Travel Man: 48 Hours In... Iceland & Marrakech | Season 1 Marathon [4k]

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[Music] hello I'm Richard ardd the international face of Technology from the legendary television program Gadget man but I speak to you now with a new thirst in my throat and that thirst can only be quenched by travel although I essentially view holidays as a Time hungry absurdity even I Can Dream of cheer plac than Britain well I'm turning these dreams into a televisual coup by journeying to some of the most exotic I came here for a party in the sky and crucially nearby destinations available at time of recording so we're basically guinea pigs each week I'll selflessly show you with brutal efficiency how to enjoy one weekend away with the smallest outlay of coin and effort oh welcome to travel now I am very impressed yeah this is dynamite this time 48 Hours amidst the Wild and Wen scenery of Iceland and because she had nothing else on I'm joined by atress Jessica Hines I can feel the volcano vibrational energy feel with whom I will take to the skies this seems a steep to set Chase elusive Wildlife that will be a moment that you will never forget and consume inedible food both those things are awful as we reveal how to get in and out of Iceland as efficiently as possible while allowing free pockets of enjoyment we're here but should we have come Iceland can be reached from Britain by getting a train to Denmark and then a 2-day ferry Crossing or by cruise ship or regular saps like us can get there on an aircraft like this aircraft I'm so excited about going to Iceland yes have you been before never 3 hours isn't class as long haul but it's an eternity if you're forced to sit next to someone with my conversational skill set so Jessica politely pretends to brush up on her Icelandic yeah what's the matter I'm lonely that's what's the matter with me I'm very lonely with feet now on Scandinavian soil Jessica and I can begin to extract full value from This Not That icy land so have you got a body in there what's how Dave this is my toothbrush I've got a very powerful pneumatic toothbrush oh good that keeps my teeth this level of perfection excellent so why have you brought us to Iceland well let me tell you now well in answer to Jessica's frankly passive aggressive question there's a whole hold old of reasons firstly for the time for or readily Bor Iceland condenses a lot of amazing scenery into a relatively small area secondly for those with one or both eyes on fiscal stricture it's much more affordable than it used to be one of the many great things about the financial crash of 2008 is that it made Iceland a cheaper if not actually cheap place to [Music] visit now Jessica I have to look out with the window when I'm in a car which can give off the impression of being extremely imperious but it is better than me vomiting on you so I'm going to maintain a somewhat aloof gaze out into the middle distant I appreciate that but I'm going to ask you what are your first impressions of Iceland it's not very built up it's not built up I'd say there are very few highrises thus far it just seems to be nature everywhere we want to maximize our exposure to Icelandic scenery so we're staying out of town in a hotel where said scenery will be clearly visible through the massive Windows the hotel ion was originally built as accommodation for workers at the nearby geothermal power station which heats the hotel and 90% of ruic Jessica I can't get Misty ey our time is short I've delivered what you've asked for which is a modern Hotel 45 minutes from the city in a post-apocalyptic setting happy very happy Richard yes have I got time to put my boots on you have 3 minutes [Music] good do you feel settled in yes the room's beautiful amazing view there's a spa here well I don't like this talk of being settled in because I quate that idiomatically with boredom let's explore it's not just about fun much as I'd like to stay inside among the minimalism muted tones and complimentary Wi-Fi it seems appropriate to take in a bit of the outside well you'd be accurate in describing this as cold it's brisk it's pretty bracing in spite of the cold people come to Iceland to experience the aggressive and stunning Landscapes and while you can do this via dog sled or snowmobile most choose a bus tour the most popular tour is of the Golden Circle a round trip of some of IC most spectacular natural features but that takes up to 8 hours so I've got a better idea look for a mere 10 times the price of a sluggish coach we jointly commend you to Charter a copter by taking to the skies we can complete the Golden Circle Tour in just 1 hour 7 hours quicker than the bus oh imagine we could just be going along at a sedate Pace not encountering the frankly valuable lesson that life can end at any moment our first stop on the Golden Circle Tour is the home of Iceland's most famous water features the Geyers J should we go and check out this Geer that everyone's going on about yes okay let's vate the copter these Geyers are liquidy illustrations of Iceland's active landscape and have been spe viewing out magma heated water here