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[Music] it's not going by there I know it's not it's just not gonna happen I don't want to make that so I just go unless I hit a lotta work I'll try and bring it around mmm-hmm friends I need to interject now it's the regular time I'm doing my freakin videos for you it's early in the morning friends this tree you'll notice by my hooting and hollering that I'm just gonna be honest with you this was some of the finest single tree felling I've ever done in my life to this point in my career all the years of experience knowledge in a man's time in something or a woman's time in something he musters at all and he has to use it from time to time all of it in a roundabout way the time of year the SAP starting to flow the cut the fiber this friends I who didn't haul it after this Victor's chin was on the ground he couldn't believe it I've got it on footage you're gonna watch it I hope you enjoy it the cameras the footage is pretty good its GoPro stuff so the you know how that is this tree friends literally almost a 45 tucked in the crowns way in behind my gut instinct was that it was gonna just break off and go back and I would just cut the mess up and leave it but I thought I'm gonna try it and I'm glad I did I'm pretty tickled with myself on this one I will say I had to hoot and holler so I just wanted to do a little warm-up here for you and interject this was by far probably the the the biggest swing of I've ever done on an alder tree it was nuts no Dutchman's no hoochie-coochie flippity floppity hinge tricks nothing nothing undercut back [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] face it Victor [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cops [Music] okay it's gonna get hung up look at her friends but I have a plan look at that director comment oh yeah it is I can't believe it's still hanging on it's gonna roll that is amazing I'm proud of that I am freakin proud of that right there oh damn friends I'm hooting and hollering right now that's just the victor so friends Oh just so tickled I can't believe it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I don't have to explain to you what happened there Victor that was 45 degrees cut it up and smash it with the tree behind to break off so remember this it is what is it March yeah it's the end of March I can't really friends I'm gonna be I'm gonna be real honest with you right now okay I've done some crazy stuff with trees over the last two when he cut something years crazy stuff that rate there I'm proud of that Victor I'm real proud that tree was literally it yes it did I just kept watching it hang on and wasn't making any cracks and pops you've got to listen to your cracks and pops so what I done is I put my look at the back up look I do i do outdo myself friends that's in the lay that's called in delay with an alder so basically what happened if you're interested well you saw it happen I hope I hope the GoPro was on there I basically put an undercut in it facing I would say it almost went in lay it almost went to its undercut I put the undercut face into Victor's I actually Victor the undercut was about here you can see where I started to work inside the guts so I started it started to cave on top of itself it started it's the same principle friends as when we chunk those big chunks out where we put our undercuts in almost all the way through the tree and it caves in on itself that's exactly what I did here and I left all would up on the top post if I had to cut any wood here it had been gone yeah it would have creaked a little bit and it would have made a hell of a mess in there and got all caught up in EM trees dun Tooting my own horn friends thought that was that was ridiculous there's that tree that was absolutely ridiculous I just kept watching it and watching it and watching it you got [Music] [Music] so friends these these jobs where you get into these wetlands with all this hardwood dancing around everywhere really take your time don't just walk in and start cutting friends it's not worth it it's just not worth it you know we get excited I used to do the same well I love cutting trees so much I just don't love it but I've been smashed and beaten and and it slows you down it makes you a little smarter it cleans up your game I don't know about you human knows what I'm talking about and Augustana he knows what I'm talking about too when you get thrashed upon by the forest you gain respect you eat humble pie it doesn't taste very good but you eat it and you pick up and you get going again friends I've been walloped more than once bad real bad and so you know the first time was my fault and that was that hurt my pride more than anything I've told you guys about that but this this last one you guys are gonna hear about within a couple of months here I want to get that bunker set up and I'm gonna sit down tell you a little story you'll talk about story time so so it just just just slow down slow down take a look don't don't barge in don't barge in I mean you you look at it look at it in you can't see much because of the Sun but I mean everything's leaning you got Deadwood everywhere balsam ZAR croaking you got alders every got barber chair city so sure go ahead and go you know the first tree I can't friends the first tree I cut with that Poulin it wasn't warm enough I poured the cost of the back cut and they capped on me and it almost barber chair to picked up again and I cut the wood butt and it went but just something like that what if your saw you know what I mean so just just don't don't barge it don't barge [Music] [Music] see that was one tube or it actually laid right on course so that's nice I like it fences over there [Applause] [Music] Wow it's in rough shape I'm gonna put my undercut to grab this top foot here I got no holding wood here I'm gonna use this chalice that's holding wood because it's leaning hard that way here we go without furniture he's gonna pull [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I hope you enjoyed it Hey yeah we'll catch you on the next one thanks for all the positive comments be kind
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 29,808
Rating: 4.9184365 out of 5
Id: t2kNG5I1eG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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