Transform Your Life - How He Went From Prison to Mindset Coach / w Garrain Jones

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people say I or me what I often think is me when you define yourself really what is it's a collection of memories and stories about your life and this story we begin to tell ourselves about the memories we have ends up becoming this pattern that happens and every once in a while the world will send you what you just said a pattern interrupt and if you're willing to listen or take it then you can make that shift in the lowest point of my life I've already tried to take my life twice living in my car for two and a half years at that time stressed out depression anxiety mom dying in the hospital girlfriend has just broken up with me because I couldn't get my life together and I'm just like okay just show me a sign I'm at a gas station I only had two dollars to my name homeless guy walks up to me and asks me for money I say you have more money than me because he literally had a wad of cash and he said change your mindset change your life and I don't know what it was about those words but it created like a conscious interrupt and it made me think is my life a lie because of how I've been thinking I listened I absorbed I took committed action so I went and I was like yo the gold is not at the end of the rainbow is at the beginning of the rainbow it's like so many Treasures in your life where you can grab so many lessons and recreate a whole new future foreign welcome back to the show everybody I am really really interested to get into this man's heart even more than his brain today because he's got a huge heart he leads with his heart and he's had an amazing life story let me set the stage for all of you I want you to picture a few things really quick imagine this man at four years old someone tried to kill him let's try to put him in a dryer tell him he was going to Disneyland that's at four years old by the time he gets to 10 years old a few men tried to drown him by the time he gets to 12 years old his father's been murdered and about that point in this young man's life he kind of just gave up trying and I think a lot of you unfortunately are at that point in your lives right now where you're considering giving up and then from there he ended up kind of going down the wrong path in his life it's a crazy story then he ends up getting incarcerated for transacting drugs which really weren't real drugs we'll hear about that in a minute so he got served we've got you know sentenced to 12 years in prison after that are you all hearing this we're about to talk to this man then he gets out many signs his record deal with ludicrous and he's like all right my life's turned around now I'm going to get rich except a few years after that he's living in a storage unit and living in his car again hits rock bottom and then he meets this stranger that kind of changed his life forever and from there from that what I just described from that four-year-old to that 10 year old to that 12 year old this man has now reached millions of people with his message he's made millions of dollars also and completely changed his life and I'm like you know what I think people need to know what he knows and so that's why he's sitting here today so Garen Jones welcome to the show my friend Ed I was sitting here as if I wasn't me listening to that thank you for uh being brave but brave enough to create a platform like this so stories like mine have wings so thank you I'm so glad to be on yeah it's my honor I'm really been looking forward to this you know um what happened with that homeless guy first get listen let's do the spoiler alert first what happens with the the homeless dude that changes your life what is he I know what he says to you but I want you to tell everybody else I mean it seems subtle to say to just jump in right there just let me take you a week back okay some in the lowest point of my life I've already tried to take my life twice this is uh uh no uh August 2011. and it was my rock bottoms rock bottom and everybody has a different version of their rock bottom and I'm like in the car right now literally right down the street on La Brea and Hollywood at the in front of the mill and more living in my car for two and a half years at that time my gosh stressed out depression anxiety mom dying in the hospital um just girlfriend has just broken up with me because I couldn't get my life together and I'm just like okay tired of fighting I don't want to fight anymore I'm gonna be healthy healthy but you just want to inspire people and I want to make a bunch of money and I want the money to represent something that I passionately believe in that I would do for free just show me a sign then let's skip to that homeless guy because this was a week later okay now I'm at a gas station everybody knows you can't get a gallon of gas for anything less than like four dollars I only had two dollars to my name trying to get whatever I could because my car had run out of gas and a homeless guy walks up to me and asks me for money I say you have more money than me because he literally had a wad of cash and he said change your mindset change your life and I don't know what it was about those words but it created like a a conscious interrupt and it made me think is my life a lie because of how I've been thinking and I didn't say those words but there was an energy that took over me almost like in that movie The Sixth Sense where he literally saw his whole life because he didn't know he was dead yeah I saw all the lies that could be lies because the way I was thinking yeah and I said change your mindset change your life so so if I do different with the with the same circumstance or in areas in my life where I'm not happy my life will change I don't think that was a man I think that was my angel yeah I was gonna say that's God or the universe yeah for me I'm a Christian God all day long whatever I'm a follower as well yeah I love you like I um you know what I want to hear everybody hear on that you need to be looking for those angels you need to be looking for those moments it may not even always come in the form of a human being it may come in the form of a book you read it may come in the form of listening to this show here today but there are times in your life where yeah people say I or me yeah and what I often think is me when I when you define yourself really what it is it's a collection of memories and stories about your life if someone says I am I am is I is a collection of the things that have happened to us in our life and this story we begin to tell ourselves about the memories we have ends up becoming this pattern that happens and every once in a while