Trial Tube - The NEW British Championship Review - ACU Trial GB 2024!

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hi I'm Danny Butler and I'm Sam I got it wrong let's go again hi I'm Danny Butler and I'm Sam Connor and this is hookwood in the ACU press day for the British Charles championship and um well Sam's going to be doing a lot of riding it's a nice day where some of the Riders are going to get to shall we say test out the new format it's five he broke the tape it's not me it's the rules and most importantly hopefully we can promote the sport a little better because this is TR [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to there's a big crash over there um I think he's all right that was huge and it went thir and he stopped yeah he's up he's all right OD mate TR RS are built different [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wo per back [Music] okay joining this nice little visit to hookwood we've um been able to caller some of the UK's best Riders some of the world's best riders in uh this lady's case the um multiple time ladies world champion EMA briso who has more than recently taken we're not going to say a back seat but definitely going to say a side shift into a different role alongside Shero as well um it's great to have you on the channel today so thank you for being with us Emma thank you no it's great to be here um it's exciting to see what the 24 British championship series is going to look like obviously the best of the best come here so yeah it's just great to have I don't know a little bit of a lift to the British Championship that's really exciting obviously the British Championship is the main one for for the UK and uh that's where where everyone wants to do well that's where everybody wants to be yeah um now for you obviously you've got a bit of a um what's the word for it I always think that you stand out in the crowd at the British Championship simply for the fact that this is one of the trials where or one of the series where you go against the boys right yeah no I love it um it brings my level up every year um I think it was not last year the year before I was fighting for the championship with a few rounds to go so that was a shame that year I finished second but no obviously the aim the expert class is the one I ride in um I don't know if it's been renamed this year but still the expert class expert class but no that's it's all it's a competitive class there's so many that that can win that so you've got thorpy you've got Brad uh I like to think I'm there or thereabouts but you are 100% there's so many different riders that that do well there so um and then then obviously trial 2 is another level as well you've got the world's best in that as well and then the the championship so yeah we've got three good classes what you say now because of the new format that it's a good place for people to come exactly um yeah you it would be nice if people would come and watch and and see what it's all about um because it is quite a spectacle um some of the some of the things they have is going up it's uh it's pretty cool so yeah a really enjoyable day out that's the aim for everyone to come and enjoy their day now during the Press day today obviously there's not just shall we say uh sherko supported Riders here there's B UK Riders here there's gas gas UK Riders here um basically everybody that's been invited today is of an experience level and also could give their input to what they would like to see from the championship which is pretty unheard of at the start of the season um and I think it's also pretty Progressive would you say that this is going to be something that helps yeah I think it's really nice if not only the spectators enjoy watching but the Riders are enjoying the day out as well because I think if if everyone's happy that that is that is a really good goal obviously competition nobody's going to be happy all the time but if the general feeling of the the series is everyone's loving it having a great time can't wait to go every weekend then that's that's that's the end game yeah well thank you for uh thank you for being with us as always we'll we'll catch you in the sections that's all right oh [Music] I'm happy I like trials I like trials I like trials right here we go right so we' caught up with Alex wig who uh is a self-named veteran he's told me and um also is riding the trial two class today at the ACU press day for the British championships now Wiggy so far how's it going you're right good um yeah know I'm a bit a bit more over fit than I thought I was but no overall it's been a good day so far section has been good good to see a few of the boys and like sort of get CH starting to get excited for the new series it's good to catch up with Wiggy simply because from if memory serves Wiggy is pretty much you've rode almost every class um in the series right yeah yeah pretty much about R Done Championship class for numerous years obviously I'm in TR to now and then when as a youth sort coming up we ride the expert class so yeah pretty much done a covered all bases really full La yeah full lap yeah full lap he's yeah that's it so we're on our way back down now but yeah yeah no it's all good fun mate um well not from some of the riding I've just