're reviving they're reviving here i'm gonna thunder pump this kid from the sky not rolling oh i'm gonna shot at is that you wait i'm stoking this yo help my team okay that's okay better hold dead full dead folded i knocked one i knocked on y'all didn't hold me and knocked on the alden oh my god i just almost got the best clip of a lifetime there's one of those i'm not trolling dad wow i'm actually let's go wait that's not one of you oh my god i literally almost clipped this guy don't perish awareness check awareness oh bro i was gonna wear this check home i'm assisting him oh my gosh oh my gosh my tarps are insane my tarps is insane oh my gosh are insane one person one person one person one person dead let's go we are the champs at the end of the day aren't we all booga guys i don't know typically that's better than oh my god yeah i mean that's a free video bro but loki y'all don't have the the the the mindset well i would but i have like 10 different things i have to edit and i just don't want no you don't have 10 different things you have 10 tinnitus all right it's different okay okay don't care didn't ask you think it matters hello oh my god a swear word dude gg's name is literally on fire compared to ears and then mine ranger like yeah them higher level you go up the more fire there is not really wait yeah every every 100 levels there's like more flame oh yeah i have a lot of flame dude i have a lot yeah you should play more all right i play more buddy yeah you don't actually have the flame yeah if you would practice and scream with us i'd play more you know why don't you get the metallic wrist huh let's get the metallic rest ever did nobody land here with us who's here with me oh on the on the launch pad on the pad or gosh the supply drop you come with me come with me i'm coming on me typical gamer just as used to that so he doesn't say anything about it you're getting here getting in oh tv oh bro we were in there with a double i thought we were going to get that ranger that looked clean too right here dude this guy has one hp i promise you i gotta knock up there bro where did this dude go i'm actually popping off i'm not trolling he's going crazy bro he won't die my man is unstoppable i'm not even trolling this guy kills me i'm quitting fortnite forever 54 white they adamantly killed them oh my gosh bro i have hit this guy for so much does he have a shotgun i can use well i'm literally 200 from them what are you talking about there's a purple smash at the bottom i'm gonna paddle right here you're leaving your teammate bad eye joe bad shaq this kid he's not aware and he's dead he's not chad i'm not aware either he doesn't have the check yeah this kid is a part of that verification check that's actually a funny ranger's gonna get clipped no cap i come to my conan ranger what he's one he's one oh dude how do you slide through that oh my gosh i'm coming with you ranger well i'm actually just notification there might wait that i think i shot him through the wall a little bit and i'm gonna lie here andrew takes just a little bit he just banged him just a little bit oh what in the world okay nothing's building that's cool up here up here ranger coming i'm getting sprayed this guy's a 183 uh all blues i hit one of them for a lot over there wait truck with me thank you oh coming up coming up coming up oh let's get a piece i think we grabbed each other's edits there's a guy here oh 116 okay i'm not with you i'm not with him come back up for a long time coming up yellow girl then i'm one third right now right here both of them as well oh my gosh oh my god i get the roof i'm getting the roof bro actually you good yeah yeah i'm trying to figure out where this guy went in ranger sorry a combo ranger i was caring about the gamers while being a little bit in there in the air in there knocked yeah he jumped down what is happening there bro some weird stuff is happening down here you don't want this i know it's dead yeah i don't feel bad all right being the guy but he was dead set on thursday she come with me gotta go don't worry i'm coming oh my gosh if i had a second more i was gonna pump this guy mid-flight uh uh we should go on this hill ranger oh i'm kidding i'm coming with you i'm landing on this build car no you're watching the igl you're watching the audio though yeah i'm concurrently getting juice i think i love you oh my gosh today i think i'm getting better after spectating right now i'm getting better now okay okay no way are you in height nobody's on high okay come on night old man old man beams old man beams ranger you get over there yeah i'm just kind of six six six six six six there's three of them on you you're dead you're dead you're dead bro i know who i am i've cracked them all over there coming over no come on gamer is that you wait a cd actually offers rocks right now a little bit a little bit a bit who just shot at me i actually can't tell where anyone is right now got two i'm fully in here again three left oh there's uh they're ahead i'm batting yo spray this ball spread this wall for me this one oh my gosh i almost got it done inside oh i'm crazy last one must be above oh yeah he's trying he's trying to tarp up i broke one of them builds out i'm gonna i'm gonna