Tricky Towers - #31 - DOUBLE GREEN BOYS!

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our everyone we're gonna need some tricky towers I think we always it's always been a bit because it's true we play this maybe once a month okay there we go all right we're the same person you and I it's all good let's go what's wrong Oh all right team green boy if Rick where I win we both win but neither can win no no it's a boat Jesse it's a Oh what whoa okay my controller drifted a bit there don't solve it no we're all putting our own things definitely good I'm not talking to y'all talk to the people that are watching again talking to people out there there's no price why what you got it look at me this is sleep just straight now like there really needs to be a button that you can just nuke your Tower undo button your one use undo yes I know what I mean though jazzy you know what I mean when this happens there is my tower Oh Oh like that yes what is tilted I try to like bump it do you mean but but I totally know drink as I tried to but it's like there are certain points where it's like if one little thing happens congratulations everybody like you there should just be a button that's like like destroy your tower like saccas sometimes it would be better to just be able to start over rather than that this shows sometimes the the foundation that you have is just total garbage boy and then you literally can't fix it because the game uses physics instead of you know Tetris rules which are cardinal directions go goddamnit alright something's up with my controller I swear to god I'm pressing down and then it goes to the side screws up everything Oh about to knock that in just the mark of a poor craftsman that blames his tools they're pressed oh so sideways to the edge of course nice oh god oh god everything's all fast and terrible okay what's happening now okay oh god that's pids bad okay there we go everything's terrible come on I'm out oh you guys are the best I love you awesome you know base that I just built that was such garbage my goodness oh these normal puzzles dem normal Earth's at least not easy that's true worst block to start with right there's only one thing you can do with it right yeah maybe basically I mean there's there's a couple things you can do but nothing like not what you would want to do with it something useful that's probably the worst place to put that we'll say god dude these are the blocks you give us game like seriously I don't even know oh my god I don't know what to do are you kidding this is terrible this is like every block they gave us was trash for the timing I think we - did the same thing I think so yeah that's a bad thing to do it may have been the worst puzzle we've ever yeah anyway the hands One Pillar no I think that's Dustin you guys you know three wait - jeez Louise yeah that one was stupid that's sucked not Wayne I got you guys all get let's go home oh it's game up you know what it is like my d-pad is drifting I didn't know d-pads could drift I didn't know that either they teach me so many new things today press well I've started a battle eyes y'all how's your bed going okay it's a bed of white lies no yeah your lies just killed you how those lies that can't be prosecuted come here I'm on a bed of fibs do you but it's a web of lies oh god oh god it's just like slowly starts to tilt a little bit more and more and more no by the way did you all see that that spider-verse yeah officially no snipers do yeah I'm kind of shocked it's not gonna be until 2022 but then again I mean I know how long those movies take to make it makes me more confident that they're gonna make it really good yeah but still waiting that long is gonna say oh my god all right ash okay over there lucky duck over there oh dude come on how even how even if this tower falls over I'm gonna lose my mind oh my god yep oh one of my blocks is like it's like the wind kept it afloat if I'm going I'm going down ash I'm starting to encroach into your tower please stop this is my tower please you can dude dude tower come on man oh so close ash get outta here scared me good God blow that down thank you honestly they gave me one of those ketchup mechanic ones where it throws down a bunch of cemented pieces for me real quick the ones that you had built up there were so Susie good God I'll take it I hate there's like no catching up for me now places strong foundation very firm booty for mutton like mutton you got a booty like mutton so I know you could turn these things when did that was that always a thing and I just went on that yeah yeah you've always been able to try those.i I never thought you could not turn those blocks the any of the ones that you look good how dude how did that fall like that come on crap I totally dead good I'm getting close to dead - that just saved me for just a teensy tiny bit that's superdumb one fall - I'm done goodbye my cool oh hi jasmine oh god how am I still alive here oh god I hate that no damn it oh my god yeah yeah be up there goes how many lies I'm gonna lose at least two yep at least it yeah well I'm re dead to the night how did you not die well price I'm ash won again garbage boom fur boots that's garbage seriously if they're gonna hand out islands they need to hand on islands to everybody how is it balanced if not everybody gets an island in place for a little bit and maybe you get more island build as fast as you have been right but if that's the mechanic be the worst until the game chief for you it's kind of carve it it's like I'm sorry that you press I'm just gonna stay here winning that's okay I'm just saying it's kind like the Mario mechanic Ritz the ketchup mechanic right bumper three times in work