Transmitting video over 20,000ft?! - HOLY $H!T

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do you need to send high quality video with extremely low latency over great distances well with this you can this is the dji transmission combo and with it you can wirelessly send a video signal up to six flippin kilometers oh and monitor it that's right you could operate a camera from over three miles away we can't work from home now [Music] at least that's what dji says and i sure hope it works because they sponsored this video so if it doesn't work this is going to be really really awkward [Music] i haven't had a chance to play with this yet so i am really excited to see it in action fundamentally it's pretty straightforward your video input goes here either via hdmi or sdi and then with these antennas it goes wirelessly flipping six kilometers away now my first question is how does dji address little details like walls and roofs what's that six kilometers based on it's um six months or straight line okay pretty much line of sight because the thing is unlike a lot of dji's cameras this thing isn't going to be 300 meters up in the air so there could be obstacles hot air bloom that's a that's a method now that's a niche use case if i ever heard one on that subject the fact that the tx3 video transmitter doesn't need to be strapped to a drone is a big part of how dji is getting so much performance out of it they had already gotten to the point where they needed to develop their own silicon in order to achieve both their quality and their latency goals actually wouldn't tell us much about their silicon other than that if they strap a whole bunch of cooling and power to it you can get some really amazing performance out of it oh also we're going to strap on a couple of other things these antennas pretty okay these antennas pretty extra okay okay what kind of range do we get out of the regular antennas i was in build corner and the camera was set up over there and i run into the rear door and you know the signal didn't cut off so concrete wall metal door good but we're still gonna go high gain just for the sake of pushing it to the limits yeah these are hilarious i would have thought they were the antenna already at this point in the process now just a second here do i actually need the extensions or can i just put the high gain antennas straight onto the device i think i do both i guess they're both options okay what i suspect is that the video transmitter you wouldn't want this hanging off of it if it's on a camera no okay let's actually prefer to have like the smaller antenna yeah let's do the smaller paddle shaped ones this is my monitor then this plugs into my station wherever it is that i'm set up with my remote controls of zoom or you know my gimbal or whatever the case may be and then this straps to my camera so you want to control your camera you need this oh okay there's more pieces yeah more pieces onan 4d hand grips combo i'll share one impression so far none of this feels cheap it's got that reassuring we didn't have to worry about flight time on a drone weight to it you know and filming gear so nothing is really that cheap uh clearly this is not everything where does this clip to so clip on the side of this [Music] solid not bad yeah okay feels solid i could play switch from so far away i can play racing game you know okay now what we have this the rs3 pro and the rs3 so i guess we'll go with the pro we're just gonna go with the portal yeah this is a new gimbal so that we can actually strap this thing to it because you just said it doesn't fit with the rs2 then right it fits with the ring because the ring is not from dji it's from delta oh okay so that's their ecosystem but it's the gimbal it's the gimbal that we're replacing it got it okay this is our current solution we basically just hang this on the back of the car and to shoot cars and you have follow focus control and you have the wireless transmission thing here right and you just monitor with your phone but the problem is wi-fi bay is you know sometimes signal cut and particularly around here where we have a lot of two point four and five gigahertz are you gonna mount this thing i want to play with it yeah i will i will quit talking eddie yeah have the camera i i desire a nintendo now you're probably wondering why the first thing that we're doing is playing a retro video game as opposed to hooking it up to a camera or something like that and the answer to that is that this is a game that i have personally played a lot and i have a good feel for when it's running with really low latency so i'm going to try and play it on here frame rate's definitely a touch lower looks very favorable even next to a very good display there is a bit of noise in it you can see a little bit of blocking but that is pretty clean seriously though i am playing on a wireless display right now now obviously this isn't you know an end game level or anything like that but i am able to time my jumps pretty much perfectly whoops oh this is cool you might have noticed there's menu buttons and like arrow keys and stuff like that here that's not actually to control this device that's all through the hamburger menu down here this is to control the device that you are connected to like a sony camera for example what's beneficial with the sd card slot is you can load custom lot in there so if let's say if you're shooting log and you know those kind of like greyed out type of video format then you can wield the thing in rec709 or bt 2020 if you prefer to