TRIGGERED: Taking Back Your Mind In The Age Of Anxiety Part III | Pastor Steven Furtick

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this is week three of a series called triggered the subject is taking back your mind in the age of anxiety the text for today is Luke chapter 10 verse 38 through 42 and I want to share this scene with you in an appropriate way we're gonna really have a wonderful time today this is a practical message and kind of a funny little story that Luke put in his gospel account and since we're talking about this thing about anxiety and taking back our minds I think we not only have to look at that in the deeper sense but just in the simple everyday ways that life bumps us and bruises us and causes us to be sensitive and touchy and so this passage is kind of interesting for that purpose let me read it to you now Luke chapter 10 verse 38 as Jesus and His disciples were on their way he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him and so they're on their way to Jerusalem actually for a trip and that's where Jesus was always headed he's always headed to the cross no matter what he's doing if he's healing people he's heading to the cross he's he's focused he knows his ultimate goal and that's why nobody was able to get Jesus off track or off mission because he knew what he came to do and he knew that that meant suffering and he knew that that meant putting aside certain things and and agendas of people and and maybe not necessarily living up to their preferences he was headed to Jerusalem but a lot of things happen along the way how many know that in life a lot of things happen along the way it'd be a fun little Bible study for you sometime Lisa just circle every time in the Bible that somebody was on the way somewhere and something crazy happened something good enough to get in the Bible happened and they were just on the way somewhere and life is like that because some of God's greatest invitations come through life's little interruptions just put that there in your in your phone life's right right now put it in the phone greatest invitations God's greatest invitations come through life's little interruptions so it's like right before this story Jesus is telling about the Good Samaritan remember they're passing by the sky and they're in a hurry to get somewhere and they couldn't be bothered to stop because they were distracted by what was on their schedule and sometimes the distraction will be what you planned and the agenda of God will be revealed in something that you didn't know was going to happen and you don't have any margin in your life you'll walk right past the stuff that God puts in front of you because you will be so focused on your goals and sometimes God's gifts happen on the way to your goals and you find out that he had something different in mind for your day or for your week or for your life and so okay I gotta go on a little faster NISS and then my preaching is kind of like that some of the stuff that means the most is just little things like that that happened along the way so they're on their way somewhere they come to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him she has sister called Mary who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said but Martha was distracted everybody shout distracted by all the preparations that had to be made and she came to him and asked Lord don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself tell her to help me Martha Martha look at your neighbors say their name twice Martha Martha the Lord answer you are worried and upset about many things but few things are needed or indeed only one mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her I want to use for sermon title today the movie in my mind have you been to this movie in the theatre of your own anxious imagination my movies are often rated rr4 ridiculous just the stupid stuff that I could make up in my mind and even this week I was dreading something so much and when I actually did it I had nothing to dread it was actually super enjoyable when I did it it was the best part of my week but I made it something in my mind doesn't make these movies in my mind because I'm a director of dysfunction and in my mind I make these movies and sometimes it's editing scenes that have happened with scenes that never will happen and so the the movie in my mind usually when I want to get to know somebody and I never met him before I'll just ask them what kind of music they like and then if they say I don't really like music then I'm done with them you have no soul there's nothing more to talk about and then if they if they start listing you know it was weird when your pastor people will say Christian answers to everything so you'd be like what's your favorite movies and they'll start listing you know been her 10 commandments Facing the Giants fireproof just rattle it off every movie that ever had somebody gets saved in it and I don't have the heart to tell them because I'm supposed to be a man of God I don't usually like Christian is this horrible I don't always like Christian movies I don't hardly ever like Christian movies now I know this is gonna be a boycott in this particular worship experience because this is the most religious crowd that I preach to and so I know on your Netflix you only watch seventh heaven reruns but now I'm saying that in my in my personal taste I don't have a I