the world will send you what you just said a pattern interrupt and if you're willing to listen or take it then you can make that shift now that's easier said than done easier and and it's an interesting story when you hear it but if you really listen to what he just said that this is a man who didn't have enough money to get gas it had all of these accumulation of people that had really harmed you in your life done you wrong to some extent you probably could have been Justified right for the rest of your life and that's what other people do too they just justify because it you you probably are Justified if you have terrible things that have happened to you but at some point you change it how did you because what I love about your content is it's with stories but it's also like tactical yeah it's both how does I learned the Tactical yeah after how okay give us a tactic give us an idea how does someone leverage rock bottom or what they think is their roster so I will go right back into the story right there so you're like and if you listen really closely closely you'll see you'll you'll see a lesson and if you listen even closer as I connected the dots looking backwards when took my because I have a daughter who's 21 and have a daughter who's uh 17 months old baby soul and and kylia 20-year Gap is crazy um but I don't look old enough to have a 20 year old I'm about to be 44 in a couple months um so Sasha says so too my producer for the third time but go ahead so I but if you look even deeper than that my jobs were taken away my car was taken away my mom was being taken away my family was taken away girlfriend taken away daughter I couldn't show up for someone when I couldn't even show for myself in my mind taken away so it's almost like Universe was stripping everything away from me so that I could be with myself for long enough to realize how much of the outside world I've had given my power away to wow only to remember myself and it was almost like be still and know that I am God so I didn't even I didn't see any of the signs so as I gave power away power away power away power away power away I something need to get my attention for long enough so that I could be still be still be still so that even my ego had no more power so that a message could come from a quote-unquote homeless man and say change your mindset change your life and so I didn't even have enough ego to be like oh and I don't have any I don't have any money yeah I listened I absorbed I took committed action and I just and that was the ramping of how I was able to because people always say leave the past in the past not if you didn't get the lesson because now that your future will be will become a recreation of your past so I went and I was like yo the gold is not at the end of the rainbow it's at the beginning of the rainbow it's like so many Treasures in your life where you can grab so many lessons and recreate a whole new future I'm just listening really reflecting on what you're saying because you know something about Stillness you use that word and quiet maybe you should give yourself everybody listen to this a little bit more of the gift of just a little bit more Stillness and quiet and get to know you better because you know Matthew McConaughey's on my show this week when we're recording this and one of the things he said we're talking about how to build your identity and he goes really I think identity is more of a process of figuring out what isn't you and what and and in our lives we do give our energy and our our belief away to so many other people that we lose ourselves and sometimes just reconnecting with yourself is the first step just who am I what do I value what am I grateful for what would I like my life to be and you can only do that in quiet you can only do that in contemplation and reflection and for you you give a key to this I've not heard anybody say this way for it you talk a lot about returning to the Garen as a child and returning to being a child in our life and that's where the answers really lie and you say that adults are really deteriorated children yeah let's talk about that when you think about it think about Ed when he was small Big Dreams big goals I want to be the president or whatever it was I wanted to be a superhero stronger than the average man abs like an action figure save and change lives all over the world one I've never met a superhero who hasn't had to overcome something hard in order to obtain their powers but I didn't know this until I looked back and achieved all the the the the the life nuggets that were that were just waiting for me to go and grab those superhero Powers um the best way I can describe it is I felt more free More Alive more sure more more zest more passion more bigness when I was around four or five years old and then when you span out and you look people working nine to five jobs getting paid less than their value calling another man or woman a boss asking for permission for things that you have the key to inside I'm like where is the what's missing where's the Gap and how did it get to that point when I look at my own life what I thought was my dad abandoning me what I thought was my mom uh not emotionally emotionally not being available which she was in her the best way she knew how but for me oh my mom's never there she's always working I thought that was abandonment but the original Abandonment for me was when I abandoned my original Dream the thing that I love to do I used to love to run I used to love to sing I used to love to to just blur it out and wear the kind of clothes that I wanted to wear and people like you're too big you're too small you're too this you're too that and little by little I abandon who I really was to get approval gosh to fit inside of other people's construct of how they thought I should live my life wondering why I don't feel seen I don't feel heard all this people see me in the millions and all this stuff I was like there's something missing well what was missing was I didn't tend to to who I really really really was and I'm gonna I'm gonna drive home this point anything that anybody had ever seen me even when I sold my book and sold those hundreds of thousands of copies and all this other stuff in the quiet of my mind I always knew it was four percent they never four percent of give out because I was afraid of the real me because I abandoned him yeah and then I Associated myself with with like gandhian Nelson Mandela when I was 14 I was like something here I don't know what this is there's a version of you that's similar to that yes yes yeah you know what I said those are the type of people who get assassinated and I quit that version of me and tried to say if I do just enough just