Traveller Whiskey by Chris Stapleton-E60

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we are extremely excited today we have a super special guest on our cic culture eight time Grammy awardwinning artist Chris stapleton's bourbon welcome back to Iris culture I'm Matt Jason Andrew and we are back after uh a New Year's break 2023 what year is it now 20124 is it 2024 probably something after 1991 I've already got the wrong like I'm in 996 in my mind 98 maybe I I I went to the hospital for this finger [ __ ] and I had to write the date down like trying to write down 2024 like on a piece of paper is literally impossible throughout the month of January it's always going it's kind of interesting uh watching the episodes of the progression of the finger injury yeah it's nothing's wrong and then oh [ __ ] yeah yeah it's like T butt of flesh wound and then all of a sudden it's like oh well let's just go ahead and cut it off so Andrew it's good to see you buddy how have you been you all been great yeah what have you been up to man H after the holidays so finally time a little break take take a little breather uh kind of at first we had to do a bank audit so that's always a nightmare inventory is inventory that sounds like very exciting stuff to talk about on a show I want to hear all about your bank a yeah what happened with the bank A banks suck um this still relates to work but um actually just accept for manager at the Chevy Chase store no way man no wonder we can't get you on the D Chris steton says Yeehaw it is closer to up yeah wa wait which location did you say uh Chevy Chase Chevy Chase oh okay wait okay oh okay yeah I trying to like map out like all the locations Lun fo6 fox fox 56 baby that's awesome got Bourbon and too right there too right going eating great I said [ __ ] the deli are you there now uh no so probably be couple weeks to a month or two is but however quickly it that's great dude like I can't wait that's awesome dude congratulations seriously I can't wait for like all the the bacs to come out and you can just give them to me for free that's it's pretty small store don't know if we just need two sets that's all we need store the size of this basement it's hard to produce two sets when you get a negative amount they actually take away inventory to supply other stores oh you've had this in the back since 1994 we're going to go V it over here fantastic Jason what are you been up to man I have not talked to you it's been like three minutes 20 minutes yeah well besides going on all these awesome Barrel picks that about you're jealous of [ __ ] we got to go to the Bengals game this past weekend my son's a big Bengals fan so even though it went to a game that didn't matter at all it was still pretty fun got good seats for jeap yeah um had a great time but then afterwards he uh had a little shellfish allergy we had to go to the ER that's fun that but he was good he's good he's safe he's good that's great that that is good that's horrible but that's good that he we forgot her epip pan but you know now we know my daughter has a very severe shellfish allergy as well can be scary and we have not been in that situation I know you've had well yeah G's a lot older than than Finley is both times Mexican restaurants got both times fajitas so beware of fajitas cuz I think what they do even though you tell them they cook it on the same damn Grill and if you had that like shrimp touching over man it I saw it in the restaurant and I'm like face getting red like a little splotchy and I'm like Garrett are you okay he's like yeah get in the car after we're done eating I think I'm having a reaction I'm like [ __ ] had to figure at where the nearest hospital was we actually so when we went to the hospital Northern Kentucky they had a um urgent treatment center right by it yeah and just so happened I made the right to go there so he went there first nobody was there walked straight in got taken care of but it was uh I feel situation like that anyway where you're like I can't [ __ ] breathe like walk yeah it was it was pretty I me even even being in the medical field it's still it's just you know not expecting that so anyway he still had a good experience love the Bengals so uh and he actually won he beat the [ __ ] out of the Browns third string or something like that I was uh we were talking a little bit I actually just remember we were talking we had asked you yet Matt would have you been done no I want to so we were talking about how has your life been lately any more Flamingo parties and pineapples and [ __ ] I want to talk about this you been a warehouse X I'm just asking Warehouse x what is that we got we got to bring it up at least I'll tell you all about it at least once in every single episode Warehouse x uh nothing man um just after New Year just trying to like settle back in after uh being sick I was um looking over the news do you all know anything about uh nuclear fusion I am not a nuclear fusionist physicist well yeah well that's like and so and that's the way it breaks down there's yeah there's like fion and there's Fusion okay I have no idea I trust you I trust you yeah and and F fion earthquakes right fion well nuclear fion is