Treating Narcissism: Advice for Patients | ELSA RONNINGSTAM

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the first thing is that it's so important to search and find a treatment based treatment who died in a treat who fit the patient's personality your personality I use the word yes directly or that fits your personality and what you want to accomplish and we see that because numerous or patients with this pathology has had a number of treaters and they're coming on and started and fired and so on and so forth and one thing has to do with that the expectation of changing and the fact that change is very very challenging thing being prepared for that starting treatment and and getting involved in a process that is heading towards change can be a very challenging and then sometimes even frightening experience it can involve giving up things that have although you you know that they are not good they have still served a function for you so that is something to be prepared for and that's why it's important to choose therapists who you really appreciate and can trust and where you feel the therapists attend to and listen to you and the third thing I want to to say to you is to really set aside time to describe your own problems to try to understand them to put together a narrative to put words or maybe write them down because um with narcissistic problems they can come and go quickly suddenly shift mine suddenly there is a conflict you don't know fully why and to to Really choose a few situations that have been specifically challenging and make an effort to describe them understand them from different perspectives and them um bring them in in in treatment
Channel: BorderlinerNotes
Views: 3,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xDQChw9gRJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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