enough to not be seen a certain way or to disrupt other people and I'll be in this small but if my just enough is a little bit more than other people around me great place to hide you're right I did it in sports you know why I did it you're brilliant the reason I did it was if I give just enough see if you give all of yourself and then you lose or you're rejected that's really painful so the biggest risk is to give all of yourself because you may lose still and you may get rejected so what I did is I played it close to the vest I gave a good effort but I didn't give all of me so that I always held a little bit back in the tank and I think the real reason I did it is it wasn't the that way if I was rejected it wasn't all of me being rejected this thing you said I was gonna go back I abandoned the parts of me that I love the most to please other people yeah everybody hear that are you doing any of that in your life and this notion you are on to something so big we're reaching similar conclusions I'm writing right now for my new book a little bit about this returning to Childhood thing too and what I said earlier about you know I and me who we Define ourselves as is a collection of memories and stories of our life that's all you really are why are we so ask yourself if you're an adult listening to this which is most of my audience when's the last time you had an entire 24 hours of bliss like a whole day just one day how about three days in a row Bliss like real Bliss the vast majority 99.9 of adults would say I can't remember that I mean total Bliss yeah if I took you back to four or three how many of those days did you have in a row and I think it's because when we're three or four years old we've not collected these stories yeah we've not collected them and as we collect them they steal our Bliss and our joy you said something I've not I may have heard this way but you said actually one of the reasons too is that emotion is stored in the body yeah and everyone just needs to just consider this for a minute if you went through some kind of trauma or disappointment yeah or even if you just went through a lot of people listen to the shows they're like well I my dad wasn't murdered no one tried to kill me my dad Ed my lets was an alcoholic I come from a pretty good family yeah you know one of the other big diseases in life is the middle the middle I almost think to some extent it's great to be raised by like amazing your wealthy family or whatever because then you get all these act you know options and stuff and kind of coming from screwed up families like me and you there's an advantage that because you kind of to some extent know what you don't want in your life but the middle is like an asphyxiation of average and so a lot of people's thing isn't trauma it's like neutral all their life's in the middle and there's no Bliss there because there's no Catalyst to move from it so what do you mean when you say emotion is stored in the body well how good is this by the way you guys already well I I'll tell you this um context is everything so anytime I share there's a lot of people that haven't been to prison before there's a lot of people haven't tried to kill themselves or lived in their car those type of things however you have been in a job that you know you don't want to be in you've stayed in it for 10 15 years or even in a relationship you're like in the quiet of your mind my friends that is prison so as you hear this prison story and as you hear the father's alcohol story I promise you those same emotions can still be stored in the body of unworthiness or not enoughness and all those different things so context matters um uh here's what I'll say it is important to know that we're not just that that we're not just like skin and there's nothing inside like there's eyes blinking there's hair hair coming out and there's follicles and these thoughts where the thoughts come from what are these ideas of oh my God I was running on a treadmill and I just had this idea for this book that sold two million like there's a spirit inside of you and you're also a vessel so if you're a vessel and if you think of like a water hose and you tie the a knot in the water hose and you have 600 pounds of pressure of water you turn it on little spigots of water will get through so if you think of your vessel your channel the whatever's coming inside ancestral wisdom ancient wisdom uh conversations with God all of it just coming through where do ideas come from and you feel blocked or you feel your intimacy is like stuck or your creative capacity is not gone or you have no desire no passion you just can't connect I guarantee and I don't have the I don't have the scientific research to prove it but I have the personal experience of hundreds of people that I've worked with way more valid yeah so the experiential knowledge what happens say for instance like me I was molested when I was 13 years old and that was something that really did something inside of me and it was a story and an impact well that story and impact will stay inside of your nervous system for the rest of your life which is why if something happens with your dad or something happens with your mama there's physical abuse mental abuse and then all of a sudden you never because as little kids you don't really know emotional intelligence you never had a an opportunity to release that in a healthy way it stays stuck then you attract a boyfriend who yells just like your dad and then all of a sudden you get triggered that trauma is it's energy that's stored in your nervous system and as long as it's in there anybody that brushes up against that will it won't you'll blame it on them you'll blame it on your skin color you blame it on the religion that the president the God but deep down inside as a little kid that was hurt any and that person is afraid to revisit something that was so scary that was so dark that was so this the reason why I'm very well versed in this is because the aspect of my life that was so difficult and I had to overcome and overcome and overcome just like when you play video games and you beat a dragon at the end of the ground at the end of the round you get a bigger sword you get extra yeah extra powers for the next level because of a lot of levels that I've personally overcome not read my life was the book I got a lot of great insights that I could share to help you to collapse time frames so you don't have to learn something 20 30 40 years and pay a millions of dollars in in your life to to be able to obtain so you can listen to Today's Show huh you get to listen to today's 100 I just get I want to validate something for you that you just said I want everybody to hear us give you a different