Tricks & Cheat Codes ๐Ÿ”ฅ Save time in JEE Mains & BITSAT [PCM] ๐Ÿ‘‰ Shreyas Sir | Vedantu Enlite English

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hello my warriors are you ready for this amazing ultra pro max session hello srikant welcome aboard to the amazing cheat codes as well as tricks that you can use in any kind of objective exam dj means beat bit sad btm said be it cet be it need doesn't really matter so this is me shreya's your physics master teacher and i have been teaching for a very long time more than 12 years and i'm really proud to say that many of my kids are doing extremely well in all the corners of the world and if you want to get in touch with me you can definitely leave a comment or make sure you're part of the live sessions or that's my instagram handle captain underscore yes so today's session like i told you it's all about cheat codes and you know all the tricks of any kind of objective exam good evening good evening hello saikuturi hi justin hello um are you guys excited and if you guys are excited do not forget to smash the like button and uh let me tell you that a small disclaimer this session is not to by any means try to demean any kind of hard work or i'm not trying to demotivate any student from actually solving the problem there will be times there may be times not just for j not just for need but maybe in the future for some reason you have to guess who knows maybe you are giving an interview maybe you are writing some college exam maybe you are just solving some question online who knows so for that this session is and this is also a session for all the cool people all the very cool people who have not studied much or by chance in the exam you are only able to solve few questions or you are able to solve any questions but there are very few questions left and you feel like taking a guess you want to take a guess do you want to i'm very good i'm very good much better today thank you very much for asking and thank you for all the wishes uh in the last few posts thank you guys so much good evening good evening so you want to be like that okay now i have a question for you you tell me you would have thought that okay let's say i've marked some answers i have solved it all right now i see uh some most of the options are b some options are a some options are c you see the bubbled paper or maybe even in the you know online exam you keep it in mind that many options will be somewhere a summer c very few body just for example now you want to take a guess you might think okay equal probability so let me just start marking a b c d or b was more so let me start marking c d and a c d and a or maybe a b c d were equal in number so you thought of marking everything randomly now you might say sir the chances of getting chances of getting the answer correct is 25 because 1 out of 4 option is correct but that's not true because of the negative marking if you calculate the exact probability guess what happens one-fourth you have learned probability now if you have learned probability good if you have not i'll tell you the x the logic goes since only one-fourth of the uh you know options will be correct like the chances are 25 percent and only for that you get four marks but for the remaining three incorrect answers you get minus one minus one marks so guys it ends up being of zero probability you will most likely get zero marks if you try to mark things randomly that's how things are designed almost close to zero it will not be exactly zero because it is plus four and uh minus one but you will end up getting almost close to zero max not exactly zero so don't try to do that instead i would say try to make a calculated guess because doing a random guess is not great in fact it is better to do a calculated guess so what are the different ways of doing that so if you want to know about it first of all hit the like and subscribe button but obviously these kind of sessions are very rare obviously i'm going to conduct lots of mock tests sure shots questions and all the important problem solving sessions for your j mains so make sure you are on the channel because lot of times many questions which we have been doing on the channel have come in the j e mains and this has happened even in the first attempt now the first trick that i want to show you is where if two options are given negative it's highly probable that the answer will also be negative how many of you have seen that ragula was born in tamil nadu how many of you have seen that well no well let me show you this look at these questions i'm going to take some maths and chemistry questions also today guys it's not just physics it's maths chemistry any subject doesn't really matter i don't know what to do in this question i'm just going to look at the options i just saw that there are negative answers over here so i think because of these negative signs either this just one second let me get the pen all right let me get the pen okay so either this or this or this option will be correct and i do not know which one of them is exactly true but i'm just taking a guess one of these three will be correct let's look at another question this is a chemistry question now i can see two of the options are negative see the moment they put negative answers that means there is a good chance that the answer actually can be negative it's all a game of psychology either this or this let's give it a try let's give it a try okay let's try this out oh my god look at that look at that option c is actually correct look at this out of these three this option was correct also not just that even for the next question the option is correct in fact i will tell you one another trick in this question like many of your thoughts are three options to guess is there a better way to narrow it down more in fact there is a trick which is coming up ahead i would have narrowed it down to two more options i will teach you the trick hold on for that but at least i narrowed it down to three options is that clear all right awesome trick right did you love this and if you're loving the session make sure you hit the like button guys okay so that's how the negative trick works hi on kit hello rashmi hello satwik hello mukshit welcome aboard guys now the next thing is use simple assumptions and facts to eliminate the options like for example the question is on young's modulus the options given are something and it's a metal