Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising | FULL FILM | Animation | Transformers Official

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[Music] [Music] we have endured bitter hardship and countless battles but at long last our home planet has been restored we would not be standing on cybertronian soil were it not for the Valiant efforts of both those assembled here and our absent comrades ratchet who remains on Earth to safeguard our human friends and cliff jumper who made the ultimate sacrifice but on this day at the dawn of a new era We Gather to bestow a special honor one earned by bumblebee through his bravery and Devotion to the cause of Peace long before he rid this universe of the scourge of the Decepticon warmonger [Music] [Music] Megatron Megatron Megatron Unicron [Music] [Music] [Music] I do not understand why am I not B with the ALS spark do I yet live you do not yet you cannot join the All spark because my life blood once flowed through your veins dark Inon it binds you to my anti-spark Optimus Prime used the Matrix of leadership to imprison you within the Earth's core so how is it that you speak to me now the foolish Prime rendered only my material form dormant but my energy form was roused from Slumber when I sensed the a Awakening of an ancient rival across the cosmos Primus so it would seem that Optimus succeeded in restoring Cybertron after my demise I now wish to finish what I began years ago and for that my anti spark requires a vessel so I will live again only to serve me your husk will simply be an instrument of my will [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the company of your fellow Autobots in the presence of our creator Primus the living core of our planet and by the authority vested in Me by The Matrix of leadership bumblebee arise a warrior nice War big time here you go let's get this party started welcome to the club be Warrior today who knows Prime tomorrow slow down Smokey I'm not sure I'd wish a Prime's responsibility on anyone I am sorry to interrupt your celebration here it comes Prime's never party but I must take my leave of you sir may I ask why though Cybertron is once again able to support life our planet is currently incapable of generating new lives not until I retrieve the Wellspring from which all life on Cybertron is born and ultimately Returns the all spark you mean it isn't here nor has it been smokescreen not for thousands of years as the war for Cybertron reached a Tipping Point and the Decepticon Army appeared to be unstoppable I opted to save guard the allpar from Megatron by covertly sending it to a distant sector of the Galaxy The Matrix of leadership will enable me to guide us to its present location what are we waiting for let's take the warship and bring it back these remain dangerous times bubblebee we cannot leave Cybertron unsecured not with starcream and Shockwave unaccounted for not to mention our Str Predacon Ultra Magnus you will supervise patrols to find and capture the fugitive Decepticons I would be honored bulkhead you will lead the Reconstruction effort Begin by building a landing field to welcome returning refugees willjack I will require your extensive experience navigating deep space when do we leave super luminal space Drive impressive one of many upgrades that I made to your limited corporeal form and wholly necessary to reach Cybotron so we are to rule together as one You Will Rule nothing I travel through cyber run for one reason only to destroy Primus personally but to destroy Primus is to destroy Cybertron thus will begin a new age the age of [Music] Chaos whoa whoa whoa how are you going to attach the cladding when the framing structure's incomplete [Music] [Music] huh labor issues any new news of our fugitives just signs of recent Scavenging in former Decepticon installations the con warship can't detect their life signals Shockwave must have found a way to Shield or disable them I'll feel better when that gruesome toome are locked up with the [Music] others okay you got my attention what do you want we're prisoners of War we have rights when are we going to have access to an oil bath well when are you going to tell me where I can find your paths I told you before Shockwave had dozens of secret Labs hidden across Cybertron top secret a shame your finish is looking pretty drab I don't know where they are I swear but I have an idea where you might try looking someone may want to think about renaming the Sea of rust I'm just saying though I was hoping more of us would be rushing back here to see it you know now that it's all bright and shiny Cybertron will populate in time kid you have to remember refugees could be returning from light years away movement two contacts at 84 approach with caution my name is Ultra Magnus are you autobot or [Music] decepticon neither predicar [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] FaZe beats flame every time scrap bumblebee I need an emergency ground Bridge [Music] St an right team I'm getting you out of [Music] [Music] [Music] here where's the patient h he is suffering from a multitude of internal injuries most quite severe so anyone care to explain what two more Predacons