version of the same thing then what we're going to do after that is we're going to start taking some of the Practical steps this man did to turn it around because it's unbelievable I want you to know the steps but I want to share something with you just to validate your work so I just gave a speech in Vegas uh I'll call it like eight weeks ago a couple thousand people there Maxi more I think they're like five thousand I give the speech and I'm in the line afterwards where like there's a line of people that want to get a picture take a book and there's like literally several thousand people in this Line it's gonna take forever I'm taking the pictures this man Taps me on the shoulders says someone wants to see you and say hello and I turn to my right and it's my High School baseball coach who I have not seen since I was a little boy and I admired this man and I looked up to him he was like amazing to me and he's obviously much older now I'm 52. I don't know how old he is but he's older and it was him and I saw him and I hugged him and I actually started crying in front of a thousand people so good to see he said I'm so proud of you I can't believe it he had come to see me speak and didn't tell me he was coming anyway the reason I was so emotional is and I love him and he did so many great things to me but I had an experience after a game once where I was particularly mad at myself I didn't play well but we had won and he was furious with me and he pulled me into his office angry and at the end of the yelling at me he goes did you ever think Eddie and I'll never forget this he said maybe you're just not good enough and I just stopped and I said yeah maybe I'm maybe I'm not and that altered me it stripped me of my confidence at the time now here I am 52 years old and just seeing him I was probably 7 16 17. and immediately the emotions because he retired after that year I never really saw him again after that and it altered my life and I carried that story with me for a really really long time because it actually happened but then what I did as part of your work is at some point I changed what that meant to me yeah by changing the question I asked myself about it so it really harmed me for a long time because I took the wrong meaning from that event because I just wasn't equipped at that age I was defenseless but at some point I flipped it and it almost became something like I wanted to prove I was good enough yeah and I'm not sure that I'm not sitting here with you today in large measure not small measure because of that moment in my life because that I changed what it meant to me at some point and it's one of the profound things in here so by the way that emotion has been stored in my body until eight weeks ago until eight weeks ago I got to release that emotion so you are so right about these moments in our life that we think aren't significant that I'm telling you at 52 I couldn't let go of him it was awkward yeah like he saw me I made it yeah I made it I wanted to say to him he doesn't remember he said it it was I had about I want to say I I'm good enough yeah I am good enough but it was just good enough to see him proud of me I want to say say something to that because there's a lot of people out there they're like oh yeah you don't experience that because you make all this money or you have the no no nobody is safe from what has impacted us and everybody has their moments so just because someone may appear to be successful even Ed and I want to acknowledge you for saying that because a lot of people don't say those things so the fact that you even said that is saying a lot for people creating yeah exactly so I really want to acknowledge that because you talk a lot about vulnerability and authenticity and it's really something I've really decided is the most cathartic thing I can do in my life and by the way coach I love you you did millions of great things for me with it we all have that moment in our life right where I'm sure he doesn't remember it but man did it alter me it just went into my nervous system and has stayed there all these years yeah you talk about here's some of the steps that you went through to start to turn your life around but you weren't doing prior yeah so I want you to just share some of these things I'm going to not rapid fire but like I want to talk about them voluntary discomfort which included some phone calls you made to certain people too I'm sure it was uncomfortable so just take the bow around that yes so I didn't know that you can't change what you're not aware of but I was changing and I didn't realize that it was rapidly changing my life so everything I'm about to share with you is as I connect the dots looking backwards I saw the power of apologizing to somebody for something that I did when I was seven years old that I didn't know that she held like I I hit this girl over the head with a backpack when I was seven and then I messaged her like six years ago and I was like Hey kids do the stupidest things uh I know you don't remember this but I just want to say that I'm sorry she goes number one why did you do that I'm in tears right now two what about me made you do that three um the same thing is happening to my kids and I don't know what to tell them so that moment right there I was like oh people keep things they remember how you make them feel I wrote a list and I didn't know it was going to turn into as many people from kindergarten up to present date I wrote a list of 250 names of everyone that I had ever impacted negatively thought of negatively not even in the physical thought negative thoughts wow and anybody who had ever hurt me with the intention of apologizing for my part and not expecting them whatever their response was their response I was clearing myself I wanted to be truly feet because you can't fight for something that you can only give to yourself which is internal freedom the the person who molested me people who who jumped me but I held on resentment for 30 years I was like I just want to apologize for when we had that fight I want to apologize for holding resentment towards you for 30 years they're like what do you apologizing for we're the ones who who jumped you and I was like but I held on to the resentment that a resentment affects me and so I just want to create the possibility of just having no negativity when I think of you instantly Freedom so I did that for 250 people up into present date including forgiving the two men and I don't know where they are in the world forgiving the two men who murdered my father wholeheartedly simultaneously I'm watching all of this business coming I'm like where are these people coming from I forgive these two people two new people come into my business