Tree Cutting with a Bad Tooth

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I was working here yesterday so I've I've not hooked up yet I was here alone but today it's got Dave with me and um I'll take this fur tree down this dead one looks red so that's just the Sunrise it's not it's not really that color so um It's relatively simple tree of the thumb when we get down to the stem we've got to watch this Hedge I'm gonna throw the logs Over the Hedge um and not let them go down the other side because there's a steep Bank then a fence and then the neighbors and then this older tree here is coming down that leans over next door to the power pole there too wires running that way so what I'm hoping is when the fur tree is stripped to a bear Pole I'll be able to get my climbing line through there onto the older tree which has a dead section and a live section so it goes right over next door so about a 50 foot tree 60 foot maybe but it's a lot further down to the bottom and there's a fence down there so whether it's the limbs or the logs we can't have anything dropped down hit the fence so um like I say I'm hoping you can just see the fur tree suit two seeders either side of the fur I'm hoping I can get my line through unobstructed from there down into the older and then we'll just rope it down somehow it doesn't matter if we only rope it down onto the embankment at least it's safe there and uh it looks like there's plenty of clearance swing those dead sections over without hitting anything it always looks easier when you're up there then when you're well generally does it looks a bit dodgy for me that tree but when you're up high looking down things seem more obvious so thing with this fur tree is it's kind of it's really tempting to just bash it down really quick but it would be smarter to zip line it over a bit closer to the chipper and it lessens the impact then otherwise we're going to be raking up loads of little bits instead of carrying branches and chipping them whole fire would stay well we're going to take some of the firewood and they're going to keep a bit as well so so that's the thing is it quicker to cut it down fast and then have two of us on the ground cleaning up or take the time to zipline it um but have an easier clean up later it's always the The Dilemma but um I'll I'll get set up for both um and then I'll think about it when I'm up there sounds like Dave's truck now there's not really a great ground anchor for zip lining maybe could just stand and hold it this is as close as we can get to the chipper I can't get around this corner that's Dave give us give us this far dude give us a song hey I won't need that too late today so just remember that's uh foreign thank you foreign foreign just keep play Dave [Applause] hey Dave foreign foreign [Music] wow [Music] and play Dave okay thank you hold it Dave all right [Music] okay Dave then play Dave okay foreign foreign [Music] okay foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] movement [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign upside down it's going to hang upside down brush first and then when you let it lay down don't lie down so it's hanging over next door it's got to go it's got to go one way or the other okay so if it's going the wrong way then you just have to walk down with the Rope foreign no just just you can hold it tight while you see where it goes it's not it can't go far you see I'll just let it down a bit Dave foreign because the line isn't going straight up but um it should be okay yeah that's fine so when it comes over you can sort of Let It Go a bit as soon as it's that those branches okay [Applause] hold on Dave foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] don't worry about it I'll uh free it when I get down yeah just you can just let it down see where it ends up so not a bad effort still got another 40 feet to bring down the oldest down and gone and carried it all up the hill and chips the yard's clean at the front a few logs down what a bit of a mishap with some plant pots for so tomorrow we just come back finish that stem and a little bit more pruning around the place just small trees really why is it still up and uh you don't know if you notice that little drainage pipe there see that little white pipe you have to be careful of that with the logs early [Music] foreign everything okay just pass you this saw first aid let's get rid of that so this this could be the worst video I've ever made by the time I put it together mainly due to bad planning or no planning at all I only just found the motivation the night before to um to do it I thought I should maybe I could make a video on tomorrow's job and um yeah I was totally unprepared no space hardly on the the SD card in the camera um a tiny bit on the phone as well like a few minutes and um when I was part way through the older hi everyone out of space and our two um quickly look through the the playback and see what I could delete from the job to to at least try and get the two dead tops in so um and then the following day like today we came back and we finished I think I got two clips on on a new SD card and had this bad toothache the whole time which just came on um the night before and I drove to the job and I've not kind of left the house more than a minute and I suddenly realized that ticking my painkillers out of the truck so I had to go through that first day with this this toothache and it was it was irritating me I think that's what why I decided not apparently why I decided not to zipline the train and just lash it down the way I did because it I couldn't I didn't have the patience to wait there and be slinging stuff up and watching it go down and waiting and waiting and then Avon flips it and then the next one it it just seemed like too long I had to be busy I had to be soaring but um as for the question I put I asked the star is it quicker All Things Considered to zipline this or to just cut it down and then get down and help clean it up with only two of us on site I think um in this instance it was better to do what I did because um I mean what time was it I don't I don't think actually got up the tree till about 9 30 because I had that steep tribe to get up and there was a bit of organizing to do let's put about 9 30 by the time I got up and um I had it let's have that I was still at the bottom of the tree at 9 30. and then I had it stripped out by 10 30. and David managed to get quite a lot shifted in that time as well and chipped so that that was good going really and it was just that the um a lot of raking to do little bit so shuttered everywhere but um had we zipline that it would have taken at least twice as long I think to sling everything and run it down and um maybe even longer than that so that's just the feeling I got on that job it's not the same for every job it may have even been different again at the tree been live with live foliage on because the Douglas for tends to just when they hit the ground there's just fluff everywhere and needles and just a lot of fluffy brittle growth that you end up spending forever trying to clean up later so the zipline may work a bit better maybe been more of an advantage I had it not been dead but then anyway it was I think that that was the best way to do it and that's just the mood I was in and that's because because of the way me the tooth was irritating me so much so um but I don't know what this this video will be like um may put some music over there because I did so much soaring and I know how aggravating as well the sound of that uh battery saw is if it's constant sword it's the uncut it doesn't sound it's not so annoying but I can imagine on the video because I was kind of doing lots of repetitive cuts it might be hard to listen to so I'll just perhaps I'll put some edit some other sounds in over the top of that so it's not so painful to listen to but um we'll see anyway hopefully there's something worth watching I'll have a look over the weekend all right thanks for watching if if this makes it to YouTube all right
Channel: Reg Coates
Views: 20,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ld1TCOopACw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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