are doing on Cybertron I thought Optimus said New Life wasn't possible without the all spark I'm No Authority but something tells me cloning old bones doesn't constitute new life shock's been playing in his lab since the war Why Stop Now doesn't matter where those beasts came from we got to take them down if shock waves back in business there could be more of them a lot more we need to call Optimus really bulk and interrupt his quest to save the future of our race on Cybertron why send the allpar to Theta Scorpi one of the most hazardous star systems in the Galaxy precisely to deter Megatron from searching this region for it with all the gamma bursts and planetoid collisions out here how can you be sure it survived the allspark itself is comprised of pure energy in order to contain it and launch it off world alpat Trion forged a vessel capable of extracting it from The Ether it is this indestructible Relic query we seek I'll try not to scratch the paint on this tub but no promises we cannot risk being stranded if our ship is damaged it is best that you you remain here Wheeljack you're the [Music] boss watch your [Music] step who made him leader be did snuff Megatron I'm not leading I'm scouting fair enough but you do realize we're nowhere near where we found those Predacons right we're not looking for those Predacons I followed this Energon Trail which means he was wounded and I know we aren't the ones who wounded him whoa you mean we've been tracking [Music] King Credit [Music] King hold fire recognize this pred King you served aboard Megatron's warship surely you're familiar with this little treasure from his vault the immobilizer it causes instant stasis lock though the victim remains fully conscious a living death but we didn't come here to fight your highness then why have you violated my refuge allot we need answers do you know of any other Predacons currently on Cyber Ron indeed Legions of them behold my subjects a countless multitude rendered extinct ages ago by the great cataclysm Unearthed by the shifting of plates during our planet's restoration yeah well me and Ultra Magnus just about got scrapped by two living Predacons know anything about them your highness to where we came to ask your help in finding them for Revenge no Optimus Prime would deem it a tragedy to stain cybertron's fresh soil with any newly spilled Energon so help us prove what Megatron was never willing to that more than one race can peacefully Coexist on our planet you assume that because I turned against Megatron I can forgive the Autobots their role in the destruction of my brethren on Earth leave me be and dare not trespass here [Music] [Music] again I have returned partner I trust you haven't strained yourself tinkering in your lap while I was toiling in the field like a common drone I mean I seem to supply old bones faster than you grow new clones Starscream given our lack of infrastructure and frequent need to relocate in order to avoid detection it is not logical to expect greater productivity at this point in time at least your new clone lack the arrogance of your last effort the one who named himself pred King be careful you clumsy brutes where have you been cutting Autobots what you were ordered to avoid all contact with the Enemy I don't hear you laughing now dark steel we weren't followed fools now that they know of your existence we have lost the element of surprise the Autobots are weak they fled like cowards we have no need to fear them perhaps Skylinks but we must not underestimate them either their treacherous Scout was able to fill the mighty Megatron rest his spark as such it's it is Paramount that we harvest the CNA necessary to clone more of you many more of you so that we may build an army of beasts great enough to eradicate the autobots and Conquer cybetron in Lord Megatron's memory and [Music] name what makes you think we'll find shockwave's cloning lab here yeah wasn't dark Mount Megatron's military HQ if the Intel R from knockout is accurate we'll find a map of shockwave's entire lab Network in the citadel's data [Music] Bank not good [Music] Optimus plasma storm [Music] incoming get out of there that all spark container may be indestructible but you aren't I am too close to turn [Music] back Lord smokescreen emperor of Destruction how can you sit there that's some bad mojo what do you know knockout actually shot straight for once what' you have to do buff is finish close let's download the data and get out of here hey something's heading our way predy King moving too fast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] starcream minions of the Prime prepare to be [Music] obliterated Megatron you skewered Buckethead with a giant saber and managed to miss his spark how are you still alive and where do you score the upgrade magnatron cannot answer you at this moment though I can inform you with utmost Authority that he owes his new le on life to me Unicron and I will not be so easy to deliver into Oblivion [Music] [Music] bothersome pest that pest is the very one who robbed me of my spark and now I possess the power to return the favor you possess nothing it is I who possess all that you were and ever will be we need to