Bam Bam Willie Mo Jr here excited about this moment um because this is the love you more uh show now initially it was a podcast right and I was just like man it's really dope to kind of get into the podcasting World excited about it I mean really really excited about it and then I realized watching you guys on YouTube and watching you guys on Facebook I realized you you you you you were invested like it was a show and I realized we had something a little uniquely different so to all my love you more producers let's just do this we going to call it a show okay um I'm finding everybody $100 if they call it a podcast because anybody can grab a mic right and anybody can just have a really great conversation but I think the conversation that we're curating are three things number one they life changing number two they entertaining and last but not least they beneficial for every part of your life we bringing on entrepreneurs we talking about love and um I just feel like something is about to happen um it's probably about when was it 2009 or 10 I remember when I got a God wink when I did a video about Whitney Houston and I was like y'all need to leave withy alone I was flipping my hat and then I woke up the next morning 365,000 people had watched and it was on World Star and I knew that God was giving me a wink in that direction so I kept doing it and it ended up leading into something that I can't even explain like how dude that didn't necessarily grow up in church Monday through Sunday end up having one of the largest gospel radio shows in the world like that really shook me and it let me it lets me know that when you get a guy wink you got to keep moving in that direction so I feel like this is a guy wink now to all my newcomers do me a favor even if you new subscribe to this channel yeah leave me a little comment Okay click that little notification Bell to make sure that you're updated on everything that we do we're going to have premieres and to those of you who want to go deeper and build a better relationship with your nephew to learn some of the things that we're doing outside of what we're doing on YouTube I encourage you to partner with us by just logging on to love now it's it's a few of us now a whopping 15 of us okay whopping okay we growing every single day only thing that's missing is you becom a part of our patreon all right so people say love you more what does this mean and I want to break this down real real slowly because many of you are moving in a Direction moving in One Direction and you've been moving in that direction for so long that you think that's the only Direction you can move in but when you think about the direction if we can be honest like it's stressing you out you like crying at night you feeling this anxiety many of you are are waking up at 3:00 in the morning can't go back to sleep you taking benad drill them little them little pink pills um some of y'all even drinking like I was Jack Daniel honey in the morning just to get that pain away because you are actually not aligned in where you're supposed to be and you're not actually taking great care of yourself but you know the Bible says in Mark 8:31 it says that we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves and I think in the body of Christ if you outside the body of Christ it's just between us and the body of Christ and Christians don't be offended or whatever I know it's a lot of people here but I want you to know that a lot of times we feel like it's prideful to love ourselves but I'm here to let you know after five years of therapy counseling and working towards this goal everybody lives off my Surplus over in my overflow if I'm done I'm just done and I'm okay with how anybody feels about it unless the Lord himself say go do it if I'm tired I'm tired I'm no longer Co codependent on people's opinions and I want you to live out this Freedom with me so we decided to create an entity that explores people's lives to find out the moment when they decided to love themselves a little bit more now the guess that I'mma bring on today require sunglasses because his future so bright every time I see this brother I tell you he the coolest thing walking and talking I've never seen a person with so much confidence in fact during the pandemic I started seeing these shirts all over online it was talking about millions billions and trillions you know immediately I start thinking about money I said I'll take that first one that second one and that third one and lo and behold it had a deeper meaning I'm speaking to a gentleman who's a prestigious musician Grammy nominated I don't want to brag on him but the boy can sing if he need to give him a mic it's going to turn out right but the Lord decided to bless him in an unconventional way in his clothing line and we gonna hear about it today the one and only Travis Mallo what up what up what up what up what up man I put my sunglasses on man cuz I just every time I see you just you know what I'm saying you just got this thing that's like I ain't never seen your eyes man of God if you want to disguise yourself just take your glasses off and I'll be like I don't know it's for the vibe it's for the vibe it's for the vi I'm so glad to be here man man you know funny thing the other night um I had posted something with me and a few guys we was playing golf and we was having a good time and you sent me a message and I just felt that energy I said oh he got to be on the show I said man listen we gonna add one more to this day because I want to make sure that I get an opportunity to tell a story now the thing that we do is we like to create scenarios with the love you more um with the love you more show not a podcast I'm buying you $100 if you call it a podcast okay and on this particular segment it's a song called believer it's actually a pull through song to one of the singles and what The Believer song is about is you know what I'm G just let you check it out right quick after that little counseling session wifey and I had a time that night Lord I was playing so much basketball you say will Mo Jun what is that that mean I was poking and laying up call me MJ baby from from downtown now I'm rushing to work super duper duper tripping what I'm going to do call him and tell them yeah me and my wife we made up and she put me to sleep and I put her to sleep sleep nah you ever made it to the office so late that you was embarrassed that you even made it at the time my boss always had it out for me so when I walk in he going to say wiie Moore Jr so nice for you to join us late I'm like sorry sir as I take my seat I end up putting my little church finger up everybody in there kind of snickering and giggling man I don't care how mad this dude is he going to say hey guys seeing how uh Willie finally decided to join us grace us with his amazing presence let's just take a 5 minute break a break after I done Rush my happy tail all the way from home trying to get to this breathe he looky I'm a Believer believer woke up this with a he all night with my baby made it to work tripping my coworkers are nervous just last week they laid off 10 but what if you be fir don't worry me I need a my Jesus Christ covers me I truly believe if they let go of me cuz when one door closes God opens to a three I got problems on my left on my right uhhuh somehow I'm feeling all right because I'm a Believer because I'm a [Music] Believer I promise there is no this I'm aever I'm aever name of the song is a Believer and the scenario is this like literally me and my wife we were going through some things I ended up playing basketball poking and laying up let's go get that out the way I'm late for work and when I walk in it's that same old say it's like you go to work every single day