Transformers Bruticus Jinbao KO OverSized Warbotron Combiner Robot Car Toys
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Channel: [토이팩토리] ToyFactory(장난감TV)
Views: 17,859,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 헬로카봇, 트랜스포머, 카봇, 카봇장난감, 자동차, 장난감, 로봇, 경찰차, 또봇, Tobot, 합체로봇, 변신자동차, 변신로봇, Transformers, Toy, Toys, fast car, Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Autobot, Vehicle, HelloCarbot, Transformation, Car, rescue, Police, robot, Disney, combination, おもちゃ紹介, játékszer, παιχνίδι, speelbal, खेलौना, legetøj, Spielzeug, игрушка, jucărie, leksak, juguete, đồ chơi, لعبة, lelu, jouet, brinquedo, oyuncak, ของเล่น, 玩具, mainan, おもちゃ, トイズ, zabawka, Auto, سيارة, 汽車, 汽车, xe hơi, araba, รถ, carro, автомобиль, vehicles, Moter, 自動車, Figure, Truck, Combine
Id: pkRHiSsCTu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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