for 10,000 years we're here Jess at the biggest Geyer in Iceland at the diamond Geer the ray Windstone if you will of Iceland wow I bet get my camera up well I don't think it's going to go off anytime soon it last erupted 70t high in the air in 2000 I'm going to take you to the second biggest skeer the Danny D if you will and that erupts every three minutes much like Danny D only joking he's just an actor he he he's not like that he's in control wow that's stroer for you stroer regular as you lik I imagine that um you'll be wanting to document this with a picture of yourself with that in the background that's what you well the memory of it is certainly not going to be enough it's not sufficient we must document it I'm going to gift you now yeah the EMP pod goes around your smartphone thus you can attach that to any objects a bench a branch so on and also the Halo remote how does it work Richard well that's already clipped in you clip that the tripod or something else and then you navigate on that remote do you think I could just PCH it somewhere on you if I just clip it on perfect okay oh look it's swirling oh yeah here we go bang I hope you didn't blow it with 3 minutes wasted on frippery we must return to the terracopter and continue on our so-called way I think that's an interesting thing this one piece will make 52 layers watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription required we are journeying to a valley where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are tear in the world apart and that is straight from Wikipedia they're moving towards each other or kind of they're about to collide all I remember is that geography that's where you did extra special shading moving 2.5 cm a year is a rolicking romp in geological terms another Golden Circle Tour stop checked off without even touching the ground but I demand yet more speed wow look at that that's a whole heap of boiling water gorgeous I I I'm really enjoying looking at it it's just the the petrol fumes and the thoughts of tumbling to my death is taking the edge off the admittedly tremendous natural splendor but it's pretty good we are ending the Golden Circle Tour here at gfos a waterfall with a 32 M drop over its two steps fed by Iceland's second biggest glacier this seems a steep to set this it's too [Music] steep well here we are what a you it's pretty good look at those saps on the other side all in a big line extensively closer to it with a bit of views on the face of it looks like that but not only can we see that we can also see them and the car parking facility and The Visitor Center sure and we have the added bonus of no protective barrier so it keeps it alive and jangl now I'm really glad pleased we were helicopter it would have been weird not to have traveled by helicopter why doesn't everyone do it what do you feel Richard do you feel I feel pretty cold that's what I feel yeah it's a cracking display of Nature and words like Vitality vivacity water those sorts of words soly I'm thinking of words like inside heating tea traveling in a copter has enabled us to drink in the Golden Circle experience while saving ourselves 7 hours of valuable Icelandic daylight a tour to force in time trimming travel should we um should we go yeah we don't have too much fun my nose is is is so cold can't feel it I'm going to Golden Circle successfully circumnavigated our two separate Minds turned to food eating on holiday is a miasma of uncertainty but Jessica insists on booking an authentically Icelandic dinner hi hi this is hak hak yes and this is Brenin but also known as Black Death Hala or Greenland shark is poisonous when fresh owing to high levels of uric acid but by simply leaving it to Decay and hanging it out to ferment for a few months it becomes technically edible why won't this kill me um I'm I'm not really sure no it's just fine it's okay yeah okay but you don't you won't eat this will you no I don't like it no thank you that's a good sign both those things are awful those are two awful things here good that feels terrible it was like a jelly cube of ammonia and this is made from mashed potato I quite like this I wish this was made back into mashed potatoes freaking eat something we could just go to the tap pass bar that's there and cold beers I would like that I would like that you're going to take your coat or are you going to leave if you could bring it that I'll bring it for you it's certain that neither Jessica nor I will ever Chow Down on Ros and shark again I'm not paying thank you bye B but it's another time efficient cultural experience that we can pretend was important for some reason next we need to make full use of Iceland's winter darkness and head out on a quest to witness The Wonder of the Northern Lights a Monumental natural light display caused by the collisions of the solar wind and our planet's magnetic field and atmosphere Jessica we're here beneath the Majesty that is the night sky oh I just saw a shooting star no I did it could sure it was on a plane it was definitely a shooting star okay that's a bright one up there I see you're getting a bit technical there yeah I tell you you