Traveling Squareness Comparator Part 1

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[Music] all right welcome back to ox tools I'm calm so today we're working on actually working on the base for this traveling squareness comparator that that I showed in a meatloaf episode I think it was number 115 I think not positive but the idea just to refresh those folks who haven't seen this before is is it's a perpendicular column with a traveling bearing that we can sweep with so the idea is that this is perfectly square to the base at all times no matter where you are and when we have an object that we want to interrogate we can bring it up zero it against the indicator sweep to find the high spot and then traverse up and check it at any point along the the inspection distance and examine it for perpendicularity okay so this needs a very special base that this fits into that's basically permanently square with the world okay it's very important that this column is perfectly square and so we're gonna we're gonna make that base and honestly if I've already made it in this video is about how we go about making a making the base for this there's a completed part and so what do you say we get started and I'll show you guys how to how I go about making this base [Applause] so once you're annealed you see how soft they are see that it's like butter and you hear it they sound dead we might have that thing of material that's been work hardened anyway all right spaces little monkey off here [Music] let's do uh skin the outside a little bit that's led just so you know my buddy a-bomb gave me that helps eat that with the big drills you want to get the full diameter of the drill indeed before you really start giving it the beads sod vibrating hair so you kind of get it all the way in there but now I gave it to be what do you say we do a little boring here so the bore right now we just drilled it and it's it's one and a half or 38 millimeters so what I'm going to do is I'm going to come up touch the idea of the boar like that and then I'm going to set my dro just so I can kind of track what's going on point five and when I get close to my target which is two inch then see I'm always sure what is that's okay so this I'm going to set the Z to just while I'm walling up it's already set okay good all right so let's do a little a little dig in there now you hear the sound change there so it's a good indicator when you pop through [Music] all right the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna cut away this material here and we're gonna leave a we're gonna leave a little rim around the outside so we're gonna kind of dig in and come out and that's to create a rim around this that the the instrumental actually sit on and then we're gonna actually relieve that and make some feet there so the bore is pretty close so what I like to do in these situations is kind of rough everything and get everything pretty close to my target numbers then go back and do the finish work that way any you know hogging and whatnot the distortion there are changes from that kind of go away it's just a habit probably doesn't matter in this case too much cuz this thing so count massive so alright so you know I already calibrated there so you know what my diameter is which is five inches I'm going to come out to around five inches and the first thing I like to do I'm gonna get on five inches and you're not looking at the Dro so you got to trust me here I'm gonna come up I'm just gonna put a little witness Park there just so I have a visual okay and then I do the the bozo check just to make sure that I didn't screw up okay and it is five inches all right it's I'm pretty happy with that that I didn't screw up and then so we're feeding in now and we're just gonna go out close to our number and then we're just gonna dig in a little bit and then we're gonna feed in and we'll do that until we get to the right depth [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty good so I this should have about 2000 the on the boar here and that'll you know this gets heat treated so and then oops I didn't like that one gets heat treated then we'll home the idea this whole in the IP and okay about one one one less than I wanted but let's do a nice type in the hair okay a little over one all right which is fine ideally we're gonna have about two-tenths press or with the the large pin so I'm going to break this edge and then I'll turn the OD then we'll flip it around then we got some some cool contouring to do on the other side these are stops that I can put against the backside of the piece since we're gonna be turning doing some heavy turning there so these little buck up against that like so so now we'll set the we'll set these so that they're all the same so that the piece is true in the in the Chuck all right so come in and we'll start on this one and we'll this zero it up and you don't put a lot of compression on the indicator that way when you spin to the next one I know it needs to come in a little bit you don't catch the edge of the stop if you have a lot of good bits suggested anyway and these things they stay pretty good whiskey alright that looks pretty good so now those are those are perpendicular to the axis of rotation here so which is a handy thing yeah death spiral shape so I don't want to go to hairball on it because it hurt let's say I got it just a small grip on the on the rim of that okay so I don't want to go a bomb on this thing with it just grabbing a teeny bit like that so at least I don't think so all right I switched inserts I didn't like this is what I had in there before this is an S car but it's got a pee-pee chip breaker which makes it the edge kind of positive you see the hook there so this is a little flatter one with some some bumpy's on it that that break the chip in a different way so this is 8620 running 550 ARP 550 rpm and I think it's about 10,000 feed rate or 12,000 feed rate so let's give it a you can see the difference here hundred and fifty the Kip nice and short and there's right there okay so I've started to form this this big corner radius here and it's just a decorative corner radius and I get this big whopping carbide insert round turning tool so what I got to do now is I want to what I have in the my drawing is I'm gonna relieve this area here not all the way up to the the edge so it's going to have a radius and then a diameter and then into this radius and then blend into this flat here that's the idea and there's some tricks you know unless you have a really rigid lay the more CNC or whatever where you can just kind of drive around that corner yeah if you know large tool engagements like this tend to produce chatter which are kind of a drag and it's hard to get out once you kind of get it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna dig in here I know what the diameter is and I want to relieve this down you know roughly a quarter inch on the on the diameter and then will come out and and blend into this radius and I'll show you how to do that because you kind of do it as a step you do a little bit at a time and you're kind of only engaging a part of an arc of the tool right you're never really fully engaging this now it's it doesn't make a true radius but this is this you know it's really just to soften it for when you're handling it and all that so it's not super you know there's have any accuracy requirements there okay so now let's let's do a little bit and yeah I'm gonna switch the camera I get a get over the top of this so you guys can get a good look at it [Music] and up eat it by hand really a little thing at the top there I'm starting to get yeah right okay so here's here's where it gets interesting you can see is starting to gain more and more see they hear that little hum now I'm backing it off in the X all right so I'm kind of walking around that around that radius a little bit hard to explain and copious Lube kind of helps I'm very also establish where that where that shoulder is to I'm not super worried about the finish in this gauge here well yes I will [Music] now here's where you want to get this kind of stuff out of there it gets trapped between the trapped in that area then you're kind of hos okay so anyway that's the general idea I'm gonna keep going here I'll be back here's where I gotta be careful it's kind of the finish path and it's creaking up on it here it's actually working pretty good this is the full cut here get the hell out of there and that cool how that smoke does curls around that edge it's love to love to look at that it's like dragon breath or something right that's it okay okay that's pretty little sanding yeah that's nice so that's just so you can kind of get a hold of this thing you know with this post so this we're gonna radius that and then we're going to put a big fat radius on that edge too so that'll be interesting [Music] you [Music]
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 45,935
Rating: 4.9428926 out of 5
Keywords: Metrology, Toolmaking, Lathe, 8620 Steel, Danly, Die pin, Guide pin, diemaker, soft jaws, Annealing copper, Backing stops, Chuck stops, Boring, Iscar, Kennametal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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