launch pad oh my god you spray the wall spray the wall straight i can't i'm healing oh no fighter max he was dead item 49 the fans the fanduelers the fanuler [Music] one more booga for the fans i was almost buka i almost became booga yo jaguar gamer uh jack nolan stacy dennin dorian and shalina uh dakari kirkland and rajas malo thank you all for becoming members appreciate that waleed uh it's joey cody's birthday joey curry happy birthday man i hope he has the best birthday ever man he's amazing mother i learned a lot from him and a great guy happy birthday joey let's go let's get a happy birthday chat for joey i'll leave the mvp too uh and also and jay got her one you're bad she's a great part of the teacher leading a big help in all the chats congratulations her team digi tg elite in arizona let's go and hey thank you for the one year in stain and give it up for ancient chat guys you already know who she is duty man i love your vision you're the best youtuber in the world thank you dude man judy man thank you dude man appreciate that for real and then andrew the ten i'm very proud of owner of a shiny new one-year badge and you have the most amazing community and i'm so happy to be part of it i appreciate you samara and all the teach elites so much let's go edge let's get some hearts in chat for that awesome donut and the awesome support by the one and only and if you guys donate via super chat i'll read that in just a second i have a 4 million special over on tg plays that i uploaded so make sure you go check that out and i'll have a more tg video very very soon as well yes i am here i am under money i think that might be rocks huh i i think that guy that you almost walked might be frocked oh my god i should cook this guy this guy the the girl oh my god this chick's one shot yeah 48 48 on her up top on height angle noah i'm jumping i'm jumping jumping jumping hit him hard wait how did you say hit him hard i i thought i hit him like 80. i didn't see oh maybe maybe baby maybe do you need a big pot uh oh wait down here right down here down here one shot box dead oh my gosh wait you just rolled back here these kids are like one shot one shot one shot i shoved my gun you learned through his body alert that's right in my box in the box in my box there we go i'm actually on one right now oh my goodness wait do you need a pepper you look like you ended the end of heaven no bad columns he's just like doing his own thing something okay right there's no one there no what are you doing bad comes ben is there somebody here healer i pat it over here oh that was not a good padilla uh commuler i'm going right here [Music] that is that is how we should go on every single person that's by themselves yeah hopefully they're all just bad you know yeah hopefully everyone we fight in fncs grand finals it's just it's horrible right if you isolate quick enough if we isolate quick enough wow the gold flank i mean i didn't get the kill but like that was good you're crazy question where's it going yeah the oh this team is easy down here is this oh my gosh i ate him sword guys do you see it on the blue mark i'm running yeah at the wall above you all right now i'm here i'm here oh my gosh noah i pieced them from the other side i don't even want to hear it no wow bro what are you saying i coned him just kidding i was literally messing around with the guy on the ground and i died to him is he better than you where is he you learn it's like technically typical gamer better than both of us yesterday right here right here oh my gosh what the heck jonesy it's a pleasure to see you it's a very sad time yeah i beat noah yesterday so i'm actually the igl that's why i was taking over today oh yeah i forgot we calmed it we can't do a condo we cutting it that's crazy oh hi hi no no yeah i'm coming here i was just sliming around it is a much needed words that i am speaking iris typicalgamer oh nevermind i dropped my pepper wow like nice freaking i could have patted but i'm not a baby yeah when i a dead baby no i'm not a baby i died a man oh yeah yeah i died a man so that though baby good baby no alive baby you're not alive baby oh and he might be dead doing play like he didn't know what risky baby he's a whiskey you're already only hitting for 50. do you ever watch the movie boss b that's literally noah right now i actually haven't that comes dude you gotta look like boss baby you know that like a little bit let's go used to be obsessed great movie i'm sad he's one layer low he's on vent vent layer i'm out of here bros it's a good smell he's padding what a baby pretty much everyone here smells you smell good baby and poop yourself why are you trying to squeeze through a little because this kid i was might get stuck i don't have ranger to help me every time i get stuck okay tg wait hold on it's not yet at least yeah if i see your power one more time i'll put i'm about to buy you diapers the big baby wow look that was noah a couple games ago oh my god you turned into booga mother world cup champion your shout out to josue martinez carlos collins and uh nice guy i don't add anyone specifically but thank you for the support brother uh shout out to uh mack daddy cotter thank you my guy kevin misel with the 20 no message