got some star knowledge oh another one did you just see one another shooting star where's it going when they shoot where are they off to they're just dying oh the end of them that's a shame yeah and just to think all of these billions of stars of of no use to us they're rubbish there's nothing on them it makes you think how great we are that's whenever I look into the sky I think how much bigger we are than all of this nonsense I'm valiantly compressing an Icelandic holiday into 48 hours with actress Jessica Hines you rejoin us now during a so far so fruitless pursuit of the celestial shindig that is the Northern Lights we've packed it in though haven't we yeah like a tin of sardines yeah like a tin of rotting sardines fermenting nicely no sign of the northern lights yet but of course the camera can sometimes see things that the naked eye doesn't so we may be having this experience but our retina are letting us down as if planned in advance the time lapse I set up was experiencing the spectacle on our behalves the machines have beaten us once more it's like Terminator all over again in a sense I feel like I've been cheated by Nature now we have recorded evidence that something actually happened we can go to bed after a short and troubled sleep Rosy finger Dawn slaps us awake again Jessica we've had an Icelandic blast yes we have I think it's been relatively comprehensive but we have not as yet drunk in any folklor or culture well we could go and visit the hand knitting Association of Iceland and make an authentic lopesa jumper yeah I mean it's a bit root one we could if we were going to go off piece cultur with a bad taste records which is the home of the SMA record label which is where um you think they were laugh they W I think they're slightly mocking at the unnecessary increase in volume when you go into Icelandic it's incredible yeah I mean they just they've just walked out in absolute Fury at the desecration of their mother tongue but um and This Record Shop home of the smesa record label um which who discovered sugar cubes yes and therefore bork sure and also Sig Ross so that's a culture of a of a tasty kind I don't want to do those things you know what I want to do what do you want to do I want to go to elf School welcome to the elf School 54% of icelanders believe in lves and 90% are open to the idea to my disappointment this educational establishment did not teach will farell his craft but it does teach visitors to the island about these m up creatures our teacher Magnus is one of Iceland's foremost experts on these non-being I've met nearly 900 icelanders that have seen elves the smallest one is 5 or 8 cm which his flower elves the biggest one is about 70 80 cm tall which is house elves within the elf Community is there um a lot of Discord do they have a criminal justice system Healthcare yes it seems to have because there are Elf doctors for the next 30 minutes Magnus regales us with Fantastical facts on elves in Iceland but now it's time for Jess and I to go head-to-head in the final exam to see who will take home that all important elf diploma certificate and if there's one thing I must return to the airport with it's this pic Victory what was the name of the El King in the north I King King thought had through the second one that was quite close wasn't it yeah what is theze of an El um well flowers are to8 C natur ones are 10 cm and then there's also household 80 cm yes you have obviously done your homework in the school I feel you're slightly just uh riding my jet stream there Jessica where are most believe in elves in the Western countries outside Iceland Canada America Scotland Scotland Island yes bam as Kanye would say bam and where in the world is normally elves has a similar belief as in Iceland Aborigines yes thank you thank you for coming to the school I'm sorry it turned nasty there Jess I just really wanted to win I hope you learned something I did not mixed feelings about that where do you stand on elves now no I'm not standing on any elves because they don't exist that's fighting talk and I'm please you didn't raise that with Magnus in there because he was a big guy so having experientially conquered folklore it's time to go on a day trip but in much less time than a day 25% of tourists visiting Iceland go whale watching so as coldhearted analysts of the travel experience it is our duty to see what the fuss is about I'm happy not to see a whale you may pretend but inside that will be a moment that you will never forget really you're not going to be standing there going what's the point just wait I don't believe you I may even yawn connoisseurs of the deep claim there are 23 different species of whale beneath us blue killer sperm and a whole bunch of other customers so I'm hoping to wrap this shiz up Pronto 40 minutes in we spot movement among the waves whale Dolph it Dolph dolphins look at the Dolphins oh look wow that's pretty good that was good oh beautiful look this one's coming towards us yeah this one's pretty angry you cannot disguise your thrill no the tears are from the wind they may not be the whales we were seeking but they are still water-based mammals