retreat the only way out is down we can't call for a ground Bridge until we put some space between Unicron and US behold my infinite might Let's [Music] [Music] [Music] Roll come on Chief we're out of [Music] time [Applause] stop a smelting pit cybertron's been dormant for thousands of years but that's still burning ratchet we need a ground Bridge optimistic we don't get out of here right [Music] now Optimus that's why he's [Music] Prime cutting a little close don't you think we'll check set a course for Cybertron hang on to your [Music] hubcaps that's the future of Life on Cybertron huh I kind of figured it'd be bigger hold tight [Music] com [Music] no servant of prime you will now join your brother you got that right I am weak but our merciless attack drove the Autobots into submission they fled for their very Sparks a victory over unworthy opponents has especially one that did not result in their demise is far from an achievement clearly our improved state is not enough to accomplish the deed for which I have come for that I shall require a much greater instrument of [Music] Destruction how is this happening I mean we put out a call inviting refugees back to Cybertron and unicron's the first in line not to mention those Predacons what if we come home to what are we supposed to call them huh Megacon unitron really that's your biggest issue right now right right all right good so what's the game plan while Unicron may now inhabit a mortal form he is still a God and thus cannot be defeated by customary means Optimus Wheeljack this is Bumblebee we have an urgent situ ation bubble B this is Optimus Prime proceed Optimus can you hear me come in please Wheeljack do you read that hit we took did some damage receiver's operational but we can't transmit nothing you have your voice back now is not the time to go radio silent Optimus in the event that you can hear us Unicron has found his way back to Cybertron repeat the chaos Brer is here on our soil in possession of Megatron's body Wheeljack ensure that the light speed Drive is still fully operational so what now I mean besides hoping Optimus got the message we figure out why unicron's here and what he wants the big U could have taken Earth behind our backs might come back to Cybertron there would be only one reason Wheeljack to destroy the spark of his arch enemy Primus but that's the core of our planet it isn't fair how many more times do we have to save a world have to fight for the survival of our home regrettably the struggle between creation and destruction is an eternal one and the battle lines which separate the two run through the very spark of Cybertron good and and evil Order and Chaos one Victorious One vanquished each forming the core of their own separate worlds Cybertron and Earth and now the darkness has followed us all the way home trackx the autobot spoke the truth other Predacons do exist though it seems they took flight here locating my new Brethren will be a futile Endeavor unless I allow them to locate me [Music] vitals are improving you will be back on your struts in good time exactly how long is good time because with Optimus missing an action we could really use Ultram magnus's Council bumblebee we have each been witness to those Among Us who have risen above their station time and again Wreckers Scouts even field Medics the chaos Brer is at our doorstep and now more than ever before we cannot afford to wait for salvation we'll launch an attack on dark Mount provided unicron's still there or first attempt to locate him in the event he is not the beacon it worked predicing alive you know this primitive life form yes a warrior once under my command though I thought he had perished in battle how fortunate that I was wrong for pred King is a loyal and Powerful combatant who could very well be the greater instrument of Destruction which you seek Megatron Warrior I call upon you to serve your master in the name of the mighty Legions of Predacons who preceded me I shall never again yield to your charge but I will heed your previous advice and face my true enemy as a beast you dare to deceive me and have both of us destroyed perhaps not destroyed just damaged enough that our shared form will no longer be of use to you and force you to abandon what remains for regaining my free will even over a mangled and deficient frame is preferable to enduring a waking life is your slave for your insolence I will only make you endure greater [Music] [Music] suffering [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh now let us learn more of these mighty the legions of which you spoke by peering directly into your mind ah I know now what I require to tear this world AER and where I might find [Music] them Shockwave how was your journey long explain why you have summoned me to the middle of nowhere because I have located our army the Clones sniffed out quite the motherload wouldn't you say I recommend that we utilize the warships operating system to search for Megatron's life signal doc that remodel who kicked our tail pipes he might have looked and sounded like old Buckethead but it wasn't him that much I know but even if a fraction of Megatron spark still flickers within his body