okay bro harley ritter we have uh justin burns jade ramsey keep it good work our daughter your skyler loves watching you play uh she's currently leaning in bed watching play let's go shout out skyler i'm glad she's enjoying the gameplay this is a banger stream for sure xd toxic toxic default thank you for that uh samir games uh lieutenant let me teach you when i grow up want to be like you and i don't care what clan you get in but i want you to be in one i was trying to get in your random duo but your delay love you hey big shout out to you homie i appreciate you support and thank you for being the best for real um we'll see what happens we'll see what happens homie uh we have savion thank you apollo the pup what's up brandon westy shout out to you william welch with spdx uh j-dog bob stacy dennin trenton vaughn uh stacy denton again marwan thank you and thank you for the congrats on tg plays isabella jose are you streaming the update maybe maybe david gonzales thank you for that landon morales shout out to you as well and your cousin isaiah assault renegade ttv jayden moore thank you man big shout out to you uh art assassin thank you for that as well you should get your own skin fortnite i thank you for your support dude wolfmaster i love your streams keeps getting amazing working i was wondering if you can play apex legends sometimes i love your old apex stream and i've been watching you for almost four years now i will definitely play it again shout out to wolfmaster thank you for your support and thank you for being so freaking awesome for real big shout out to you homie oh oh you legitimately suck them through the ramp i don't care what anyone says i gotta go i gotta go but i won't see you for another week yeah what do you mean literally the booga tournament on wednesday yeah the booga tournaments in two days and then fmcs i don't know for teammates anymore but you know maybe friday noah please decide noah please decide actually ranger and please decide i've already decided i'm not avoiding you oh okay noah decide in private and nobody flames you and then we'll say you broke your wrist or something yeah yeah we'll come up with a lot that's funny but decide let us know okay because we need to find a little placement for you i think i don't know i think i'll just play i don't think it's a big deal like i feel like we're just playing for fun anyways so okay stop yelling oh my god what is the original one that you guys said what is that like pepper yes this whole time i thought you were saying pebble it sounds like peppery when we say it like that sir pebble yeah this booga cup is either gonna be really fun or really bad i don't know uh i can ready up after i finish reading these donuts and in my stream but i give me two minutes okay uh your shout out to chris floyd after years of watching from middle school to me graduating high school this year i can finally make myself known what's up tg brett let's go chris big shout out to you homie i appreciate the love and um thank you for your long time support it's very clear nate dog thank you for that we have strikesy shout out to you too steady j josue martinez do you pay pro players to coach you no i haven't paid anyone to coach me yet uh just friends and you know people who are interested jonas linfus uh greetings from sweden you already know love the comments streams keep it up you're the best thank you jonas i think today was one of our best performances so i'm pretty happy about it phone junkie 15 no message we have polks the good gamer with vive hey typical gamer been a fan since 2016 you have inspired me make gta channel you have no idea how good you are and you make millions happy thank you man that's that's a very nice comment from me homie big shout out to you uh wolfmaster thank you for becoming a member jaden allen with somebody you've been watching since gta days keep it going to work we'll do jayden i appreciate the 10. very kanye rishi patel thank you for that uh and then we've tick tock holston's bakery thank you thank you thank you um i don't know i might do gta stream later this week in new world probably when it comes out again i think but yeah that's gonna be for this one guys if you guys want to support me in the item shop may support my future run for nikon skin who knows what might happen no guarantee but if you use my code epic might get impressed maybe they'll be like this guy needs an icon again so go punch it in code typicalgamer all one word uh go watch the new tg plays video where i did the 4 million subscribers special it's a banger and you should check it out on tg plays a link in the description below and then we got a new video going up on uh more tg in just a bit so make sure to go uh check that out but seriously big shout out to everyone appreciate the love and i will see you guys later thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day and peace out that's the wrong screen good game it's uh
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 1,293,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KHSRr8-rLtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 40sec (13900 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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