and thus I'm marking it as a victory in my embossed achievement diary how long has that whole experience taken well the whole thing's been very time efficient I think we've done done this within an hour we've left Harbor we've spotted dolphins and now we can take that experience back to land and we can turn it into anecdotes which ultimately is what a holiday is about as the end of our trip draws near we must assess the merits of Iceland as a destination and to do this we must retire to an attraction some might consider relaxing this is the Blue Lagoon a geothermic heated pool and Spark the cloudy water is colored by natural silica and minerals that have risen from 2 km beneath the Earth it's like a bunch of white people drowning in milk can't wait to get in there really yeah I can feel it I can feel the The Volcano vibrational en feel it I can I no you can't it's very good for skin condition so I think there's probably a lot of people in here with ECA yeah that's an inviting Prospect to share a Milky pond with a bunch of dead skin Flakes and we're going to be part of it there okay well you've got 2 minutes to change and 10 minutes to relax report back I'm going to get into my sport shorts okay happy now very happy you're enjoying this here this is the only place this happens in the world yeah geothermal seea water coming up healing us all I don't enjoy communal showers been confronted with a whole wall of penis it's very difficult to narrow down the richness of this holiday to a few highlights but if you had to what would they be this has probably been the high this is it something that any amateur rugby team takes for granted every weekend has been your highlight what was your favorite bit Richard I did like the breakfast buffet that was good fish was incredible compliment there must have been something more than the breakfast but I'm really struggling the quibbling must cease we have not come here to enjoy ourselves we must assess Iceland it's been a head mix of explosive Landscapes I hope you didn't blow it rotten meals both those things are awful and fantastic nonsense I hope you learned something I did not but overall this has been a time efficient Triumph and in The Advisory capacity we're for some reason claiming to adopt we're pronouncing Iceland a must do 2-day destination or mdtd for short who knows maybe it'll become a catch race Jessica time to get in the [Music] Jeep hello I'm Richard aadii and while I've secured an eternal place in history as a blankface technological sociopath called Gadget man I've decided to widen my brief yet further by flinging myself wanly and thoroughly into the ungoverned nonsense you people called travel despite having a Howard huan approach to leaving my home I too can yearn to quit these Shores and head to cheia climes and now I'm going to build this dream of of Escape as I jet off within a commercial aircraft to some of the most exotic yet near to my house destinations on this Earth to demonstrate how to enjoy one cherished weekend away with the smallest outlay of coin minage and fath this time a whirlwind Weekend In the Heat of maresh I'm hitting Africa with actor Steven the face Mangan hello ladies who will act as a kind of straight man while we relentlessly experience the sights I came here for a party in the sky Sounds here we go and smells my septums burnt out of what is very much a place that face tells me you made the wrong decision as we attempt to lead you through an optimal 48 hours in maresh we're here but should we have come you're going to regret that [Music] jump Mares can be reached by mule Trek from the Atlas Mountains or if time is of no immense value to you you could very well just drive to Barcelona and catch a ferry but because I have a fetish for Hypes I insisted on the relative speed of a 3 and 1/2 hour flight AS did Steven Mangan with whom I wait for a lift to our Flop House we really flown 4 hours to stand in front of a sign in the middle of a jeel carriageway we needed the jogy here it comes here's our Wheels really yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why do we need those Wheels we need traction where are we going up the Atlas Mountains ish after you Richard you brought me to maresh why well I have some very good reasons tell me first things first despite being an insultingly short 3 and 1/ half hours flight away we're in a different continent and on the cuff of the Sahara Desert and as if that shiz wasn't enough Morocco is the world's largest exporter of tin sardines and now to unveil where down we shall flop tourists off Kip in the city's bustle but in a bid to evade other people I've plumped for a quiet Desert Oasis just a short drive from town so Richard where are you taking me we're going to a hotel that has no electricity it's candles gas lights it's adventurous it's the kind of thing I thought you'd like I do but I just feel that there's a shallow grave waiting for me yes at the end of this we're going to see gwy and palro head in the Box yeah laa canell combines luxury with absolute silence what have you got in that by the way just my hair dryer cuz it's not a change of clothes is it there's 