is the basis for where we bombed Hiroshima okay okay it's it's Vision yeah and we actually destroyed a country but it if you harness it correctly you can actually uh create a lot of energy heard our nuclear power plants are based on fion the problem is is that it also creates a lot of byproduct waste like nuclear waste that's all the [ __ ] when you hear like about like you know issues at um what's the one up Chernobyl well Chernobyl was like a horrible catastrophe but like um New Jersey is yes yes yes yes m Island yeah exactly three mile island with like all like the nuclear waste and stuff like that all yeah see I knew you [ __ ] knew act like you don't [ __ ] know saon over here Lear 8 Mile yeah oh yeah Eminem baby let's go8 Mile Island yeah um but yeah so I think this is super exciting but um uh science scientist at uh some facility I think it was in californ I can't remember it's in the United States they've actually been able to recreate a fusion exper I'm going to tie all this I'm going to like show you why this I'm trusting you yeah a few minutes later a nuclear fusion experiment to where they actually able to create more energy than they put into the experiment and by with nuclear fusion your byproduct is I want to say water and helium or something like that did they make bourbon out of it the water that just about that but they actually create fre energy so we actually are on the precipice for like all this electricity and [ __ ] everything that we use to like heat our houses and to [ __ ] cook our bourbon it's free fantastic they figured way to make it more efficient to give us power but they're going to charge us more at least triple at least that's where it comes down to like whoever gets in on this and like starts like actually I might become a nuclear fist it what's called exactly I'm going to one yeah I'm going to be one of those well that's actually the old technology so then you would actually I'm going to be the new the new the new version fusionist fusion fusion seriously I think it's it's like super I know it's super like scientific overhead but like it actually relates to everything that we do and like for sure if you can harness it and not kill 800 billion people it's it's extremely safe as long as you can like create more energy than you put into it it's [ __ ] Fascinating People at home listen to it this is seriously right now what is happening this is the beginning to like a new era I'm not even [ __ ] you like we're going to have fac ities now that are going to be able to create energy that are going to power the entire country i' just like to have a solar panel to save my electricity solar panels [ __ ] you a even going to need solar panels I do for now if you can get me one buy me one yeah well don't get me into photo voltaics and think I can afford a 2 in by 2 in solar panel I got a solar panel that uh plugs into my phone and I can put it up in like a like a tree when I'm in the woods something like that takes only you know 37 hours exactly right uh so anyway we do not have Chris Stapleton with us unfortun thought we did that was me yeah like him yeah we you had the the ladyes cowboy hat on so you looked exactly like it it I think it was a very nice cowboy hat yeah but we do have his uh new collab with buffal of Trace here yeah uh Jason I'm assuming you've done some research on this project did a little bit a little bit so this this ball right here released on January 4th of 2024 with an MSRP of $39.99 this is from Buffalo Trace um probably the hottest Distillery I would say um this is a whiskey a blended whiskey not a bourbon and we'll tell you a little bit about that so again secondary sites that we talk about or the bourbon aftermarket whatever you want to say um went wild when this was released so this jumped up to 200 bucks the first one that was sold okay um kind of crazy person this Lu bottle so this is a 90 proof bottle this is the first celebrity collaboration with Buffalo Trace that they've done you know you look at like wild turkey did the Long Branch with Matthew MCC um there's been a few and then this is BL that's right Steph C we tried that on here we you know what's been consistent with all of them so far they've not been great yes but hold but hold your horses this one might be this one might be so this is blend 40 um and this blend is what was chosen out of 50 so allegedly the master distiller at Buffalo Trace Harlen weatley and then Chris Stapleton actually tried 50 different blends even though Chris Stapleton doesn't drink I don't know how that happened maybe if you drink in a tasting it doesn't count yeah well that's like us whenever we drink before it only counts if you want to get drunk if you get drunk accident we don't count beers yeah we have a mantra here like beer don't count so whenever we start drink drinking like this is my first pour of the day we don't count we don't count the four five years had 17 and a halfer don't count yeah don't count so again this is Bal at 90 Proof so same as Buffalo Trace non AG stated I'm assuming pretty young let's go ahead and open that man if you don't mind I'll keep talking yep so with this one it's a blended whiskey so what that means for this