TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS| How does it compare???

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[Music] howdy there welcome back to the channel my name is Evan or EJ you can call me either one and today I'm going to be doing both my spoiler free and spoiler-filled review of Transformers rise of the beasts uh so in the first half I'm just gonna give my like overall thoughts on the movie whether I think it's good or not whether I think you should see it in the second half of the video I'm gonna be going you know talking about all the spoilers so yeah I've been closely following the production of this movie for around two years now I'm very excited to talk about it and I finally saw it the other day so let's just get into it I like how in the one Transformers video I've been excited to make for like since the start of my channel it's the one video where you can't see my Transformers figures like at all I mean they're still here is that right yeah the boys are still here you just can't see them now because they're behind me they were behind me the entire time but now they're not visible but you know let's just let's just talk about the movie so obviously first up is the spoiler free section of the video and I'm sure the question a lot of people who haven't seen this yet and who have seen the past Transformers movies are wondering is how does it Stack Up compared to those ones because uh you know the bar is not super high when it comes to the live-action Transformers installments but uh I'd say this is a very easy top three Transformers movie like I could see the argument being made for the first Michael Bay movie being better than this one I could see that argument personally I like this one more just because it has more of what I like in a movie Personally so I could see the argument for that one being better uh I'd still say bumblebee is a better movie than than this one though so yeah easy top three for me I highly suggest going out to watch it and see it in the theater because like it well actually okay so like critics like rotten tomatoes critics and stuff and audiences seem to be very split on whether or not it's a good movie because I know when Rotten Tomatoes the critics scores like a 55 or something like that and I think the audience score is like in the high 80s or something like that so if you're just looking for a really fun movie to go watch and have a good time I highly suggest going out to see this movie and I don't mean that in like the same sense that the previous Transformers movies well kinda it's I know a lot of people say that about the Michael Bay movies and for some of them it's true but for some of them they say that and it's the the they're just a slog to get through like four and five I've heard people say that about those ones those ones are not fun at all don't watch those movies if you oh my God I almost knocked everything over but back to what I was saying uh yeah if you're just looking for a fun movie that has a lot of heart and great action sequences I highly suggest going out to see this one in theaters if you're someone that is looking for like a super like strong uh that that's probably really loud when I breathe into the mic like that but if you're someone that's looking for like let me just put it like this it's not Shakespeare like there are times when the dialogue felt a little like it could be improved but like as a Transformers fan I am very used to getting spoon fed just dog crap so any if this movie was anything above decent I was gonna see it as great which it was so I see it as great but you know if you're someone who you're kind of hard to impress When It Go comes to movies or you just don't like this type of thing you're probably not gonna like this but if you're someone like me who just likes fun movies with a lot of good action and a lot of heart this yeah I highly suggest going to see this then I also just want to say that if you're like a a Transformers fan like you're a fan of the franchise but you're hesitant to go see this or you're concerned because normally in these movies the human characters are terrible so you're kind of like do I really want to go see it because the human characters do get a decent amount of focus in this don't worry about that the human characters in this movie are great I'm not going to try to get too much away because this is the spoiler free section but they're very likable characters they're not completely useless they're not like super loud and rambunctious and annoying like certain past human characters this one continues on the path that bumblebee set up with having enjoyable human characters so that's something you were concerned about but don't worry about it this this movie has good human characters okay and that about wraps up a spoiler free section of the video just to put it out there one more time I suggest going out to watch it in theaters because I thought I had a really great time it was a lot of fun in my opinion so if you're looking for a fun time definitely go watch in theaters but now we're getting into the spoiler-free section so I'm going to give you five seconds to get out of here then I'm gonna you know dive into the spoilers so five four three two one okay so the movie starts and we hear narration from Optimus primal I can't remember exactly what he said because it's been a few days since I watched it and I I just can't remember what his speech said but then we see Unicron and he's attacking the maximals home planet and I actually have a question for Beast Wars fans it's been a long time since I've watched the show but weren't that maximals also from Cybertron or am I remembering that wrong I thought like I know they're still like in this movie descendants of the autobot so they're technically still cybertronian but they their home planet isn't Cybertron