Training for a better MARATHON - RUNNING long

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if you haven't done it in training you cannot possibly expect your body physically or psychologically to suddenly be capable of achieving something on real estate if you're not including long runs in your current training this is a great video to start understanding if that's something that you should be doing the long run will help your next gold race without a doubt I did my first long run for the Berlin Marathon buildup just last Sunday and I'm going to take you through how that went did I hit the splits that I wanted to how did my fueling go and you can start to learn how you can add some of these structured long runs into your next build up or perhaps your current build up and why they then might help rare stay go a lot better why on race day you might be capable of handling a much better Pace heart rate and effort because you've built yourself to that process when I run 209 for the marathon the first long run that I did that had some structure I averaged 542 per mile on race day I was capable of averaging 458 per mile in that build up I did four or five very structured hard long runs and I almost gained 10 seconds every time for the same effort I tend to add in four to five pretty steady long runs into my Marathon buildups the reason I do that is because in 2020 when I ran my absolute fastest 209.48 for the marathon it took me four to five weeks of consistently doing a pretty tough long run to then be in a position that I felt I'm ready to go the difference between that Marathon buildup and then in 2022 I did a build up for Rotterdam marathon and some components of the train and were looking similar but I didn't do those harder long runs and I believe because I didn't do those harder or structured long runs I lacked that ability to extend my fitness to then be capable on race day of sustaining a harder effort for longer that's what these long runs are going to add to your training you might currently have a marathon Race piece or a half marathon Race piece of X but that doesn't mean that you can just stay in that pace for the entire duration of the race so the first benefit of the long run it's gonna help you sustain these efforts because you've practiced it in training first week I did 15 miles I averaged 542 per mile the second week I did 16 miles I averaged 534 something like that per mile similar heart rate similar effort the next week I was able to average around 520 per mile for 20 miles so as you can see over this three week period by a Justin and my body what it does is you put it through some stress it then absorbs that stress gets better and so of course by week three you can run faster at an easier effort that's what everybody wants I then did two more long runs and in those long runs the heart rate actually came down while the speed stayed the same and then I was ready to go I think you can space these long runs out a bit better than what I did in 2020 and that'll help reduce the fatigue they don't need to be every week but they are a key component to getting ready for that next race my first long run of this Marathon buildup was pretty simple I was starting off with 6K easy and that was enough to let the body get warmed up before I just jump into a harder long run I think that's super important you need to give the body that little bit of time for everything to get warmed up the body dip understand that hey we're about to get to work here and it also gives your glycogen a bit of time to surface itself you could say you're doing this on a Sunday morning Saturday morning it's likely you've just woke up you've drunk a coffee on the couch and out the door you've gone to do a bit of an activation routine you can prep your drinks and your fuel for the day and we'll get into that but then what you're really looking to do is give your body a little bit of time to get warmed up before you start doing some structured long run the total distance of my run was 28 kilometers and what I was looking to do was break it up in a way that I could progress the effort down to Marathon Pierce I didn't want to jump straight into India super hard long run but what I did was 10K at 325 per K which is 20 seconds per case slower than marathon pace then I did 5K at 315 per K I'm now within 10 seconds of marathon Pierce and then I did 5K at the end a 305 Pierce which is Marathon peace so the actual structure part of the long run was 20K now it went really really well I felt really really good and what you really want from this is I'm a True Believer that the body doesn't really know the difference likely between 305 per K and 315 per k from a metabolical rate you're much safer being 10 to 15 seconds slower than Marathon Pierce because remember your body's a bit tired you're in full training the weather might not always accommodate your goals and actually in terms of running marathon pace you only need to be able to run marathon Pierce on one day and that's race day so what I'm looking for is the first 6K I want it to be quite easy of course let the body get warmed up that next 10K is me getting into that Rhythm starting to teach the body to just flow at a nicer Rhythm get the effort under control get comfortable then when I lift the pistol at 315 per K even though it's not Marathon Pierce we're actually starting to get pretty close to Marathon effort and like I said full training whether it's not race day you're not wearing race day shoes what then happens is your body starts to get conditioned at that effort and then I don't mind if that final 5K actually goes a little bit into Marathon effort or actually above that's kind of key for me I like to push that effort a little bit above so that hopefully in seven to ten days time if I repeated a similar structure long run my body would hopefully handle it a bit better I don't need to adjust the pace I don't need to go faster but what I can do is hope that that same effort at that same speed comes down I hope that that relative effort I hope that the metabolical effort I hope that the heart rate I hope all these things come down and I also push the distance a bit further so long run number two for example will move to 30k I'll end up doing four or five long runs depending on how they go and I'll start with that 28 kilometer and they'll progress to 35. I won't go longer than 35 kilometer and I likely won't go longer than running perhaps eight kilometers at that race Pace everything else will be a little bit slower and it'll be structured in a way for example 35 kilometer could end up being five kilometers easy 10 kilometers at that 325 to 330 pace and then you can adjust those final bits so you might do another 5K for example at 315 per kilometer now we're at 20K and then you might do eight kilometers at race pace and then seven kilometers back to the 330 piece these don't need to be super intense but what I would suggest is that you practice your fueling I would suggest that you make sure you've gone into the long run in a good position in terms of no injuries no niggles good health good mindset and it'll give you the best chance of it going really well so if you're new to Long Run do adjust in a way that it builds your body into it slowly don't just go from running 10K to suddenly 20K I regularly run 18 to 20K so although I say this is my first structure long run which it is I have done 18 to 20K I run 340 per K I have done a lot of repetitions at 305 310 315 320 per K none of this was new to my body try to help your body and see it is in University you have to do these like prerequisite courses before you start doing the perhaps the more difficult courses run and works in that exact same way give your body a chance by doing little bits and often before you jump into the harder bit that means that if your longest run so far is 10K you probably should be looking at 14 to 15K would be your first long run you might have intentions to build that 20K 22 24 26 but start with where you know that your body will be capable of doing it you also want to have practiced before you jump into getting closer to marathon pace make sure you've done 2K reps 3K reps 4K reps at the likely piece that you're going to try to get down to in the long run or your body won't like this new stimulus you can't go longer than you've gone before and do reps within that run faster than you've done before within your longer than you've done before or you're asking for trouble so respect that build your body into this gently and I think you'll really go well long runs all this training super helpful start to add it into your training if you enjoyed this video like subscribe do all those lovely things if you want to learn more on perhaps your nutrition before the long run perhaps Fuel and during the long run recovery after the long run go to there's so much useful information on there be patient with your body if I literally took when I in in 2020 when I run 209 that first Sunday I got dropped I only ran 15 miles I average 542 per mile the group did 25 miles I think they average 520 in the end if I paid too much attention to that first week I wouldn't have went on to run 209 or 6108 for the half marathon sometimes you're just prepping the body and you have to understand where you're at in your build up the whole purpose of training is to make race day more achievable and not easier but easier to achieve your goal because you've done the hard yards in training it's probably a good thing that I almost died at mile 15 and got really tired and struggled that means I got a big benefit from it so don't beat yourself up if the first few long runs don't go that well just know that you've now targeted something that you likely really needed to work on and good luck
Channel: Stephen Scullion - Olympic marathoner
Views: 211,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Better marathon runner, how to be faster at marathon, key to a better marathon, tips for a faster marathon, long run tips, marathon tips running long, how to run longer without getting tired, how to be better at running, stephen scullion marathon, marathon tips stephen scullion, structured long run, threshold running long run, how to include threshold in a long run
Id: p8qSHEDRir8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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