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well that's good so at least you admit that you know him which is the first bit of useful information I've come across on this godamn investigation you and he turns around to his crew you see this none of you have gotten as I had to go and do this myself right this is why this is why I'm a Commodore and all of you are peasants beneath my face and then he calm down Trevor I sorry that was very um ill mannered of me I um it's been very it's been a very stressful been a very stressful day now that I'm in a position of power I'm doing everything I can taking every possible measure sorry to bring this man to Justice and and by Justice I mean murdering him and slicing him up like he sliced up my parents listen nothing is nothing is more important than listen nothing is more important than getting our revenge Our Revenge William together not no no now you're you're groping me in with all this I I I don't understand he killed our parents William I don't understand understand Verona shoot him with a banishing bullet [ __ ] now I just actually going to ask what all right I'm I'm going to make an attempt I'm go ahead all right so um as a reaction he's going to use Parry which means it adds uh to his armor class too so um what happens is you fire off the bullet and um at the last minute so his armor class plus two is just it's 22 um damn it so as as you fire off the bullet he sees the bullet and he pings it away and he goes William betrayed by my own flesh and blood just met three minutes ago man is now unconscious on the ground he turns around he goes William I am giving you one last chance I put it with the rest of the Food Supplies sir you did what that was a devil fruit of Untold power and you just put it with the rest of the fruits they look [ __ ] different dude he pulls out his sword slowly backing away from my brother as I'm going back to like I'm backing up into my crew I I've had enough to hear with you I thought I could trust you with one thing of putting that devil fruit in the secure location calm down Trevor the man who killed our parents right yeah that guy uh yeah boss uh Jason sorry yes that was his name right boss yes yeah Jason lorth was his name why did you call him boss oh you know it's just I've heard a a lot of people call him different things on the way here it's been different I'm so sorry brother I know I understand I understood I understand I've lost my way this isn't enough tissues get some more okay I didn't more tissues damn it please it's okay it's okay oh God it's okay there there so some random Marine ate the devil fruit is what you guys are talking saying are you saying that some random Marine ate the devil fruit Trevor Trevor Trevor volume [ __ ] private volume brother who is a William yes yes I'm the older brother here you treat me with respect when you talk to me and if you want to be a member of the Marines you refer to me as sir and not Brother inside these Marine bases we are more than just brothers you understand that yes sir Commodore brother sir that's Trevor chap to you I start crying again don't cry no it's okay William it's okay I'm sorry I just lose my this guy's like a teeter totter I I lose my uh temper sometimes it's okay right um here's some here's some tissues don't cry it's okay thank you yes you on the other hand he points over to his subordinate who is [ __ ] himself he pulls out his sword and he just cuts him down no mercy Trevor comes to his senses okay looks around and goes what the [ __ ] is going on I I hear by officially um demote you Trevor [Laughter] I uh Trevor looks kind of embarrassed and kind of angry what did you say and he looks around really flustered and stuff doot me I'm one of the best you don't understand aen you freak you're a freak of nature I didn't agree with any of these things any of these experiments that you did on human lives right I let it pass because it was for the greater good The end justifies the means but if you're going to treat one of your strongest subordinates like this then before I deal with these before I deal with these Pirates it seems there is a stain on the Navy that needs to be dealt with now I think that's called Bandits Lissa could you add wheel could you add Wheels to the uh oh Trevor calm down blood down from his mouth yeah yeah yeah we'll get to you in a second Lista can you add like tires to our boat tires what the hell do you want tires for Land Pirates were you not listening oh sorry I'm just a little bit confused by this seam man that you just got from the ocean that's his brother oh how cool would it be if we attach that flying thing to our boat and our boat has wheels so we can go [ __ ] seriously says Trevor [ __ ] oh I'm dying here and you guys are talking about [ __ ] Land Pirates what's going on sorry I missed you too buddy I grab I grab Healey and I just have him stab the syringe in the side of his neck like maybe they were just giving you the Justice you deserved huh what are you talking about I have served Justice ever since there was I born you were the guys listen you guys defended a murderer Jason you defended murderers Jason lockrite who is a murderer you guys knew knew killed someone you know for a fact not just a hunch you won't lie to for a fact you knew he killed innocent people and you still defended him I didn't know shut up let's all be real here we are all murderers Trevor looks over at the bubbles and goes what the [ __ ] is this don't you know what this is no I don't see this [ __ ] just when did you have Bubble cannons on your ship why bubble Cannons of all things he had Gatling guns hey big bro Trevor how are you doing man and I'm just yeah he is so distracted by the fact that you are being overly friendly with him that he doesn't notice you yunk his sword ha and I immediately like jump back like 20 fet like I Geo backwards he gives you such like