so I don't know if I'm remembering that wrong from the original show or if that was a new choice for this movie so if you remember the answer or you you're a b sports fan could you please tell me that because I don't remember and I'm too lazy to Google it so there's that but uh yeah so Unicron is attacking the Maximus home plan it's about to be destroyed and we see uh Optimus primal Cheeto or rhinox and air razor and ape link who I guess at the time of the scene was the leader of the maximals but uh he hands it off hands the leadership role off to Optimus primal because uh he's about to sacrifice himself to try and slow down Unicron and the terracons so the rest of them can get away and hide the transwarp key which is basically the McGuffin of this movie you know every Transformers movie has one weighted Bumblebee I don't think bumblebee had one but all the other ones have one where it's just like this random item that they have to protect or get back in the bad guy or something like that so yeah for this movie it's the trans worksheet and I just gotta say scourge's entrance of the scene is so cool that is easily one of the best like entrances for a villain in this whole franchise it's because he has like glowing bit in his chest so you just see that in his eyes glowing from the forest and it's so cool looking it's great also Peter Dinklage did a really good job voicing Scourge in this movie I liked him a lot but uh yeah so then we get a quick fight between Scourge and ape Lincoln when I say quick I mean quick because ape link dies like immediately after it starts um so yeah that was a it was a really cool opening scene I like that a lot also no it's not the first time never mind but uh it is you know it was just a really cool scene and I liked it a lot and I think it you know it was just really cool to see at least one extra maximal in this movie besides you know our main four and a even though he is just he just looks like Optimus primal but he's silver and has blades in his arms still a cool scene though then after that scene we cut to Earth in New York in the year 1994 I think I could be wrong about the year but I'm pretty sure it's 94. but uh in that cut we meet one of our main human protagonists for this movie Noah played by Anthony Ramos uh uh we learn a lot about his character in this opening scene one that he's good with electronics is he's like fixing up a I can't remember if it was a DVD player or it was some you know a piece of technology that he was fixing up for his friend but uh we also learned that his brother is sick he has some sort of illness and uh Noah is really struggling to make money he's trying to get a job but no one's hiring him and he wants to get a job so he can help pay for his brother's medical bills so just in that opening scene we learned a whole lot about his character and I gotta say aside from maybe Charlie Noah and Elena are very easily the most likable human characters out of all the live-action movies I know a lot of people like Sam but I've always hated that guy like he was all he was all right in the first movie after that he just became kind of insufferable but I really like these two uh Noah Elena and Charlie from bumblebee all like all really great human characters speaking of Elena after that scene we meet her and we discover that she's like an archaeologist I think and she works in a museum and she's really good at what she does but her boss is always taking credit for her work or just doesn't really care about what she's doing so that kind of sets up why she wants to work with the Autobots later on and kind of do something bigger than this what she's currently doing because she's not getting the credit she deserves so really great introduction man I'm just great at speaking English considering it's my only language I really suck at this Jesus should I like set the cast up from this movie like behind me on one of these shelves I'm gonna do it take this down bumblebee I don't have the figures from the movie but same characters wheel Jack I don't know if I have enough room for all of them actually on these shows Mirage and I just remembered I don't have an RC figure so she's getting left out there there's all the all the guys from from the movie but after the scene where we meet uh Elena and Noah for the first time we see Elena the museum she works at found this bird statue with a maximal logo on it which is very clearly meant to be air razor and Elena after hours she when she's not supposed to studies it on her own and she puts it in this thing I can't remember what it's supposed to do but uh she puts it in there to like you know study it and it starts crumbling apart and inside is one half of the trans warp key and that sets off a beacon that the Autobots can see and from that scene forward we need the Autobots for the first time we start off meeting Optimus Prime and he's in like this bus yard which is very clearly where the fight with Transit was originally supposed to go before it got cut I really wish it kind of hadn't got cut I know what we're gonna see it eventually because the director said it's probably going to be in the deleted scenes on like the DVD and stuff because it got pretty far along before they cut it so uh I'll be on the lookout for that but I'm still curious what the scene would have been like in the movie but after that we see Bumblebee he's just kind of driving down the road we don't see his robot mode but then we meet RC and RC is someone I wanted to talk about real quick because Liza koshy did a surprisingly good job voicing her like I actually liked her a whole lot in this movie and I it I wouldn't mind seeing her continue to be RC going forward normally I'm more you know along the line of higher people with more voice acting experience but Liza koshy did a surprisingly good job so I actually really liked her version of