and let's say one of the options is where the young's modulus comes out to be 10 to the power 15 or 16. we know young's modulus of steel is in the range of 10 to the power 11 it can't be 10 to the power 15 and all straight away and neglected you know refractive index generally will be like 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 2 at the max 2.5 if you get 3 or something straight away neglect that so these kind of common sense fact based things should be kept in mind and that can be used to solve a question let's try it out with a chemistry question interesting one the pka value of a weak acid all right i'm pretty sure vazeem sir will be very angry after looking at this he'll be like what is this stresser is solving this within seconds he does not know how this works but i'm going to solve it don't worry guys so this is how it is guys pkb value of the weak base boh is nothing but 4.78 the ph value of the corresponding salt now we all know acids and bases when mixed together they give salts now when you have a weak base and a weak acid and when they combine together what will you get you will get a salt whose ph value will be close to will be close to that of water what is the water is ph seven right isn't it seven correct guys everybody with me on this okay so think about it is there an option close to seven yes this is the closest option i'm just going to mark it it's i'm just going to mark it and let's say oh my god it is correct it is correct guys okay so that's how you need to go with it so if you know some fact all other things are random just mark it example there's a question on finding the refractive index of some glass some complicated question refractive index of glass where does it come 1.5 right one option is 1.55 one option is 1.7 one option is 1.3 one option is 1.2 which option will you mark 1.55 risk i know it's a risk but you can take that risk all right cool okay next next cheat code guys next cheat code and if you're loving these cheat codes go ahead smash the like button great okay so guys focus for the similar options or similar phrases this trick could have been also used for the previous one like if you go back to the previous previous previous previous question yes do you see here you have 27 here also you have 27 x raised to 9 x raised to 6 x raised to 3 x raised to 4 so do you see 27 coming 2 times do you see 27 coming two times so if i had to guess between these three i would guess actually between these two because 27 is coming two times i have narrowed it down to two options so the chances are 50 50 percent chances are 50 50 percent so that's how you can narrow it down and you saw that that was correct also let's try this out for some more questions let's say the work function of a photosensitive material it could be a chemistry question or a physics question who knows the longest wavelength of light that can cause photoemission from the substance is approximately we are not going to sit and solve who are we we are ultra ultra people right we are cool people we are awesome people so what will awesome people do awesome people will just look at the options oh my god 310 3100 coming two times either it is this or it is this the work function of the photo sensitive material the longest wavelength of the light okay next question let's try to do this okay i can see real real real 40 40 40 oh 40 40 40 is coming three times convergent convergent convergent here two terms are common here two terms are common here two terms are common here one two three terms are common guys mark this mark this most likely this might be correct let's see whether we are correct or wrong awesome look at this we are cool as a cucumber see we got the correct answer we guessed nah just now i told you either this or this one of them will be correct there you go done and this one let's see whether we are correct yes we are correct optioning some of them are actually pyq's guys so it works it works okay so that's the beauty of these questions amazing next let's try another type of cheat code and another type of cheat code is ignoring the powers of 10 ignoring the power of 10 can lead to oops sorry by mistake there is a wrong statement can lead to the correct correct answer it's not the wrong answer this is correct answer okay so how can you ignore the powers of 10 and lead to the correct answer let's have a look at this in a ydsc setup the red light of this wavelength separation is 4 millimeters the screen is placed at two meters away now for this trick to work you should know the basic formula now we know the fringe width is nothing but wavelength into distance upon the distance between the slits what is the wavelength it is 700 so just put seven forget nano how many zeros are there just forget it just forget it distance what is the distance between the screen two what is the distance between the slits small d that is four forget millimeters and powers just forget it this is not equal to this is ignoring the powers of 10 10 to the power i do not know i just don't care 7 2's are 14 or just ignore this this will become 2 7 by 2 is nothing but 3.5 into 10 to the power something will be there forget that 10 to the power answer should be b answer should be b that's all answer should be b you don't care whether it is 0.35 that is the examiner's job why are you wondering about it just mark no 3.5 into 10 something automatically the answer will come out awesome right check this out yes that's the correct answer cool everybody with me on this great let's move to another trick then finding n terms can be your survivor in mathematics like specially in series problem or problems where some substitution can be done like for example what is the nth term of this ap this is a simple question but any kind of such problem you can use it example in this question just try it for the second term only here the value of n will be two try it out put n is equal to two over here four twos are eight four twos are eight eight minus three will be nothing but five here uh put the value of n is equal to two three twos are six six minus four will be 2 here put the value of n is equal to 2 2 for the 8 8 plus 3 will be nothing but 11 here if you put n is equal to 2 3 2 6 plus 4 will be nothing but 10 obviously there is only one such option which is giving you five so just mark this that's it option a will be correct option a will be correct okay so that's how you can do these kind