Tri-ang and Hornby Dublo EMU comparison.

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welcome to everybody uh to my video of my trains on westbridge junction uh in this particular video i'm going to be comparing and contrasting uh the two emu's electrical electric multiple units that were produced by triang and hornby dublo respectively now both of these models date from roughly the same era the triangle one which is directly in front of us here um dates from 1957 although this model that i have albeit being second hand is um is somewhat later than that i put it about 1962-63 the hornby double one which you can see in the background then i'll look at in more detail just a bit later on that model dates from 1962. now actually although they're different models they share a number of similar characteristics um in the both of them are if you like um i won't say compromised they're they're generic examples based on real prototypes that we're running about on the railway back in the 50s and 60s so if i can perhaps clarify that a little bit more i'm taking the triang one here which is immediately in view looking at the front of this model you can see that that it looks like uh it dates from about the 1930s based on the southern railway perhaps two bill two hal design or even more than just a passing resemblance to the front of the brighton bell pullman so a very characteristic 1930s look there but if we look at the actual side of the vehicle the size of the coaches they are actually um pretty close to british railways mark 1 suburban coaches so it's it's a generic look um obviously utilizing the uh the tooling which they had of the suburban coaches and then marrying that to uh a design of or a frontal design of a 1930s emu and um it i have to say it works it's it's not accurate but um it was typical of the time and when we look at the hornby doubler one um we'll see similar things there um okay so what i've actually done on this model here is to fit it with flush windows so that was one of the reasons i wanted to get a later ones because you can open up the roof and get inside the model so it enabled me to take out the purse backs back back window um which left that rather large gap between the um the actual window crevice itself and the actual window pane which somewhat detracts from the look of the locomotive the look of the train so i think it does considerably improve the um the look of the uh the whole train formation the other thing which i've done is anyone who's familiar with the um this model will note that there's quite a bit of detail on the front but it's all just um you know green so what i've done here is to actually pick out some of the data some of the detail with the yellow warning panel and the cabling um of course a nice touch on this triangle model is the frontal window with the v in it which lights up and if i get this going a bit later then you can see seeing that and it looks looks quite good and full marks of them for doing that at the time um so again you can see the how the frontal aspect is being improved um with the flush windows and the picking out of the detail on the front which is very characteristic of these electric multiple units also what i've done i took off the um of triang buffers which were the same for every single locomotive train wagon and coach that they were making at the time um unfitted some uh scale ones which were characteristic of these units and also i've put on a hook with the uh a three-link coupling on it as well just to finish it off so hopefully that gives it a much more realistic look and presence on the um on the layout that's the power bogey there where the motor sits on it it was a miniature uh motor um which was quite well designed quite chunky and quite solid and i think trying did well to miniaturize the uh the motor to get it onto that bogey um when i got this it was um it looked quite faded so i repainted it um so it just sort of makes it stand out a bit better the other thing which i've done if i just move along a bit to the center coaches and these are standard mark one coaches in green and i've actually got a brake coach so i can run these with a steam locomotive uh if i choose to um one of the other things it did was to paint the sole bar or the under frame side um which you can see there uh also note the um standard triang under frame assembly which they had on all the coaches of this length whether they were mainline or suburb and that's very much there so that breaks it up a little bit so you don't get the whole green side going all the way down to the bogeys the bogeys are the later ones which are much more realistic um and of course the coach roof opens so that an internal seating compartment can be put in um i have got i think a seating compartment in one or two of these coaches uh the other thing it did was to pick out the door handles in a brass collar did that with a matchstick um again that just gives it a lift and it makes the model uh much more um more compatible to run with the you know the current range of models which are being produced in other words it doesn't to look too out of place um so i'll just move that along there and see the the next coach and of course this one's the dummy power car again give triang some credit here is uh they um they modeled the under frame somewhat differently on the uh powered and the uh dummy powered coach um so it gives it a slightly different look um not sure whether it's accurate or not but you know the contrast to the rest of it is uh i think is quite is is welcome so the just take it round to the rear trailing coach there i've i've put a a rear lamp on that um i have seen that from photographs so um that can be authenticated if you like again the yellow warning