but you know something on the inside is so much bigger on the inside of you that everything becomes uncomfortable has Travis ever been in a scenario where you were working a nin to-5 job and you knew that your season was up that's a great question so ironically I've actually never worked a nine to-5 in my life but I've always been in music and I've been the minister of Music many churches Church like that was like on the same level as as a 9 to5 to me you know what I mean just clocking into a church or a pastor or a choir um and I felt like my season was coming to an end and I remember you know I was the minister of music of a church here in Atlanta and I was on the phone with my manager and I said yo I can't wait till I don't have to do this to survive Jes and I can just go to church and be fed and go home JZ and literally 30 days later pastor called me and fired me so so he fired you he fired me what was the reason for him firing you though yeah if I start talking about it I might have to go up to the office no you don't got to go go to the office but like was you late too much or just no I just think it was uh you know a lot of pastors like to hire rock stars yeah but if your light starts to outshine them they can't handle it because pastors have egos yeah and they like to be the only King of the castle so not that I went in there with that you know with the mindset of being the king of the castle but I have a very big personality you know you know I'm very charismatic people love me I'm fun and a lot of times you know people that are insecure can't handle that and that's what I started to feel so he didn't really have a reason he just fired me but I thank God that he fired me because sometimes God creates situations to force you into entrepreneurship yeah so did so did the fir in come shortly after million ions billion trillion or was it some space in between so so in October I came up with millions billions trillions and I wrote it down and I said I have a desire to create this clothing line and drop it but I was making such good money see here's the comfortable part I was so comfortable financially at the church oh man listen I don't want to be spiritual but I feel the Lord on this thing I literally just was like you know I'm not I'm not going to drop it I'm just going to keep making the money going to T the praise team the choir and going home so after he fired me I was standing in the middle of my little Penthouse with my car outside and I'm looking out the window and I said I just start crying I was like God I need you to do something gez and he said I gave you millions billions trillions three months ago get to it and literally within 48 hours I dropped millions billions trillions and the next day I woke up the whole world was talking about it the whole world was wearing it I mean it just changed my life life I literally made in probably 30 days my entire salary from that church in a year so GE okay let's put a bill on that right there so so listen I want to walk through it right now because somebody on the other side who needs to subscribe to this Channel and if you just tuning in you just kind of see I usually don't wear glasses but he's so cool his future so bright he's shining so I'm putting this on and um listen let me just tell you I'm not hiding nothing behind these glasses eyes white as snow come on somebody but no I I want to through this because right now there are so many people who have manded in the Maze of mediocrity for so long and they know like and God God been wanting me to to do CU what he'll do is he'll download it and until you make a move there are no other steps you know you just kind of fishing until you get to that like okay I'm about to do it he said I'mma give you million I gave you Millions trillions B millions billions trillions four months ago three four months ago it's time for you to do it what was that first step though the first step was just you know I always talk about you got to have good people around you who believe in you I have a s undeniable Squad they believe in me they they they treat me like I'm the the the Jay-Z of the crew like hey you got influence people love you we got your back let's set up this website you know what I mean one of my brothers came over set the we I didn't even know how to set no website up you know what I'm saying we would somebody set up the somebody set up the website uh and and what about the graphic like man the graphic send it to my guy Dei I said hey I need you to do millions billions trillions I actually at one point had gazillions under it I said no that's too much I that's too much I said I said let me just slow it up a little bit we know gazilion was in it super exclusive so I so he sent it back to me I threw it on the you know threw it on the website put the markups together and I'm doing commercials and dropping it online and of course you know because of my quote unquote celebrity and connection to the music industry was able to connect with some you know celebrities and people that you know have a huge name to wear the brand but the truth is you know millions billions trillions really does the talking I haven't really had to say anything because the truth is everybody don't want to be rich but everybody need money I tell people all the time you can't even use the bathroom without money you got to pay for the you can't even flush the toilet without money Wily Mo that's real you know what I'm saying so but more than money it's about elevation so when I started getting emails when we were getting behind on orders like yo when's my shirt coming we closing on our house and we don't want to cloth with our millions billions trillions on I'm buying my daughter her first car and she want to take a picture in front of the car with the shirt on so that's when it started to change to this was elevating the minds of my people and that's when it went from a clothing line shout out to my Bishop Bishop William Murphy he said don't call it a clothing line no more it's a motivational prophetic movement I like that and and so it's never been that so so he had to call you and get a smaller size because he's so much smaller now but you know shout out to Bishop Murphy you know too good listen he one of the first people to to to go to the website and drop a couple hundred dollars on the brand at that time he didn't even know me he didn't n he didn't even I mean he knew of me musically but we weren't what we are now so it's just you know it means so much when people will support you before they can benefit from it yeah yeah if you just tuning in Travis Malloy millions billions trillion that's his brand and I tell you what this thing is taking off like Wildflower I Wildfire I I had I known you as a m musician um producer writer Grammy nominated dude somebody that you want to connect with because you know he they call him the pin man like he can pin something up if you need him to pin something he's pinned a lot of different things but it was always like they'll choose another single but he had the single and it just just did that like how did you keep going when it seems like musically you've always been like one of the most talented guys but you were always just almost at the cusp of the number one record in the world and then all they went with another record like like how are you able to still sustain yourself mentally to move into something else to then go back like now I hear that you getting some other type of placements now like what was that mentally like for you emotionally to have to go through I wouldn't say heartbreak but a lot of disappointment in the music industry man I can't even tell you my I've had more heartbreak in the music industry than I've had you know in my in my romance