product is it's 51% Bourbon and then 41 49% grain new neutral Spirits um Andrew do you know what green neutral Spirits are vodka ever clear correct correct um and honestly even still with blended whiskey it's kind of like the wild west is it 51% bourbon sure 49% gr neutral Spirit or is it just alcohol that's brown in color yep um there's mainly one word that's you know a big designation for whiskies that's not on there but technically two not the it doesn't have the word straight or the word Kentucky so but it has a nice map on the back that is actually the most important aspect M I have said thatal times nice since I first saw the bottle I was like okay I actually do like you know the map design that shows through from the back it's cool it's cool like Town Branch bottle agree it reminds me of uh gosh there was some else we had on here before I'm trying to think oh I tell you what it reminds me of castlin key first edition the gy they did oh it was a very a very nice bottle very nice bottle you know what's funny I had a you probably got one I have a bottle um I I got it from when they first started distilling and I just opened it like two weeks ago it's it's solid if you like Jin yeah it's a well it's a potent Jin like I feel like as far as Jin goes it's like uh I think it was like 51% alcohol something like that I mean it's as far theirs are usually a little bit higher on a um I tend to which I'm not a g Drinker at all but the ones that I've enjoyed better have been their spring releases um they tend to be more bright and flavor Citrus forward stuff like that um the fall ones almost kind of taste like you mix chin and Jagger Meister together okay they add those you know fall spices uh in along with the Jer I need to look that up because I I I'm really big into like mixing now and like you know kind of creating different cocktails yeah more so than me like what what are some if you make some with Jen like yeah so I I decided to try to make a pomegranate martini I thought it'd be good um when I was back in my bartending days um I was working at a bar and we had a was that Arby's or McDonald's or yeah it was actually part of the yeah the Arby's cre Arby curly FR yeah oh we tried we tried that whiskey yes sir or the Vodka whatever it was I can't same thing it's ins same honestly it was a blended whiskey sometimes yeah but we had I remember there was a lur back then called Pama Pama I think I've seen that it's kind of basic it's good though I mean it's like pomegranate leor I like I'm going to make a drink with that so I bought some from uh the store brought it home and I was like oh I want to use Jin I want to make a martini I didn't have any Jin like I I don't drink Jin you know I need to keep some like beef eaters on hand or something like that but I had that bottle of Castle and keing and I was like you know what [ __ ] time to open the Caston key and I poured it and I made it and I took a sip and I was like this is really good and then like right after I took a sip it just got like my mouth exploded with like Juniper and flowers and stuff like that it was like so potent it was like it was great at first and then it just overpowered everything is that what your Beard's made of is Juniper my beard just went in the backyard and pulled all the V that's what it tasted like and it's like it was so potent I'm like you know I just I give me something a little bit more palatable you know just like a little bit more I think Jen's good in the cocktail but feel like bar Jin's like new does a really good one really okay it it kind of I don't think I've had it but I've had some barel this is why I like having you on man so we're going to do a Jenna episode now I'm I'm deciding that's not even sarcasm we're going to do a Jin episode indigo is a good one tastes like strawberry vodka really see yeah this is I'm in I like I like doing new [ __ ] does does Jin count for your first drink of the day it don't count either does it just bourbon count but but you know what doesn't count beer beer don't count beer don't count don't count beer don't count let's pour D pour this yeah yeah okay so the rumor mill on the internet goes wild shockingly I know you know the interwebs so the the blend of this you know we talked about the bourbon and or whiskey and then it's a blended whiskey we talked about Bourbon and then also grain neutral spirits but the rumor is this is Buffalo Trace or Barton actually and it is Blended with with weekly vodka that is the rumor what uh that's what they say that's what they're saying now that is it has vodka that has been denied by Buffalo Trace okay so a more it makes you wonder where that rumor just Ian L2 products from Buffalo Trace right I mean you think about it so Barton is Buffalo Trace I mean it's under the czerak brand yeah so from what I can tell online this is Barton it's a Barton blend so Barton bourbon blended with they say a large portion of Canadian whiskey now who knows um who says a large portion of Canadian well I went down the Reddit hole this oh no okay yeah that's the best that's the best info I could have okay I mean we're what seven days in on this yeah so it's just the man yeah so the man but uh we don't know we