don't really have a lot of tolerance for movies where everything goes right I'm like you know what I like I only like movies where by the end everyone is dead if everyone is not dead at the end of the movie I don't know why I it's I like the movies where at the end is blood everywhere blood of the Lamb I love put that hymn for the church people I know I don't I don't like the movies and I was talking to some of our staff the other day about this and they were all talking about this one movie I said I hate that movie in this Christian movie and that felt like the Antichrist cuz I'll say I hate that movie is too perfect everything's feel good I like my movies gritty and one of the people standing around gave me different perspective they said well when when I go to the movies I don't drop 54 dollars on a movie ticket so I can see more of what's already in my real life because in my real life it's gritty enough so I need my movies g-rated and yet the Bible now we gotta talk about the Bible today so we came for the the Bible is rated G for gritty yeah yeah and so parental supervision is required to get into this Bible but then every once in a while you see something in the Bible like what we just read you'll wonder why is that in there if there's only so many verses that we can use to communicate God's eternal plan of redemption to humanity why this little I mean this is this is not epic Jesus goes to a home the sisters fight why it's not very good script it's not very good scene in the movie you might want to cut that one Luke take that one out get on to the next part where he teaches the Lord's Prayer the Good Samaritan thing that was good this scene yeah I'm kind of glad because my life is not always very epic I'm usually not marching into the Promised Land on Monday obviously sitting in the carpool line or sending Holly off to sit in a carpool line let's be honest so I'm glad thing that God put some stuff in the Bible that feels like what I can relate to I mean the most epic thing that might happen to me this week I might get five more pounds on the bench press that might be my most epic accomplishment this week probably not I got a shoulder thing so the most epic thing that happened to me last week this is this is a good Scripture because the the most epic thing that happened to me last week I don't know about you but getting to watch my son Elijah on that football field oh he has such a good game he was shedding fools I counted five on one play and I'm telling you it was epic to you its eighth grade football to me it's Rudy I want to carry that boy all my Soler's off the field and so a lot of the lessons that I need for my life it's not how to deal with epic situations but just everyday situations in term artha can I say something else that y'all aren't gonna like since y'all are already questioning am I saved since I don't like the Christian movies in this passage my favorite character is the one that Jesus corrected I might as well go on record I like Martha more than I like Mary I know I'm not supposed to I know Jesus uses Mary as the hero of this story who's doing what she's supposed to be doing and sitting at the large feet and listening to his words and soaking in the revelation of the Savior but have you ever tried - have you ever tried to have Mary on your staff I might as well come out with it my face sometimes I like the wrong movies and sometimes I like the wrong characters my favorite character in this story is the one who's getting crapped on I like people oh stop well you know Martha had a Martha had a bad attitude and and mary has a gofundme see notice what the text said the text said a woman named Martha thirty-eight opened her home to him Martha is paying the mortgage so before we beat up on Martha for being too busy let's just know if it were up to Mary Jesus would have had to eat at the soup kitchen thank God for Martha before we tear her apart we should really celebrate Martha I like what that one dude said on Twitter that actor he said if you are not yelling at your kids you're not around them enough that's the sign of an absentee parent I never yell at my children mm-hmm you don't pick them up drop them off or make them do anything and they're gonna be in prison one day cuz you don't yell at your kids all of us Martha parents we are trying to keep our children I heard a man sounded like Martha in here you like Martha - I like Martha I like Martha cause she's her name means master that's what her name means and she's probably a widow there's no mention of her husband she's managing but when Jesus rebukes her he's correcting her distracted approach and verse 40 is important let's read it she was distracted not by candy crush not by Instagram but by all the preparations that had to be made and we know that Jesus wants to eat something and he corrects her for cooking for him that's strange to me that he rebukes the responsible one and as I reflected on it I began to see myself in Martha instead there was nothing really wrong with her actions what Jesus was correcting was her attitude she was distracted watch this by all the preparations that had to be made somebody had to do it it wasn't what she was doing Jesus wasn't mad at Martha because she was busy in fact the reason he liked her house is probably because it was clean and the reason it was clean is because she doesn't sit around praying 23 hours and 59 minutes a day but