it's actually surprisingly usable it's on top of being emulated i know right i do have one frame of run ahead so it's like pretty ideal but okay if i can nail the 50 then hey i'm getting one for gaming well okay let's not get ahead of ourselves this is really the best way to tell though looking at them right next to each other alex you said you know what the claimed latency on this is right yep can i guess sure i am gonna say 20 milliseconds 60 to 100 actually no way that's 100 milliseconds no way that's 60. well but they're also talking is that total though that's total and that's like from your camera okay now to be clear when i said 20 i meant 20 more so given that like a typical even gaming display is somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 to 40. at any rate that's really impressive something to note if you're trying to compare dji solution to one of the others on the market is that you'll see companies advertise zero latency for these kinds of wireless video transmission solutions that is literally not real that is impossible so yeah 8200 milliseconds it's a noticeable amount of latency but it's really good i can see now that we're a little bit farther away the data rate is going down so instead of being around 32 or around 22 megs oh shoot to be able to mount this underneath the running gimbal you just install this thing now you can just slot it in and then make sense you took the battery off andy yeah because you have power from the gimbals who needs battery right and what's cool about the rs3 gimbal is you turn it on automatically unlock every axis like this is so good like right you turn it off automatically lock everything so it's not going to be like during transportation it's not going to break your like gimbal and it's not going to fry your motor as well so big frog okay best feature ever hey see this 69 battery nice nice oh nice that's sick now you have full control hey check it out look it's dan why you do this andy okay no wait what's the maximum speed wow you can really haul hi alex hello before we do a long range test we're going to walk around our office a little bit but there's a really important tool for us to look at first this is their channel selector so you can do this manually but i'd recommend leaving it on auto what it does is it will scan all the nearby channels and then jump around to whichever one is best and particularly an environment like this where we have 11 access points over 104 wi-fi connected devices and a total of 300 computers on our network at this time there is a ridiculous amount of interference and it causes us legitimate problems in our production like say for example with our wireless lavalier microphones that's why we have to wear these backups that record locally so andy you're gonna take the camera and shoot alex yes okay you have to control the camera okay linus try and track me while you're over wherever you are oh whoa what's it trying to do oh the gimbal wanted to go that way oh we lost our connection we're through a lot of walls right now boys the large penis uh concrete wall to 105 killed it what about now we're back on the short circuit oh there we go okay as a first time gimbal operator this is actually surprisingly not that hard to deal with okay he's going into the bedroom set it would be nice if alex had any light on but oh oh oh there we go something alex said i should mention is that dji tuned their uh they said can you nod oh it's not moving yeah nice something alex said i should point out is that dji tuned their compression to not drop frames to not increase latency so they'll drop bit rate they'll drop the actual image quality but you will always have an image that's the idea behind it i can't tell how andy's holding it a lot of the time so it's like yeah he's like going through a door so it's pulling it up at the ceiling what is going on linus is behind the camera no he's not oh he is are we on a video right now yeah actually oh he's he's firing you through the camera right now yeah i bet he is colton you're a fire get out of here hey boys hello hello thank you i lost gimbal control a little while ago though so that's why i'm just looking up into the left all the time i see uh do you have any idea what happened there gimbal lock is or unbalanced motors in sleep mode well there's your problem quality is flipping amazing though like what so we shouldn't have any like signal cutoff issue for car shoots yeah it's crazy but it even looks so good even though i know the bit rate's not that high because it says right on it that it's you know a fifth of what it was before look at this though like freaking what and yeah we're right next to it but it was still usable even when we were like a solid 100 meters away through at least five walls and you know what is the crazy part the price i'm guessing i don't want to see it yet just for the transmitter piece yeah transmitter piece and plus the monitor the monitor the seven inch monitor we have for our ursas yeah that was like 1800 buck i don't know why don't you just tell me 24.99 2500 bucks for the entire combo that you can just monitor stuff from six kilometers away that's amazing they have a usd price then they have a canada usd price but also a canada canadian dollars price the rs3 combo is like a way better price in canada hey thanks dji canada never gets better pricing on anything i see all the americans complaining about gas prices i'm like huh have you seen ours we're like almost nine dollar per gallon for like the cheapest gas we get way better prices on