Travel Guide to Manaslu Circuit Trek & Larkya La Pass | Trekking in the Himalayas of Nepal

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thank you [Music] yeah for many people who have walked through the manasulu circuit Trail in Nepal when asked what is the most beautiful place you have been to Monastery Conservation Area often comes to mind constant reminders for those fortunate enough to have walked its Shields is that Simplicity lies at the heart of pure beauty The Surreal mountains that place stage to dream like little Alpine settlements cannot be justified by pictures it has to be experienced to know the totality of how truly special a place like this is [Music] time often Blends in and out of existence when you are here as you walk through a stunning variety of Landscapes spanning over a whopping 4 000 meters in altitude it makes you realize how fluid reality is and how what we refer to as normal back home is really just one of the infinite ways in which life can be lived ah what did I say [Music] it is [Music] epic adventure through Monastery Conservation Area ends with the crossing of the 5100 meter larkila pass as you enter the Annapurna Conservation Area 150 kilometers of this incredible Trail can only be navigated by foot there are no roads here for days on end [Music] following a trail cruise to Tibet we pass through remote less visited villages as peaks of the Himalayas the tower above us [Music] walking through magical forests all the while looking at the Majestic peak of manaslu and experiencing a traditional culture that dates back centuries makes this a classic Tea House Trek in the footsteps of the Annapurna and monastery massives monasulu is one of the least crowded of all the famous treks of Nepal with its breathtaking views of diverse Landscapes combined with the vibrant cultural heritage of traditional Villages and monasteries all of this make it one of the most thrilling and Scenic tricks that one can embark on in the Himalayas of Nepal Conservation Area is a protected area established in 1998 in the Man City himal range of the Himalayas of Gurkha District [Music] in elevation the area ranges from 1400 meters to 8164 meters the highest point being the peak of manaslu the eighth highest mountain in the world this Trek is usually 16 days long but you can also combine the shorter Zoom Valley Trek as we did which would then make the trip a 21-day Journey as we take you on this incredible Expedition we will also give you step-by-step directions on how you too can experience these Trails for yourself so get ready to explore one of Nepal's most spectacular yet underrated Trails if it's your first time here hit the Subscribe button to join us on more Epic Adventures we made friends with many other Travelers during our journey which made walking these Trails even more special so let's take this once in a lifetime trip and meet the locals guys and porters and fellow Travelers that you will come across on this Chronicle of the monastery circuit Trail after finishing the tomb Valley Trek we are now making our way toward the village of dang which is normally the fourth stop after starting the Trek from suti Kola suti Cola is currently the furthest place that can be accessed by Road from Kathmandu although the roads are being built further into the trekking route since we made our way to Thum Valley which is a Trek that can be combined with the monastery circuit we are now crossing the bridge that separates the two treks also we met these three men who had come all the way from the town of tabbing carrying boxes of chicks to sell at Villages here on their backs we have been walking for more than a week now mules and horses which are the only mode of transportation here can be seen in large numbers throughout the Trek hello thank you on our way we met a fellow Nepali Trekker the only one we met throughout our Trek all the other trackers that we met were foreigners mostly Germans French Italians Americans and British thank you [Music] traveled is here at dang we reached Deng in the evening the village is surrounded by huge mountains and lies at an altitude of 1800 meters and the police can get super windy [Music] the house treks which are found in trekking Trails throughout Nepal involves staying at Guest Houses allowing a traveler to hike with minimum gear and also immerse oneself in the local way of life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] although we couldn't see it in the evening thanks to cloudy weather the next morning we were greeted by a gorgeous view of the Himalayas as we started walking into higher altitudes videos today we walk towards the village of Nam room however many traditional Villages line the entire Trail and there are in fact many stops that you can make either for a meal or to spend the night foreign [Music] which has become a major source of income in the past few decades sustenance farming continues to be practiced by most people who live here [Music] [Music] [Music] scenes of huge waterfalls and hydropower stations are common here that the number of bridges we crossed we stopped for lunch on the way albat is the most popular dish throughout Nepal it is