her attitude in this passage is what I want to look at I don't give you five things today and a little seminar format that will help those of you who feel distracted the literal meaning of distraction is pulled apart what a great picture is that inside each mind that is trying to listen to me today is a series of priorities trying to pull you in different directions that's why I would really say if you don't have to use your phone to write notes in church don't if you could write them down with your hand do because maybe this can be one place where you don't get pinged and Bing and ding and you're not swiping anything or liking anything or maybe this can be one place where you don't have to get notified that nothing important is happening and yet you don't really need your device cuz you have your divided mind that's the distraction Factory you know your mind not the person next to you not the things that are waiting for you when you get back home but he said she was distracted it wasn't her actions it was her attitude I'm gonna stay there so you don't start feeling bad because you're overwhelmed you don't start feeling guilty I think I think guilt is the root of Martha's bad attitude in this passage and I'll show you that because there are five characteristics not of what is happening in the house of what's happening in Martha's heart and the movie in her mind and the first thing we see here is that Martha goes from managing the situation to manipulating the situation and the first thing that makes a bad movie in my mind is a spirit of manipulation manipulation is when I start holding the responsibility that God has given me rightfully too tightly manipulation is a subtle shift when I care about something and instead of caring about it and caring for it or caring about someone I can easily find myself beginning to try to control something that God has called me to care about when you care deeply about something it is very easy without even knowing it to slip into this Martha mindset where you find yourself doing the right things on the wrong level and we see that Martha has become manipulative in her approach here because she tells Jesus what to tell her sister this is classic manipulation this is a very passive way to try to get her way because some people manipulate with their words other people manipulate with their silence but my kids try this trick on me quite often dad will you please tell mom that we need more time for fortnight no as a matter of fact I will not tell mom that you need more time for fortnight because that is my wife and we are a team and we stand together and United and we are not a house divided so don't bring your little manipulative spirit up on me like I'm gonna choose you over my wife I can't French kiss you I can French kiss her and if you think I'm gonna lose points with her I got my priorities straight I know where my bread is buttered say it verdict and I think Martha is manipulating because she's being manipulated I think she's being manipulated by something within her that needs everything to be just right I think Martha had a script in her mind of how Jesus's visit needed to go and in the script in her mind of how Jesus visit needed to go you know the movie in her mind she needs Mary here and Jesus here and the pots here and the pans here and the fish here and the chicken here and the huh and watch this Jesus rolls with 12 guys up into her home in Bethany two miles from Jerusalem and somebody has to make sure that something is on the table somebody has to manage this I want to apologize for preachers who don't know what it's like in the real world preachers who don't understand that if you're gonna provide for your family sometimes it's gonna mean that you might not be able to be in church every single weekend I understand I understand this is a priority for you but I understand you're not perfect and that manipulation that happens sometimes even religious manipulation it can make you feel like you're never winning anywhere I can't be here one guy said one time I'm gonna do my country preacher nobody ever said on their deathbed I wish I'd spent more time at work and the whole church said amen and the whole church felt sufficiently crappy and the whole church thought simultaneously I'm not on my deathbed yet and right now my kids need braces so I might not say on my deathbed I wish I had spent more time at work but when my kids need braces I might need a little money and if I'm gonna get a little money I might need to spend a little time at work and I'm very sorry that I cannot be the emotional provider and the financial provider and so you see what's happening I'm getting distracted and now I'm getting pulled not between the good and the bad but between two good things guilt though manipulate you and it'll make you somebody that you're not and it'll make you start lashing out you start feeling you know you're not really performing over here so now you want to put your guilt trip on somebody else there's all the preparations hey to be made this is the second attitude that I see in Martha that I see in me is the spirit of obligation and it shifts so quickly it's right here in the text if you read it it says all the preparations that had to be made had to be had to be obligation I gotta go to work no you don't I'm serious you don't have to you don't have to look at your neighbor and say you don't have to and if