RC um after that actually I skipped something on accident Noah doesn't get hired at his job interview actually he doesn't even get to to the job interview because they refused to see him because uh Noah's old someone he was within the military I can't remember what kind of rank it was or whatever but someone he worked with in the military said that he was unreliable or something like that and they contacted the people that were going to interview him for this job interview and they just refused to see him now because they were told he's unreliable which by the way that's just how how big of a hater do you have to be to do that but you know so because of that Noah and his friend reek uh who's in this movie decide that they're going to steal a car that they can sell off and get some money to pay for his brother's medical bills and that car just happens to be Mirage so you could you can obviously see where this is going so at the time when Noah stealing Mirage uh Optimus Prime sends out a message saying calling all Autobots and obviously Mirage starts driving on his own but before he drives away uh security catches Noah's stealing the car so they get into a cop chase I just gotta say during this car chase Mirage just straight up kills too guys like that one guy whose car flips upside down and then he gets T-boned by a giant truck he's dead and that other cop who like runs into those pylon things I'm pretty sure he fell off the bridge right like was I saying things I'm pretty sure both of those guys are dead relax a mirage remember but aside from you know Autobots just murdering people uh we uh all the Autobots meet up at this Warehouse where Mirage gets there first and obviously Noah was freaked out because not only was the car driving itself it just turned into a 15 foot tall robot voiced by Pete Davidson by the way Pete Davidson did a really good job too like his characterization in this movie it's really not Mirage like in the original Source material Mirage a most of the Autobots didn't really trust him because I'm pretty sure he was like an ex Decepticon or something but also he was the guy who always was just kind of wanting to go home go back to Cybertron which before the movie came out I was kind of wondering why they made that change like it seems like if you wanted to have his character be more like the earth-loving fun guy you would get someone like jazz or smoke screen or something but now I kind of get it after seeing the movie because in this movie Optimus is kind of always talking about how much he wants to go home and how he thinks he failed because he got his whole team stranded here on this random planet so I kind of get it now why they changed it because it kind of would have been overbearing to have two Autobots just kind of moaning about how much they want to go home granted I don't know why Mirage is the character you went with you could have done someone like jazz or smokescreen or someone like that or hot rod but also to the people saying that this movie would have been so much better if it had been jazz it literally would have changed squat about the quality of the movie it it would have it wouldn't have made the movie go up or down in terms of quality it it just would have been a different character that you happen to like more so you think it would have made the movie a lot better but it really would not have changed literally anything but you know I I don't know a lot of people just seem to be like just want to die on the hill that if they had been jazz the movie would have been so much better and also they just do that because Jazz is a portion this or not Jazz Mirage is a portion of this movie and they're like that's Jazz's Car Mode no it's not this is Jazz's car mode this is mirage's car mode yes they're both Porsches they're they're both different kinds of Porsches though not the same car please stop griping about it I am begging you but anyways as I was saying all the Autobots meet up in this warehouse and uh we you know we see bumblebees robot mode for the first time and I gotta say out of all the designs for Bumblebee and live action this one's easily my favorite one because I just really like the car mode that like late 1970s Camaro I think really works for bumblebee but also I feel like his proportions make more sense than they usually do like for the first five movies he seemed like he was a bit too big to just turn into this muscle car like it wasn't like the it didn't take me out of it super often but it still felt kind of weird and I know Mass shifting has always been a thing and the Transformers like shows and movies but I don't know at times it just just felt a bit I was like unrealistic because like realism it's kind of hard to factor in when you're talking about a alien robot that turns into a car but it just kind of was distracting a little bit so I think this is very easily my favorite design for bumblebee in live action by far oh Jesus okay oh yeah speaking of uh characters who have their best designs in any live-action movie in this movie uh RC easily because her design of the bavers is perhaps one of the worst designs from that entire franchise it's terrible uh her designer from the Bumblebee movie is good but I actually prefer this one because I like the red and I just feel like her face looks a lot better in this movie so yeah her design is way better than it usually is in the live action stuff but the scene in the warehouse is also where we see the start of Optimus Prime's Arc in this movie where at the start of the movie he just doesn't like humans at all uh he doesn't like Earth he doesn't like humans because he thinks we'll always kind of think about ourselves or you know just like not care about anyone but ourselves and uh yeah and at the start of this movie he just kind of is only looking out for his own people and he's trying to get