you know in life seem like you doing pretty good yeah but you know what I'm saying like I you know because a lot of times you know rejection uh creates almost a level of depression sadness I've never battled depression but I've definitely battled sadness and you know questioning was I good enough you know what I mean because there are many times where I've been out here doing this a long time and when you see people you know that are less talented than you less anointed than you you know getting the deals it used to hurt you know what I mean trying to I mean I manifested every moment of my life though I mean you know how many times I prayed that I can come up here and do a radio interview with Willie Moore and Katie Bo you know what I'm saying but I didn't had a publicist I didn't had the billboard hit you know what I mean not that that was you all's requirements but you know the level of the industry you got to be at a certain level for me to even call upstairs you know what I'm saying so for me to even be able to be sitting with you now it was almost like God said I'm taking you through the back door what you thought was going to take you upstairs now I got something else for you so I did deal with a lot I mean the rejection triggered the anxiety that I have faced for many years because you said something that triggered me I've been at the door so many times I've been at the door so many times and I felt like it just slammed in my face every time I got there yeah but you know I look at it now as you know you know man's rejection was really truly God's protection man I'm so glad some of them labels I used to dream of being with didn't sign me you have no idea you know what I mean you know thank God to where I am now to being and I'm not exactly where I want to be right now exactly but mentally I'm at a place where I can say I'm grateful for where I am now instead of you know signing those deals that I wanted to sign back then I would I would have been a slave I wouldn't even been able to create the things that I've been able to create today you know what I'm saying 360 deal were crazy yeah so it's like now you know been able to grow into ownership and you know entrepreneurship and you know a lot of the people who didn't sign me wearing millions billions trillions today a lot of the people who rejected me is wearing the brand today you know what I'm saying a lot of the people who I tried to you know do songs with is calling trying to figure out how we did it hello how we do it yeah you know what I'm saying so how we do this but you you know you said something powerful you said I'm one of the most confident people you met man it took me years to be okay with being confident m because you know we I grew up in a very religious community why is church why why is cuz I didn't grow up because I I I hear that but when I came over some of my confidence I was like well I don't want to be like that because that may be taken no man I begin to like kind of slow it down do you know how many times I would be in church like sounding like Kane like I'm one of the best to ever do it and I never forget a lady from the church used to say uh you know settle down son let somebody else tell you that why would I why would I wait for someone else to affirm my greatness yeah because then you become codependent on how people feel about you yeah now I don't me thinking I'm great does not in return belittle other people yeah but I truly believe it's okay to believe that you're great and that you're amazing at what you do I just truly don't believe that anybody can do what I can do just like nobody can do what you can do you know what I mean you you were graced for this show I don't care how many shows how many podcasts they're not going to do it like you and it's okay to say that while empowering other people let me get a $100 I got you cuz I told you they call it the podcast we gotta find anybody cash he did the podcast uh profit I'mma give you my cash app but you know it it wasn't it wasn't you wasn't supposed to say you're great you're not supposed to think highly of yourself you know what I mean it's almost like you got to walk around but when you really look up the synonyms of you know humble it literally says to think low of yourself why would I do that why would I think low of myself so I had to literally detox from the stuff that I was told to do in those religious forms I don't like to say church because I love church and I love the way I was Rel raised and I love you know how were you raised I was raised in a religious home I was raed I was raised in a spiritual home I wasn't raised in an overly religious home okay so while we were listening to Fred Hammond and Vanessa Bell and John B ke we were also listening to jodessy and earthwind in fire in the OJs you know what I'm saying so that and Charlie Wilson You know what I mean so yeah exactly so you know that kind of gave me my mix and you know just being okay thanks shout out to my mom but you know it took me years to get confident because the truth is you got to have a level of confidence for people to not walk over you because I used to be the guy standing on the side of the stage waiting on people to come and take a picture and d and they just walk over me D and you know what I mean when you try to do business with them they try to take advantage of you all of that you know I mean so I did have to boss up you know you know what I mean so I just think there's a fine line between confidence and arrogance so what what was that moment though like so a lot of people are still there where it's like well whether it's religion their own personal rejections whether it's their own idioc secrecies of trauma maybe it's guilt or shame and then you move into this culture of Christianity and it's like everything is sometimes false humility like knowing that you have something but now you're afraid to speak up because God is going to do it and he's going to open up the supernatural doors and I remember one time it's a very prominent guy and I don't even think he knows Devon Franklin he asks my producer one time and Amed he told me he said Devon came in he asked why isn't this guy bigger than and I had to tell a m because I don't believe the way I'm supposed to and he was like what I said it's a lot of doubt in me man I mean I make it look big and I know how to make it look good but sometimes I'm in rooms and I'm in awe that I'm there yeah but guess what I uh when I came in here and sat in this chair before you walked in yeah I asked him I said what network is this going to be on yeah what TV show is this on what what's happening what you know what what deal you about to sign that's the level that I believe in you glory to God you know what I mean the way you believe in millions billions children is the way I believe in this show yeah so so now I got this thing out this Freedom that I believe like I'm like that's so we gonna manifest everything and I'm so glad you said it because I remember calling KD that's my partner and and and and he called he's like yo we need to partner do this this this another and I said man I see us now doing TV and all this other stuff and I'm I'm starting to see it but what was that moment like for you being a Church musician living in that culture breeding your your life in the culture and then what was that moment you was like no no I love me more than this because my friend Larry Reed said it was the moment that you encounter him I love Larry let let me clear that up let me clear that up Larry Larry did not start millions billions STS Larry did not speak millions billions St that's one of my uh Big Brothers what I will say that Larry did do is months prior Larry did call me he had a dream about me and he said