I let go of this thing this new thing it's almost like this Universal order of this magic trick I do this and re and I spoke to my uh my spiritual advisor Monica zans she said Garen You released hate from your heart these were all little subtleties of hate so any level of resentment and it it doesn't matter what they do the forgiveness is freedom and letting go of resentment will complete the cycle brother whoa yeah one of the top things ever said on the show ever ever yeah I have a bazillion episodes I'm convinced what that is by the way is that you're um when you have negative stored energy in your body either through holding we come back to that again when you store it to your point well either something you've done that you want to apologize for or forgiving someone else for trauma they've caused you that energy is blocking you yeah and when you release that energy or vibrational frequency increases tremendously and that's when you begin to magnetize the things into your life that because we've all had those moments you're like I was thinking of so and so and then they called me yep that's when you're vibrating at a high frequency but usually for most people that is like once a year Deja Vu or some fluke thing but you know this now that you're on the other side of it when you do begin to live with this type of intention when you are a vulnerable person your that frequency increases and it's just unbelievable perhaps all these things were already there but your reticular activating system was blocking you from seeing feeling or hearing them or perhaps they weren't there and now you're attracting them but all I know is they've appeared in my life the last 30 years in ways that are what you would consider to be miraculous which now has become habitual yeah right what was once miraculous is now habitual and that can happen in everybody's life who takes some of the steps that we're talking about today putting yourself through voluntary discomfort doing uncomfortable things but the apologies the Forgiveness these are real things the other thing that you say about vulnerability and I want people to really hear this because there's different aspects what we're gonna talk about today that hit different people yeah but you're so right I've only I said this 20 years ago I haven't said it since so I know you didn't get it from me it's yours but causing people to feel safe in your presence is one of the great keys of being a leader of anything is that people can feel safe in your great father great mother great brother great sister great business person right great coach great anything people have a tendency to feel safe in your presence and you say the pathway to that happening ironically is to be what man they're so there's so much there's so much to that that's such a loaded question but when when you accept who you really are and I'm willing to share it yeah and you're willing to share it and you're willing to create this um it's like a pathway there's an energy that just comes through you through the presence of vulnerability yes that level of openness it Taps into the voiceless or the it Taps into the voiceless part of you that you haven't yet given a voice and so this because you you can't be what you can't see so the second that you sh you talk about something that most people won't talk about and they can really they listen to who they relate to and then they can relate to it then all of a sudden that part of them that they haven't given a voice goes I'm Not Alone um I learned this skill because in the scariest time of my life where I'm still living in my car I'm still I was still two hundred thousand dollars in debt I got tired of living a life trying to put on a mask or pretend to be what everybody else thought I should be and I say you know what and then Rihanna's song we're out here living a lie had came on is like out here living a lie I couldn't get it out of my head I was like no more true freedom is power to possess your own mind and like use it in a way that uplifts yourself and other Souls that's really good job let me pause because I both fell out right there that's really good keep going I went on Facebook and the post is on Facebook Facebook right now I say you think you know me you have no idea here's what you know you know this this and this you know I've dated this person you know I was in this music video 15 years ago you know this because this is what I told you but what it really is right now I'm two hundred thousand dollars in debt I'm living in my car I've cheated on every girlfriend I ever had as I have no relationship with my family and I I just put it all out the scariest moment of my life first message I got was from a stranger I said how did you have that kind of strength when I read your testimony I Put the gun down hmm I Put the gun down and it was in that moment my purpose was birth I said hmm I know I am here speak to be the voice of the voiceless or the parts of you that you haven't yet given a voice and I know there's all those people doing all these other things but when it comes to that deep dark treacherous place that people mask and they try to over compensate and do all these other things that's my playground yeah that's so unbelievable uh most people listen to this on audio so they didn't just see your face but like I watched your face when you said that it's like it was like a spiritual Soulful transformation in those moments you can see it right now it's happening again right um by the way thank you for listening to the audio and share the podcast today but I have to tell you like it's all over you now by the way just when you think we're getting real foofy here we're you're not so foofy you're pretty hardcore too when you prank with people so there's this piece and then there's like hey bam and I I was watching some of your content they're like damn you literally said on something I watched I don't feel sorry for you if you're broke I don't feel sorry for people to tell me they have no money this was interesting to me from everything we just said I'm taking the whole other direction how I do this yeah I want people to see the whole perspective here um and then you said people that say Hey I don't feel seen you said you kind of chuckle and laugh so there's a part of you that's like hey and I think the reason that you do that is you know now so deeply that people can change that you're not going to give them their BS ways of getting out of it right yes but just talk about that for a second because like it's one thing to be what we're both talking about being vulnerable sharing these parts of our souls making people feel safe these are all things that are beautiful two masculine men to be willing to talk