TREASURE HUNT ❗️❗️❗️ 💎 💵 | Talking Tom & Friends | Cartoons For Kids | WildBrain Kids

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it's finally summer I want to see who can climb a tree the highest without getting scared and ride a roller coaster with my hands up and do a Pon ball lots to do chop chop you heard the man let's get chopping guys we can't go we have to update all our company files it's going to take forever what no don't do that on the first day of summer h no way we've been down that road this has been a long time coming sorry Ginger fine then I'll have summer fun some other way wow Ginger gave up easier than usual well the kid knows a lost cause when he sees one oh cheer up today could bring our company big money we could find plans for an app we forgot or an old receipt or even phone numbers yeah Ben this is really exciting old paper old Bill treasure map old receipt wait treasure map [Music] oo why was a treasure map mixed in with your company's old files I don't know why it's here I mean these files were here before we even moved in well you know what they say about treasure maps where there's treasure maps there's treasure hm oh no you don't you're not postponing our company organization D look we're only going through all these files to get money well let's just find a big pile of it buried in the ground somewhere right wait you're not trying to take the map for yourself are you no I'm just saying we don't even know if the map is real but if you did have a treasure Adventure you'd include me of course right yeah I better keep you close so I can keep my eyes on you oh really hey the treasure is already making you paranoid no one cheat me out of my [Music] chair sorry I dropped one of my floaties um is that a treasure map uh you kicked me out of here to do work when really you were all going on a treasure quest uh Ben fine we'll all go y okay everybody let's do this get my treasure my eyes I'd say the map is telling us to check the top of this tree that was easy let's get up there yay remember to tell us what you see don't keep it all to yourself you know what I I better go with him just [Music] hey wonder if one of us should have stayed down there as a lookout lookout for what hello well now I don't usually see this on my daily bris walk what are you up to nothing but you're acting so suspicious I'm understandably intrigued um you can't climb a tree and act suspicious right guys uh I mean fine enjoy doing whatever people do when they don't have indoor scuba tank at home sh we have to be more careful I knew I'd be the fastest climber and I found this wao a second part of the treasure map that's exciting and disappointing Uncle guess which one of your enemies found a treasure map no not him no that's not even a person [Music] yes okay we're here but what's this supposed to be a shoelace uh I don't know but abandoned carnivals sure are creepy it's not abandoned it's just closed on Mondays it's abandoned for the day ooh Riches of a different sort hey what's everyone going to do with their share of the treasure good question do you go boat or helicopter I think a better use would be for extra server space come back we trusted [Music] you no that doesn't Ginger you are out of the treasure hunt no stop fighting me and look ooh up there there's another map it's hanging with those festive and decorative penants I don't see an easy way up hey Ben can you operate that thing don't be silly of course I can do [Music] it wooo all the [Music] board [Music] W go [Music] again [Music] again yeah we did it yeah we sure did Buddy now let's go crack this mystery together do it why don't we just take the map because it's better to let them find the treasure and then take it what good is tearing somebody's dream away if you can't see the look on their faces good business lesson now hurry to the [Music] vehicle [Music] [Music] 98 99 100 100 101 that's exactly how many steps the map says this should be the place I keep your eyes open for Treasure I bet it's going to be super well hit look at these pine cones stacked next to that tree that happens to have a hole that's the right size to throw a pine cone through coincidence there's no such [Music] thing yes oh no so this is why more people don't grow up to be treasure finders it's not worth the heartache W [Music] yes we did it we're all r [Music] oh no a forest Spirit guarding its cursed riches well that doesn't sound like a forest spirit that sounds like Darren and me the CEO what come on you can't take our treasure you say that but I have a top-of-the-line Mega Grabber no no no you can't do this to us you lose again ly [Music] losers wait we don't need to do this what get off my luxury [Music] Balloon Guys no this is danger you're a danging a little boy we can't give up now we've come too far and too high but the treasure isn't even real what I wanted to have fun with you so I stuck a fake map