korean cars but we don't have to go anywhere anymore yeah i mean i guess it's time for us to do a range test hey yeah now before we go crazy and just send the truck off into the sunset and see how far this thing can transmit we want to do something a little bit more reasonable this is our setup for shooting car videos we have the hydra alien it's a awesome thing we can set the whole thing up in about 30 minutes and down below we have the rs3 with our camera the only problem is when we've been shooting car videos we've had trouble transmitting video from here to the passenger seat i don't think it's going to be a problem now but we're going to test it out now we have the driver necklace and i'm in the car controlling the gimbal you can also get this module which has sdi and hdmi and also a dc in so you don't have to use dji battery if you don't want to you can use weemon gold mount however battery you like i gotta say the zoom control on this new system is a lot smoother than the previous one oh my god this is so smooth how does it feel andy it feels so smooth the driven eye system we can't really do like smooth doom uh unless we really try to but like this one like a smooth zoom just easy like here and i haven't really got any signal cut off issue right now because of the signal cut off issue i used to have to sit in the rear seat now i don't have to i can just be on the side of like nicholas then we can communicate better we can do crazy or fancier movement you know all right three two one accelerate into us perfect yeah every control of this thing is more refined compared to our old system like i i don't feel any latency to be honest are you making lioness buy one i mean if we can't really keep them then let's buy one three two one coming back three two one come back it's very responsive like i i i won't say the last shot was the best shot but like i was trying to save the shot i can totally do that you got a branch like underneath your car [Music] so when you don't have a parking camera then you can just mount a system like that so problem solved yes okay now it's the real test we're gonna have our interior camera plugged in into this and then we're gonna replace the antenna with the longer boy and probably just tape it on the back side of the truck the reason why we're taping the antenna outside of the truck because this thing is a big metal box and we don't really want to have any sort of interference from metal things um i think that's the best solution and since we have the extension cord why not just use them and cable in there success if this works i'm going to be absolutely shocked honestly let's hope i really hope so six kilometers let's go while discussing the best way to get a really long range shot one of the main things that dji said is to go somewhere that has very little like wi-fi or cell interference uh we're right beside a wireless wi-fi dish that's what like 10 gigabit it's the best we've got i'm sorry guys these antennas probably also are supposed to go super high in the air i don't know we can just get already to hold them up or something sorry can you still see us no how far did we draw [Music] less than half a kilometer yeah i'm on the edge of the roof and it's essentially line of sight and it's just not working at all oh no dji oh there it is well it just came back uh that's not good though that's 10 meters i think now the plan is we just go to the field if it doesn't work we're screwed also signal right now guys it's gone like immediately the bed you only got like 100 meters okay what about now now you guys should have like uh the right uh level side i can see you going along but i can't see on the screen yeah i think this is a we need to call dji and figure out what's on the go okay yeah let's go to the office i'll call dji this evening although last time it was not a success things are looking up this is the first beautiful day in vancouver of 2022 and we get to spend it on the beach what could be better we have new firmware on our transmitter and our receiver antenna's up nice and high the transmitter antenna is also up nice and high and he has just the most sus setup ever he's going to rip around on an e-scooter but we should have line of sight for over six kilometers we did some testing with the new firmware in our old location we were able to get about two two and a half kilometers of transmitting we weren't quite happy with that there's just too many like farms and trees in the way for us to get super far today though i think we can do it all right let me show you my setup so i'm the antenna man right now and i have the antenna mounted over there and i have a backpack and i have power here and uh the gopro in front of my chest is connected to the receiver so alex over there can you know monitor it from six kilometers away hopefully i believe see you guys later snake oh did he actually leave the camera isn't quite set up it's not bad one thing we mentioned before but didn't really show is just how freaking bright this screen is it is as bright as it can be outside in the direct sun and uh i can see it perfectly like i could even do like you know exposure and color balancing and stuff it's so vivid right here oh it was our first little bit of blockiness there he is in some trees over there this will probably be one of the more challenging areas because there is just a lot of crap once he gets a bit further i think it's gonna come back a bit oh yep there we go he came out past those trees and our signal quality just improved so much hello alex see you still