you're getting ready to be a household name oh and the world is getting ready to know your name and you're getting ready to make a lot of money so I want to say this we joke and we laugh but he is a real Prophet I try to tell people and he did speak that uh all that other stuff is just like yeah yeah yeah yeah that's his yeah yeah yeah yes his b so in whatever world you know he thought about when he was dreaming about my name being a household name but it has opened up so many different doors and obviously what he spoke I mean I've been in Ministry all my life so I've been getting prophesied to all my life what he said was confirmation to you know what a mentor had said a year prior treny Massie that was like like hey when I was sitting on his couch living with him sleeping on his couch in 2018 before I moved to Atlanta M you know he said hey you getting ready to make more money than you've ever made in your life whose couch were you sleeping on I was sleeping on a mentors couch triny Massie he's one of my music mentors and idols and Inspirations you know everybody talks about the celebrity mentors and Idols when they get famous but you got I have to shout out the people who I looked up to in my small Hometown PS and that was triny Massie how did this talented charismatic gorus amazing talent end up on somebody's couch with this with all of this in you I was never homeless I've always had a home my mom owns her home but when you have so much in you and you're believing for so much and you're facing Rejection it started to create friction between me and my mom's relationship and it's nothing that she did because she's always believed in me but it was just the emotions of when is it going to be my turn and sometimes I didn't know how to handle communication with my mom because I was living with her at the time so I would just move out and move in with my mentor who understood that entrepreneurial you know thing in me and he was able to speak to something that I don't think my mom could speak to her cuz sometimes when family is family it's hard to receive from family sometimes I could just be honest you know what I mean my mom's a very spiritual woman and an amazing woman of God but it was sometimes hard for me to receive from her uh just from just the F family Dynamics you know so I ended up moving in with my mentor and he just I needed that season because more than the couch it was the ministry that I received from him um and he he I remember sitting on his couch and I said when is it going to be my turn he said you're getting ready to make more money than you've ever made in your life like Willie Mo you wouldn't believe how many meetings I've caught the Mega Bus 2 in New York trying to get a record deal you wouldn't believe how Mega Bus remember the mega with that little with the little with the little TV boy yeah like you would believe how many times man I was at the Stellar Awards trying to meet with the gospel Executives trying to get a deal you would believe how many times I flew to Nashville trying to meet with the people and you know I'm going just call them the people you know what I'm saying and just you would believe how many times that I tried and tried and I was right there like oh yeah man you're so talented we got you and then the next day they didn't sign somebody else and they all over the world so does does Travis Malloy have a issue with leadership submitting under that type of leadership under what kind of leadership like so I hear like you know when Mom it's like I got to get on up out of here you know I got a look bigger than this pastor so it's a little friction so does the does the does the problem lie with the leadership or or is it like something that you always just kind of like man hey if it ain't rocking that way I gotta skate or do you know when it's time to leave well you know that's a great question and I and I understand why you ask that I never really had a problem with leadership sometimes I do battle with people who are not able or have the capacity to believe at the level I believe that was pretty good right there and you know so for me it's like man if you're not able to believe at the level I have to be around people who believe at my level got it and that's why I always talk about having good people around you that can believe at the level that you all my friends believe at my level I don't care what I tell them if when I fly to La I say drive me through Beverly Hills and and and and and and Hollywood Hills Drive me through because I need to pick my crib and we drive together we like okay we like this you know and I've been doing that for years you know what I'm saying so for me I remember you know being out of church in my hometown and uh the pastor pulled me in and he was like Hey man um I see you you know moving and shaking and and I've seen the doors that you've hit and the doors that's closed and I think you should take a break and go to school and he's like just go pick a school I'll pay for it you know how many kids would want to hear that and I was I was devastated when he said that to me why Devastation I was devastated because it was somebody that I looked up to like a father and I didn't hear I'll pay for school I heard I don't believe in you man you know it's funny and mom probably be mad if I say this but Mom I love you you know I love you no matter what child we going to ride together no matter what you know that all day and she probably don't remember this but I remember when I hit like 30 and all them records because you and I we have a similar story like I I'm signed a universal Nelly sell 30 million records I sell 30 I become an entrepreneur and I'm like okay cool now I got a Warner Brothers deal you know I get a quar million dollars the first day and we like yo let's go we we we're on and then I come out this record with tank and we about to blow up and everything's going good and I say this crazy prayer that if it's not for me then it's not for me Lord take it away and then he calls and Naim Ali calls and says man I know we was going to do it but we going to move in a new direction we going to go with this young kid named Jrock who later becomes Jrock in the rest of them and then I'm just like oh my God like every time something's coming so I become 30 and I start telling them about this thing called YouTube and I'm like yo we blowing up on YouTube my phone is never G to stop ringing it's gonna be dope I'm doing these things and I remember one time my mama said n baby you getting old and you got a family now M and I knew she was just trying to be a mom to kind of be cautious of what it is and all I heard was I don't believe no more man so you so so it was like it was like a man that connects with the but that connects with the question you asked me about leadership so wasn't that my mom didn't believe it was that she's a human being who's never jumped like I jumped yeah so the truth is when things will get rough it be like all right you sounded good but I need you to go get a job cuz I need some help you know what I mean so the the like yeah like sound go yeah so it was that Vibe so for me it was like so this is the part that I want to connect to the pastor who offered to pay for school my mind went to why are you willing to pay for school but not invest in music and a lot of times people only invest in what they connect to doesn't mean that he didn't believe in me but education is what made him who he is today yeah so that's what he is able to connect to that's his space you know what I mean everybody's not willing to invest in music and we do know that you know this is an industry where it's you know it's it's a gamble yeah but I feel like if you believe enough because the truth is you invested in