your neighbor didn't say that to you say you don't have to bunch of disobedient Gentiles when the worship leader says you know lift your hands you have to you don't have to that was freedom for me it was simultaneously challenging and comforting because I was going out the door one Saturday night to preach I guess my attitude wasn't in the best place and in that moment one kid wanted this and one kid wanted that and they wanted me to see something I think Graham had built a fort in the woods but you know a Ford in the woods is really cute on Friday my day off but on Saturday I got a sermon to preach yeah and I think our kids need to see sometimes that they are not the center of the universe this is not a parenting seminar back to the text verdict all the preparations that had to be made they had to be made and I was going out the door I said I gotta go preach I gotta go preach God arrested me the Holy Ghost just I don't know how this works for you but it stopped me in my tracks and God said you don't gotta go I said really no you don't gotta go don't show up and see if the world stopped spinning I want you to do something for me if you get a minute this week I know you're busy Martha but if you get a second this week write down everything that you got to do I mean make a big old list of responsibilities every every test you got to study for you don't have to study I'm gonna tell you ask your pastor I don't know what your parents are telling you I'm gonna tell you you don't have to study you don't have to pass you don't have to get a job you don't have to live in doors when you're an adult and nobody is paying the bills anymore you don't have to I think that I think the spirit of obligation is the enemy of joy and what happens naturally is that things that used to feel like a great opportunity start to feel like an obligation and that's the way the enemy gets married to start acting like Martha I don't think this text is so much about two different women as it is about two different tendencies I don't know about you but the text said that Mary and Martha lived in the same house well in my mind Mary and Martha live in the same heart because I find times where I'm like Mary and I know what's important and I'm not gonna be moved and I'm sitting in this moment and I'm taking this opportunity and I'm grateful for what God has given me and then all of a sudden it comes out of nowhere I don't even see it coming around the corner this Spirit of God - this spirit of me - this spirit of half - but the moment I start feeling the pressure I have to remember the privilege that I don't got to do it I get to do it this is a privilege people of God we don't have to be in church I didn't come to church today cuz I'll go to hell if I don't I came to church today she's worthy of my praise I want to worship Him I want to glorify Him I want to in the deep places in the recesses in my heart of hearts I want to give the king of pigs the praise that he deserves [Applause] please don't ever come to this church cuz you got to don't ever come here cuz you got two people trekking from Benz Ville to get here cuz they want to cuz I want to cuz I want to look at the person next to you smile say I want to I want to cook that meal I want to scrub those dishes I want to wipe those countertops God gave me the counters to have a top to put on it so I want to get to the place I'm not there but Martha stay back I'm having a merry moment I'm sitting here cuz I get to don't interrupt me with your half - I want to I get to I'm going to I'm about to I'll fix it - I get to do it now take 10 seconds and praise him like nobody's making you do it you don't want to you don't have to but it's you're thankful that it gods are there [Applause] I'm going I'm going to preach I don't got to but I'm going I'm going after all why is Martha so upset it was her idea to host these people in the first place this is gonna help all of us who have let our sense of obligation which really emanates from a place of genuine desire to be responsible but it's not our responsibility that Jesus rebukes it's our it's our it's our heart it's not our hustle he likes to see you make the most of your day but don't sit there at your kids game because somebody else is at all their kids games somebody I'll go to too many games drop that little mediocre soccer player off and don't do something you want to do [Applause] they probably won't score anyway there's not gonna be anything to video I'm playing Martha Martha you don't you're running around doing all this stuff we would rather you be here we'd rather you'd be nice and the food tastes bad we're at we're here to be with you I don't think we believe that so we got to do stuff for God we could never believe that he cares more about us than he does about it so what happens is we we judge others you ever done this before never done and now we have we have a courtroom called it called social media or we can deliberate all day she thinks that actually looks good on her she's too old to be wearing that somebody needs to tell her teller that's what Martin said teller Jesus tell her that dress is too tight teller she's 53 not 15 teller oh I know they can't afford to be on vacation what are you their accountant but now be careful because if you want to sit in the seat of judge you'll end up the victim of your own judgments the measure you use it will be measured back to you and