your gold you come with an asterisk if it's like but you were in last the whole time and then it and then it you got the ketchup mechanic no asterisks here okay just a hello my god I need to get a new controller because this is absolute garbage my bumper it my left bumper isn't working I'm wondering if maybe I'm gonna maybe they like because I'm having control issues too and I don't know if it's just oh yeah and played this in a while or if it knows like I've literally got a hit the bumper three times support actually works some of their stuff so maybe just it's like working differently now you know they have so much gone that's the worst it is the worst it's feeling real confident too damn it all right I need to stop trying to do that okay that I don't know how I managed to do that I did it I'm gonna try this it please work bumper guys how did you do that I'm looking at yours right now it's everyday yeah it is a marvel of human engineering but your character some kind of no I guess yeah you're human you're an archer they were like a wizard or something yeah yeah she's the tricky towers lady right any tricky towers yeah chicky chicky chicky I'm sorry tower fall I think Rick's got this you screwed a lot in there Rick if I do it it's a miracle because I've dropped so many cuz this stupid bumper is you know nope nope that sucks but still isn't that so I got room to lose last thing is like you gave yourself a ton of space down there nope that's so that room [Music] okay this is gonna be very risky I saw you do that and I was about to say if that doesn't fall flipping the table because that that there T spot is like at a friggin like 45 degree angle my goodness dang cuz I've gotten last place like four times in a row my goodness look at your score just like only silvers and golds this guy doesn't even play with last place I mean third place against yeah I'll take last was just not third place yeah last place get some witness seats yeah flash takes it cuz he's like well if I'm gonna get stirred I might as well is waiting get fourth place can I get the windows honestly he just wants legroom I just why I don't want lowest here for me oh you you want the aisle you the aisle I've got it wow that was weird the bubble that it kick the piece that I dropped I dropped that kinda like in like a little divot inside of my tower here and so it might float it up but then it was just kind of perhaps come there just floating it's looking forever we all flirt you'll float too I don't know if I want to float you like floating in the Clackamas River jasm hey is it though but is it oh that's so you did that thing and that's fine right yes that's the game but I had just used my vine move and the block I was holding had my vine on it and when you transform my block it got rid of the vine but it didn't get my power back so it also canceled my power mm-hmm that's kinda lame Oh God swinging this way and I could really use something here samesies oh my god stop it's got an island yeah but I think at first that time I was in dead last this whole time he did and you didn't get the no but you got third place I I was in dead last you're not dead last you dead first or something dead stranding just getting like terrible reviews well now maybe don't me terrible aim about being a future FedEx man alright no one wants to play that review I've read I've read the reviews they've all said the exact sit finally an island thank God they said they've all said the exact same thing which is the first 10 hours are frickin annoying and repetitive and then after the 10 hours you fall in love with it and in the last 10 hours are terrible again with the game oh yeah for sure every single review is that the same thing though so like it's universally everybody agrees there's a good game here after 10 hours I'm playing yeah and then sadly depakote count is 2 but it's gonna that's so dumb I'm so sorry about that I hate that's so much man oh damn yeah I don't send checks my goodness I got lucky with one foundation block yep yeah jazzy good job oh this is a stupid puzzle puzzle puzzle puzzle easy as Lane oh okay oh good starts great starts great oh come on man the block choices they give you sometimes are trolling you try something here I can't believe that worked okay let's firm that down try something here as well can't believe that worked that's where I have to end come on puzzle he is so dumb time there needs to be and I know this game this game's about for so long there's no way they're gonna change it but like I would love it if you could set which games you play in the Super Cup like in the Super Cup because you can set which games you play but not in the cups yeah and so it's like if we could just say like all right don't play these ones cuz like all right I'm trying to remember everyone hates it good job ash oh my god this friggin guy over here somehow he caught up before didn't matter the hubris the greed Ric got this one look at all I remember right now like we can make a cup but it's like if we want it to be like all specials they would just be all special it's not like we can exclude Easy's or something like that right no you can do all special cup I know you can do a easy cup medium cup it'd be nice if you could do like let's do everything and then check the ones you don't want to do right exactly and then check your attitude at the door yep someone in chat tell me I could use my delete bonus yeah I know I considered it and then I looked at the block that was coming up next and it was not gonna have any impact both of them we're gonna cause me to fail I deleted the first square block that we got like I think it's just because you have the ability doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be useful for you when you get the opportunities you know nobody's going the other way this time cool I mean he takes them cuz you gotta have to build the wind yeah yeah you do you buddy Oh dope why why have you done this to me I was lucky that that's in it perfectly but those are scary I hate the words are only acceptable when I get like a foundation block yeah yeah if you get that in the foundation block it's like oh thank you giant a random foundation block combo yes okay oh come on all right yes are you kidding me are you in that a row that was that was garbage that was such trash you guys are terrible friends I apologized for half of that I apologize for the other half together we make one apology oh come on what was better you buddy to deserve that after what you did deserve that damnit th everyone you gave me this this little windmill piece it's in the middle of my foundation that's the thing it screwed me up get out of here we're all the worst this what is what we're learning oh come on man really oh damn it why did I find that come on that was the worst to me that was two baddies in a row again ugh turnabout's Fair Play I have I have literally the worst scenario version of what I told you guys about look at my there is my everyone's towers fell yep hey that's the name of it - why God I don't know I don't know what I could do with this I think it's impossible which is why I would like to nuke my thing and situation give me the nuke button socks oh thank god I think you just get second all the time all the time this is this is I'll be shocked if you don't win this whole thing after everything that's happened and I swear I'm just gonna I'm burning everything to the ground I mean like I have to get ladies game it was game it's you jazz whoever wins I think he'll get there as well no no I I definitely won't how far you weight from it I'm like four or five yeah all right well then I mean two breaths cuz don't you ever get a perfect score to win I can't member no no you know last we can't go over Wow okay am I thinking of that son game it does a jack box I know jack boxes that for the newer one I could have sworn one of these games that we used to play all the time has that stipulation we play too many games hell this is already mess are you kidding me what this is garbage this is absolute garbage I hate this game man I had the most perfect hour going and then I don't know what happened there I have no idea how this is still up this is lies this is all straight lies not fall for Jasmine that is ridiculous Lou it's just balancing so so for cars seriously okay there was just some really good oh do we have to do a challenge thing does I think we do I might be a challenge cousin a second and I got first notice he's got oh yeah cuz you guys broke up plus one yeah yeah I think we have to a tiebreaker okay I remember oh we all do it that's right we all do it don't worry it's puzzle special nice how great Ash's wheelhouse hmm nothing created it lately I think I'd be curious actually cuz this is one I don't know if people have done stats for us on because if people do a lot of stats for us on some of the games we play I'd be curious to see the win rate win ratios on all the different games of this cuz I think we all think the ash is one the most ooh specials the puzzle specials of each of the each of the of the different minigames I'd be curious to see if any of us are particularly good at any of look adding jazzy I think you win a lot on the the one where we have to do it you have a certain number of pieces number oh yeah yeah yeah that one oh my goodness oh my goodness it's better not screw this up or I'm gonna be sold to do this oh I tried okay that was stupid of me I should never have done that okay so dumb [Music] okay crap I ended it too early accidentally I have not been good at this one I don't want to screw this we don't have a lightning bolt do we nope no we don't we don't get anything yeah oh I should put it down one more do brick doo doo doo god I don't even know I'm trying I don't even know who I'm trying I playing for nothing pride but I don't listen it all made the bottom yeah maybe can you look around there yeah yeah yeah you got it you got it there you go so lag made it look like it just stopped too soon yeah that's that's hard to do you were robbed [Music] does that mean so what is that now press wins I think this is just okay just add the points up well Jessie look at that you pulled ahead ash do booty booty bump can't believe it price one team us one I'll take consolation team Breen boys oh well done y'all all right that has been tricky towers hope you guys out there still like it as I think I say it then if every one of these episodes I want to see more just like made for the game even if it's just like DLC skins and stuff cuz they're cute and we keep playing this game so keep supporting this yeah how doesn't they haven't have done a tricky times you too yet how are you damn it out for real what's the matter you don't a weird beard no yeah yeah Dean anyway all that's what we call it this round tricky towers hope you guys dug it with that we're amazing this [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 35,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stumpt, Stumpt Gamers, Tricky Towers, Tricky Towers Gameplay, Tricky Towers 4 Player, Tricky Towers Multiplayer, Tricky Towers online, Tricky Towers Race, Tricky Towers Animals, Tricky Towers DLC, Tricky Towers Spirit, Tricky Towers Unlocks, Gameplay, 4 Player, Multiplayer, Tricky, Towers, Tetris, Funny
Id: RevlecBz_n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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