Trials school 2017 - a balance explanation

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or in the street bike mostly of probably over street fight for whatever you've all seen models easily you've all being raped in and all the rest of it and the way they use a lot of speed in the corner they hang on the inside and they hang off the bikes and that's basically they're getting right down inside the bike so that they don't get flicked off the bike with the amount of g-force they've got going into the park right but basically they're censored in line with the center of the bike and over the tires right they've got a lot speed up when we do trial the right trial you have no to be done but you are still taking some serious cause right because you want to turn into a serious tight corner on a motorcycle with no speed everything that applied to them where they were hanging on the inside hanging off it's completely out of whack your bike is now turned and it's turned into the turn the bike is turning you are on the outside of the bike now you are trying to keep sends it over the tires with no central issues center fitment while though g-force acting upon you you are trying to keep centered and balanced when you are no speed whatsoever so when the guys hang off the inside of the bike everything on the inside of the bike and all crunched up and the outside is basically straight when you do this opposite of positive in trials you lean the bike in to a turn you've got a long a lock on because you are turning everything on the inside of the bike is basically straight and everything on the outside of the bike is bent right the inside leg of your two legs the inside on the left or the inside on the right is against the bike you have a wide open stance the bikes help towards that leg the outside leg is waiting the outside peg which I wanna do you're having your shoulder the problem in the bar you things the outside elbow and you straighten the inside you can almost do this when you turn correctly you can almost take the leg off the peg and you can almost take the hand off the handlebar because everything is happening here over the center how do you feel you a couple of turns here and that's basically what we're going to do because on any trial section there are very few straight thing it's always turned and even that even there straightly and not necessarily straight things you still have to use body to keep it going straight on angles and banks and canvas so basically if you can get turns really well down and do them smoothly and precisely over uneven terrain you can matter a lot of trials but most people most of their points on the slow stuff where they turning they odd one here and then once it starts it's very hard to come back the ticket when you're in uphills and downhills once you started with that one but it's almost impossible to get back to stand up to ride again properly so there's a lot of these basics as a basic building blocks that you can do everything else from is you can get the turns down well you can write nine out of ten section no problem you may not be able to get from clean you'll be able to get through a few points and be able to get through tonight because you surprised how many people work lose five points just because they can't make a couple of turns right more so than going over a stack I can probably stumble up the step but the can't make turns at the end of the wrong the wheel the wrong side of a tree or into the trees on this return completely and run over the tape right so I showed just this morning just my star pupil already I'm going to show you some basics and basics and just watch and listen I'll talk through it while I do one thing you can do in your I trial and you come out to ride of the crisis sections and all the rest of it walk bike up a few minutes don't start it up plow right in that if you wait in line keep the sucker running for a few minutes quick you info like this you should be able to ride round almost the body and head and shoulders all of them are Thanks what you wanna do right left it's easy for a lot of people transition from left to right almost at the idol I jump around running away from you like to drag the rack right a lot of people tell you frankly the only break yes Michael all [Music] Oh
Channel: Classic Trials Ontario
Views: 13,025
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: #balance #trials #vintagetrials #classictrials
Id: L5Z3O49t65k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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