Tricky Ratting With The ATN4K Pro

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hello boys and girls remember me [Applause] [Music] in today's episode we are after everybody's favorite quarry the humble rat we are currently on route to a private location this is a small holding that has lots of different animals and it has lots of rats so they are going to get poisoned but before the poison goes down we're gonna go and twank some off with the air rifle stay tuned it should be a good video in today's video we're using the air arms s510 in 0.22 caliber topped off with the atn xi 4k pro scope the 5 to 20 version the additional ir is the odpro kl52 as you can see the paddock unfortunately is a little overgrown with nettles so we arrived an hour before dark to try and get the lay of the land and find out where the best shooting location may be where that little tuft is yeah just young side of it so here we are in this wallaby pen roughly an hour before dark and taking the advice of the landowner it's at this point in the day where the rats get quite active as soon as they've been fed for the evening the rats start to come out and it wasn't long before the rustling of nettles and the odd flicker of the brown rat running left and right did we find there was however an occasion early on during daylight whereby one stood still just a little too long and gave me enough of a chance to get one squeezed off nice and early a shot that is on a wrap nothing else early doors i felt like we needed to move because um having moved around in in amongst the nettles my feet were falling in many holes so we actually decided to flip around and actually shoot in the direction that we were initially standing because that's the area that gave us the best chance i feel of seeing into what was clearly the nest as you can see this rat here underneath the nettles difficult to see but nevertheless that's number two down for the evening so we waited for it to get a little bit darker switched the atn scope over to the night vision mode and then things started to come alive as here you can see a very cute wallaby something that's definitely not native here in the uk yeah something that is native to the uk and in plenty full supply certainly in this paddock is the rat now this kind of shooting i actually quite like it it's not the easiest and as you can see as the rats move in between these nettles and you can just capture glimpses of them it makes for some testing shooting nevertheless when you nail them it makes them very rewarding now you would think these rats would be a little easier but actually adding a slight bit of complexity is the closeness of this rat means that my pellet will actually need still be traveling up to its zero point so i need to put a little bit of hold over on that one and as you can see here from this still image it it wasn't a miss it actually penetrated the rat but it clearly didn't knock it out straight away unlike this one that one went and died in the bush because i tracked it with the thermal that one though was a little bit more definitive much like this one straight between the eyes look buddy that's a [ __ ] monster that one three tools here that make the job a little easier a cocking aid on my lever to make cocking that much easier and seamless my pulsar accolade thermal binoculars literally can't do any type of shooting without these now here you can actually see the rats moving in the undergrowth and you can track things that you've shot makes life so much easier expensive but well well worth it and my gun there resting on my primos trigger sticks but in the nate vision clamp making things again nice and easy because it holds my gun in position well i can scan around with both hands using the thermal so i said it helps if you put yeah all of a sudden as you can probably see from the time stamps there there seem to be quite a lot of rats waking up and coming out from our left hand side here one of the bits of kit we've got which is quite handy is the camcorder i'm using here the sony ax 53 i've put an additional ir on that and the game keeper who stood to my left is using this to spot as you can see a rat there moving just to the sorry to the right there of the wallaby and that intense ir is the ir that's on my rifle but what's good about using this setup is it's got a nice wide field of view so we can keep our eye on the wallabies and see if they're about to bound into shot as you'll see in a moment or two there was a pretty close call and i have been shooting around livestock for well in excess of a decade now so i am quite used to it and i'm happy to report that i have never once had a mishap or an accident yes once again flipping over to a thermal view and we've been shooting for a little over an hour or more maybe an hour and a half and as you can see we had started to litter the place with rat carcasses we were going to be able to pick up the majority i guess of what we shot but clearly there were some that went off and died a little bit further back into the vegetation and i didn't fancy retrieving every single one of them of which the landowner agreed she would actually come out with a strimmer and pick him up in the week starting just check out this little son of a [ __ ] here he just dipped his head as i squeeze the trigger and luckily gives him a little shave there as he jumps up and buggers off the cover grilled that one stone dead cool now this rat here was a little awkward but by the time it finished moving around it was about 12 yards away and i gave it just a little squeak to catch its attention hopefully turn it around i love it when a plan comes together like that so well with 38 rats on the clicker it was time to start thinking about getting picked up i'd actually left my pick a ripper tool as i call it in the back of my truck so all we had was a pair of gloves and a bin liner to be able to pick these rats up and get them popped into we picked up what we could as i said some of them went deep into the vegetation but we were able to retrieve a grand total of 28 sorry 28 of the 38 rats shot this evening thank you very much for watching guys i hope you enjoyed this video if you did and you like what you see and you're stopping by for the first time please consider subscribing for now take care stay safe and as always happy shooting
Channel: Robin Foxer
Views: 111,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aT32LJDCnJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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