Transparent and Crystal Clear | Writing Unity URP Code Shaders Tutorial [3/9] ✔️ 2021.3
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Ned Makes Games
Views: 6,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamedev, game development, development, unity, unity3d, madewithunity, programming, game design, csharp, nedmakesgames, nedmakesgames dev log, indiedev, indie game, dev log, shaders, 3d modeling, blender, tutorial, walkthrough, shader, universal render pipeline, urp, unitytip, unitytips, shaderlab, hlsl, beginner, starting, shader graph, hdrp, graphics, graphics programming, tech, tech art, lighting, shadows, texture, textures, interpolation, struct, swizzling, macros, material, materials, model, modeling, uvs, unreal
Id: 4zw6Vq5CzLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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