Transform Yeeps With These Map Tools Tips (Yeeps: Hide & Seek)

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hello everybody I'm a rainbow welcome to yep's hide and seek today I'm going to be talking about the map tools that you can use in yeps to create your own Creations now I have to tell you ahead of time this is probably boring stuff there's nothing exciting here so if you're looking for a sexy video this is not the one you're going to find I'm just going to walk through this and give you the basics and it's up to you to go and turn this into your own stuff all right to start with we're going to use the map shifter now the cool thing about the map shifter is I've got it laid out flat and when you press the button all right it will shift the maps Okay north south east and west and you can see just by doing that I've shifted the map now you see that extra swipe because I'm recording myself right now we all have to agree to uh shift the map and since it's me agreeing with me hey it's not a problem but I there's one extra swipe I have to do all right and you can also go uh East and West oop I failed my own vote all right and that's simple to do now the other thing you can do with the map shifter is if you take the map shifter and you turn it up just like that you press the up button you can shift the map up and you notice nothing's happening in the ground level but the map components are all going up all right and that just shifts the map components and the other things shift in east and west those all still work just like they did before so you can see that is all functional and if I want to bring it down we can do all of this this opens up a lot of possibilities because it's much easier to kind of build from the top down raise it up and put stuff under it as you go for instance so you don't have to build a tower to build a tower you can start with on the ground level and go up all right that's the map shifter the next thing we're going to talk about is the ground shifter all right this is the ground shifter and what it does is let you drop the ground from the default starting level so when I press that button it's going to say do you want to shift the ground and there we go we have started shifting down and we can keep going and you can see how that's working and you notice the map elements come with it all right so everything keeps coming with it as the map shifter comes down you see that however if we want to raise the map elements up all we have to do is shift them up there from the ground now does that blow your mind or what it's awful cool at least I think so you want to know how low you can go with the ground shifter well the answer is if I count it correctly 70 you can go down 70 layers below the ground level before you bot them out and that's pretty darn deep and then you can still build up if you want now we're going to talk about the copy pter now it's called the copy pter but it also has the clear button on it so we've got copy paste and clear right here and those are kind of self-explanatory this work Works in Creative or construction mode and if you just want to clear the M map out and start all over again this is the deal we have cleared the map out you notice my copy Paster went with it we're GNA have to throw that back down all right and it's upside down now and so if I want to paste something then I'm G I just hit the paste button I got to say yes and wait a minute I just got all my stuff back that I had before so I copied pasted that now the question you ask is what if I want to copy more stuff well I got an answer for that too all right everybody I have made a copy of my heel level I have cleared this room out with the copy Paster and I'm going to drop my copy of the Hill level here I I realize the video looks like the paste button is not up but it is for me so when I press it the hill gets pasted and yes I drop down inside of it because that's just the way it is so we have to find my way out this looks very cool though anyway so let's head back out all right I shifted to the full view of the map so that we could use the map Transformer and you can tell it so what we're going to do is this rotates the entire map so we press that button it says you want to go clockwise I'm going to say yes well the map went but I did not all right so when the map shifts you don't we're going to go back all right the other function of this is it will let you flip the map so let's do that and watch what happens next now now this doesn't look obvious but it actually flipped the left and the right sides of the map um it inverted it so the fans are over there now the entrance is still there but that's there that's trippy all right as you can see we've shifted into play mode right now so nor the normal construction tools just aren't available however the copy button is available and you can copy any level in play mode when you're actually there so just copy the level I'm in play mode grab the button and go okay everyone I have covered all of the map tools and how they're used I'm going to do a little bit more messing around in here and you may or may not want to watch that but honestly that's the end of the tutorial if you want to see me see what happens when I drop the hill all the way down as low as it can go then uh stick around otherwise thank you so much for watching y'all be good take care now bye-bye all right that is it we are down as low as we can go with the hill right now honestly we're in a pit so let's see see what else we can do with this kind of interesting like this oh wait a minute there's a concept cool thing is you could start building from here you can anchor things on the wall and then raise them back up I bet I can do this all right I got a plan let's see if I can do some aerial Construction a get me out of [Laughter] here well I tell you what that beats trying to build a tower to build a tower just drop it into the ground use the sidewalls and raise it back up when you're done all right everybody I'm a rainbow y'all be good take care now
Channel: Ima_Rainbow
Views: 6,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hide and seek, yeeps, gorilla tag, gods of gravity, flying, minecraft
Id: fpwG65ep0Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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