an angry glare but then just he it sounds like he's about to get angry but then he's he just kind of cools it and he's like it's not worth it to be honest with you I mean come on look at it it's it's been modified since you've had it last if we get into a serious fight I do admit you use it better than me I'll let you have it but it is my sword and I sheath it it's not your sword I renamed it it's the True by the way what was just because you renamed something if I [ __ ] stole your [ __ ] and renamed it it doesn't suddenly become mine you want the MIM ship you can [ __ ] have it I don't want the MIM ship nobody wants the MIM ship you're you're forgetting the most important part here um our captain is a pirate hey William sorry my memory is getting uh getting pretty bad lately what happened to boss oh yeah I well when I looked at him with that devil fruit on juros he was apparently getting to know roulette so guys we're not supposed to mention him around Trevor okay you know what I'm the captain of this sh we're killing Jefferson we're not killing Jefferson hey Trevor how you doing man so oh life is Agony what the [ __ ] is going on I I don't have time for this [ __ ] fix me right now you witch who that's not very nice she puff Puffs out I mean I can I can fix you if you ask nicely what the [ __ ] why as nicely Trevor like I am I'm done with this [ __ ] if it puts me back together I'm I'm I'm just I'm beining I'm I'm I'm going I can't put up with this magic [ __ ] okay let go of me and put me back together please and she goes perfect that's all I asked for Trevor turns around it's like what are you hesitating for veroda kill her oh dear lord Ragnar thinks she's hot somebody else wants to take it they can I'll just set it down next to her and Trevor's like [ __ ] finally Jesus Christ oh God Trevor appears and goes what the [ __ ] is going on he's like Trevor is like dressed mid [ __ ] honestly yeah his trousers are around his waist he's like he you summon him and he's like like half City there like on his ass and he's like buckles up his trousers what the [ __ ] William what the hell okay that was funny Trevor's like what is going on is this blue blood I mean Trevor is very angry but also like you guys took down a yonko I am second guessing I will bring everybody else though like little Ricky boss they're all be little Ricky comes back boss CLS down in his wheelchair like just decrepit he looks he really looks worse for wear my guy oh my God kid did you just summon him in front of Trevor Trevor looks over it boss yeah the and he draws his sword Trevor he has sword he in the restroom oh he doesn't wait you're right he's in the restroom he doesn't have a sword I mean Trevor is just like burst into Williams room and goes what the [ __ ] Trevor slams his fist into the table and goes what the the [ __ ] are you guys doing here boss was the fourth brother Y and he's dead now so there you go what Y and then we set on fire so there's nobody it should have been me I should have been the one to kill him and get revenge it was perfect well I mean technically he also killed the captain's family so yeah but you know I was like 3 months old when that happened so yeah he did also kill the Captain's family but this chuckle [ __ ] wanted to protect him and now that you know that he was a brother of the [ __ ] eons doesn't it make protecting him feel all the more horrific re do don't you remember the bodies I remember all of those bodies the thousands the thousands of crawling bodies that were shambling towards us I remember that and you're saying he was partially responsible for that and you protect him do you not even feel a little bit of remorse I needed this witness I needed the fourth brother for credibility dead he's gone [ __ ] now it's Trevor Trevor turns around to ragar goes what the [ __ ] do you think you're doing uh do R rer just Roars William control your pet what is happening here did you just call him a [ __ ] pet what what I mean he's clearly not you're right actually you're right he's CLE he's clearly not domesticated so I wouldn't refer to as a domesticated he CLE you guys getting big problem over here he's your he's a [ __ ] wild animal Trevor we're going to have to have a I want you to help me in this battle but come on man he's a living human bear slashed me William what the [ __ ] is happening you have not been on our crew Verona shot all of us in the face at one point it's just what happens okay that is not just what happens this didn't feel like an accident this feels like a targeted attack Ragnar play nice with Trevor I I I had I want to decided if Ragnar is just like not talking or he just like [ __ ] in I'm going to talk [ __ ] it like yeah you were in my way weakling move out of the way you in I'll have you know that back in G4 I took you down in one strike that before or after I stole your [ __ ] sword shut the [ __ ] up William I'm here to help and deal with this corruption but I don't have to [ __ ] with any of you guys move or I'll do it again make me [ __ ] all right that's everyone's in their own little separate pods as you guys are are also plummeting um another pod gets shot down and you hear the voice did you forget about me and it's Trevor he's in his little pod you woke me up last you bastards that's okay bro you're good yeah only one of those hits unfortunately all right well okay man Trevor every time you need to shut the [ __ ] [Music] up I'm doing my best okay give me some positive reinforcement I respond better to it all right you have a very you you don't suck that bad I'll have you know I suck pretty well actually I've got compliments on it um it's a director's turn bro bro there it is
Channel: Kazu5 - Rustage D&D Clips
Views: 2,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AuuH20nXZKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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