don't know what this is so hopefully okay it is good now let's get the nose on this one so what are we getting first actually so what was the proof on this n this this is 90 just like Buffalo Trace standard I feel like um I get more booze on the nose than I like more booze on the nose like like you know we talk about those fusel notes I I feel like I get more than that on the nose also fresh CRA it does smell more of like a Canadian whiskey it has that kind of like sweeter vanilla almost kind of like a light cherry car refreshener type I mean that's what it is like you know the the little pads you pull pull T off top like that's almost I'm literally just getting on the nose not a whole lot maybe a little bit of vanilla a little bit of Oak that's that's all I'm kind of getting on it but I mean dark it's darkish I'm assuming see that's another thing they don't have guidelines so they can add stuff to it um it's just like hey wait no Chris Stapleton would not add [ __ ] to his bourbon that he does not drink but the Canadians would because they are legally allowed to do so let me tell you a story though yeah so Chris Stapleton my brush with Fame I was in leuy probably about a minute and a half but anyway we were at Lina uh bar here in lexon they changed the name so it wasn't Lina but I'm watching I'm there to watch the Johson Brothers a band that I'd heard about rock band and I'm like okay we'll go watch them that night so we're sitting there watching the warm-up band I'm sitting on a little be table it's like a a four top that you can get like eight drinks on it's like real small right but anyway we're sitting there watching there's some dude beside me with a cowboy hat long hair and some girl sitting there with him got a bucket maybe two buckets of beer sitting there slamming them back so the bang gets done the warm-up bam they don't count beers don't count so he he had not had so that's that is why he's not had any beers but anyway so we're sitting there talking after after the warm-up band's on he's like hey do you like that man I'm like yeah man he goes who you here for I was like I'm here to see the Johnson Brothers I said uh one of the people I work with she she liked this on her Facebook page I'm like well hell I'm not doing anything so me my wife went out some friends he's like oh yeah yeah okay 2 minutes later walks on stage after drinking bucket and a half of beard his wife girlfriend starts singing it's Chris Stapleton I'm like holy [ __ ] okay I didn't know I didn't know who he was the time but if you've not heard him Johnson Brothers pretty good rock band so there you go and before the steel drivers I believe maybe after but I don't know anything about that I I love music I don't listen to Johnson Brothers you're saying they're Johnson they're a rock band they're a rock band they're just banded I mean he was in there right right so he was a lead singer I think lead guitarist but he was in that one he was in the steel drivers and he's had a solo career so he's from like Paintsville area Paintsville Kentucky okay um from all accounts I mean I think he's a really good dude I mean I know he was up there in the flood or Leaf like yeah they didn't know who the hell he was for the first day and a half he was helping like I mean he fits in right long hair wearing a hat you got [ __ ] on most of the time you know people that you would not expect to be who they are like you see them out in person it's just like they look like everybody else is standing around like what's what's unique they don't just have this [ __ ] gigantic star over their head saying I'm famous and I'm rich true yeah that's true that's true well and and you know in all fairness he's just probably famous and Rich over the past what I'd say i' say oh I'd say closer to seven I mean he he sold out I would say less than 10 but less than 10 probably seven eight but he you know he sold out what um the football stadium over there Colwell Stadium I will not cut Kroger field but um 100% agree and then we did that Kentucky benefit here he was there for that Tyler chers okay I mean I think he kind of spearheaded that or him and his team so he's actually playing at um uh what's the one it's not Kea now it's over at Red Mile uh the the the festival it's the [ __ ] Festival I know what talking about um see if I didn't say you would remember um I can't think of the name of it what's the [ __ ] Festival Jade the the one at uh it was at Keenan um what's it called it's like a the two-day Festival three-day Rail bird Rail bird yeah Rail bird um said bird I was like it took four of us we yeah that's I've meant that all along four people we got this uh he's actually playing at railbird this year really and I actually the big act for the railbird that'll probably be the first time that I've actually known one of the names on this he's a headliner um he's a headliner I think on the second day I just looked at it the other day because um Kendra my wife she's been wanting to go but like we've stayed Cowboy she does and you wore it so very good but we've stayed away from it because that Fiasco from the first year do you remember what happened is like out they ran out of water for anybody's not