seen a minute ago he's he tells me that he's not fit and he wants to get out more and get out on the bike Etc but uh prior to me actually catching him at the end of this section he put in one of the nicest no stop rides we've ever seen was that because he couldn't stop CU I couldn't stop the clutch would not go in mate that was it yeah the arms were pumped and you just went with it anyway anyway it looked banging trust me it looked Mega now obviously you're spending a lot of time out in Spain and mining for Toby as well is it quite a change of pace to come back to your own riding yeah it is the level definitely a lot a lot lot different but um no yeah as you said been been aware with Toby quite a lot um over the winter months um he's obviously preparing for the new season the indoors are going and the outdoors are not far away um but yeah all going well it's always nice to spend time over there and be with all the top boys see what they're all up to and sort where they where they're progressing um so yeah so just last moving forward yeah exactly yeah well obviously I wanted to pick your brains 5 minutes because you've had the kind of experience throughout the British Championship that really counts and I have asked a lot of the Riders this so far but what people need to grasp here in the UK cuz we've got so many different kinds of Road Nationals national series you know you've obviously you've got you know your road National like the Ben Rose and stuff like that and you then you've got your S3 series as well but just to clarify winning this Championship makes you British champion right yeah that's it this is this is the prestige pass um or the prestige series anyway you know it's the British championship this week get all the top Rider the best the best that our country has to provide um and you know that's what makes it great all the all the lads the standard of the them top Lads now are just is so high so it's definitely going to be um a tough series and like a a competitive Series so um especially like you said with with Sam and Barry coming with that new blood I think they're really going to try and Elevate the series we gone flat for a little bit maybe um but it's really exciting to watch what um the fruits could hold for British trials and they're also giving us shall we say the what I've noticed me personally Barry and Sam have no idea what I'm saying on camera by the way I can say anything I want um what I've noticed is they are up for feedback as well right yeah absolutely I mean Sam you know Sam's been about from years he he rode at the highest level so he knows What It Takes and he can you know knows what it takes to run a successful event and a and a good trial so um ultimately they're both two passionate BLS about it and they they love the sport and they giving back to it as well so really it's um it's got every chance of being successful been successful well I'm going to let you go so you can carry on cuz I know there's a few sections left I was happy for the rest of well mate really good to see you as always thank you so so much and um roll VT Bradley well good looking I actually love the British CH yeah me too frame that's me in the frame but I don't want to look like I'm going to kiss him you know what I'm saying yeah maybe come here yeah yeah you know what I'm saying get it out for me there have I got more dby chin no you did have you haven't got any more you have like a 90 shiry Vibe no that so join this two laap six section mini National that we got correct three is it three laap found veteran expert Brad Bullock now um me and Brad would ride in the same class however Brad is a much better class than I am and Brad's basically been used as a guinea pig today to shall we say check out the level of what the new British Championship expert sections are going to be like uh how you found it so far BR I found it really really great it's um the sections have been quite nice it's been quite a good mix to be honest of some difficult stuff we've been have a couple of bigger sections where we're on the same as Trail 2 um but then obviously we've got our own route where it's a bit more user friendly um Hook is quite hard to ride as you probably seen from the footage it's it's slippy um but we're quite lucky here we got drying out a bit now and yeah it's been a great day so far yeah I mean I had a very similar conversation a minute ago with Wiggy where he actually said uh if you do know where the grip is could you tell me where it is cuz it's um it's a funny place if there's a little bit of moisture in the ground then it's it's a nightmare yeah and I think hard part is all the rocks are imported and there's bits of concrete that sometimes are grippy some is moldy all the different kind of rock you don't know which one's grippy and which one is slippy so it's literally sometimes a guessing game a bit of a lottery um now obviously this is a very new start to the British Championship uh how long have you been ridning the British Championship on the back for I've been ridning British Championship now for 11 years um I've been here a while um trial expert class been here 11 years um still plugging away I I do I enjoy the way the Bri Championship runs and and I don't intend to stop to be honest good lad just so