school you ain't get no return on that not at all at all you know what I mean you can put 50k into a song and at least get 10,000 back something gonna happen you know what I mean something going to pop so for me that's what I heard and and again I needed to be around people who have jumped yeah everybody don't jump I don't care listen even if you make a million dollars today and you went to college and you went and got a job and they pushed you up the CH you didn't really jump you kind of followed the but jumping it's when I got my car and drove to Los Angeles and took us 48 Hours 3 days 72 hours to get to Los Angeles and moved in with a friend and was sleeping on a mattress for 6 months and going to Studios and riding hooks that's jumping jumping is moving to Atlanta when your birthday I'm a Scorpio November 21st November 21st okay so we emotional we'll C you out and didn't cry in five minutes yeah yeah so I'm in December like I didn't never know we had them because that's what we did we drove 48 hours cuz we had a van and I was like we're getting off the chitlin circuit exactly we're going to move by faith it's the that that's who I am I'm a hustler I'm a I'm a Shaker I don't care what it is I was going to go man when we was singing at those Coit conventions and the National Baptist conventions we was getting in our cars and we was driving my manager at the time Uncle Bill I mean we were everywhere just trying to be heard you know and then in 2009 we connected with J Drew shout out to my brother J Drew Shar he produced my first album at 21 years old wow cuz he believed yeah no paperwork no contract no money no nothing he said I believe get to Detroit him and Kier they produced my first album I stayed at Karen Clark Shear's house for like a month really I don't even know if they know I was there I was in the basement yeah come on listen this the greatest this is not this is not that type of house the kind of house where they might not have even known no mama Karen she knew um J Drew just really believed and and she was like a mom to me you know what I mean she believed in me you know and we're like a real family um so just to see even Bishop sheer be the presiding prelate of the National Church of Goden Christ is incredible you know cuz this was see you know all of this stuff you grew up culture yeah so so that was that was 2009 you know we were there working on the album I released my first album September 2nd of 2009 and then years later I connected with a guy named Corey Rooney and did a production deal with him and that grew and then I just went into this Entrepreneur Space and then in years I started get more comfortable with doing R&B and gospel you know we live in a society where when God gives you multiple gifts the world tries to force you to pick one so for many years you talking about battle let's take off the table just trying to get a record deal let's let's put on the table me being okay with writing love songs and not being crucified by the church because I am the guy that can write a worship song for Tasha Cobb and write a sex song for tank yeah so you worshiping and having sex at the same time I'm not doing it at the same time it's more like a it's more like a Monday Wednesday and Friday I I I want to I want to I want to go there since you since you went there with the love you are now currently single and you've been single for how long I've been single for seven years what was the relationship before you were single was it really serious it was very serious we were together for four and a half years and um she was she taught me a lot I used to hear people say that and I used to be like sounding like in my mind I was bitter like GH if I ever broke up I wouldn't be talking about you know she taught me no she really taught me a lot she taught me a lot about myself she's the first woman I ever was with that actually studied how to love me she's who taught me about The Love Languages I I have an entire album that I wrote about The Love Languages because she taught me you know a lot of times people that thing is deep yeah when you think about studying how to love somebody and what people you know identify being loved with um so she taught me a lot she was an amazing songwriter oh so she was aiter yeah but you know we broke up because we was both broke well y'all both might be doing pretty good now any chance for it to come back well you know she she is doing really well hell you doing pretty good when we broke up she's in a relationship now we haven't spoken in a very long time um you I feel like doing it look right in that camera if you couldn't right right just I just I don't want you to come get me big dog but you know what's crazy you know we needed each other for That season MH and we needed to be separate because the moment we broke up we were we were so you know when you broke you just be fighting over everything and anything we were broke so it's like we were just arguing over anything but it really didn't have nothing to do with each other it was just we was we didn't have no money and it was kind of long distance she was here and I was still in my hometown but the moment we decided to split ways and her you know jump into her songwriting and me jumping to my music and my apparel my brand Blew Up the Music started going crazy she blew up as a songwriter I don't know if you've ever heard the song uh I See You by Coco Jones said she wrote that song Well everybody's Googling the writer at this point ain't no need to ain't no need to say her name y'all Google it send it to me put it in the comments all day but you know what she's an incredible songwriter she's an incredible human being and I wish nothing but the best for her that was so politically and you know who she's who you miss her though um I miss her friendship okay I miss her friendship do you compare do you find yourself because she took took the time to study you do you find yourself looking at the people that come across your desk and the part and across your path like but you don't love me like the way she did well the problem is I got to Atlanta and started dating strippers it's here strippers why strippers would you were you going to two day strippers or you were just going to enjoy yourself and and te pained can I be honest with you yes Lord that's the only way we like you I'm I don't smoke I don't drink me neither no hookah no none of that but it was my first my first experience was almost like getting high because it was something I had never done oh you hadn't been nowhere yeah I mean I had but I had never been in a place where you know every five feet is a BBL yeah you know what I'm saying so you dear in the head I ain't never seen no booty that big before so it was crazy so I get here and it's just like you know what I mean so and you got to understand a lot of times the kind of guys that strippers date or bottle girls date are guys that are often in strip clubs and in clubs and lounges I don't go to I don't go to nothing like that yeah so I'm meeting these women in the mall restaurants you know things like oh so you weren't meeting them in their no in their in their dominant no not at that time I've only been to a strip club one time but you was meeting them at the mall but I was meeting them at restaurants at the mall and we would meet and we would talk and and then two weeks later they would tell me oh yeah I'm a dancer but by then I'm already in you know what I'm saying so and then I kind of started connecting to their heart more than their body obviously because you know men are visual so we see the booty but then it's like oh you actually are a sweetheart I can actually tell that you see more for yourself than just being a dancer and you know you had a business