familiar with with railbird the first year they ran out of water and people couldn't get water and it was like 100 million degrees outside and people were like dying of thirst and it was just like they were completely unprepared and uh I think a lot of people wrote it off but I guess they got their act together because they're still going and like they moved from Keelan over to the red took a year two off after that I believe did they really yeah I want to say I think it might have just been one year but yeah thanks for reminding me about my time in the Middle East yeah standing out there blazing in the sun sweat pouring you could Because You Can't Sweat anymore you could have experienced that but watching you know the Johnson Brothers back then Johnson j m p that's what I said kind Bo Johnson that's what I said booby trap you know what most people carry with them though during the day uh gun pocket po oh just so happens so we want to try a comparison today let me just explain it to you f so for everybody listening and not watching you can watch on YouTube gentlemen yeah we got YouTube uhour culture subscribe like please he just pulled a [ __ ] flask out of his pocket half pound no but I mean it's like the FL The Flash bottle I know I'm going to make sure your I'm trying to give you some credit here buddy oh it's a FL it's a very it's a for those of you not watch it's a very nice flas with initials on it he's like no I don't have money I just like buy plastic so anyway the reason I brought Kentucky Gentleman there's only one good reason to bring this I want to compare it to it so okay this is also a buffalo traes product well czerak product it is also a blended whiskey it is also 51% Bourbon and 49% grain neutral Spirits okay so what we're going to do is we're going to take a break for a second we're going to have our buddy Jade porous blinds well we should probably chase this first I already did but yeah go ahead let's let's taste it first and then we're going to have Jay Place por I think I already know what it tastes like yeah but let's try it if you can tell the difference all right let's give some tasty notes I feel like there might be some like Revenge pores coming but anyway let's no no I promise no Revenge pors no rev as soon as Jason text me and said hey do y'all have any Kentucky gentlemen could you go ahead and buy one bring it to the podcast I'm like oh here we go Lord episode 2 tell them a story about this so you don't have any 750s correct no we as crazy as this is um ever since Kentucky Eagle took over distribution for saz products um they don't have enough warehouse space to take on all the products that pretty much would you know cover demand needed um so a lot of stuff that started to fall through the cracks and not be available are the lower-end products like Kentucky Gentleman Kentucky Tavern um 99's Fireballs stuff like that and oh damn 99 Fireball I'm sure you sell a lot of that absolutely um so Kentucky Gentleman I only had it in two size options h a half pint and a handle and we and we took the half pint Kentucky Tavern we had they're probably the same price Kentucky Tavern we had pints and half pints we didn't have fifths or handles I saw it l there nothing I'm just that's hilarious so we were talking about Kentucky gentlemen and we wanted to do a blind but honestly I don't know traveler whiskey well enough I'm assuming you all don't either to even matter or tell the difference so why we just pour it side by side and just see if we can tell the difference so the only thing about this it is blended whiskey it is 51% bourbon 49% neutral grain same as traveler but it is 80 proof where traveler is 90 Proof right get your big po mat as much as you'd like if you kill the bottle Andrew will not be mad I don't think you've already sipped The Traveler and you still have more of the traveler in your glass than you do the Kentucky G you need a little bit think I'm thinking the traveler might be better but I don't know I did pour a little bit more just to like even the playing so when's the last time you've had Kentucky gentlemen I I don't even know if I can tell you last weekend really no I was legit impressed hell yeah man I'm get a little bit uh k Tavern might be a little bit different of a story depending on what you're doing I'm not going to [ __ ] knock if you have Kentucky gentlemen like if you're going them both huh you want to try them both okay I if you're going to go to a concert or something you know what I mean like and they got Kentucky gentlemen and like going to mix it with like some Coke or some [ __ ] I'm not going to [ __ ] knock you no vodka I'm not going to knock that either I'm not going to knock that either Somebody went to a tower children's concert recently and went to Liquor Barn and bought uh some wild turkey to maybe maybe potentially take in I don't know who that'd be no is it is it the same guy that keeps going all the the [ __ ] Barrel piics that nobody else can go to not that guy for sure not that guy see I forgot to take my flask when we went to go see the PBR let's say there was no problem getting that 12 turkey in there I'm pretty sure I could have had it in my hand and they'd been like they