15 more of these suits in this all right I change every two hours because I sweat so badly it's almost as if everyone who was here died there's no one around no this looks like we're cooler Shaker come to find the new sound apparently Prince came here once right I often think that if you and I had a child it would look like Prince I think that would be the leite of its problems should we see if there's any Wi-Fi sure with our bags duly dropped and evening fast approaching our bellies ache for appeasement Marakesh is famous for its mesmerizing array of street food and the best stalls are located in the city's ancient main Square so we return to the urban hubub and last nearly 12 seconds before the Warren of 11th century streets renders us hopelessly lost do you know where we are no but sweet Mercy has provided me with a digital compass and map I'm on Compass Duty my map says that way but my heart says that way let's go with the map rather than your Ross and heart what they should do is they should Mark the floor like they do in Ikea with Footprints yes so that you know exactly where you're going but if it's anything like Ikea we'd visit every single Street in the city before getting to where we wanted to go yes but at least you'd only visit it once once rather than several times which is what we've done as we flap about like cider soaked to wasps let's go this way why go that way that's where we just come from all right let's go well we're lost what difference Dem go down this way I can only hope that editing spares you the pain of watching this in its entirety they say it's better to travel than to arrive but I think in this case they're wrong Yes we finally arrive as the sun sets with all sense of time and perspective been tatters this great all right is this where we were meant to end up yeah okay pretty good huh this Square called the Jamar elar is the epicenter of mares where locals and tourists come to eat this is a thousand years old the square we're trying to keep going until we have a panic attack and then we'll just rest in that area snail broth spicy lamb sausage and stuffed camel spleen are all available for the chomp but then Steven's eyes meet the eyes of a sheep sheep's brain you eat brain yeah let's eat some brain right here we go we'd like some head please some tongue brain do you have face I might ask for the uh salad you'll eat rum of a cow I won't eat R him though here we go good nice wow am I interest you in some eyelid right what this bit around here yeah shoulder shoulder okay back to the shoulder okay I've got a bit of uh brain here let me know how that is B Appetit that face tells me you made the wrong decision it is slightly disconcerting the mouth is open it's as if the mouth of this sh is going oh come on yeah tell me what you've gained from this experience an anecdote I've got an anecdote I with someone stupid enough to eat cheet spray that's my anecdote look the ey still in it this is basically just an autopsy don't eat that okay I at the brain you eat the eyes I'm not subject to some kind of weird television law of bullying where just because Dean has eaten the brain the ant has to eat the eye no oh my good grief it's black inside why are you doing this why you do why did you do that it's delicious it's not it is should get a burger yeah let's get a camel Burg okay come on then bner defeats us the night and our first day is over we retired to the pitch black of our desert Abode day two begins in the middle of day one's night but the pain of a 4 a.m. alarm will be offset by the eye gasm that awaits us just a 1hour drive out of town we're getting in a hot air balloon wow in the name of efficiency because once we're up there we can seek the whole of Marakesh mountains all right the city how will we go where we want to go wind will govern us pilot Maurice insists on an early start as the calm morning air should ensure a safe flight how long have you been piloting hot hair balloons it's the first time today a Crown Prince of dead pan Maurice also moonlights say Morocco's second best Terran stamp [Music] lookalike I do now know for certain that I am a vertigo sufferer right what I'm enjoying is the Tranquility the really freaky silence and then the quite violent uh flame thrwing that's going on just inches above our head wow look you can genuinely see everything I wish I had a similar device to this in normal conversations to provide thinking time yeah it's admittedly very beautiful to look at Maurice I'm trying to have a joyan Epiphany here but the beauty is largely offset by fear okay although that is a sound of us not falling so I welcome that sound right okay we must be able to see almost all of Morocco from up here with only wicker between us and certain death literally but now that we've got all of this perspective how are we going to Zone in on the detail how are we Richard with this puppy the Panasonic Lumix 60 times obstacle Zoom G I mean it's an absolute pleasure look at that oh look at the zoom on that oh oh wow that's a deep Barrel that is an early morning Barrel right there awkward now having to stand this close to each other after that I thought