in your papers when you were not looking but there were Clues all over town yep in all the best summer places how could you do this to us I just wanted everyone to have fun wasn't today fun well I guess it was fun yeah I like the roller coaster part this balloon part is kind of neat plus we got to skip another company organization day Darren do something why are you here if you're not doing something I have an idea I'm spping everyone let go on the count of three you have to trust me okay 1 2 3 What Now Ben do you have some cool science thing planned not exactly I have a cool geography thing planned we've drifted over Ginger's house ah [Music] Canon well this was a summer kickoff for the record books but wait if none of this was real what was inside the treasure chest oh that just my bug collection we did it we're even richer than before I'm going huh this treasure is made of bees I'm too wealthy for [Music] this beware super villains or face the might of cyber Hank at his trusty sidekick sticky Ginger holy helium it's her Arch Enemy the vinator we have to stop him before he inflates the whole world time to download Justice what no put down the watermelon and help me with this got no time Ben having a picnic with Angela this afternoon huh you'll have plenty of time when you help me complete the time slower Angela's at the store right now picking out our grapes this picnic is on stupid time the Bator is making his move enter observation mode what's this doing here fber sticky go go get off me stop it huh what you know Ben no matter how evil he was that balloon deserved a [Music] trial citizen it is our sworn duty to be a firewall between you and crime don't be a firewall to me play your game somewhere else Mighty misunderstanding Ben superheroing is it a game it's big grownup stuff huh toys don't touch that it's my fail box where I put all my inventions that don't work yes I love it why is this harmonica in your fail boox the yuck Monica has lousy battery life now please stop touching and what's this robot Bookers I was trying to improve upon glue I failed so that only sticks to things if you throw it oh and this could be cyber Hank cyber saber it's just a flashlight that's way too braak don't point it in guys go away away I need to work on my time slower yeah but you're the only one around who needs to be kept safe from crime that's not true there are lots of other citizens to save like a like a Tom and Angela I hear their picnic is in Peril a perilous picnic that doesn't sound very dangerous that's what the bad guys want you to think that logic computes we've got to save com and agela okay but we have to take the fail B fine just go save somebody [Music] else I don't want to ruin the surprise but I heard that soon we'll have plenty of time for even more of these picnics oh nice is Ben making a Time slowing machine mhm bug detected that vus fly is about to destroy aela's cupcake bastardly dessert let's teach that F of buz hey download this scoundrel you don't need to fight the Fly Guys flies are part of picnics like ants and sunburns in weird places but Ben told us to protect you because you were in danger so Ben put you up to this huh yeah good thing is it really a good thing what do you guys know about super villain mad scientists oh yeah a mad scientist would definitely be someone two Brave superheroes would want to battle but the only mad scientist we know is Ben Ben's not doing anything evil he's just making some invention to control time but he could use that power to rob banks you're right bed fooled us as if we were fools not for long cyber Hank and sticky Ginger to the rescue hold it right there doctor slow po Dr Slowpoke that's a good name I thought I pushed you off on the Tom and Angela go back outside I'm busy your mind games won't work on us Dr Slowpoke the time has come to stop you from stopping time W what are you talking about the time slower is a miraculous World improving invention World improving does it sound evil not sounding evil is an obvious super villain trick don't fall for it cyber excellent point sticky Ginger the one thing that doesn't stick to you is lies step away from the time slower Dr Slowpoke stop calling me that cyber sticky get the super villain I'm not a super [Music] villain wow how about that it [Laughter] [Music] works sorry to take such Extreme Measures but I need to finish my work I hope you don't mind hanging around until I'm [Laughter] [Music] done we're having a great time this is a lot more fun than playing superheroes like Hank and ginger right it does not sound like they're having a good time in there does it no not one bit I kind of want to be a superhero too me too oh I'm so glad you said that yes we can get costumes from here woo let's go fight [Music] evil H stop that mumbling it's making it very hard to get into my workflow they'll never stop Dr slow not until you've been vanquished I am not a