literally they don't care at all it's like what we're talking about going to the movie theater and the [ __ ] like squeezing Like Liquor into like a plastic bag and be like hey look how I can sneak this in like nobody gives a [ __ ] just [ __ ] like walk in with a like a fifth I mean me and keish are literally standing in line to go watch the rodeo and like [ __ ] we forgot to bring vodka this stuff in our pants like standing in line to go through the scanners like and you know the people are just standing beside you like yeah just pretty sure brought some right here so give it a taste see what you think I can already tell a big difference honestly yep like huge the nose and The Taste um not sweet sweet yeah for sure for sure so the um Kentucky Gentleman to me straight corn it is it's all corn yeah it's a huge difference Mello corn it is like is like Mello corn the the best Spirit ever made not as good as Mello corn it is not it is not as good as Mello corn that's true it's always it's always in your top but what is M corn what is M corn a fifth probably 16 18 bucks I think it's up to $77.99 gentleman be a fth probably 13 $7.99 even better holy wait are you are you being sarcastic or is that either $7.99 or 8.99 so I used to drink I would drink Kentucky gentlemen when I was in college you know what I mean I had Kentucky Tavern there a lot of whale drinks spices but and I've had that too but I've I've actually never had melic corn what I've never had it that's J that's our buddy Jade's favorite Spirit you got to keep that at your bar all the time I've had Ser I've had a lot of [ __ ] I've had Kesler you know what smoo smooth silk yeah when I was uh I had a bunch of buddies at the restaurant I worked with and they [ __ ] always had handle of Kessler and we just walk in and just be like Kesler smooth silk and then we [ __ ] drink it I'd be like you know what [ __ ] is smooth silk I like that [ __ ] is not smooth silk at the time it was but you know what beer don't count I've never I've never drank silk though so it could be it could be we'd always be like six de but again beer don't count so you know that's that's the time it'll smooth the silk so let's talk about the differences on these so I I mean I think I think I would say the traveler better would anybody disagree with that no no okay but is it to me this is sugared corn this is like a sweet confectionary sugar vanilla typeor vanilla yeah for sure I get that for sure so when you look at retail and you're saying sub let's say $10 $10 a fifth and $40 a fifth so $10 Kentucky gentlem 40 for traveler do you think it's that much better I'm buying Kentucky gentlemen I probably am too cuz I'm probably mixing either one of these right correct yeah I I mean but travel is better we all agree with that it's just like even when the Heaven Hill sixe green still you know exist like I I thought it was good but at the same point in time take it back take don't say it I would have you know two or three glasses of it neat and then I'd be like okay now I need to put some la8 with this like it's getting I do like la8 with little crushed I in there there you go nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that well especially when you were getting that for 10 bucks or under you know what I mean $12 even even at most it it was a fantastic bottle for cheap as it was but now when they they made it what 7year blue and whitish label yeah for like 53.98 that's a that's a hard pass a pass so for this one I mean I think Kentucky gentleman's probably a pass at retail even for most times but with the traveler now what do you think do you think 40 bucks retail for a blended whiskey that you really don't know what the hell's in it do you think you'd buy this mat for MSRP I'm somewhere in between um I so at this point with the way the market is I don't think $40 is exactly Breaking the Bank true you know what I'm saying like if I had my brothers or if I had my option like I could I could definitely pick you know like 10 or 20 other that I'd have for that price over this one um my go-to Russell Russell 10 I [ __ ] I was about to say my only issue is the $40 right there's a lot of options I can go through and name a lot of stuff that sits on the Shelf every day exactly four rows a single barrel exactly right Wild Turkey 101 yeah like there's gobble gobble I said throw it up there there's like a literal you know hundreds of whiskies and it's just like I agree with you and that's why I say and then and in regular Buffalo trays when you find it 24 25 that one now you know I one things but like at the same point in time I do think that Buffalo Trace in like the base of its actual product is about to be a shelf stable product well let's talk a little bit about that so I actually made some notes on Buffalo Trace what do you mean okay so so like regular Buffalo Trace bourbon like I think it is getting to the point to where now the supply that they are actually coming out with is going to meet the market demand um mostly Mo volume for one yes but then also mostly because all of these people that's been collecting and collecting and collecting and Co really spiked that because you know wealthier people all of a sudden were