everyone home and it's so I really like that Optimus has an actual character Arc in this movie because [Music] to my knowledge he didn't have one in any of the previous movies did he the first one I don't think he did he was just kind of you know good good ol Optimus in that one second one he was dead for most of it third one didn't really have an arc in that fourth one I guess his Arc in the fourth one was kind of similar to this where he was learning to trust humans again after you know they kind of turned on him from the previous movie but I don't even know if you can really count that because there wasn't much of an arc fifth one he was just evil and only in that movie for 10 minutes and Bumblebee he was only in that movie for three minutes so he didn't get an arch so yeah this is the first time Optimus has gotten like a pro Jesus excuse me I'm burping today this is the first time Optimus has gotten like a proper character Arc in a live-action movie and I really like it um it's just really cool to see some of the robots actually be characters instead of just kind of there to punch each other I really enjoyed that so you know it that's just really great to see for me personally but uh yeah after that um the Autobots send Noah to break into this Museum so he can steal the half of the trans warp key because it's setting off that Beacon and that you know that's like their way home that's their ticket out of here but obviously one of them can't break into the museum because they're um 20 feet tall not exactly super discreet so they said know what to do it by the way Mirage can just turn into a bunch of different cars like without having to scan them like he turns into a Lamborghini then he turns into a Ferrari which is also an F1 car which is cool because that's like his classic car mode from the cartoon so it was cool to see that referenced but also and when I was speaking about Mass shifting earlier this one really putting that to the test he can turn into a garbage truck like that vehicle is so much bigger than he is in Roblox I want to see what his robot mode would look like when he turns into the garbage truck like is it just the same or if he's a different car or whenever he transforms is he going to look different in robot mode I want to see garbage truck Mirage I want to see that now but uh yeah while Noah is breaking into the museum to get the transwork key he runs into Elena and obviously she's like well can't let you get this this is Museum property and they call for security and Wild security is like questioning them the wall explodes and he just dies uh and the terracons have come because they're also here to get the trans warp key and obviously a fight ensues between the terracons and the autobots and the Autobots fail miserably they fail so bad that Optimus gets severely injured and bumblebee dies [Music] bumblebee is dead for 90 of this movie which I actually am kind of Go I Won't Say I'm glad about it because I love bumblebee like he is a really good character that I like in these movies but it's kind of nice to see him kind of take the back seat while some other characters get the shine this time because he's been the main character or like the main Autobot of six movies now so it's kind of nice that he's just kind of on the back burner for this one but yeah he's dead for the majority of this movie but uh yeah the terracons get away with half of the trans warp key because you know obviously obviously they were gonna get it first this is the first half of the movie but uh you know after they've killed Bumblebee and they've left with that half of the transwarp key we get this cool scene where Scourge is like meeting with a Unicron and the other terracons can't see Unicron I guess but Scourge is like seeing Unicron in his head or something but it's a real meeting that's happening and he gives him half of the transport key and you decline's like you idiot this is only half of it and he like lifts him up and we see Unicron lifting him up in the I don't know if I want to call it like a vision I guess we'll call it a division like he's lifting him up with powers or something but you also cut back to like what's actually happening with the terracons there and Scourge is actually just floating and being like restricted in midair in like the real world too and I thought that was a really cool scene it felt like it was just a really cool scene to see like I thought it was really cool I'm saying cool uh Jesus Christ but yeah that was just I thought it like visually it was a neat scene oh yeah I completely forgot to mention uh the reason that the terracons don't just kill the Autobots after they win the fight is because air razor shows up and like shoots fire at them so they're just like well screw this I'm I'm leaving the maximals are here or a maximals here so yeah air razor kind of shows up and saves the remaining Autobots Bumblebee's dead by this point but uh you know after that and after the scene I just talked about where you know Scourge meets with Unicron we cutbacks we meet back up with the Autobots and the humans and air razor and they discovered that the other half of the trans warp key is in Peru because Elena figures it out I can't remember exactly how it was because of like some symbols on the statue the bird statue I mentioned earlier I'm pretty sure it was so yeah they they're going to Peru now and uh the way they get to Peru is on this autobot named Stratosphere who is not in the movie A lot uh he's kind of just there to take them place to place and he's voiced by John DiMaggio and John DiMaggio voice is like a lot of Transformers doesn't he he's in a lot of Transformers media he was lead foot in the third and the fourth movie he was crosshairs in Age of Extinction Maui Stratosphere he didn't watch the transformer in the show but I'm pretty sure he was like a minor