you know Brad's actually is riding today he won't say it himself he's far too um you know far too modest uh his riding's been banging today and then I can see that he's putting in the work as well so uh talking about the work what sort of sort of riding schedule would you be putting together for for people to kind of get to understand what it takes to come and ride the brsh championship my schedule at the moment is I'm just like everybody else I work Monday to Friday I have normal working hours um and it's just a lot of hard work behind the scenes but I try and ride every Saturday Sunday without fail bank holidays Easter bank holiday just gone I Rod Friday Saturday Sunday Monday because they're the only chances to get that's such a big chance to ride but you're putting big days in as well some days like week next week um week four British Championship I'm going to go a bit bit steadier because just give yourself a bit of a rest but recently I'm on the bike for 10:00 and I'm getting off at 5:00 we're obviously blessed with the light and nights at the moment so I try and get out usually on a Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday night not all three because I need to sleep and I'm tired um but no especially through the summer I'll try and get out maybe two times during the week at night just brought a couple of hours in nothing sort of big just general go out and joy with the L yeah just time on the bike just enjoy myself um and then Friday Saturday sorry Saturday Sunday and really put the effort in and try and work hard right we're going to let Brad Get on um you can come and see Brad obviously and everybody that's been in the uh shall we say interviewer's chair so far we haven't got a chair we got a lot of random stuff where my chair and uh we'll catch up with a few more people and maybe myself I'm I'm never going to get a chance to ride today I haven't got a prayer have I you were on the entry was the ENT know I know I know I was supposed to I was supposed to ride um but but to be honest if you want a good video then you either make a good video or you that's that's it that's you can't do both you can't do both Okay so we've been able to catch up with Barry huskinson who's been The Man In Charge today how do you think it's gone marry uh well we've managed to get a trial out which is good um main thing today was to just test uh a few changes that we've made to the um the app the scoring app um that we've been using the last sort of four or five years um just to make that a little bit more user friendly for for for The Observers um so that's gone well so we're really pleased to check that off the list um and then the thing was obviously we wanted to just uh make sure that we could uh get things set up and set down in time because you know we've got quite a a reasonably small crew is uh you know I've roped in sort of father-in-law and my wife and all sorts and uh you know just to make sure that we can we can get that um you know turned around before the event starts um it's a real sort of as usual it's on a it's on a trials budget uh at the moment it's on a trials budget um yeah we're on a trials budget um but we we're hoping that over the over the over the course of the year we can sort of uh encourage you a few people along to events and and advertise the fact that these things are going on and and try and bring some uh you know bring some people up to to to come and watch these things that the the clubs are putting so much effort into into organizing you know that's really really the role we've got in all of this well I definitely think you've done a a smashing job as they say you know I didn't get a chance to ride myself but you know there's still time um I'll catch for you I am I am actually entered into the first round of the British Championship So for anybody else that's entering get ready to um kick my ass and um well I never get to I'm not getting any time to practice hmer at this race uh I did see a lot of the sections today uh they did look great um we've been able to catch up with a lot of the Riders they've got plenty to say so if you don't watch this make sure that you guys all watch this uh as always please like share subscribe um send money in the post I don't care how it gets to me um but apart from that thanks very much buddy for the for the invite no problem and uh I'm even going home from Hook Woods without my bike scratch so I'm quite happy about that I I saved your job there I don't even have to clean it so uh yeah cut top my hand
Channel: TrialTube
Views: 11,047
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Keywords: trial, trialsbike, trials motorbike, motorcycle, prep, technique, trials rider, beta, gasgas, montesa, ssdt, scottish six days, bikes, bikelife, dougie lampkin, toni, bou, butler, james, dabill, jaime, busto, emotion, pure, electric, review, how to, to, how, michelin, trialgp, british, championship, scorpa, trialmag, honda, 300, 125, 200, 250, moto, motocross, dirt bike, supercross, bike reviews, new bike, hard enduro, extreme enduro, billy bolt, Sherco, Factory, Mecatecno, e-bike, TRS, Vertigo, TY, Yamaha, TY80, tlr, rte, build, tlm
Id: tmshQVeSIr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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