then you might find yourself anxious like others are judging you but I wonder if you are a victim of your own decisions victimization tell her to help me she left me all along Mary didn't send the invitation look at the text it says a woman named Martha look at it a woman named Martha opened her home to him so look at your neighbors say this was your idea I don't understand people who come to church and look at their watch the whole time it was your idea to come this was your idea have you been complaining about the schedule that you made you said yes to all this stuff you're the one who over committed and then we run around and we want other people to start treating our bad decisions like their urgent priorities Martha Martha why did he say it twice to get her attention she's running around you know she's making noise in the kitchen to let everybody else know cuz look Mary is at the feet of Jesus it's just for the late Norman campus Martha Martha Raye say Martha I'm talking to the Martha in me I'm talking to that mindset in me that victim mentality in me she starts as the judge and she ends up as the victim comparison will always kill contentment and she has no peace and that's what bothers Jesus Martha I can't wait to taste your Brussels sprouts you make the best Brussels sprouts in Bethany I love the bacon that you put in your Brussels sprouts it's delicious well Jesus is Jewish we'll take that bacon part out but hello she was distracted anxious split worried and upset that's the problem is that she is she is interpreting this is the forth one interpretation the movie in my mind is a foreign film and I start interpreting things to mean what I think they mean and I start interpreting the fact that people didn't check on me to mean that they don't care about me this is what happens to Martha when you have no margin and when you are operating trying to control things and manipulate things you have to do it you just got to get it done in you you no longer get a sense of get to but it's got to and you get to become got to sit happens all the time happens all the time that make you a bad person it just means Martha Martha needs to sit down Martha a victim the one who owned the home became a prisoner in her own idea in her own mind the movie is in her mind it's not my life that's making me crazy it's my movie I feel the Holy Ghost I said I feel the Holy Ghost it's not mine it's not my life it's my mind and look what she says to Jesus she says Lord this verse 40 don't you care I'm Jesus like not really I care about you but I don't care about what you care about right now you've got too many things on your mind that you think matter you've got too many things on your list that you think you can't live without so your kids can't go to can't go to can't go to what's the grocery store give me grocery store I heard some bougie people say Whole Foods let's use Publix now they can now they can't ride the Publix without a DVD they can't write it's - it's 12 minutes and we can't go 12 minutes without a movie in the backseat do you know how long I had to ride in silence after the batteries on my Walkman died and now you need a movie just to get down the street the devil is a liar sit and think about something and pray to Jesus and sing a song me too much I don't care say it I don't care I don't care about what you care about Jesus said I don't care Lord don't you care she interprets the fact that he is not doing what she wants him to do as a sign that he does not care about her and nothing could be further from the truth I care more about you Martha than you care about you and that's why I wish she would just be here with me I feel it I feel the resistance cuz you're like yeah but like okay traffic just put my mother in a nursing home kind of Hartford knows what he's happen you think they're two different things I did too I thought I thought Jesus was contrasting in this passage work and worship and I thought he was saying that worship is better than work I ran it over and over again cuz I thought that can't be right because all throughout the scripture like Paul says one time he says offer yourselves as a living sacrifice and everything that you do holy acceptable to God this is your spiritual act of worship it's not some lip service thing or some little song or some little section or some little Sunday thing is it's a life stuff so if that is the case what is Jesus contrasting it's not working worship really Jesus wants me to get to the place where I can't tell the difference between the two and this does not mean that you go around singing break through his coming at the bank that's not what I'm talking about and that's why I like the video Ellie said she was interning this summer she's been in the church forever but she caught this on video the interns were serving at our staff advance and they're getting ready to tear down and the presence of God hid in the auditorium but they weren't in there they were getting ready to mop floors and sweep floors and move tables and move chairs and rearrange and do all the stuff the work stuff but in the middle of work worship broke out and there was a monitor and one one one girl star head-banging you see her and one dude was on his knees and and somebody else has their hands lifted and a white guy is clapping on the wrong beat and it's very normal scene but what happened next is what I want to tell you take it down then