character that showed up in an episode of Transformers Prime like he's in a lot of Transformer stuff so is David sableoff he's in this movie he voices three characters in this movie he voices ape-link battle trap and rhinox but then he was also blitzwing in the Bumblebee movie he was Shockwave in Transformers Prime like there this movie has a lot of like Transformers voice actors that have showed up and played other roles in other pieces of media and I just think that's really cool but yeah they go to Peru so they can find the other half of the transwarp key uh and they they go down the no end Elena go down into this cave to try and find it because of once again the Autobots can't fit down there they're too big [Music] so they send no one Elena to try and find it and while they're down there they get attacked by freezer and another fighting zoos or was it a fire it's a it's a fight slash car chase between the autobots and the terracons and Optimus I gotta say Optimus has like almost all of his lines in this movie are so cold they're so good like he is just I I don't even know like uh Scourge says something I can't remember exactly what he said he said it's not about I'm Gonna Leave You on this dust ball of a planet or something like that I can't remember exactly what Scourge says so then Optimus just replies by saying I can think of no better place to bury you and that is I had the stank face go in this whole movie it was so good I I love Optimus in this movie I know I've seen people say that he's like too edgy or whatever but like that's like part of his Arc he's super angry in the first half and then by the end of the move he's more of The Optimist that we know and love though like one who's more accepting of humans who's not as violent so I don't know I love Optimus in this movie I think they did a great job with him personally I just watched that clip back and obviously that quote doesn't sound as good in my voice because I don't I don't sound cool but just imagine that but it's Peter Cohen saying it is Optimus Prime and it's way cooler I I didn't do the line Justice sorry also in this fight slash car chase wheel Jack and RC get done dirty because uh there's a scene where uh battle trap like he uses his like I don't know toe cable I guess or his like hook thing to hook onto wheel Jack and he swings them off the side of a cliff and Wheeljack just like slams into a rock oh yeah I also forgot to mention they meet up with wheel Jack when in Peru um and I want to talk about wheel Jack for a minute for a couple of things number one uh the whole wheel Jack debacle is so funny to me because for like a year now he's caused so much Havoc like within the Transformers fandom where people are like he doesn't look right he doesn't sound right he like he's not wheel Jack and then you know he he caused all this trouble and then he's in the movie for a total of about 10 minutes and has like one or two lines I just find that hilarious what a check but also I just want to say in terms of his personality we don't get much of his personality he doesn't talk a whole lot but like the first thing he says he says he was like watching butterflies and just like appreciating nature and stuff like that and talking about how beautiful it was and in that moment I was like it seems like they wanted him to be Beachcomber instead of wheel Jack like why do they they do that with like two of the characters in this movie now where Mirage is much more like jazz or hot rod or something like that and then Wheeljack is a lot more like Beachcomber and so I'm curious why they didn't just make them those characters but I I I don't know I mean it's that's just a minor gripe and I thought it was funny but uh after that fight slash car chase we meet the maximals for the first time or the rest of them anyway we've already met eraser after this point oh and actually before I go into that I want to mention that uh during the fight Scourge like infects air razor with this like virus tracker thing that will become important uh a little bit later in the movie but yeah after that we made the maximals we meet Optimus primal rhinox and chidor and this is a the scene we actually got it got released uh like a few weeks ago before the movie came out uh it's about the whole scene but like the first little bit of it and um going into this I was unsure of if they were actually gonna stick to the maximals like actual backstory from the show where they are the descendants of the cybertronians or the Autobots because I did hear that obviously they were going to be from a different planet they were from a different world so I was like well are they like descendants of them then because if they're not then Optimus Prime Will's name makes literally no sense but they are uh Prime will confirms that that he is named after Optimus Prime so that's cool but um we hear chidor's voice for the first time well no we don't did he say anything in the beginning of the movie the one line at the start of the movie I can't remember what any of his lines were though I also just want to talk about rhinox for a second I don't even know if he says a single word this entire movie which is weird because everybody like the entire cast was like oh yeah David sabalob is voicing Ryan uh rhinox in this movie it's like since December we've known that I think Ryan Rock says maybe one sentence and it's nothing special which is weird because rhinox is supposed to be like the really smart maximal he's kind of like the wheel Jack of the team he's not like not like in terms of their personalities but like they're the smart guys on the team but like I don't know why they like why rhinox didn't get like any dialogue at all that kind of made me upset a little bit because I really like rhinox he's like my favorite maximal but you know he didn't die or anything so if they do a future movie with