the ship ship scanners May pick it up so you find me amusing ow that hurt that bone could be your comrade someday now stop fooling around and return to the Tusk at hand I do find it curious that I am not the only one currently seeking the remains of Mighty Legions it cannot be it defies logic Lord Megatron but but how you uh oh what doesn't matter our Master is back and looking far more imposing than ever My Le rest assured we have been working tirelessly in your absence to build an army powerful enough to conquer catron I do not wish to conquer this world I wish to eradicate it apologies Lord Megatron I can't say that I'm foll silence W your master is under my control I am the destroyer of worlds the bringer of chaos and the lord of the undead Unicron I say we show the lord of the undead what it's like to be unliving R the shets [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] h Megatron's life signal so somewhere inside that new body armor he's still alive he's perished and returned before a phenomenon no doubt aided by the blood of Unicron which has coursed through his veins the coordinates indicate he's left dark Mount triangulating his exact position we were there earlier today pred King's Refuge unicrons retracing our steps whoa wait what what an alpha trion's beard is [Music] that my Legion arise and Purge This World With Your Dragon [Music] Fire Terra cons created from Predacons it defies all science we're [Music] doomed given that we are dealing with Unicron himself the energy Mass can be only one thing dark Enon but for what purpose we all saw it the valley was filled with ancient Predacon bones unicron's raising an undead Army one currently traveling across the hyrax plateau towards the well of all Sparks the most direct route to cybertron's core that a [Music] Primus [Music] [Music] the past shall consume the future the dead shall consume the living and K shall re Supreme Unicron clearly seeks to access our planet's core from the same point of entry that we used to restore it no doubt with every intention of undoing our efforts so what do we do we put ourselves between unicron's Army in the well our strongest assets are this warship and whatever relics might be stored in its Vault last time I look just the polarity Gauntlet and the immobilizer hopefully the genuine article this time I'll round up the secret weapons bulkhead think you can pilot this ship con engineering user friendly right ratchet you've given your all to save this world once already where are you taking us we have a right to know greetings fellow Decepticons star scream thank the Stars we can finally escape this dreaded ship No Doctor we must in fact take this ship by whatever means [Music] necessary primary Fusion cannons null Rays ion blasters everything we need to stand a fighting chance against unicron's Army B in case I never get another chance to say this you've really proved your metal I'd like to think my actions always spoke louder than my words RC but it didn't hurt to watch and learn from the best would be nice if Optimus showed up about now I was referring to a powerful little two-wheeler I know I'll us surrender this [Music] warship [Music] funny how the immobilizer can freeze bots in their tracks before it's activated and in case you're wondering smokescreen is in no position to come to your rescue right [Music] now scrap Skylinks look one of us indeed dark steel most likely our predecessor [Music] the burial ground desecrated strip mind of all that remained of our ancestors you should have been here to see him rise and shine they live if you call being Undead living dark magic perpetrated by the demon who lives in Megatron's skin just be glad you're alive so the the demon can pull your strings do you not comprehend the scope of this tragedy we three are proof that our Mighty race might once again have flourished their remains must be reclaimed if for no other reason than to be properly laid back to rest and who made you boss I am not your boss I am your king n screen won use it he needs us if he's going to stand any chance of surviving Unicron you misunderstand I do not intend to use this warship for battle but for quickly getting as far as possible from this doomed planet Earth would be nice now that Unicron no longer seems to be calling it home shut up you now move away from the controls bulkhead or get stiff there's just one thing you've overlooked scream that device you're holding not the immobilizer what what do you mean I will silence you [Music] forever now will you believe I'm joining the winning team knockout we needed that wait it really was the [Music] immobilizer [Music] [Music] all hail predor King an impressive display from my creations but would it not be more logical to employ your might elsewhere at this time fine I hope Unicron destroys you first why' you do it knockout why'd you turn against starcream even if I had helped him seize this ship he would have probably just fired me out of the first airlock oh and he's rude Are We There Yet right on schedule and so is Unicron resistance from my own warship demon hordes take flight and eviscerate [Music] them maybe starcream had the right idea zombie G zombie [Music] K