Trevor Noah: Lessons from my parents

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talk with an LM in New York entrepreneurs state on the daily show and I'm interviewing the man himself he's just used to book border crime I read it I like I say I loved it I found you know answers to questions that I never knew I had about you because I would've just asked him be like hey so you know you're dead and the one thing I took out of the book reading about your dad is that I feel like he taught you patience yes he did besides the fact you know when you when you finally found him after a few years you guys have been estranged and then you found him and you went to go visit him in Cape Town and you were firing all these questions at him you know and he was like whoa Trevor this is an interview but he talked more important than patience he taught me efficiency that's really what it is okay so he taught me in and around a lot of time we do things yeah and we do everything we don't even ask why we're doing it or how we're doing it or you know we just do it okay that makes sense now and then he goes what is the most efficient way to do it that's a stress way of thinking precision but when it comes to the relationship between you yes because I mean now you are dying to catch up on all the years way you know you guys went speaking well you didn't fight you just fizzled out yes then you find him and you're spending a weekend with him and because you feel like you've lost out you asking him all these questions and he's like is this an interview and then you were like yeah but I just want to get to know you and then he said how are you getting all your friends yes and just you just talk and you live like spending time exactly so when you say efficient say saying spending time with purpose yes basically because if you think about if you're trying to get to know someone yeah the most efficient way to do it is not to question them because if you're questioning them they are answering you if they're answering you they answer you based on your questions if you merely exist with them I find that the person will be when they be you will know who they are okay so that's a direct listen yes that was like yeah that's you know that's for me looking at him and watching him and without him you know interacting with you and talking to you what's an indirect lesson that you've learned just by watching your dad wow that's an interesting one that's an indirect lesson that I've learned just by watching him yeah he's content in himself no he's not doing it for other people loves to look at me he's just doing it sometimes we get tricked into that we do it for the people you're not doing it for yourself like who are you by yourself when no one's there when it's just you at home when you look in the mirror who do you see who do you want to be and that's something that I learned from him he's not doing it for anyone or anything he is who he is because that's who he wants to be what's the nicest thing you've heard him say about your mom the nicest thing oh yes that like she could light up a room always he was just like he's your mom he'd always asked me to go like so your mom is she still making the people happy huh she's still there she's still running she still he always talked about her life you know her her and I just this Danny energy and what's the nice thing you heard your mom say about him he's great with money that's like the you can I tell you something that's the biggest gift my dad gave my mom and the family okay he taught us the importance of money and how to manage money you know because we were living in a world where unfortunately it's it's the trap that a lot of black people fall into we get money but the last thing we want to do is where's the car mmm where's the house where's the clothes we we never think of the tomorrow we know we haven't had for long enough so in your book you say your mom taught you how to talk to women you'd walk into the house and then you only look at her in the eyes like yeah hi mom bye mom and she's like Trevor look at me in the eyes yes and talk to me because one day you're going to live with a woman and you need to be able to look her in the eyes and talk to her and tell her how you feel yes and tell her that you love you have to see her uh-huh you have to see our men and women communicate very differently very differently for guys we value different things than what women value most of the time you know so for guys like will like a guy will go like you know people get into fights and be like we haven't spent any time together then the girl be like we spent the whole weekend together then the woman goes no but that wasn't t-time you're on your phone your friends were here that other TV game there there you were playing on PlayStation you were watching soccer you were doing this then fact but we had a bride together yeah but that was with everyone your woman will appreciate it more if you spend one hour with her in a day will you just look her in the eyes no else just in the eyes the whole time tell me baby tell me everything how was you don't look at your phone no just one hour every day your woman will appreciate that more than spending a whole day with her doing this talking and then my mom taught me these things just like you know communicate differently a woman and a man don't use the same languages of love in the same way so you learn these things my mom had to raise me you know to be a man exactly and I mean she was the single mom raising a man so she had to you know practice the tough love on you so I don't I don't think she is but I have to ask this is she she like asking you when the grandkids are coming and oh really yeah of course you never speak about that of course she thought that is she like cool just I don't care if you get married just bring me a kid how much like where is he wait is the child huh and what was funny is my whole life my mom was like if you get a girl pregnant you leave without this house you're not coming in my mom used to say I'll take the child and you'll go oh I'll swap rooms that'll be my child and then you'll go find your way in the world I get to you're a man now yeah go and be a man so I was like my whole life I was like yeah okay okay make sure Trevor make sure make sure nobody doubts no mistakes no mistakes no mistakes safety first no mistakes and then now my mom is like and then she's optic prettier ha ha ha I will get a grandson sending me those government funding stays are the staple ones sending me staple condoms so when are you when we when are you getting a child yeah I don't know it's not like I like I'm trying see not kind of understand why everyone just once children because I mice needs a playmate oh so this is for you it's gonna be a long commute though this is now I'm like hey mom um I'm going to uncle Trevor sighs I'm just gonna take 19-hour flight you know that's the thing sometimes I wonder why people have kids I'm like you just so we just making them VIN mm we all gonna make them why because you need to there's nothing behind ya you leave something behind build a house you you live in New York you know how to live with no space okay turn Cammy and say there's no space no but there's no space though like sometimes I wonder like maybe I'll have a kid maybe I won't maybe I'll adopt me because I'm like there's so many people so you really want to make more you know men Trevor reading your book and the way your mom described having you that she wanted something that was her own yes you have to want a little bit of that yeah or sometimes sometimes I go you old would be cool you know you're like a little man I'll have a little version of myself then I see that then I see a kid yeah at the shops with their mom then I'm like I don't want those things those things I don't want them you'll change your mind you
Channel: Eyewitness News
Views: 410,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trevor noah, anele mdoda, real talk with anele, interview, daily show
Id: bC58aV8IAfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2016
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