the maximals they still have the chance to give him more of a character uh he does have a cool fight scene though towards the end where he has like this giant like Warhammer and he's like killing not Terracon predicons that's what the Yeah the scorpinox are called but uh yeah I I kind of wish Brown because I gotten more to do in this movie I also straight up forgot to mention um they didn't find the other half of the transport key in that cave uh that's they it wasn't there it's with the maximals the other maximals have it they entrusted it to this small village in Cusco of humans that know about them so like they're they've kind of been entrusting the humans to take care of it and keep it you know safe and I guess you know that's been working out for him but uh yeah I thought that was cool just like that there's this small group of people that know about the maximal's existence and that explains why there's like like that statue of air razor and those illustrations of the different maximals throughout history I thought that was actually a really cool little moment in the movie but after we meet the maximals and we kind of gotten to know them for a little bit uh everyone's just kind of chilling at the moment they're like relaxing for a night because they've been going non-stop being chased by the terracons and trying to get the transport key so they're just they spend the night in this Village just to actually get some rest but the next morning that infection virus thing that Scourge put on air razor has kind of fully taken over enough fully but mostly taken over her so she's kind of being forced to fight against them now and um In the Heat of all this does Optimus tell them to I think either Optimist or Mirage tells the humans to run and get the trans or key away from there because the terracons are also here now because it was also a Tracker so they run away and Noah is going to destroy that half of the transwarp key because he's like sure without it the Autobots can't get home but also without it the terracons and Unicron can destroy my Planet so I'm going to destroy it but Optimus like begs him not to and he's just like please don't destroy that I just want to go home and so Noah doesn't destroy it and that kind of like sets in motion Optimus kind of learning to trust humans a little bit more because he's like okay you're not only looking out for yourself here you kind of help me out a little bit so that kind of like really gets Optimus art going and like where he learns to trust humans more but also in this fight uh Optimus primal is forced to kill air razor because you know if they don't she's just gonna keep attacking them and that was honestly surprising to me like I didn't think any of the maximums were gonna die in this and if one of them did I figured it was going to be rhinox because like in the trailers and stuff he got the least amount of screen time like we never heard him talk he barely was in any of the trailers I won't say he was barely in them but you just like we didn't see a ton of them and we saw probably the most of air razor and she's the one that died uh I guess I'm kind of it makes sense because like I can't really see Michelle yo when come back to do a ton of these in the future it's probably just like a one and done thing like that was probably part of whatever contract she signed so yeah air razor dies and we I will confirm that the rumors are in fact true she never once transforms in this movie She's a bird the entire time which kind of sucks but it's whatever but yeah it was honestly a really sad scene because Primal had to kill you know one of his teammates like one of his closest friends and that was like honestly a really sad scene but I forgot to mention that the terracons do get the other half of the transwarp key and they build this like or they don't build it but like they take it to the top of this volcano and a structure like a big metal structure forms on top of it like around them and so they're we're entering the final act now like the final battle and you know this is they're now gonna try to bring Unicron to Earth to consume it and so this is also kind of like the Rock Bottom moment for the good guys of the story where they're all just like all hope is lost but now Optimus kind of trust the humans now and he's like we still gotta try to stop this thing you know like let's let's go do this but yeah the final battle starts now and we get this really cool moment where all the not all the maximals and Autobots but uh most of them aside from Mirage are all like Gathering up on top of this hill beside each other and then Optimus and um Optimus Prime Optimus Prime and Optimus primal uh it's really confusing when they both have nearly identical names they both just go Autobots maximals roll out and then they all start running towards Scourge battle trap and night bird and that was a really cool moment uh but they're doing this to kind of distract Scourge in the terracons because the Mirage Noah and Elena are off going through this like venting system to try to you know get uh I get behind but like get closer to this panel thing so they can stop scourges like grand plan to bring Unicron to Earth and only the humans can fit through there conveniently there's a lot of conveniences in this movie for the humans like there's a lot of human-sized problems which is weird because you know they're it's a it's a movie about giant robots and all the stuff they're doing is created by the giant robots so it's kind of where there's a bunch of humans on stuff but still that's what Mirage and the humans were off doing and everyone else is kind of like distracting all the Terracon sorry I was swatting away on that but yeah that that's what was going on in that scene during this final battle we finally get our first look in the movie anyway we saw anyway anyway we saw them