like well now I'm working for home from home I don't have anything to do so I'll spend you know $5,000 on this bottle of papy 23 um and they're looking in their closets and they're saying got this I've got 48 bottles of Buffalo tray like and then they're passing on it at the store right um so it's just like sraak R Henry McKenna 10 that's that's two of the like first on McKenna 10 though that well as price and I mean saz r is same story 40 30 40 bucks $36.98 is what we have at a lior bar now so but too much matter what that's $2 over $35 Straight Cash for secondary price and so like people are not just grabbing it anymore they're not saying oh well I better get this like it's not going to be available next week when it was 2018 the the big reason too and the stats are a little bit little bit old so in 2018 Kentucky distilleries filled 2.1 million bar barrels okay I am sure that number is way higher now that's five five and a half years ago I would agree with that yeah for sure so Buffalo Trace thems they're in the middle of actually they're on the last third of a 10-year 1.2 billion with a B expansion okay so they are adding one barrel Warehouse every three months that's huge each Warehouse holds 58 to 59,000 barrels they're adding one every 3 months like building literally or is is wasn't it like they filled their 6 millionth Barrel in 2019 and then in like 20123 they filled their 7 millionth and then in or no 2022 and then in 2023 they filled their 8 millionth so so they the time between them is shrinking crazy like now they're literally filling a million Barrels in under a year like that's insane and they have to keep expanding just to like a c but I mean you know you go back 10 years ago Buffalo Trace had the capabilities to distill 24/7 365 but they didn't because they didn't need to and now they do and they have it doubled correct so you look at there's nine in 2018 9.1 million barrels Aging in the state of Kentucky yeah you know there's a lot of distilleries right right so how many of those 9.1 do you think would be Buffalo Trace I don't know think guess I mean you know how many of the 9.1 million barrels or Buffalo Trace barrels it's one 1 million 1 million that's a pretty big chunk for one to steal I would have been way off again still though that's a big I really thought those was going to be a trick question but that's a big chunk I mean that this tells you and they're still expanding I mean they're doing again 1.2 billion a 10year expansion to more than double capacity which if you know they have 1 million barrels aging they got tell you they're dumping a million a year because if they're able to go from 2022 to 2023 and have 1 million barrels filled then they must be dumping that much as well I went to The Distillery yesterday and picked up this bottle they have these at Distillery it's hard to get them anywhere else they're actually flying off shelves honestly right now but when I went there they have a receiving for like tractor and trailers uhuh it was backed out to the road in the road with tractor trailers sitting there so they probably had 15 trucks waiting to get in really like just crazy amount volume and their gift shop is packed I mean they open at what 9:00 a.m. every morning they're guaranteed sold out by 2 p.m. whatever release they have that day yeah Eagle Rare Lo or not loer Eagle Rare eh Taylor U what else they do Weller and bans that's the four I guess they do well they always have that generally and they always have Buffalo and see that also goes back to you know because six seven eight months ago I was like szer it it's it's about to be a shelf stable item it oh it's got to be close and you you already saw like hey seze R still available from three or four days ago at Buffalo Trace it's like oh so that's the only one that's not sold out that day that's different now you can buy a case of Buffalo Trace there for sure and it also makes me wonder about a product like this The Traveler whiskey so Blended do you think maybe Buffalo Trace is like exploring options if the [ __ ] hits a fan like if we can't move as much bourbon as we thought maybe we can just do this you know like a blended well I mean you could look at it that way or you could also look at it as well how can we give the consumers a product they can walk into any package store and purchase any day of the week and this is because you can make that at no time oh you can be like boom done made that's actually a really interesting thing to bring up because I I feel like very interesting the overarching theme Here is that it's it's we we talk about beer and bourbon a lot we talk about beer died years ago a couple years ago bourb Urban is you look at the secondary Market you look at like value and stuff it's going down and then you look at some of these big Brands like Buffalo Trace that are expanding expanding expanding and all of a sudden like what happens when they join the rest of you know the market that just like tempers out and and it gets back to normal and something like this it's like it's $40 for a bottle of Travelers whiskey it's not like the cheapest you can get it's definitely not the most expensive that you can get but it's a perfect area