panel cabling picked out and it gives it gives the ensemble a good look of course the over the years the green tended to change on the triangle so there will be some like a bluey green there's some with a bit more yellow in them but uh i suppose you have to sort of take that as it is um these coaches are not easy to find and you still get them but it then just becomes a question of what condition are they in um so i think that looks pretty good the running characteristics are not bad it's a bit jerky but when it gets going um it's it can run around quite reasonably smoothly so i'll move this out of the way one thing it's very very noisy the driving wheels are unknown a big drawback to these as you can see as it's pulling away is the distance between the coaches i know that some people have actually made modifications with that but that's not something i really want to sort of tackle um hacking about on the bogey and things anyway let's have a look at the hornby doubler one now as i said with the as with the triangle the hornby doubler one is um an odd sort of compromise because what's actually modeled here is uh the units that i think they're later called class 501 which ran between uh houston and watford and i think what was it london broad street and richmond and they were on an unusual thing for rail practice um don't ask me what that is i have no clue how that works but they were later converted to three rail i think it was to do with some prior existing electrification that was you know which was already in place um and it was for rail but uh very odd and typical hobby dublo their template coaches beautifully finished and um what i was saying about them the the actual uh water they represent it's the 501 houston to watford service uh trains that it represents but it's been finished off in southern malachite br green with southern region um numbers although when we look at the front um we'll see that it's actually the uh the units that used to run from houston so why that was the case i don't know the color of these back in the 50s when they were introduced should be dark green all multiple units were in a very dark green with yellow stripes um along the the waist and along above the um the windows and finishing off at the front but this one is very much in the style of the southern region so have a look at the front and again i've done a bit of work on this one now can i get that a bit closer okay so what i've done with this one very similar to what i've done with the triangle one is to paint the front now there's already a yellow panel on there um but why i overlaid that again and i picked out the cabling and um the buffers were just typical sort of hornby doublo brass buffers i filed them down made them smaller grinded them down and made the circumference smaller and i put on these oval heads because these units ran with oval buffers um on the outer coaches um i've so painted in the light that's in the um below the orange cable holder there [Music] colour photographs of these things are very very rare and the ones that do exist these units were filthy but i managed to pick out the fact that the buffer beam was red so [Music] i've tried to include those as best i can the yellow warning panel should go all the way up to just underneath the windows um but hornby dublo squared it off and inset it a bit and i wasn't um i wasn't too happy about the idea of trying to paint right up to the windows i thought no i'll i'll make a rod from back on that so i just filled it in even more um picked out the uh connectors in black as in that indeed they should be on the extreme left-hand side at the bottom there of the front just above the buffer um there's a there's a transfer there which was a like a a panel which had some uh writing on it and of course i blacked out the middle window and put the um rooted designation in um a lot of these seem to have b1 on the front don't ask me what that stood for obviously stood for something a service between houston and watford um and that makes a big difference i think the graphics aren't correct but couldn't find the graphics i i've just got a sheet of transfers it had the letters and the figures on and i put it on and the actual representation of it on here does give a lift to the whole look of that uh unit and of course the all-important route designation above that and this is quite as you can see quite clearly it says houston um so that's um that's very much the uh look of the class 501 sets so it's a very smart unit um big difference in these uh how it's powered you've typical hornby dublo it's let's give this back a bit it's a typical hornby dublo uh belt and braces approach to the power unit massive heavy bar going from one bowie to the other pickups on the rear wheels here pick up on one wheel here and the other wheel just to be on the uh belt and braces side of everything is got a rubber traction tire so there is absolutely no question of any problem with the diffusion and of course there's no miniaturization of motors on the bogey here it's that massive uh ring field motor that's in there with this massive long bar which you can just about see going from one to the other i think that's very similar to what they had on the met on the hornby dublin metrovic the class 20 and and the deltic um again it's standard suburban coach in the middle here there's the trailer i've so i've done the ends on all the trailers let's take this round and there you can see it it's the same as the other one moving a bit closer and you can see that there okay so i'll give these a quick spin [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Crewelocoman 5B
Views: 4,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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