is it Optimus pred King more flying pests home the for the lines of certainly blur Predacon allies you called it be and to think Optimus almost passed down the Matrix to me whoa what yeah I said it but right place right time doesn't mean right bot I know that [Music] [Music] now Grace for impact [Music] nothing a little caruba wax won't fix [Applause] up [Music] my Legion the time is upon us destroy Primus with your dragon [Music] fire [Music] we're the last line of defense I would recommend leaving that to those more suited for the task Skylinks dark steel allow nothing to enter the [Music] well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] really this is how it ends we're not losing our planet not without taking Unicron with it what a familiar resonance Pure Energy not unlike Primus one I have not encountered since ancient days they all Spark Optimus I never thought I'd be so happy to see that big rig we must keep the all spark from unicron's reach I thought the container was indestructible indeed but if this vessel once trapped the oark I fear that it can also be emptied of it so the CRI returns [Music] [Music] Jackie thank you prime for delivering the all spark so that I may erase it from existence not while I stand before you Unicron [Music] one Megatron you and I once United to save a world from Unicron we must do so again Megatron may hear you but he cannot help you for he is enduring Eternal suffering your efforts to protect cybertron's most sacred Relic are futile my Legion is Within Reach of Primus your planet's very core and we both know that the all spark cannot thrive in a poisoned well downside to wearing metal near a polarity gaunlet you subject to the the laws of magnetism Optimus go save the all spark I've been [Music] worse so how we going to get that thing to safety by the only means available to us under these most dire of circumstances the very survival of our species upon this or any world depends upon [Music] it I shall devour your all spark whole what [Applause] aick [Music] a [Music] as a being comprised of pure energy unicron's anti-spark was vulnerable to this reliquary of the primes but if he's in there where's raise the all spark Master you're alive indeed your new battle armor will take things to the next level My Le together we will reunite all Decepticons and once again grind cybetron under your Mighty heel no what [Music] why because I now know the true meaning of Oppression and have thus lost my taste for inflicting it you've clearly been traumatized Master a good power down and a stroll around the smelting pit will put you back in touch with your inner warlord enough the Decepticons are no more and that is final yes well we all have plenty to think about don't we this is not quite how I Envision my rise to the throne but since Lord Megatron all but surrendered it to me I will gladly revive the Decepticons in my name though perhaps a throne is more befitting of an actual King I am not here to seize Thrones starcream but to settle [Music] scores in order to both protect the all spark and secure unicron's defeat it was necessary for me to empty the vessel's contents into where the Matrix of leadership as such my own spark can no longer be separated from the multitude of others within me are you telling us that you are now one with the all spark that's what you say when someone kicks the to not return the allspark to the well would be to to prevent future generations of new life from existing on Cybertron my quest must be completed Optimus I didn't return to Save a Life only to lose the one I care most about ratchets restored planets he'll find a way to save you we can turn to Vector Sigma just like we did before because the Matrix must now be relinquished with the allspark it cannot be restored or or pass down to another but while this may very well Mark The End of the Age of primes leadership can be earned with or without the Matrix and in my view you have each acted as a prime well I never really had the best Role Models as even Megatron has demonstrated on this day every sentient being possesses the capacity for change change I ask only this of you fellow Autobots keep fighting the noblest of fights you can count on us to keep the [Music] [Music] peace [Music] [Music] above all do not lament my [Music] absence for in my spark I know that this is not the end [Music] but merely a new beginning simply put another [Music] transformation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 1,440,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transformers, transformers cyberverse, rescue bots, transformers prime, transformers rescue bots, bumblebee, optimus prime, transformers toys, transformers animated, botbots, #transformers, transformers cyberverse season 3, beast wars, transformers cartoon, autobot, lego transformers, transformers official, autobots, stop motion, rescue bots academy, rescue bots full episodes, cyberverse, #robotsindisguise, kids robots, kids rescue, fire truck, fire engine, ambulance
Id: WU9AtTbcR_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 50sec (3950 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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