a great option also because you can eat as much as you like without having to pay extra it's a buffet version of Nepal we were then back on the windy Trail you can rest and walk at a slow pace as there are plenty of villages with tea houses to stay overnight [Music] thank you [Music] the trail passes through Terrace Farms along the way through Sal forests and Crosses many waterfalls after Crossing countless bridges built over the Roaring burigondaki River along a rocky terrain we finally arrived in nam room where we stayed the night namrung means a place where it rains we were surprised to come across this particular hotel after having seen only traditional tea houses [Music] the Nam room Four Seasons Hotel lies right at the entrance of the village and we were stunned by its architecture so we decided to stay here it is run by one of the families here and the lady who is also the owner of the place was our host for the night [Music] [Music] foreign she was very warm and welcoming we chatted with her as she wove and we even tried the delicious apple pie that she had baked big [Music] [Music] she then offered us some ground Apple liquor which was undoubtedly the most delicious home brewed alcoholic beverage we have had during our travels gas mode good evening [Music] victory is that everybody wow [Music] we then had a delicious early dinner along with fresh ground apples [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the traditional designs and Interiors of the hotel were well combined with modern comfort and we were quite pleasantly surprised to have come across this place thank you [Music] the next day we joined a caravan of mules as we left Nam room on our way to the Village of samagao people in this region work very hard just to survive thanks to the Region's remoteness and difficult Terrain foreign [Music] kids many of whom do not go to school can be seen working to transport Goods on horses and meals [Music] we also came across many monasteries and other places of worship on the way [Music] thank you [Music] on this day we stopped for lunch at lihi where we met this gentleman who had come with two Japanese alpinists who were climbing a peak in the region that had never been climbed before but as soon as we left after our meal making our way to samagao it started raining so we stopped at another part of the village for some tea we went to the house of a young couple who lived here along with their four children [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] wow [Music] as the rain didn't stop we spent the night at the house and the next morning we found that the place was completely covered with snow overnight and looked like a completely different place than the one we had slept at foreign [Music] we had a traditional breakfast of satu a mixture of roasted ground pulses and cereals along with butter salt tea foreign [Music] [Music] the largest and probably the oldest village in the region with glimpses of blooming Rhododendron flowers we realized that spring was around the corner fresh crisp snow was melting and falling from the trees making it seem as if it was raining [Music] we walked through the dense Pine Forest taking cover from the rain at times on our way we met other Trekkers and their guides and porters foreign snow made our way even more beautiful as we walked through forests that were starting to get covered with spring flowers [Music] you will come across many other Trekkers from around the world here while walking we met this group of Spanish Trekkers [Music] [Music] thank you on the way to samagang we stopped at samdo Village where we originally planned to spend the previous night [Music] Sando offers 360 degree views of majestic Himalayan Peaks including that of Mount manaslu [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] three months [Music] [Music] subscribers [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay other mountains including himachali and Peak 29 dominate The View along with large glaciers straight ahead which can be seen all the way from Kathmandu can also be seen closely from here [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign as we were now just over an hour away from our final destination for the day we enjoyed a cup of coffee and some cookies before heading back on the trail [Music] from Sam though we headed towards samagao which is a few hours walk away [Music] [Music] the melting snow had made the river more dense and there was plenty of fresh snow around to play with [Music] while entering the village of samagao we met a lady who had just come back from high up in the mountains after tending to her yaks [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] usually spends a day here acclimatizing before heading towards the lakya pass had it not rained the day before this would have been a rest day [Music] at 3450 meters samagao is a centuries-old settlement and still preserves its unique way of traditional life [Music] is also the starting point if you want to Trek to the monastery Beast camp or climb the mountain itself there are a few options for a Day hike you can make from here on your day of rest and acclimatization [Music] there