to test to see what people would buy or what people would think of it you know what I mean age with that and the product in there the medium the spirit it's very neutral we haven't even really talked about this like the actual like liquid here there's not much that's going on with it it it's it's onedimensional it is Swedish vanilla yes and there's just not there's not a lot of flavors it's it's boring like that's a hard word to say the simple way to put it is it's boring like done I'll give my Rie go well but but that's like perfect for like the analogy that we're giving so it's like it's almost like let's see what can happen let's let's put like a you know a medium price on there let's take a product that is approachable but like it's like inoffensive but it's not like overly complex it's still going to be great for a lot of people right yeah and then see how it goes yeah exactly right like this is what you to your point Jason like about like like are they preparing to see if the [ __ ] hit hits the fan that's actually a very interesting mean you look at the cycle right so blended whiskey was big in the 70s maybe early ' 80s 6070s ' 80s yeah because people didn't want bourbon they wanted something you know the grain neutral stuff they want the Gin the vakas whatever yes exactly right so I feel like we're kind of going back in that same damn Circle right now I mean look at look at where we're moving everything cuz I mean back then you're talking about when Four Roses literally did not have a it wased exactly a blended whiskey it cracks me up when people buy these old ass balls of Four Roses on secondary I'm like you know that's [ __ ] right it's a pretty label it ain't worth a [ __ ] if you're open it's like what what year is it like you you don't even see a photo of it they're just like oh I got this Dusty you know four roses for cheap they sold it to me for 70 bucks like okay what year is it from and then they tell you and it's like oh 77 no no no no no no so what would you say tasty no to review on the traveler whiskey map it's I mean it's it's like I said it's it's inoffensive like it's it's very neutral like I just I don't get a lot of anything out of it Adam or Adam Andrew same person hi my name is Adam Adam Andrew you're start with a name thanks for calling me my brother I appreciate oh I didn't know that yeah that's exactly what I did that's what he he did that on purpose I don't even know I don't even know every year of my life you know having even my own mother say Adam like wrong son my my mom calls me like every name that she knows besides my own I'm like I know who you're talking about just point at me [ __ ] idiot that's how did you know how did you know so what do you think of this one so I mean I feel like the the mixer is the best way to to put it like but at the same point in time it's a 40 after I mean and how much money was did you how much money did you spend on the Steph Curry bottle 100 90 to 100 this is better I would take two and a half of those y tenfold yep over that I mean it just man I'm I'm gonna say I'm gonna say something bad about them they'll probably be pissed if youever listen to this but uh boom County man I don't know what you're doing with your own distillate it is not the right go back to MGP just just redo redo what you're doing like look like take an honest look at it it's not the rap move I mean sorry it's not I mean hon Honestly though like I think the only issue they're really running into like it it could be good whiskey it's just not old enough I mean it it's just like with you know Woodford Barrel picks like and so you know they they make you do like a two to three Barrel blend um majority of the time you'll get one or two of those barrels that'll be column still bourbon from old for and then you'll get like one or two of the barrels that'll be pot steel from Woodford every now and then someone will actually get a 100% pot still Woodford Barrel pick you know how old it is four no around 8 years old okay so one of the biggest issues is with pot still bourbon like at that you know typical like five six 6 and 1/2 year age that you know we're used to being able to get some really good quality character istics out of a barrel prooof Bourbon um you don't get it with pot steel it still has that young sweet corn flavor kind of leaves that nasty little AC in your mouth like Kentucky Gentleman yeah I think I think there's really just one way for me to s you know sum up the traveler whiskey though when I think about it it's a smooth as Tennessee [Laughter] whiskey [Music] he
Channel: Our Cynic Culture
Views: 71
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiskey, bourbon, bourbon whiskey, buffalo trace, new release, new bourbon, new whiskey, 2024 bourbon, 2024 whiskey, our cynic culture, chris stapleton, bourbon collab, whiskey collab, country music star, KY proud, made in KY, bourbon trail, pappy van winkle, fred minnick, bourbon junkies, slb drinks, this is my bourbon podcast, Cyncere, the mash and drum, whiskey row, drums & drams, it's bourbon night, brewzle, adhd whiskey
Id: cBf8PZUWbxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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