plan you don't makeing excuses for she got a business plan she got she M she's cute did you take them to church she you know I've experienced that too that's good you know I hadn't even been to a strip club yet you know the first person to take me to a strip club don't say one of the past no not one of the P okay praise the Lord it was Ray J Ray J will take you to the strip Ray J is the first person to take me to a strip club we were in the studio and kind of working on his uh his album and he just stopped in the middle of working on you know listening to music and was like I want to go to Magic City and you know that was my first time working with him at the time so I wasn't trying to lose the opportunity so I said all right we're going to Magic City you know get the Saints together we're going wow and I ended up in Magic City and I was just I couldn't handle it man it was what does what does Travis wife look like now seeing that you you really discovered a measure of success now because you're not the same broke dude who was next to this girl arguing about who going to pay for dinner at the end what we going to eat does it become a little harder for you now you're picking considering now that there's a level of success and notoriety uh you know what there there's two levels to that you know regardless of how rich you are or how wealthy you are or how good you're doing you know what I mean I I wouldn't say I'm a very rich man but I'm doing okay for myself I like to be careful what I'm saying on camera you know what I'm saying I'm doing all right but the truth is women are expensive especially in our culture you know it's very hard to find a woman who's not looking for somebody to just take care of them and take care of everything you know what I mean so and that and I'm not saying that the people who do that there's something wrong with that but you know I was raised by a single mom who was a hustler and I'm not saying that you know that you need to be that but what I am saying is I do love a woman who wants to do something you know nowadays it's like I just want to be cute on Instagram no I actually want to meet a woman that's like hey you know I want to open up a hair salon and I wna you know drop my apparel line and I want to be a motivational speaker or I want to do something I don't want to just be cute and you know waiting on a Chanel bag every 6 months right you know what I mean so it's it's it's it's different when it comes to that it's more so about finding somebody who wants to bring something to the table and I know that's a big thing we somebody just said that we've been talking about gu why we got to bring something to the table yeah and it's like you know she said she is the tape yeah they say that and they don't they don't what does that mean I bring peace I had peace before you got here what else you got you know so I'm just I'm just trying to figure out you know what what's going on man man of God you preaching yeah like so don't I don't want to hear nothing about you know I cook yeah somebody's doing that already too yeah you know what I mean so I got a chef that cooks for me too sometimes so it's like you know what else are you bringing to the table and again you know everything isn't for everybody I think you should do what works for your household yeah because a lot of times these young girls are actually being mentored by Rich baby moms of rappers I didn't know that yeah so when you got a baby mom of a rapper Who's Rich who don't got to do nothing and you're telling these young girls go get you a [ __ ] who's gonna take care of you jeez it just creates a different yeah it creates something that it puts a lot of pressure on black men because they say that statistically the average household brings in $50,000 a year that ain't no money to take care of nobody not at all that's what they're saying statistically so let's just break it down I want to break it down because a lot of people don't break it down $50,000 a year is about $43 to $4500 a month before taxes yeah the average two betro is $3,300 yeah you ain't no money what you taking care of so then you've pressed these young black men to start going and robbing scamming selling drugs yeah because they feel like that's the only way you're gonna want them man A Little Piece ain't never made me going to rob nobody man in this camera young but that's a real deal but that's a real deal out here man so so listen I'm I'm kind of getting it so fall in love really like a stripper I haven't heard anything about daddy for Travis Malloy where was daddy in the you know what you're very great at what you do yeah you're the first person out of every interview I've probably ever done in my entire career to ask about my dad yeah so my dad passed away when I was 13 to prostate cancer and so he died at the year I needed him the most and I like to connect that story to how why rich people are so depressed I'm going tell you when my dad passed away at 13 he left me so much money from his pension and his social security for years that that was the medicine to my pain I didn't start dealing with his death till the money stopped there's a lot of celebrities that never really really have to deal with the pain because they have so much money but at the point where the money stopped and I couldn't afford to go anywhere I couldn't afford to go get on a $2 million yacht and lay up with 10 women to MK the pain or go buy a house in Beverly Hills and master the pain I had to deal with it you know what I mean so it was rough so now that goes back to the friction between me and my mom it was Fric because I missed my dad had nothing to do with her so while I'm tracing a dream I'm devastated that my dad is not here to watch me you know at 13 he saw me play the piano but he didn't get to see me start my group in the ninth grade he didn't get to see me do my first album at 21 he didn't get to see me be on you know TV for the first time he didn't get to see me write for Fred Hamond you know what I mean so dealing with that trauma at the same time was rough I do I do want to say I thank God that he was able to introduce you to a different relationship with money though yeah you know that's the one thing my dad being an ex- sharecropper didn't necessarily have a lot of money but when I turned because he was so old and he had retired uh my bad that but you know hell 91 now you was old then you know what I'm saying and you gonna laugh at this too when you like you tell the TRU I was but I ended up getting a check for like $500 $700 every single month from his pension every single year so I mean excuse me every single month while I was in high school junior senior year so I look like the dope boys same they think I'm out here hustling hustling and my crew is I was the only one in high school with a car top so I'm here I'm talking about jewelry just like everybody else and here was the thing like it taught me a relationship with money so my expectation has always been different than most people I'm like we supposed to have money we not supposed to live in lack like this the way we're supposed to do so I thank God for that my question though honestly um because I want to like create a bridge of healing if there was one word that what's your father's name William Bill Malloy man that's that's so dope That's So Dope yeah yeah so if William right now if there was some words that you could have could hear from William Bill Malloy right now seeing millions billions ions trillions on an upward swing one of the most influential BRS to ever come out of anything that had to do with Kingdom wow I'm going through different things that's like okay like that mainstream literally is is grab a hold to what words would you like to hear your father