super villain besides who's going to Vanquish me you guys are all tied up man I am on today huh Hank Ginger what happened you were right about Dr slowpoke he wants to freeze us all in time that's not what I'm doing and who are you two supposed to be anyway well I'm the dynamic D fighting evil with the power of song and I'm Tom man oh uh I'm Tom guy wait okay look I didn't come up with a cool superhero name yet but I will I promise Tom sh the point is why are Hank and ginger tied up because I no longer have time for any more interruptions and unfortunately for you guys you are interrupting me oh no Vanishing felons where did Ben go I'm right here I stopped time so I could change into this bad guy costume it just happened to look good on me and if you must know I also had a snack and took a little nap Ben's all villain now but it's a good thing we have a super villain's one weakness a superhero [Music] te how dare you all distract me from my work get the time [Music] slower no fair don't worry sticky jiger attack [Music] now he's using his helmet against us cover your ears everyone let the diva take this first hey Ben what is your power supposed to be uh it's the good one you'll see soon right after this enough time to end [Music] this gotcha nice distraction time oh distraction that's my super thing aha looks like the only thing you'll be INF fentic now is tears Dr Sloop hook cry baby I get it I got carried away but I just wanted to finish the time slower and then Hank and genter kept distracting me well you have no one to blame but yourself oh all right we sent them in but only so we could have a picnic by ourselves wait a minute this was all so you two could do your kiss barfing wow classic superhero backstab life is a graphic novel I guess this machine is far too powerful to be left left in your hands cyber Hank we've got a town to protect I'm with you sticky Ginger well I wouldn't worry they'll break that thing soon [Music] enough oh [Music] yeah [Music] I still want my money [Music] back [Music] Y [Music] what I can't believe this I am so mad I Could Just Lose It what's wrong Tom we've been stripped of our title of friendliest town in the world no that can't be right that's right we've been stripped of our title of friendliest town in the world and people are wondering how the mayor let this happen you blew it Tom Tom you have to fix this I can't grow up in a second best town my standards are too high now you won't have to because we're going to get our number one spot back we're going to make this town the most easy to get along with and welcoming place in the world now let's start by what up new roomies roomies what's going on haven't you heard the word you NY nerd I live here now [Music] uhoh [Music] landlord what is going on here because we do not have room for a new roommate of course you do right here but that's our storage closet stop complaining now you get to hang out all day with the fun and crazy guy oh yeah do the dance MC oh yeah thanks for letting me crash here while I'm down on my look Rock Bottom y'all yay you know if I want to be the mayor of the friendliest town again I need to lead by example we're happy to have you MC or should I say roomy wow thanks that means a lot time to housewarming P part [Music] y'all I thought you hate it when things were CH L I make an exception when a genius is practicing his craft oh oh oh oh yeah [Music] [Music] okay oh oh oh oh oh yeah ah [Music] a focus everyone we'll never win back the friendliest Town title if we can't come up with a plan I don't know if you've noticed but our new roommate is very distracting um what what if you pass a law that makes it illegal not to smile and wave at people that would make us friendlier okay make things illegal someone give me another one well you could maybe if you I can't think anymore I start to talk and then that what was I saying but Migo I got some great news the mailman deliver The Groovy surprise for you funky new friends a one a two a one W wo take five buddy you see we actually just got some really sad news oh no is everything okay I'm afraid not look we just got a call from the landlord and apparently he needs that storage closet back right away uh we tried to tell him about how much we liked having you here but he said you have to get your stuff out and leave right now I'm so sorry buddy well I knew living here wasn't ever going to be a forever thing you know what I'm saying I'll be all right and I won't forget the time we spent together you guys are always going to be some of the best oh hold on my phone is ringing yo is see here I'm confused say that again all I'm saying is we should surprise your new roomies with a pizza party tonight huh uh it's not what you think MC we just need to we can explain no you don't need to explain this isn't the first time this has happened something about me pushes people away sorry for annoying you with my f [Music] friendship MC no don't drop that [Applause] mic no no no you can't do [Music] this [Applause] [Music] oh this is the worst I have ever felt I keep thinking I hear his fat beats but it's only the depressing beating of my guilty heart we acted like the unfriendliest jerks ever no wonder we're second place actually we've dropped to third wait now it's fourth and fifth you guys grew in the MC's life what's wrong with you we messed up but only because we were trying to save our Town's reputation you're so dumb the MC could have helped you with that he's like the friendliest guy in the world world huh that actually makes sense he won't help us now he's probably made new friends better friends that don't stab him in the back no he's not didn't you hear where he is he's the book Stamper at the school library it doesn't get sadder than that I can't watch stay strong Hank I can fix this [Music] crazy bumping into you here huh sh good to see you you're looking well a hi Tom welcome to the library let me know if you need any books stamped or uh you know okay we treated you wrong but now I want to help how would you like to be the town friendliness Ambassador nah no thanks I already got a job but in this gmy place this isn't you everybody loves the old MC I don't know I don't think that's true my mojo is gone I'm sorry my days are being the MC are behind me now I'm just Maurice clamont I don't know why I'm even wearing this anymore no don't do it please no oh come on Hank us reacting to something very dramatic stop shooking us huh all that shush almost sounds like a fresh new Rhythm n mace come on don't don't don't talk like that you don't care about things like that anymore I think I have an idea all right guys let's do this good on boys stop it what are you doing to me showing you who you really are ah yeah we're all in the library getting our SP on I knew it you can't lose your mojo so you have to use your mojo as the town friendly this Ambassador what do you say I'm totally in and I'm ready to win I'll do [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] friendliest town in the world again we did it Bud Migos I can't believe we pulled it off we made things right with the MC and solved your mayor crisis and best of all we didn't forget to tie up any Loose Ends MC I'm ready to get party on where are you favorite new [Music] [Laughter] tenant so these are little robots cute cute this is the world's most advanced anti-aging cream the Nanobots interact with the face cells if you put this on it'll be like you're 15 years younger I got all that one did you guys see I'm a slugger don't play ball in the house Ginger we're trying to get ready to meet with Autumn Summers what Autumn Summers she's the meanest lady in town why would you ever work with her we don't want to but we are really short on rent this month that's a boring reason it's an adult reason we need money or we're going to lose the garage hey Park fellow citizens it'd be a surprise visit from The Lord of the land yes because I'll evict you uh we know the rant is due landlord you don't need to remind us but I want to you know get my money soon or it's tick tick evct I can solve this problem without you guys being lame I made a batch of prank juice one Sip and he'll be on the toilet for hours and then he no Ginger we're selling the anti-aging cream because sometimes being a grownup means doing stuff you don't like more like being a grownup means being stupid kids [Music] rule [Music] woh sometimes being a grownup means doing stuff you don't like what a load of hot garbage I wish they weren't grown-ups then maybe you and me could have some real fun for once [Music] baseball huh yikes that almost hit the window oh that's a good idea for a game what a mess good thing I made a backup batch of anti-aging cream wait that's the bagel spread boy would that have been a wacky mixup um no Hank this is definitely the backup anti-aging cream I label the jar with a picture of a single nanobot see oh that's interesting Hank have we been eating the anti-aging cream [Music] what sorry not sorry I was playing a game where I was trying not to hit the window and then I swung the most far yeah but I SW did the most high and I can swing the most cute yeah that's a good one Angela to like Angela to like Angela they do not my wish came true you made it wish me wishes are my favorite kind of science wishes aren't science you're thinking of Genies dummy okay baseball now I wish for wings now maybe it's a one wish baseball a that's too bad but don't be sad let's play a game really you don't have work to do oh let's play ball in the house that's what you said I couldn't do [Applause] yeah a million points for ginger 3 2 1 B hello is someone there are you an invisible person if you are you better not tickle me it's not fair and you know it okay Angela your turn Truth or Dare and since no one ever picks truth I dare you to