of questions now if it isn't in some of you are asking sir whatever is an integer type of question then is there any trick see for decimals there is no strict but if you have to guess between 0 to 10 0 to 10 usually the guesses of 5 and zero works five one and zero okay usually these are the most common numbers which are repeated five one zero and then you can say two these are the most common numbers it depends check the values in the question accordingly you can figure it out now whenever you see all of the above and none of the above and many students get confused what to do well now see these tricks obviously have to use it only in very rarest of the rarest circumstances when you have no time and you really want to guess it and whenever you see these options remember none of the above has a chance of 21 to be correct and all of the above has a chance of 34 on an average that means that means if there is all of the above you should probably go with it if there is none of the above if you want to take a guess maybe you should not go with it because usually the chance of getting an option correct should be equal 25 25 25 if it is less than 25 that means you should be little bit scared okay chances are less so most likely none of the above is usually not correct it is rarely correct and all of the above if it is there chances are more than 25 percent so there is a good chance it is correct so even if you see most likely things are correct in the above statements okay then you will go with all of the above just you shouldn't have some gut feeling that yeah this makes sense this also probably makes sense if you feel that go with all of the above 34 chance usually of getting that correct that's cheat code number six check this question out kinetic theory of gases proofs boys law charles law i know that it it's a very important law it proves many things that's there at the back of the mind you should just go with all of the above correct so yes that is in fact correct okay so that's how it works now there is one more trick which i would love to give you and that's ignoring the extreme values i have given this uh you know many times in fact you can just click over here okay right now it is not clickable i will probably pin the comment or i will make this link available to you in the comment section somewhere or in the description box i've given this trick in the previous video just try searching on youtube uh how to guess mcqs or how to guess options by streaser you will get the video based on that try to ignore the extreme values try to ignore the highest and the lowest values don't worry how to solve it and for these two questions and see whether actually it is correct or not and you would definitely you would definitely be surprised to see and actually it works and let me know in the comment section if it worked for you so this is a chemistry question and this is a physics question try this out by ignoring highest and the lowest value choose the median median values and see if it makes sense so guys these tricks are very good they work many times for many exams but let me warn you like i have been telling you even at the start of the session that this is only for ultra cool people not for everyone okay this is only if you have not studied well or even if you have studied in the end of the exam for some weird reason you want to make a guess for some reason then you use these tricks otherwise do not start the paper with this unless you are going to have fun in the jmain section if you are going to have fun in the jay men's exam please put up a big smile in the chat box so that i know what kind of people are there in the chat box trust me my health is much better now thank you so much so guys if you want to really actually prepare even in the last few days remember you do not know whether your exam is going to be on 25th july or maybe later on there are crash courses even now it can help you because it has a good question bank with mock tests and you can use not just these tricks but also many other things you will learn a lot of things how to solve difficult questions easy questions how to handle extreme situations and how exactly to tackle the paper in that limited time so all these kind of mock tests with assignments and a special question bank for all of you is there right now available for all of you original price was 9 000 so last offer price is 1800 when you use the coupon code shh pro okay so we have some ultra cool people like i can see in the chat box that's really cool so all you need to do is make sure you are going into the description box you can see full jmok test series is also there so you can just click on this or there is a j crash course as well you can just click on this the test series plus assignments plus question bank now this question bank you can use it for advance preparation also this is a special sprint question bank with along with 2 000 plus top questions and 144 assignments without solving you get tips and tricks sessions test series is also available all of this for just 1 800 rupees like you can see right over here make sure you have used the coupon code sh pro even if hardly a few days are there trust me these things can make a lot of difference even if you score 20 marks 30 marks more who knows that might get you into your dream college and if your scores are much lower i'm pretty sure it can improve drastically by just seeing the questions and who knows some of these questions might come just like it happened in the first attempt correct so i'm really hoping to see all of you in the crash course as well and if you want to stay updated with the latest news make sure you're a part of the telegram channel as well so i hope you guys enjoyed this session and i hope you guys found this session very useful and if you did so make sure you like and share it with your friends your batchmates and make sure you are subscribed to the channel for getting more sessions on jay thank you very much this was your captain's trails and i'm signing off hasta la vista
Channel: Vedantu JEE English
Views: 490,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: v enthuse, vedantu, enthuse, physics, maths, chemistry, coaching, english, iitjee, tips, tricks, cheat, cheatcode, exam, bitsat, neet, jee, mains, advanced, shortcut
Id: 0nqUfRzAl2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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