say if there were just a few words that could give your spirit Comfort if you could have heard these words when you seen it go viral that day you woke up and everybody was we you know that's uh that's such a such a broad question because there so many words but my dad was actually a man of very few words but he was a real cool guy he was like you know he he he was the vibe of uh Greg leaks old school cool you know quick with it he would have been like I'm proud of you that's my son that's my son you know he he wasn't very spiritual guy he was he was like you know he was rolling stone I mean if I could just you know you already know He evidently had some money pay for it all day so he was he was he was very you know a man of very few words but a very good man good stuff and uh you know it's uh I'm proud of you that's my son yeah just just hearing that him saying that that's my son and uh you know him and my mom were were not together the entire my entire life you know I was born in a a very peculiar situation got it um and I don't talk about it much but I don't mind because his life and I'm not you know I'm not held captive by anything but my dad was married at the time that he was out being a rolling stone I think that's what they call him out doing his thing so you know I was born to what it had could look like in shame and my mom was going to abort me because she was so shameful that she had you know gotten pregnant by a married man and um so just all of the trauma of that you know there's times where you know my mom and my dad they have so many pictures together but because you know his former wife's family you know see me and watch me sometimes I'm still I don't want to post pictures of my mom and my dad because that was around the time that he was married to their mom or you know what I mean so I've dealt with things like that and were you acknowledged at the funeral as a son oh I was acknowledged but I wasn't there I didn't go was that your choice or we might to do a part two um that was uh my choice okay uh and you probably look justlike you know I do that death is probably my biggest fear in the entire world wow and at 13 I didn't want my last memory of my dad to be in a box do you regret that at all no because it helps me I I don't have a choice but to see him alive visually see a lot of people you know in our culture we would go to funerals and me and my best friend Jay we we joke about this a lot of times but black people you know we would go to a a wake and sit and stare at a body for six hours and sing songs I don't want to look at no you know it's traumatizing to look at a lifeless body that you love in a box that is very tough and so I decided not to do that even at 13 with my own father because my last memories of him were even though he was sickly being in the bed with me watching The Jeffersons being in the bed with me listening to you know Vanessa Bell and John V you know what I mean was he a musician too he was not a musician he was just a hardworking man my dad worked for UPS for 31 years so yeah you did have nice little bit of a pin so he was a good man he was a hardworking man you know what I mean he didn't he paid my mom gave my mom money for me he came and picked me up every Saturday you know what I mean and you know obviously until he got sick his wife actually passed years before he got sick so the love of a black woman when he got sick my mother moved him in our home wow you got a chance to and he died in our house oh they loved each other so I never got to live with my dad until he got sick they loved each other definitely he just he just was in a tough situation definitely the girl that he loved he he had married her he had married somebody before he met the girl yeah yeah and and you know she she kept me I'm here she she didn't she didn't get rid of me it's so funny she always tells me the story she was in the club with my aunt and a couple friends and a man walked in with a big GIF and she was like oh my God and she was in there contemplating aborting me I got to get rid of this baby this is crazy man walks in with this big gift with a bow on it and she said I want a gift like that he looked at her and said have a baby and I'll get you one wow and that was her sign she said I'm having this baby she always calls me her jbz baby cuz she said she carried me for 10 months instead of nine months that's I wasn't here to prove that but she said she carried me for 10 months and um you know and I'm you know I'm the entrepreneur I'm the first entrepreneur the family I'm the first person in my immediate family outside of my dad that did not go to college my mom my brother my sister my nephew they all got degrees Masters all kinds of stuff but I didn't see that as a direct path for me I jump straight into music and entrepreneur and you know and they're very proud of me yeah very very proud I'm G be honest with you this this is just gonna be confirmation and Prophet can can attest to it he probably want to tell you you are everything that he always wanted to be I mean you are literally everything that he was afraid to be wow just because the same thing that happened with you as it pertains to the man who wanted you to go to school he shrunk instead of Bo up and he decided to get a job when he was so much bigger than the job but he stored at the job as if it was big as his dreams goals and visions and like literally I just feel in my spirit to tell you that everything ends here and so there's no need for Travis to go beat anybody's hero because you needed one at 13 sometime we become what we needed we because we needed a hero we'll become everybody's hero and and you you'll actually start attracting people who just oh they just need something to need something I pray that you would have those standards with these other people who are supposed to come into your life as you have for those who Steward your dream cuz you said the only reason I can't get up under your leadership is because you ain't you ain't visualizing and seeing it the way I see it so it's the same as it becomes to relationships are going to be close to your heart you're nobody's hero man that's confirmation like you wouldn't believe how many people had to cash app and zel today just because of just being the Savior it's cuz they know and um and know they can smell it on you they can smell they can smell he's a hero he's the nice guy he's this there and another and that that goes with codependency and you know just having that thing and here's the thing I'm nobody's psychologist I'm nobody's Prophet I'm a person not only who who who's been through it but I'm also a person who's overcome yeah yeah and I'm and I'm walking through I'm like you know what no no no I'm okay if you drown cuz I didn't push you in the water I didn't push you in that water somebody hit me to today I need $2,000 to this that another normally I know to message don't want to I said well how you get in that situation man I've been I've literally I've been a slave to people for years man and I'm not even saying again I ain't no super rich guy out here so even the days that I can't afford it i' be trying to pull it out of a hat yeah to be able to help because somebody asked man I've done it and I get that from my mom man I was raised in the house where everybody lived with us yeah everybody lived with us you know what I mean I call my mom like oh my friend is going through D but you got to protect this yeah no this your other thing you got to listen to them boys that you got in your space that's the TR and they going to tell you they going to be some other eyes the prophet is hard on me yeah yeah I be like Propet feel it no no no if he say I'll be like Prophet I got to have he' be like uhuh we ain't doing