about absolutely same time though same time there's just other part he's like I don't feel sorry for you yeah and and and why is that and well I want you to elaborate well I'll tell you this um I'm a big context guy me too so in the same conversation my story will always live there the vulnerability of my story so but Karen you don't understand I don't have any money and I'm like somebody said to me the other day oh no it's easy for you to talk about that I mean you you have this big house and you have the wife and you have that yeah I've been saying the same thing when I was living in my storage unit and sleeping on Bubble Wrap sleeping in an abandoned building y'all are just now catching up you know I've been I like when I was living in my car you probably had a home I don't want to assume by the way I have a photo of the storage unit right yeah that he was living in just so you all know yeah so I I have it keep going so [Music] it's it's difficult and now I can have empathy and compassion absolutely but I wouldn't just come out if somebody was like oh you don't I wouldn't just laugh in anybody's face sure there's always context and my story that goes with it so if somebody's saying that and I'll be like hey I experienced the same thing and you know what I did when I was living in my car I went to Starbucks every single day and I wrote down 10 things that I'm good at 10 things that I absolutely love to do found a way to weave that and then I I went on Craigslist and I found a way to make money every single day and then finally something hit and then something else hit so what you're seeing now is the Overflow of what I was doing when I was living in my car it's almost like God was like I want to see if you are really serious about what you say you want to do um okay pay me no money and I will still do it and I will do it to Excellence and that's what I did so therefore when the money does coming in now like more money is coming I'm like it doesn't surprise me it makes sense because I put in the work well the reason you did though and this is important you make a big dis you paint this distinction you didn't try okay you did this like your life depended on it you say there's a big difference between this and everybody really close if you keep trying things that is the lowest possible commitment level is to try now I'm not saying in my book I literally have a chapter called one more try so I believe in trying something again but behind that there has to be something in you that has already sort of pre-negotiated the price you're going to have to pay so that you're not constantly navigating the price you're paying because you talk about trying versus Mastery yeah and by the way I think the money comes in you're earning the money while you're trying to get good at something but the money doesn't come in until you've mastered it typically or at least increase your capacity to do it like in business I earned most of the money I make now when I was broke years ago it just comes in now but I earned it back then when I was making an effort with no reciprocity I was making an effort when nothing was coming in in fact I was making an effort as my life went backwards so it was earned then I'm just getting paid now so good right and so good it's so good it's just true and it's it's that's the hard part of watching successful people because they behave in a particular way often when they get there I didn't earn my money now I earned it back then and you you had to make you cannot go from living in a damn storage unit being incarcerated blowing through a record deal having a dad that's murdered having someone try to murder you in your damn life right all these mistakes you've made and like I'm gonna I'm gonna give it a go that couldn't have been what it was you don't go to where you are by giving it a go so what's the difference I would say the difference is most people don't realize the value of not giving it a go so I'm I'm gonna try it a time or two to see if it works here's what doesn't work everything that you've done up until this point where you felt like it didn't work and then you kept doing that so what you did is Master it not working so you're actually in Mastery any direction you go so this is why I teach a lot at my Retreats on energy transmutation yeah who I was when I was sleeping around with all those women breaking in the cars and everything that there's an energy behind it it's not the action it's the energy behind it that's driving that level of success that same person is the same person that messaged 900 uh producers say get my song on a record get my song and then in 30 days I had 28 songs and then uh two months later I had a record deal with ludicrous it was the same I just transmuted the energy in a different direction so you come into Mastery when you're doing something over and over and over and over like the little kid learning how to walk over and over and over and over and over and walking is not even our Natural State it's something that we adapt into so you adapt into Mastery Mastery and excuses and security uh devaluing yourself devaluing people around you and if you could see that you are actually in you're actually a mastery-esque person you just need to transmute that energy in a direction where it's moving you forward not keeping you stuck or keeping you back so all this is is a redirection because you can't see the picture while you're in the frame of what really matters to you staying in the same spot or moving forward and creating an extraordinary life for yourself and your family I started caring that my mom was working at a job that was killing her and then and she's got these back-to-back surgeries colostomy bag barely alive I started caring that maybe maybe I can do something about it I started caring that I could support my daughter's mother and we can we can come together and and and and create kylia's uh college fund I started caring you know what I'm I want my mom I want to retire my mom so what would that mean to put this energy into these actions and whatever it takes by 2015 I will have my daughter's College tuition paid for three years before she graduates high school and by 2015 I'll be a multi-millionaire this is back when I was living in my car by 2015 I'm going to retire my mom and it all happened I started caring about the things that actually matter to me and I put all the energy in that direction that's heart power right yep yeah you talk a lot about heart power and I think in life in in business you win with your heart not your head I think you have to have good strategies right yeah with your heart and most people aren't willing to put their heart into it if you're listening to this you got to put