they went and mopped then they went and swept then they went and worked after they worshiped so the strategy is this God wants me to give but I gotta get filled first if I don't get filled first I will be ministering and and living out of emptiness and when I'm living out of emptiness I'm divided I'm distracted I'm needy and I'm and I'm and I'm living I'm living my life at the level of what I expected that's the final element of this passage that I want to mention is expectation because as we think about the movie in our minds and we've spelled the word movie now with these different attitudes in this passage to realize that it's not what's happening in our lives a lot of times it's what's happening in our lives compared to the way we scripted it in our minds Martha Martha I know you expected married to help and I know you expected me to make Mary help but don't move Mary you're in the right place she's sitting at the Lord's feet doing what listening you can't interpret what God is doing if you never stop talking and listen and listen what does he want to do Jesus what do you want that's what I need to ask go what are you doing in this moment what's important right now the contrast is not between work and worship the contrast is between Minnie and one Jesus said Martha you're concerned about many things you're doing too much you'd be an extra right now Martha and only one thing is needed right now there is only ever one thing needed at any given point in time and wisdom is discerning that but to discern that let me show you what you can't do and bring me much here thank you just put it right there on that spot and I want to show you where Martha was sitting with her thank you appreciate that I know you didn't have to do it but you wanted to appreciate because in Martha's mine she was directing the movie and in reality she was just an extra let me break this down and then we'll go and get distracted and we'll get back in our crazy lives and get back in our crazy minds and worry about stupid stuff but for just a moment while we're here right now I want us to think about the inclusion of this seemingly insignificant story in the Bible about two women fighting whoa call Hollywood that's gonna make an original script no no this is just one scene because a little bit later Mary and Martha will call on Jesus to come back to Bethany you know the the story here doesn't have like an ending cuz I would love to see what Martha said back to Jesus I think that one didn't make the cut I don't know if what it was rated I don't know what she said back I can picture I can picture Martha I can picture Martha I'm Victor Martha well while you and Mary sit and sing I'm gonna go back in here and flip these burgers and y'all let y'all know when some but see Martha didn't learn it right away we usually don't because when when Mary and Martha sent for Jesus to come and heal their brother Lazarus cuz he was very sick Jesus didn't show up and deliver his lines according to their script [Applause] so Martha here slicer say she's like lights camera Jesus get here she's like ah I'm not gonna make your casting call today imma show up a little late because I have a different script in your script you expect me to show up and heal your brother and in your mind and your movie in your mind I show up I heal I save my line be healed I save my line you get married by age 23 I save my line you and your husband are married happily ever after I save my line everything works out I save my line you get the job I saved my line it works out just like you wanted I saved my line you get the house I saved my line you finish college I saved my line and your your your sister is healed your brother is healed but I'm not gonna say my line I have something else in mind this time like I'm working from a different script the Bible says that when Jesus finally did get to Bethany that Martha heard verse 20 John chapter 11 that Jesus was coming and I love this contrast she went out to meet him but Mary stayed at home her hand was on her hip waiting at the road for this rabbi who came and ate my food but didn't show up to heal my brother and while her hand was on her hip Mary's head was on her pillow Mary's not even out the bed Mary's still crying Mary shows up and tells Jesus you're not very good at this Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died didn't you get the script you were supposed to be here at least four days ago and here you are now late and I expected you then and you just show up now but I know verse 22 that even now God will give you whatever you asked she's still trying to work Jesus you know like Holi when I start taking groceries in she's like you're so strong how do you carry so many bags Bassem mace I'm not very smart it works on me but Jesus will not be manipulated jesus said to her your brother will rise again watch her she's got a script yeah he'll rise again on the resurrection at the last day already read that part cuz I wrote the script Gus this is my movie I know what's supposed to happen this is my life Mary's supposed to help and you're supposed to heal and I know how this goes jesus said to her I am the resurrection and the life and the one who believes in Me will live even though they died so Mary scripted a healing Martha scripted a healing Jesus flipped the script and gave them something greater than they could know to expect or request or guess they'll