put your head in this bucket of words oh that's gross Han that's so bastic Angela doesn't have to do that dare okay okay I don't dare you I double dare you wa a double dare now you have to do it it's a [Music] lot [Music] my tummy is getting hungry yeah let's eat Angela you might want to wash your wormy hands you might want to wash your wormy [Applause] face come on ginger cook L me I don't know how to cook why do I have to oh [Music] man there lunch I hope hope you're happy ew what is that ketchup noodles and crackers ew I want cake well I want cake too but we don't have any cake Ginger my ketchup noodles are touching my crackers they do food at me I want [Music] C I worked really hard on this meal and you are going to eat it and you are going to like [Music] it stop you're making a huge M so why do you care because if the landlord sees this you're going to get infected that's stupid grut stuff come hit this big ball off my head no you'll knock his brains out not if I hit the ball I won't Now give me that back or I'll make a really annoying noise no oh I can do [Music] that what's happening to me I'm not supposed to be the responsible one around here I'm the fun kid I'm fun I'm a kid I take it back okay I wish they were grown-ups [Music] again I guess I'll get it since I do everything around here Tom my time is very valuable so I won't wait for you to say hello I have to come to our big meeting a little earlier than expected um this isn't spare me the small talk I'll be there in an hour I look forward to trying that fancy scientific anti-aging cream of yours T anti-aging cream scientific Hur it wasn't a wish that did this it was Ben stupid invention why didn't you tell [Applause] me you guys I know why you're kids you ate the anti-aging cream it a anti-ag you maybe so what so we have to make things normal before Autumn Summers gets here Ben you have to do science um get serious and stop thinking like a kid but we have to think like kids because the stuff in our tubbies is making us kids we have to think like kids I'll be right [Applause] back this was a good plan celebrate being kids forever with yummy smoothies sure smoothies also known as Ginger special prank juice what's prank juice uhoh I need to go potty what did she do Ginger no Hank was right we have to think like kids if the stuff is in your stomachs we have to get it out don't worry I brought [Music] supplies Autumn Summers glad you made it we've been busy getting everything perfect so that we can sell you our anti-aging cream excellent let's get started with oh oh my what's that awful [Applause] smell F and children I don't smell anything no no come on you can't do this to us pleas you messed up your meeting how are you going to pay the rent excellent question you are asking answer you aren't time to evict anything left in here is mine that couch mine paint on walls mine that old bagel with spread I found in your kitchen exra mine looks like we just bought ourselves some [Music] time oh [Music] goodness what will s what you doing Tom nothing I've got the day off and I'm going to enjoy some peace and loudness anyone at the theat the fears that the singing will be too loud but fear not thanks to my new earbags we can test these out at the musical tonight but we've still got a lot of work to do Ben I need this day off you had a day off last month when you had that fever I went to the hospital so you traveled here's a list of stuff to get at the hardware store Tom you need to help me buy snacks for the big musical tonight if you think you're going to the grocery store before you go bow tie shopping please could everyone stop bugging me for 2 seconds all right I can't even think straight with all of you we're headed to a musical show but first place Tom's got to [Music] go Ginger please stop making up musical style songs we'll get plenty of that tonight after Tom helps with the earbags and the snack and the bow tie I can't believe it this is supposed to be my day off I'm supposed to spend the day with [Music] myself so you look exactly like me and your name is also Tom it's Tim but close enough how have we not run into each other before I'm just passing through you see I work at the carnival oh wow that is the coolest thing I have ever heard what do you do uh all I do is operate my own tech company and act as manager for my famous singer girlfriend hey here's a crazy idea what if never mind nothing's too crazy when you're talking to a [Music] mirror okay what if you and me trade lives just for one day no one would be able to tell us apart and we'd both get a break from the things we're sick of H that idea is so brilliant I wish I came up with it what are you talking about Tim you did come up with that idea huh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] wow this is really peaceful except for that roller coaster still I could get used to [Music] this hey Ben I'm almost done with my