in the trailers but we get our first look within the movie of uh all the maximals robot modes and I say for the most part yeah most part Evan you absolute genius for the most part uh they all look really cool Optimus primal looks really cool I kind of just wish he had a bit more color to him like some blue here and there um but you know still like the design itself is really cool uh cheat or looks great even though we never get a super clear image of him in the movie we've seen what his robot mode looks like from like control R and stuff on like the studio series toy on the box of it so I really like his design a lot I'd say out of all the maximals in the movie he is my favorite robot mode because it's like super colorful and like I just think it looks really cool he also has this cool like spear that splits into two swords which is super like cool and then we get rhinox who has the least amount of screen time out of all the maximals and the least amount of lines uh his design also looks great though I kind of just wish there was more green because he's also just kind of completely silver and like gold uh could have used some green in there but uh yeah I'd say for the most part they all look really cool and in this final battle I can't actually remember what did it I assume it was probably the trans warp key in some way but something just sends like a surge of energy maybe one day I'll learn how to speak English I hope that would be cool a a surge of inner John just kind of like pulses through I don't know if it's the entire planet or just like the immediate like area they're in but uh it brings bumblebee back to life and he has this really cool scene where he enters the final battle where he like jumps out of Stratosphere you've seen it in the trailer but uh the song that's playing is Mama Said Knock You Out by LL Cool J and it it's like one of the best scenes in the movie for me and he like kills night bird midair which was also really cool yeah Bumblebee's like return scene at the end of the movie is really cool I like that a lot um let's see what else uh Mirage technically Okay so Noah is about to get murdered by Scourge like he's just out like in front of him defenseless about to get just obliterated by scourge but then Mirage jumps in front of him and just like tanks all the shots and Mirage dies um which also surprised me because if I had to make a guess for which autobot was going to die in this movie before seeing it I would have said either wheel Jack or RC we're on the chopping block because I remember before the movie came out they were like oh yeah Mirage is like our new kid appeal character he's like the one everyone's gonna get attached to he's the one we're going to Market a lot so I was like okay there's probably no way they're gonna kill him off he dies technically kind of when you think he's dead like he looked pretty dead he was just a lifeless corpse sitting there on top of Noah but then he like comes back to life briefly and is like I can't remember exactly what he says but he like he purposefully makes his body fall apart and it turns into a suit of armor for Noah which was honestly pretty cool I wasn't expecting like the suit of armor as much as I did like I actually liked it a lot within the movie I thought it was done really well and it actually gave the human something to do on the battlefield besides just kind of be a liability so I actually really liked that um but yeah Mirage pretty much dies um until the post credit scene where we see Noah rebuilding Mirage with all these like found parts from like different cars like it's all obviously pieces from a Porsche 911 but it's like they're all like mismatched they're different colors they're all like beaten up but he brings Mirage back to life in the post-credit scene so that was neat [Music] I'm curious though if they make any future installments in this specific continuity if Pete Davidson is still going to voice him or if he's just gonna be like no I'll I'll peace out because like I don't know I feel like Pete Davidson would be expensive to have keep voicing the character but I don't know I'm sure they got enough money to do whatever um Optimus uh after he kills scourge is he's gonna like sacrifice himself to make sure Unicron doesn't eat the planet and he also has this other really cool line where Unicron says I can basically give you anything you want Optimus and then Optimus just looks up at him and goes then die and then he like destroys the transwarp key one of my favorite moments in the movie that was so cool but after he destroys the transwarp key Unicron is like you know getting kicked out of the planet's atmosphere he can't eat it anymore but everything that like the big structure they were on just starts getting sucked up into the sky and so does Optimus because he's standing on it and you know after he starts getting sucked up into this guy Optimus tries to use his ax to like anchor himself to the ground but that doesn't really work he still like starts getting sucked up even more but then uh Noah since he has his exosuit he like grabs Optimus and he was like actually able to kind of pull him back a bit and stop him from getting sucked up there and he says uh Optimus says Noah get out of here save yourself and then Noah says kill all our one because you know that's like the that's one of the famous Transformers quotes and that's kind of like the theme of this movie but even Noah wasn't enough to like get Optimus down and he starts getting set up again but then Optimus stops and you see Optimus Prime will grab him and then he also says to all our one he like slings him forward and Optimus does what is perhaps one of my favorite transformations in this entire franchise it looks so cool it's like the toys it looks so cool and like he uses Noah as like a booster from like the suit he has like a like what