see me yeah it's actually even stronger than it was before oh wow i was like slightly worried cause like on that side there's like bunch of trees yeah the trees cold causes some problems but it's like really working right now all right two kilometers confirmed and she's working great i should have brought binoculars or something pretty soon i should be able to see him just way off in the distance over there okay i'm going to turn on airplane mode right there i had a text come in and it got all blocky for a second and now that that stopped it's beautiful again he has to be over three kilometers now and it's coming down almost as well as it was when he was like right over there that's incredible when you have line of sight with this thing across an open space holy freak she does work alex is probably like over in that area but i see nothing do you still see me oh yeah it's working great like incredibly clear at the moment you see in front of me there are like bunch of trees i'm gonna go into the forest and then we'll see i'll hope the best oh wait how good is the rain for the radio i don't know we might run out of radio range before we run out of dgi transmitter range andy is way over there see uh can i point nope i can't it's pretty freaking far away tree should have brought some snacks my antenna is too high i'm hitting trees okay signal quality is dropping now that he's in that big bit of trees it is holding though he's at least three kilometers away right now probably more oh i might have lost it he's back he came out through the trees oh my god he's so far away just past three and a half kilometers our radios don't work anymore he's gonna run out of battery life on that gopro though my guess is that every time that it blocks out andy's phone is probably doing something your gopro's at one percent she's about to die it's back i see it oh man and he just completely chopped a cyclist on his little scooter that must be embarrassing video quality at this point not the best but at the same time it's very usable like if we had a ronin at the moment and i needed to control it i could probably over four and a half kilometers away at this point okay he just went up on some buildings is that the delta heritage park hello andy delta heritage airpark all right 5.2 kilometers confirmed holy crap i'm gonna keep going let's see how far this thing can go getting real blocky she's struggling yeah so the next spot that you're going to come across is a little pony spot and that is 6.9 kilometers away from where i am right now nice 6.9 let's go look like this is working though i have dozens of pixels at the moment but i'm pretty sure that he's arriving at pony pals therapeutic riding spot if i if i'm calling you is the signal dropping off yeah it's not quite working but at the same time it's like barely working anyway when we weren't having a call actually i wonder if i go to the channels and i switch it to something just completely different while we're on the phone here's what i'm trying out dfs basically the dji transmission is able to use radio frequencies that are reserved for things like small planes emergency services helicopters and so on because these frequencies are reserved there can be way less interference on them now the general public is allowed to use these frequencies but if you want to you need to listen to them for one minute and if no traffic is detected you are good to go can this help us out channel 17 looks pretty good oh wow it came back oh wow damn we hit 6.9 i think we can call it there that is friggin impressive that's nice yeah very nice holy freak all right i can't believe it honestly i don't think this would work nice let's head back to the studio well andy's on his way back i just want to shiller water bottles for a second this thing's been in direct sunlight for over an hour and i'm guessing this is still just nice and cold oh yeah that's under 10 degrees right now beautiful high five that was a nice one one final thing we want to show off is broadcast mode so we have anthony here our talent he's getting filmed and we have one screen that's able to control stuff in the camera and then we have two more that are just for broadcasting this is purely just a video feed or instead of broadcast mode i think most of the time it's going to be overbearing client mode so let's go to the other room one second hello anthony what's sup can you thank dji for sponsoring this video well thanks dgi for sponsoring this video brandon can you change the focus a bit i don't think it's quite right okay it's starting to look pretty good uh anthony can you give us another sponsor read thanks to dji for sponsoring this video brandon you screwed up the focus again okay uh one second can we do this wait you want me to do it again yes but i want to feel it in the loins right now you're just kind of saying it i get it i get it okay thanks to dji for sponsoring this video oh beautiful that's a kind all right thanks thanks oh beautiful are you rolling i want to play a third person video game oh man this game has really good camera controls this is really trippy look i'm playing a third person video game oh andy you alright yeah
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,509,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dji, drone, gimbal, transmission, video, latency, review, streaming, streamer, solution, showcase, buyers, guide, visionbeyondboundaries, djitransmission
Id: pQHmWqXRnJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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