your whole heart into it you're going to be in a really Blissful loving incredible relationship with somebody you have to have your whole heart in it just like you do with your kids if you're going to build a great business or a great body you have to have your heart into it your heart's 50 000 times more powerful than your brain the electrical current is the power of it is now you get your head and your heart in congruency and you have that now you're unstoppable and that's really what you did but the other thing you did I'm just watching you is you took advantage you are leveraging part of your giftedness doing what you do now right and I think for a lot of people you know that's part of the rub as well is like what's my gift and and understanding that you do have two or three gifts that are unique to you so talk about leveraging your giftedness where is it and then maybe a little bit of a tip for somebody to figure out if they don't know what maybe their giftedness could potentially be what you were just talking about that heart power so the EKGs are the heart is like one of the most powerful frequencies in the world most people use more of their head than their heart well um if you imagine a little kid just tapping on your knee going mom mom mom dad dad dad mom and that kid never being acknowledged what do y'all think would happen to the relationship 20 years from now with no acknowledgment there wouldn't be one because there would be no emotional closure so the stuff you used to love to do as a kid before you got influenced by the outside world I'm just talking about the stuff you used to love to do that brought you the most freedom is connected to the truest essence of your heart yeah so I had a young lady and I wrapped this up quick I had a young lady say oh she was like I don't know I have the husband I have the job and and and and I have the money I just feel like something is missing I said what'd you used to love to do when you were a kid she said I used to love instantly change I still love to dance I was like how did you how did it make you feel it just made it's like time stopped when was the last time you danced 20 years ago and I literally said if you know what that relationship is like if you ignored your kid for 20 years now imagine your inner child and every time and every day that goes by the thing that you used to love to do gets walked over and forgotten that's the inner child going Mom Mom Mom Dad so what's missing or potentially is the alignment of your spiritual self and your physical self wanting to come back home and the what's missing part is me telling her sign up for a dance class and don't talk about don't think about business and when you go there set a powerful intention that I'm gonna take the little girl inside of me dancing do it just once once a week she does it once a week libido comes back yep the relationship with her husband starts thriving her business she had quit that one got another business she was like oh my God it's like well the universe becomes plastic according to the thoughts that you give the most power and who she was being was living from the inside out and not the outside in so that that's so good that right there if the entire world could remember at least one thing you did as a kid that brought you the most Joy if you don't remember ask somebody when you were a little kid what did I naturally graduate what color what toy what this what did I gravitate towards and just spend five minutes once a week with it watch what happens in 30 days okay I'm gonna give you an example of how brilliant you are okay so what am I was thinking recently about one of my like happiest friends like just loves what he does like listen there's there's lots of sources of happiness in life in fact you are the source of your happiness but when you're in the process of doing something that your giftedness you tap into it at a deep level you're in the process of serving other people and we've done all the studies now actually you get more dopamine in the process than the achievement when you achieve something actually there's a dopamine crash it's the pursuit it's the process right it's the actual work one of my happiest friends did exactly what you've described and I'll validate your work with this he's actually a lawyer and he's in his 50s and he's just this dude's just the stud he's super happy but here's the story he had been an entrepreneur until he was 30 and made a lot of money and was miserable and he said I just I got to this achievement and I didn't get any happier and he said you know what I started to think about when I was a little guy like five ten years old what did I really like to do and he goes you know it's funny I like to argue I liked to argue and he goes and I was also the dude if there was a fight on the playground I'd go protect the small kid because he's a big dude and he goes so I started thinking when I was a kid what brought me the most Joy I loved to argue like kind of debate with people and even as a young boy we all have a child like that right so some of you have a child like that and I would protect people he goes I think I want to be a lawyer so this dude at 30 years old went back went to law school got his law degree and now has a law practice and in his 30s found his giftedness in his go Zone by tapping into his heart so this isn't all like this esoteric concept stop this is real stuff by the way maybe that thing isn't what you're gonna do for a living it's going to be your hobby for me I love to run when I was a kid yeah and I've had some major injuries to my legs playing baseball it's a long story but like I really can't run like I used to and so I recently I ironically got into riding horses and I'm like what is it that I love so much about being with these horses is that I can run again and they can run faster than me so it brings me to these are all the pathways that when you listen to my show you guys and I put brilliant people in front of you and we get into this thing that you and I are doing right now open your mind up and go around it you know I mean like think about all the the places that there's applications of what we're discussing here yeah because when you do you'll understand the genius of his work by the way Garen has a book I didn't mention it called change your mindset change your life lessons of Love leadership and transformation been out for a while uh it's I read it prepping for this it's outstanding I feel like there's another book in you by the way oh no it's coming okay good because I really believe that there's another one it took me five years to write that book because it's called change your mindset change your life every time I kept growing I kept changing