is also an old Monastery right next to the Village [Music] as the sky cleared we walked through the village and made our way to the nearby monastery [Music] lighting Juniper incense is an ancient practice here Juniper has played a major medicinal role in the treatment of many contagious diseases it was burned to scare off witches and demons but is also known to clear stimulate and strengthen the nervous system it also helps purify the atmosphere and has a calming effect the inside of the monastery was full of pretty Scrolls and paintings along with sculptures that have been here for centuries [Music] monasteries in remote mountain regions were often centers of learning and spirituality preserving religious teachings and cultural heritage [Music] there were places where manuscripts were copied and kept preserving knowledge that might have otherwise been lost [Music] historically monasteries in the mountains often served as schools where students were taught Reading Writing arithmetic and other subjects they also provided spiritual education to those who lived and worked there helping shape the beliefs and values of the surrounding communities [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] settlement of the village looking for Tilly's sister whom we had met while entering the village there is an old settlement in samagao right next to the new one which was built after the rise of tourism in the area make sure to spend time at the old settlement with its conventional Stone and wood houses the lifestyle here probably hasn't changed much over many generations [Music] as we were exploring we came across this house with an old couple where a yak had just given birth [Music] them the calf was having a hard time standing up on its feet and suckling on its mother so the lady from the house was trying to get the calf to drink some colostrum which is vital for the survival of the newborn foreign getting to witness the first moments of an animal's life was a profound experience we were then invited by the couple to their house for some butter tea amen [Music] [Music] thank you um [Music] after breakfast in samagao the next morning we descended along the burigandaki river passing several Mani walls as the valley begins to widen [Music] foreign [Music] views along this route are amazing and get too close to the Tibetan border the way to samdo is one of the less strenuous walks throughout the Trek much of the hike is to a valley that opens up along the flowing river nearby [Music] drivers your lungs and Tony Montana foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God Sandhu is connected to Tibet through two trading routes both of which are a few hours of a difficult hike away foreign [Music] you are also likely to see herds of blue sheep Grazing In the surroundings in the evenings native to the high mountain ranges of Central and South Asia the blue sheep also known as the Boral is well adapted to Rocky high altitude terrains they can Scale near vertical Cliffs and are also a favorite meal of snow leopards which also live in these parts another animal you come across is the Himalayan marmot a large ground squirrel that inhabits Alpine grasslands throughout the Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau foreign [Music] vultures are also a common sight here [Music] Sandhu is the last Village before the Tibetan border and the larkila pass which takes you into monang from here we head to our last stop at thol Masala before crossing the pass [Music] after breakfast in sandor depending on the season you may pass a Tibetan Market called larki Bazaar and then descend through the purikandaki river [Music] after crossing a wooden bridge we began ascending towards dharmasala which is also called the larkila base camp or larki fidi [Music] we also came across the lacking Glacier after which the pass is named it is one of the largest glaciers in the country and is approximately 20 kilometers long covering an area of 80 square kilometers but like many glaciers in the Himalayas it is retreating due to the impacts of climate change the melting of glaciers in this region has the potential to affect water supplies for millions of people Downstream and also contribute to sea level rise [Music] we were caught up by other Trekkers who were also planning to cross the pass with us the next day because heavy snowfall was forecasted for the day after All Foreign Nationals are required to travel with a guide in the monastery Conservation Area guides and porters play a huge role in making your Expedition successful and safe they also deserve a lot more credit than they are usually given kids we highly recommend traveling with a guide from the area as it will add to the depths of your experience it is also a safer choice in case of an emergency [Music] we then continued into our final Ascent before our first site of tall masala just before we reach there it started snowing foreign [Music] used to be the last camping site before crossing the pass during the early days of the Trek locals have built small Cottages with beds made of stone in order to cater to the needs of increasing numbers of Trekkers in recent years [Music] on