Travel Diaries: Japanese Food Compilation |
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Keywords: japan, travel, guide, sightseeing, tourist, japanese food, compilation, best of, sapporo, tokyo, nagoya, kyoto, sushi, sushi chef, best sushi in, japanese chef, tebasaki, tuna sushi, sea urchin, jingisukan, beer museum, sapporo beer, eel, kaisendon, kanazawa, japanese beef, wagyu, yakiniku, hida beef, takayama, japanese soba, soba recipe, soba making, salmon roe, high class sushi restaurant, uji tea, matcha dessert, japanese matcha, best restaurants in tokyo, japanese chicken wings
Id: AGd7e4EhrkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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