and my boy Preston was like Aaron if you don't put that book out right now so that was a younger version of me and I've evolved so much since then there's well by the way one thing they should know is you have this incredible book and you have like had a learning disability or something in school right like that's just so it's like whatever your excuses I want to put somebody in front of you everybody is probably going to take it away everybody yeah right like you just take away people's excuses but you also feed their dreams you feed their spirit so I got one last question for you by the way let's just be real this has been really good right we we could have I was just saying I don't want this to end I don't want to do it either totally went kept going well and you know what by the way what that just means is everybody every once in a while someone gets an invite back so because I would love to continue to well you and I are gonna have this conversations privately now I can already tell because there's uh you can just feel the spirit yeah right you can feel it so I guess what I want to know is you know if someone's listening to this right now and they're like you know what I think I've I think I've got some inspiration here I think I've got some of the keys is there a step you would say like hey and by the way this is hard because there's people listening right now that are really in flow Yep they're making millions and millions of dollars they're running big companies then there's people like I don't have any priority for that I'm a nurse I love The Ed mylette Show it feeds my spirit every single week yeah then you got young people you got athletes you got Fitness people you got people all over the world right so it's a broad question yeah but is there something you do daily yeah that you think just serves you to live a more productive Blissful life that I didn't ask you today that we'll get into more next show but what would be one other thing you do as a practice I love that you spoke about the person and flow doing all that and then you know the mom that's doing what she's doing and I mean she's in flow in her own way absolutely they just flow differently yeah that's my point um you know I'm I'm fortunate enough to be able to um be a personal coach to some really high profile people sold their company 800 million dollars and just like really be in some really powerful circles I just hang out with really cool people and we share our gifts and go into prisons and go into juveniles and do the things it's of all different elements of the gift um and the one through line I gotta keep coming back to it the one through line as I've worked with some of my clients face down in their hand I mean big business I lost myself I don't I don't seem to I work so hard in business but I I forgot what what it was like to feel again and it's the same thing on this side it's the through Line This is why though both people yes show up in my in my events both of them because the through line is full self-expression and and living your authentic nature you spoke about heart power the name of my company is artist power so I'm in as a creative writer you can't say heart without the art the H is silent God is love love is God Art Is Power so and artist art artist power is the artist is the little kid that's inside and we just teach you how to tap back into that energy because they say kids are the closest thing to source so when you tap back into that energy you unlock a power that is So Divine and true and God is just so happy and says let me show you what I can do oh my goodness welcome back home look at this energy look at this passion look at this desire and look at this creativity as if there's anything that I can leave you with I'm going to say it again even though I've already said it find one thing one just one for five minutes a day that lights your heart on fire regardless if you're an analytical person or a spiritual being or heart-based person or you are broken find one thing for five minutes a day whether it's singing whether it's dancing whether it's playing the old Tetris whatever it is and if it Sparks a sense of Joy inside of you I want you to close your eyes and say I accept myself fully I love myself fully and I get to be the bigness and who I've always been if you say those three things give yourself five minutes and find a thing that Sparks Joy inside of you I want you to pay close attention to the details in your life that don't typically happen that then start to show up really really good this has been an extraordinary conversation extraordinary by the way you can accept yourself and love yourself and still want to grow yes don't want to make changes absolutely let's just be very clear about that they're not they're not two different things you could love yourself and accept yourself and go but I'm getting better I'm addicted to the expansion of my being and uh that's why I do the show what we did here today that's why I do this very grateful for you glad you're in the world glad you're in my life likewise brother yeah yeah this has been extraordinary and uh you have a friend in me if I can help in any way you continue to contribute to the world uh I'd be honored to do it you vibrate at my frequency if y'all felt the energy I mean some of y'all gonna feel it those who know who knows but if y'all were in here in person and you could feel the energy that's preceding past the conversation yeah you'd be like damn I could have been in that room yeah I pray they feed I I pray that you all feel it wherever you are running on the treadmill driving in your car with your kids whoever you are right now whatever you're doing I hope you feel it honored thank you um make sure you go follow Garen on social media on Instagram particularly follow me on social make sure you're sharing the shows guys this is the fastest growing show in the world we keep hitting number one or two in the charts on a regular basis because you all are sharing it and it's because the quality of the human beings that God's putting in front of me every single week and our extraordinary conversations together God bless all of you max out your life [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Ed Mylett
Views: 267,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ed mylett, mylett, garrain jones, wilhemina and ford, mindset coach, the power of one more, maxout, ed mylett motivation, ed mylett podcast, ed mylett interview, change your mindset change your life, change your mindset, Ed Mylett show, change your life, change your mindset motivation, rags to riches
Id: 5Iywi1VlMys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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