painting once once I finish we can do our next round of tests for the earbags wow thanks you know I was afraid you were going to spend the whole day whining about how you needed a day off but I'm glad I was wrong I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning but I feel better now it's like I'm a whole new me I guess I'm not [Music] complaining m [Laughter] well that's the 5:00 coaster time to switch back with Tim huh go ahead pull it the thir time maybe something different will happen oh good tip the CEO what are you doing here hatching a plan so genius you didn't even know there was a plan I fooled you Tom fooled you I don't understand I wouldn't even be here if I hadn't meant Tim and oh I get it Tim's a bad guy he's not a guy he's a robot Tom impersonation machine that's right and now Tim is going to destroy everything you've ever cared about or better yet you're going to destroy it because everyone thinks Tim is you no make me what do you think of this tie is this b a no or a go oo the cast of the musical better watch out or the well-dressed mayor might steal the show it's funny you bring that up because I'm going to make an announcement before the show begins oh you're pointing out the emergency exits I've always wanted to do that no I can't tell you what it is but I can say that it's it's going to change everyone's lives permanently so how do I look I was going for breathtaking but I might have stopped at stunning Angela you make stunning even better than breathtaking don't do it stop being gross you guys are going to make us late oh man Ginger please this is going to be a mature evening of Art and sophistication and romance you what are you doing stop there's no one in the world I'd rather be with than you no Angela you're saying that to someone who isn't me [Music] I no oh it's okay to you have a new life now you're a Carney controlling Kitty rides at an amusement park wait a minute you're right I do control the rides wait what are you doing go back to mopi stop it I didn't mean to give you an idea when I was talking I was just mocking you it's not fair that's right it's not fair it's Carnival nice try CEO ha get back here Tom no don't look at me you're not better than me shut up I'm so excited about Tom's big announcement maybe it's about me I hope he's going to announce the town is going to get one of those neat cell towers that look like trees genten welcome to history the musical before the show starts I want to say something in the most public way I can my whole life this town has been my home a you've seen me grow up and I never got a chance to tell you that I am so much better than you I tried to make this place fun but you guys are just lame where's it going with this and no one is Lamer than my boring business partner Ben yeah that guy right there look at him I officially announced that we no longer work together what now let's talk talk about my girlfriend Angela what's going on I tried to make it work but the fact is you're not as fun as me you're not as interesting as me and you are definitely not as pretty as me hey that's not true she's way prettier than you and me whoa wow wait there's a Tom And there's a Tom I don't get it he's not Tom he's an impostor no he's an impostor can't you tell actually no I think that one is Tom he's just got that Tom Vibe you know no way that one just look at his face it's all Tom yeah identical there's no way to tell guys I'm the real Tom I would never leave you or switch places with someone who look like me he is a fake no he is no he is nuh he is he is he is no he is [Music] no two standing by wait wait what is going ons on stage what are you doing we thought we watch a musical but it turned into a weird day someone tell me what's going on we have been making up silly songs about what's beenen happening in our lives all week the real Tom would know that so that means you're the that one is a plan a spoil initiate Plan B self destru everyone exit the building in an orderly and single file fashion head for the nearest emergency exit emergency exits are located to the side and behind you [Applause] W it's good to be back that is the last time I pretend to be anyone other than who I am you're the only Tom we need plus the other one just exploded so you're the only one we've got that's weird I wonder why my earbags [Music] did
Channel: WildBrain Kids
Views: 1,321,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildbrain, wildbrain kids videos, baby learning, toddler learning, kids music, baby video, nursery rhyme, education, number, children, rosie and jim, Rosie And Jim (TV Program), How Children Learn (Book)doodlebops, Cailou full episodes, kids tv show, childrens shows, Topsy and tim full episodes
Id: 1ZLtoPJ8rng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 24sec (3204 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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