you'd be able to mingle in one of these things and walk around and chat but we're actually hemmed in quite you thought you came out here to network I came here for a party in the sky well it's more like a confessional booth in the sky with our memories committed to data Maurice lets the balloon Nestle Down feel more and more relieved as we get nearer the ground I'm feeling kind of almost smug and this Eerie experience ends without injury brace for impact w oh I I am enjoying my feet touching land oh but wasn't it magical being up in the sky and so quiet and floating it was periodically quiet between bun and burner blasts yeah that was quite noisy we're going to go here we go the balloon massively fulfilled its brief of allowing us to see a good deal and all before any such thing as breakfast actor Steven Mangan and me a loose string of unrelated vowels Richard aadii are showing you how to power slam through 48 hours in Marakesh our Voyage has so far seen us fly wow look and throw food into our mouths why are you doing this but now we must wrestle with local culture folklore and narrative so we can feel worthy rather than the trivial consumers we are storytelling is a crucial part of Mar's history passing on wisdom and moral guidance to new generations in the 11th century tellers would perform in the main square but now a new breed perform in City Center cafes like this who doesn't like a story well that's essentially what you and I do for a living isn't it don't digify what we did that's good point jward puts on free performances the tourists in his spare time hello hello I'm Richard Hello nice to meet to meet you I'm Sten how are you nice to meet you so I should say I have no facial expressions virtually none a medical so you won't be able to tell anything from looking at me cuz I'm emotionally cut off yeah almost completely dead I'll try and make up for it with my Steven's more animated with warm eyes also I'm bad with eye contacts so yeah just bear that in mind so once upon a time there was a child his father died and left him alone this particular story follows Jaffer a lazy son of a butcher whose mother encourages him to seek out his own luck Jeffer you fool you always lose your money throughout the TA jood skips between roles like a modern day Danny Dy flitting from dog woof woof go away you stupid to old man give me money first the story has more twists and turns than an episode of come Dy with me and guess what he found dead Queen not The Sopranos with new characters constantly appearing he found a white bearded wizard holding a candle and a spell book in his hand we weren't going to guess that but like Oliver Stone before him jward is Keen to explore what moral lessons we've gained from his story what did you learn from this story so the moral of the story is always find a tiny WI wizard to take the punishment for you yeah and I suppose in a Bruno bleheim way it's really about integrating various aspects of the ego to create a whole and that's what I took away I have no idea what this means neither I didn't really I just read it in a suay supplement our moral compasses clearly need adjustment but as that will not happen within our lifetimes it's an issue that is best ignored for the moment right now I urgently wish to explore Mar's top tourist attractions how about the 16th century sardian tombs this is where members of the sardian dynasty that once ruled Morocco are buried and is a great way to feel close to death for half an hour okay sardan tomb right very tranquil very pretty and their solution to what are you do do with the rich dead you tile them in you tile them you get a lot of tiles and a job lot of grout no one really knew that these were the tombs until they were discovered in 1917 by a French surveyor effectively an aerial survey so it's quite an extraordinary Discovery I guess [Music] yeah have you got any particular burial plans I want to go in the brown recycling pin I've said this for a long time knowing my like I'd end up in the wrong PIN and they wouldn't really refuse to pick me up now 48 hours are nearly up like Eddie Murphy and Nick NTI before us we can't waste them by over reflecting on the fleeting nature of life no we need to investigate the production of high quality leather goods something Marakesh is world famous for so our next stop is the Thousand-Year old Tannery on the edge of the old town where we'll learn how some of the finest leather on Earth is created well this is the Tannery okay where leather goods are prepared it's that on the walls that's excrements excrements right I once lived in a block of flats in southfields that had a very similar stairwell to this oh yeah sorry about that yeah it wasn't ideal it's an intense WID oh intense isn't the word my septums burnt out the Tanner here use medieval techniques which have been passed down through generations the first stage of the process is to soak the goat camel or cow skins in Lime to loosen the hair wow the hair is just gliding off like soaking a casserole dish about before long it'll be a hawton man bag there's bits of my body that could do without treatment yeah it's the next stage now where