this day dharmasala was fully booked [Music] yesterday we then spent the rest of the day playing cards inside also known as the mouth harp [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before the day was over we played outside in the snow for a while [Music] and after an early dinner everyone was off to bed in order to start the next day's hike to the pass which was to be started Before Sunrise [Music] thank you [Applause] on the day of the crossing of the past you'll set out on a longer hike so make sure to eat a good breakfast in tarmasala we took our time to get to the Past sun was playing hide and seek at one point the bright warm sunlight was following us along with crystal-like snow [Music] and [Music] then switched back and forth with foggy weather and almost no visibility at times at times it felt like we were climbing a mountain which we were [Music] sure to carry a pair of sunglasses during the pass or whenever there is fresh white bright snow foreign [Music] and also make sure to hydrate yourself during your walks [Music] as we approach the pass the trail became steeper and more strenuous but the views just got better and better [Music] oh give me one um actually for 15-20 minutes [Music] the bus is right there and then finally we reached the top the view from the Lage pass was simply breathtaking with panoramic Vistas in every direction from the top you will enjoy gorgeous views of Lackey Peak Mount manasulu ratna Chuli Chio himal and many other snow-capped mountains however that wasn't the case for us due to clouds hovering over us back and forth [Music] from here we descended through a Rocky and Ice deep slope until we reached the village of pintang when trekking in the snowy regions of Nepal we highly recommend carrying crampons to avoid the risk of slipping and falling down one might think that reaching the top of a pass is the hardest part however in reality getting down is more technically challenging than going up foreign all right [Music] thank you very much [Music] [Music] good help yourself foreign [Music] such an arduous Journey with other fellow Trekkers made our entire experience even more fun and memorable [Music] Merry Christmas everyone [Music] we then descended along the path of another Glacier that melted into the dutkola OR Milk River [Music] you guys this track connects both Monastery and Annapurna conservation areas so you will have to get permits for both regions [Music] we spend the night at bintang which in its own right has some gorgeous Mountain views thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] meeting fellow trackers and sharing the experience with them is one of the best parts of taking on such a difficult and grueling Trek thank you um [Music] today is the last day of the Trek crossing a high pasture we descended The Valley Of buddhaola Beyond the bridge over the headwaters of the dutkola we descended into a rhododendron forest and followed a trail through a narrow Valley until we reached the highest cultivated land in the valley foreign Chicken on his back [Music] what's up we did this Trek in Spring which is the best time to witness the mystical colors of the Rhododendron flowers the national flower of Nepal which most people know to be read in color but in fact comes in a wide array of colors in over 1 000 different species thank you foreign [Music] we also witnessed many trees being burned or cut down especially on our way down to tilche [Music] trees are the source of life not just for humans but every species we know of on this planet we hope that more and more people realize that and help protect and plant more trees the best time to travel to monasulu to get the best Mountain views is when there are clear skies and that is usually either in spring or during fall although in recent years weather patterns have been changing as a result we came across rainfall during our Trek although usually May is not the time to rain in these parts but at the end of the day whether it's rain or Sunshine the most important part is to learn to enjoy the journey no matter what comes your way funny and [Music] yeah the larkila pass is a wild and thrilling experience that you won't soon forget it's a true test of endurance and willpower but the rewards are more than worth it not only will you have witnessed an extraordinary region of the world but you will also come out Having learned many things about life and about yourself so grab your hiking gear pack a smile and get ready for a journey of a lifetime [Music]
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Keywords: manaslu circuit trek, larke la pass, manaslu trek, nepal trekking, nepal trekking vlog, nepal trek, nepal travel, nepal, nepal vlog, nepal travel vlog, nepal documentary, trekking himalayas, hiking in nepal, nepal hiking vlog, hiking, trekking in nepal, himalayas, travel, larke pass manaslu, manaslu larke pass trek, trekking video, nepal tour, larkya la pass, manaslu circuit trail, manaslu conservation area, travel nepal, tea house trekking, manaslu circuit, hiking manaslu
Id: 9y3PRW5qDbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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