aren't happy about it you aren't happy about the fact that you don't have to direct this movie you don't have to make the movie you don't have to figure out how it ends you remember when we were watching that Quentin Tarantino movie the edited version Halle and it was looking like it was gonna be a certain ending and you asked me who made this movie again and when I told you who made it you said oh I know how this ends because if I know who made it I said if I know who made it if I know who made the movie I know how this ends and I declare in the name of Jesus today your movie doesn't end like this your movie does not end in shame and your movie does not ended this race [Music] but Martha Martha for Jesus to do what he wants to do you're gonna have to stop being the director you're gonna have to sit like this sometimes like Mary [Music] [Applause] I think there's a Mary in all of us that knows where to sit and knows what's important and that knows how to walk in step with the Holy Spirit and I think there's a Martha in all of us that means well but tries to do too much and to have a heart like Mary in a world like Martha sometimes you have to be misunderstood and sometimes you'll have to make decisions about what's important to you that won't align with what seems to be important to this pill-popping world and sometimes you'll have to say things about our family and our commitments and things that people will misunderstand I'd rather be misunderstood like Mary then distracted like Martha [Applause] came to talk to you about the movie in your mind your expectations my expectations of how life is supposed to be now the movie that God is making is way better than the one that you've scripted and I never forget when the Lord spoke to me if I always met your expectations I would never be able to exceed them if I always made your movie I couldn't make mine so Lord I want to I want to be busy like Martha coz I need I need I need to be about my father's business but I really want a heart like Mary that knows when to sit and listen and let you do your job Martha Martha this is not your place it's not your place to judge others it's not your place you're stressing yourself out trying to manage other people's decisions just make your own it's enough it's enough I hope this message reached the Martha in every heart today to just say you're doing the right things but you don't have to do them this way you know I have to live in regret even about mistakes you made because this is not your chair you need a new director you need a new movie somebody who knows how the story ends stand to your feet so we're gonna leave this this chair this role for the only one who knows how the story ends Martha oh oh I gotta show you this this is so good by the time we see Martha in her last appearance in Scripture look what she's doing this is John chapter 12 verse 1 Lazarus is up from the dead Jesus calls him forth Jesus has a better ending than they could ever have known descript as he always does and God's got his hand on your life to snow worry so much about it be still and know that He is God watch what happened they they they wanted to throw a little party for Jesus to thank him for what he did for Lazarus says six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus lived whom Jesus had raised from the dead and watch Martha here at dinner was given in Jesus honor Martha served she gets it now she knows her place now she's now using her gifts in the right way she's experienced resurrection she's experienced disappointment she's submitted her expectations and surrendered her will and I wonder what will happen if we do the same Lord thank you for your presence in this place today and thank you for your spirit that is always with us resting ruling reigning abiding with us forevermore I thank you for these people lift your hands all of their burdens before you we bring whatever they are carrying is not too much for you nothing is too hard for you you are the all sufficient God whatever season of their life they currently find themselves in and whatever scene of their life is currently playing out you have already known the end from the beginning you are a great God here at your feet today we submit and surrender all of our plans desires dreams hopes disappointments and we're here to serve you to worship you you are God and we are not hey thanks for watching the Elevation Church YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute click the subscribe button on your screen that way you won't miss a single video and if this ministry has impacted you and you'd like to partner with us to continue to reach others you can click the link in the description below to give now thanks again for watching and don't forget to subscribe
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Keywords: Elevation Church, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church sermons, Pastor Steven Furtick sermons, Sermons 2018, Steven furtick 2018 sermons, triggered sermons, triggered, steven furtick triggered, elevation church triggered, he elevation church, elevation church 2018 sermons, the movie in my mind, the movie in my mind steven furtick, the movie in my mind elevation church, triggered part 3, TRIGGERED: TAKING BACK YOUR MIND IN THE AGE OF ANXIETY PART III
Id: a-o1GkfXUdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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