they dip the skin in Pigeon feces right to remove the lime and that is a ramp up an odor oh hello the last time I smelled something like this I was in the toilets of an unmanned railway station in the Midlands after they are washed the Skins are soaked again left to dry and finally scraped before having color applied the smells still horrific but there's more leather within it Bono will be able to get a pair of trousers made out of these Y in order to see the leather in its final State we make haste to the sprawling City Center markets well you couldn't really get more leather if only Paul Hogan were here he could really stock up there's so much leather here that some men including the man Leonardo DiCaprio pay locals to sift through it for them but I'm not Leonardo Dicaprio and if anyone's going to sift through man bags it's going to be me okay this this makes me feel like it's a 70s doctor which I like this is good how much is this this one is only 650 d 650 let me get my app out and see how much that is £46 give me your best offer how much if you just let me get to 375 to make it look like I'm good at haggling I'll give you 500 okay 500 great I'm not even sure I want the bag well Steven if you could pay up right yeah I work for him oh uh he's very cruel and if I do things wrong he hits me with the piece of maresh now strapped to my torso we need to ponder our enormous achievements in a suitably evocative environment so we've traveled back to the agap desert where we can test one last experience how are you feeling about our way out hello ladies yeah wow look at you look at the eyelashes on that that one yeah beautiful well just for filtering out dust rather than Aesthetics but I'm sure they'll appreciate the compliment it's working for me when we Mount up and mount up we will we're going to be high off the ground so I don't uh leave a face like yours in danger of hitting the deck how you going to protect my face the proit air vest really well go around your body your face actually still might get mangled horse riders wear this when you fall off it inflates thus buffering you we're going to get on all right Mount up here we go hey this one wind's half up wa now but his face is caught in your look at this get up I'm just like a big nap to this camel camel rise camel camel light up you get here we go there we go here we go hello hello are you ready it's high it's a long way up oh dear there we go oh yeah you see how do you feel now you're mounted up well I think this is the closest I'm ever going to get to being in a western yeah I mean I feel pretty good about this actually yeah I feel less bad than I normally do which for me is a ringing endorsement I wonder how recently they've drunk you know one of these puppies can fit in 200 lit 200 liters it's going to neck that in three mins in three mins three mens camels are so vital to Moroccans that there's an annual camel Festival celebrating their importance as a means of transport and source of food mentally though we dare not admit it to one another Mangan and I are already working out how to bring this event to Britain and whether we could get cooler Shaker to reform and lay down some sweet beats I feel of all the things we've done this is one of the least terrifying that's really weird to hear you say that less terrifying than the story teller no that was okay less terrifying than walking through a Medina yes less terrifying than buying a leather bag that was medium it's good to know how the charts are look at it look at that look at that you AR glad you're not sitting in your living room now and you're out here in the desert on a camel what I'm glad about is the image of you looking like an off-duty member of the Metropolitan Police hey on the back of a camel camel [Music] division overall Marakesh can afford the Frugal traveler with a whole tanker of holiday for a mere cup of coin it may not have been entirely Pleasant intense with but we enjoyed a hot air balloon well a high quality Leather Man bag I'm not even sure I want the bag and a whole sheep's head I at the brain you eat the eye no eat it no eat the eye not e eat the eye so you're a man who wherever you go clutches life lessons dearly to his chest which one have you plucked this time we think we've seen it all cuz you've watched it on telly you've seen documentaries but not until you get out there and see it with your own two eyes can you really appreciate what's going on in the world what about you I've learned that it's very frustrating to be without Wi-Fi signal
Channel: Absolute Jokes
Views: 1,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amusing Journeys, Atlas Mountains Exploration, City Break Ideas, Comic Relief, Fun-Filled Trips, Hot Air Balloon Ride Fun, Icelandic Scenery Showcase, Local Cuisine Tasting, Northern Lights Viewing, Northern Lights viewing, Recommended Destinations., Stephen Mangan, Unique Experiences, comedy entertainment, enjoyable humor, helicopter tour experience, hilarious sketches, hot air balloon, must-watch comedy series
Id: xZVF7jUAYc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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