that today that because CU there are certain people who come into your life for your blind spots not only for your blind spots spiritually it's not even about the money that's true it's about music owe you something yeah I love millions billions trillions yeah but that arm owes you something but you know what's crazy my god sister she's actually uh one of my partners in millions billions trillions she freed me a few years ago um when I was dealing with the music side she said you don't always reap from the same places you seow mhm that had to free me because the many people that I had on the hook I just busted out crying when she said that to me you will believe how many gospel artists have made promises to me you would all them a lot of them that have been sitting at your desk have said I'mma do this for you I'mma do that for you and then you can't reach him you'll be surprised how many and and you know what here's what brings the conflict you ready [Music] mhm when I see more people in the mainstream World willing to swow and help more than the people that I dedicated my life to you got understand I turned down R&B record deals at 18 and 19 years old because I loved gospel so to chase gospel for 15 years and they all closed the door on me when I closed the door on what probably would have made me a million dollars at 19 you know so the the rejection you know getting rejected from people that you love is is terrible you know what I'm saying so I I I've dealt with that and I've walked through that but I truly believe that millions billions trillions was not just a money maker for me it was a eyeopener for me as well is like I got you and and all those seeds that you saw all that money you sp sewing to go sing at this convention and that convention because you thought something was going to happen I gave it back and I'm giving it back even more and we're just getting started I love it we just getting started so I'm I had to let all those people off the hook because I thought they all owed me yeah but we serve a kind of God where you can seow in gospel and sew in music and reap in millions billions trillions that's so good you can seow in Pittsburgh and I I've swed my life in Pittsburgh and I'm reaping in Atlanta yes you know what I'm saying so that that yeah that's where we are today so you know I've I've been able to let a lot of those people off the hook and not be bitter anymore so now when I see them I'm jumping and I'm hugging on them like hey man so good to see I got a shirt for you yeah I don't remind them like no you don't remember you said you was going jump on this song hit you exactly look at your go like this on your exactly that's real one of your you know having to you know navigate as an entrepreneur a man of God keeping your confidence while facing not just rejection but words I always talk about seeds bad seeds from Good People yeah CU sometimes there are good people who don't realize they're sewing Discord no that's real that's real so when I was battling R&B and gospel you know one of your favorite gospel singers told me if you if you start doing R&B the gospel Community will never accept you back that's it that's what they told me man well listen now you're in a place where God accepts you Jesus is is is literally working through a surrender life and that's just what I see and I'm just thankful that you would feel safe enough to share your truth with with us and like say man listen it's so much more than music it's so much more than Brandon it's so much more that I've overcome to get to a place where I actually love me more and it's apparent that you definitely love yourself more than the issues that you've had to overcome so I thank God for you brother Willie Moore you got to put a bow on it because I feel like right now we kind of like out in the water and it look like it look like I sell shirts and I date strippers I need you to clean that up for me I need you to clean that up clean it up for me you know you know put putting on a bow on the putting a bow putting on a Bo putting a bow on such a beautiful gift W is is probably one of the easiest things to do you know what I like to do in these interviews like I attempt to make sure that you understand the back story to make sure that you understand on this journey of life that you're not alone like what the enemy will attempt to make you do and of course to my people who have different metaphysical orientations this may not apply to you but the opposing party for you like he'll make you think that you're walking down and traveling down a road that's like so alone and here's the reason why because we live in a social media age a age where we're going to put a highlight real out there we going to look good we going to pick up the correct angle and everybody's just going to click like like like like like and you become a slave to the likes and you to put in a beautiful highlight re but the truth is we all got stuff that we had to navigate through and there's a lot more that we have to navigate through you know today we had the opportunity to see a man who worked very very hard in the music industry like literally sewing his own seed to make sure that he gets to the venue making sure that he created enough work in the industry to get his name out there and I just believe by faith that there's so many people who going to watch this interview and say man maybe it was something that I can do I want you to forgive yourself because it was nothing that you can do for a man who had such a calling on his life because every part of his walk has been data you win some and you learn some but baby you never lose and so it's my prayer that you had the opportunity to see a person who may seemingly look like he was walking in a loss sleeping on couches sleeping in people's houses even though mama had a house he knew that there was something else that he had to do and he was grabbing grabbing grabbing and then pandemic comes and God reminds him of a vision that he gave him four months ago and he said do you remember what I told you and that becomes a question to you do you remember what God told you I know I know people tried to talk you out of it I know your environment didn't create a safe space for you to walk that thing out I know you start drinking smoking living in habits or what have you and you think that disqualified you for the promise that God gave you that's a lie and Travis Mallo is to prove that if you just follow what God has called you to do in that moment and you don't have to have the answers you just got to have the vision so if you have the vision today do the first thing Travis did he said he wrote it down and when he wrote it down he begin to get people to come and somebody did a website I believe this a small step is still a step if you take that one step I believe that God will start to send the Allies that you need to birth a vision that can be as impactful as what Travis is doing you say Willie I ain't in clothing you said Willie I don't want to be an entrepreneur it just so happen that the Bible says that the just we got to live by faith it sucks that he didn't say that we hit Faith out the park one time and it's over he said we got to live by it and because we have to live by it you got to step out on faith on the last thing that God told you to do even if you got a day to strip or two I still believe there's a vision that God has for you and I love you but it's important that you love you more make sure you subscribe to this channel leave a comment what an amazing conversation I don't know why I'm tyad let's get that out the way but the good thing is when you hanging out with Travis Malloy you don't have to live that way because your future so bright you got to wor Shad flat out MBT