are they called he's basically rocket propelling Optimus forward really quickly and it's so cool because in this scene a rival to Earth from the first movie starts playing and I don't know that's like one of the moments in recent years and in like terms of movie going where I just had a big dumb grin on my face watching it because like that song is really nostalgic because it was in the first movie and it was just really cool to hear that on screen again I love that a lot and that uh pretty much sums up the final battle we get a quick like a wrap up scene after the battle where they confirmed that Unicron is not dead he's still out there but he's just kind of been delayed and he can't get to earth as of right now but I assume that means that they're definitely setting up like at least a Trilogy Where unicron's gonna be a threat again here's hoping that uh Galvatron is in one of those movies because or Megatron just in general I want to see Megatron again done right but uh yeah that was neat we get this obviously we get a speech at the end from Optimus that's just kind of a staple of the franchise now but this was cool because in this movie Optimus and Noah have like pretty much the same character Arc where they kind of like learn to trust each other so what's cool that Optimus first gets his speech but then afterwards like after Optimus is done Noah also gets a speech where it's like it's kind of like the same thing and I actually really like that that was a cool little spin on it to kind of keep it new because like obviously we've heard Optimus do these speeches a million times at this point I never get tired of it though but uh yeah now I want to talk about something that kinda made my eyes roll when I saw it after the speeches I'm like the screen goes black for a second I'm like okay that was that was a great Transformers movie that was great like I I thought it was the final scene but then we another scene comes on screen after the screen goes black and I'm like oh okay it looks like Noah's going into another job interview I'm like oh okay he's gonna get a job and then he meets with this guy and this guy knows exactly what Noah was doing like he knows about the Autobots he knows he was in Peru to try and get the transport keys and he was like oh you know he I can't remember he works for some government agency and I was just remember thinking to myself please don't be sector seven please don't be sector seven so I was just like if it's sector seven that means they're probably gonna try and tie it to the baverse and I don't want that because I would just make the continuity even Messier then he'll he like hits a plaque on the wall and this door opens and you see this big like room with a like a ship being worked on and like all these workers and I was like it's he's like here's my card like it's gonna be sector seven then he flips the card over and it said GI Joe and I kid you not I thought to myself why couldn't it be sector seven why are they doing a GI Joe crossover why does anyone want that like here's I don't hate GI Joe or anything it's just not something that's ever interested me at all and from what I've heard from people who are fans of GI Joe none of the movies have ever been good but it seems like they're teasing this big connected Universe now we like GI Joe and Transformers and all I'm saying is that if any point in the future I have to go see a GI Joe movie to understand what's going to happen in the next Transformers movie I'm going to fight this man because I know it's his fault I know for a fact it's his fault I'd be willing to bet money on it please don't make me watch a GI Joe movie just to understand what's happening in the Transformer I just want to watch the big robots fight each other dude is that too much to ask Jesus Christ but uh yeah other than that very very worry some final scene I really enjoyed this movie uh in terms of like just as a movie itself grading it I'd say it's probably around a 7 out of 10 in my opinion however within the context of the Transformers movies which is how I'm looking at it because I'm biased this is a 9 out of 10. I had what geez I had a bubble in my throat it has most of what I want from a Transformers movie that's great action a lot of heart the voice acting is pretty like it I like the voice acting a lot the human characters were good So within the context of the Transformers 9 out of 10 as a movie itself probably about a 7 out of 10 in my opinion and uh that about wraps up my thoughts for Transformers or rides of the beasts um I probably now that I'm thinking about it should have waited to do my ranking the Transformers movies video until this movie came out because now I want to re-rank them but I feel like just one movie is kind of it's kind of a a lot to remake a whole video just to put one movie in but also because I just made that video like two months ago so here's what I'm gonna do about a year from now when Transformers one comes out I'm gonna remake that video with this movie and Transformers one and I'm going to include the animated movie so uh Transformers the movie from 1986 and probably Predacons Rising I'm going to include all those so about a year from now I'm going to remake my ranking of the Transformers movies video but uh yeah if you enjoyed today's video feel free to leave a like comment subscribe uh turn on my post notifications if you don't want to miss any of my future uploads I try to upload every Sunday but there's always something that gets in the way that either makes it a day late or a week late so no promises on that Sunday release for videos but uh yeah that's about all I got for you today see ya foreign
Channel: Cinemality
Views: 82
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0AOW3v7Bx2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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