Trailer rebuild Catastrophe.

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[Music] [Music] in my last video i started renovating this 1970s trailer things weren't quite going to plan if you can't tell the whole trailer is going to fall apart look at that uh should probably put up some bracing yeah that'd be a good idea was embracing it man be really careful that's a little safer [Music] definitely not wobbling now so okay let's see what stays together and what doesn't where are my gloves [Music] the framing looked like it had sat under the atlantic ocean for the last 30 years [Music] now let's just say i thought the skin on the outside was terrible um sorry if that word skin creeps you out but you could just call it metal if you want but it really had to go [Music] so all right here we go oh man let's take a look [Music] oh my this is crazy so i do all the sides obviously but oh my gosh looks like just a pile of garbage luckily the sidewalls are pretty good oh my gosh let's get the rest it's like opening a really really awful present sure a lot of you are going to wonder why i didn't just take the thing straight to the scrap heap and uh kind of looks that way but i think there's enough framing that i can fix it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well as you can see right now every piece of aluminum is off and it's a wonder that this thing didn't fall apart on my drive home like that's pretty dark but look at this thing not even attached [Applause] so rickety so uh it's really good that i'm doing this really there are some good beams here a couple of them a couple of them that sounds real you know real optimistica um but you know just run a new runner here that's actually pretty solid i could use it as a pattern and uh make a new one this definitely needs to be redone in the back obviously this is like powder yeah real bad and i was even really careful taking that off and it just fell apart door frame is terrible um door will need to be replaced i don't see any way of fixing that door i don't really know how i haven't really tried but i doubt it it's pretty bad and you can see this pattern it was pretty bad so i could use the other side and copy that put it there and uh i mean the front is mostly good obviously there's pieces but it's not too bad [Music] so it's the next day and uh you know how you think about things through the night and decide on what you think is the best way to go well i'm starting to think i'm not take all the framing down and completely rebuild the subfloor because it's not looking good i don't know like the frame is perfect but the just the wood just got way too much water on it um what i'm thinking is cutting off uh the bottom here you know first uh put a couple braces on here to make this stay as one piece cut off from the bottom and the top put it on the ground and make a pattern and build it on top of that do that on both sides in the front back's kind of still intact so uh i just think for how much rebuilding i'm going to do it's actually gonna be about the same amount of time just to do it all brand new and make it nice so that's probably gonna happen what have i got myself into [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was at this moment he knew we changed my mind i mean should just tear it all apart and just make it up wow okay go scratch here we go [Music] all right [Music] our wreckage [Music] uh i can't believe how lucky we got the last trailer i did this one is a mess the only thing that's good is the frame i mean as far as i can tell from underneath um the bolts have come up on the floor so the whole thing picks up there's still a few in there i guess if i can get them out but yeah this is a total rebuild hope you guys are enjoying this struggle i'm going through because it's going to be fun [Music] [Applause] strong like a tree hope they won't shoot [Music] is [Music] yay [Music] we raised the barn at least the frame looks good um that's about all i got going for me that the stove and the sink tires are good too actually so those are good frames good uh subfloor won't be that hard to do i'm just gonna paint this thing up make it good to go well it's day three and it's now time to polish up the trailer and then paint it i'll probably paint it tomorrow morning but i'm gonna sand it all down get it prepped and then once it's painted it's all build up instead of tear down anymore so this is the last thing i need to do as far as tearing down uh i do any more than that there's gonna be nothing left but tires so let's do this [Music] all right the best way to remove paint from metal are these flapper discs they're amazing so much better than like any normal grinding wheel [Music] or protection everywhere you can [Music] you're not going to get pregnant but wear other protection [Music] all right that's all the sanding i'm gonna do tonight so i noticed something when i was uh doing the sanding see there there's no nut on this and no not on this it's falling out so you can see that's on focus there we go it's already starting to pop out so luckily that's really cheap and easy hardware i'm a mess uh to fix so looks like i'm tearing it apart a little bit more uh yeah just gonna pull off the axle make it easier to clean anyway and i'll pull that off tonight and probably call it good for the rest of the night until tomorrow morning [Music] [Music] [Music] all right i feel like a graffiti artist now by the way this is a paint plus primer so don't freak out that i'm not putting primer on first i know some people will say primer's better to put on first i have no idea but this is going to be about 4 000 times better than it was before so i'm good with it and this is mine so i'll do what i want [Music] okay first top coats on uh already used three cans that's all i bought for some reason i don't know what i was thinking um looks much much better i'd probably have to buy three or four more cans i still got to spray underneath which would be fun not too many spots i have to spray but then you know go over them a couple more times oh i'm hoping by tomorrow i'll be uh working on putting the platform back on that'll be exciting i can't wait so i wanna have everything ready i'll probably buy some of the wood tonight and then have it so i can start in the morning and not be boiling hot like i'm always when i'm here in the middle of the day so yeah let's go get some of that stuff and then finish this up all right third wardrobe change in a day i think um anyway it's just too hot out here the only way i can work is to go sleeveless you know just rip them off that's right brother um all painted i've got like three coats on there plus just use up the cans so it's dry and should be dry in like seconds because of the temperature i know you're not supposed to do in this kind of heat but you know just the trailer it's fine um so i've got all the boards and i got the metal for underneath uh just gotta now measure up what i want to do cut the boards put the metal on the back it's got to be one big subfloor make sure it's waterproof painted on the bottom and then i'll set it on top and bolt it all down and then once i've got that i've got the subfloor and everything from there is building up so i'm excited to get that part done once i get that done i could probably move this into the garage and use it out of the sun so that'll be a huge improvement i actually might do that soon so yeah let's do this [Music] all right welcome to the garage i'm going to do as much work in here as possible because it's just too blazing hot plus it's nice to be indoors and i can work in the dark but when it's nighttime i should say and get a really good feel for oh i don't know what anyone talking about anymore i just got too hot but anyway yep gonna put the subfloor in measure it up cut the boards outside bring them back do a test fit and then once those all fit then i've got to put the metal on the back uh seal it all up paint the metal put it back down drill through anchor it into the frame itself and then it's going to have a good solid foundation well this is the foundation i should say so that's just a what you call it a subfloor or something so yeah i don't need to explain what i'm doing just watch just [Music] wish is watch
Channel: Uncool Dean
Views: 78,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailer, camper, vintage, trailer rebuild, trailer rehab, camper rebuild, vanlife, camping, camping trailer, how to build a trailer, how to rebuild a trailer, how to camp, vintage trailer restoration, camper restoration, Caravan, Caravan rebuild, Caravan remodel
Id: JiRF8d2w4QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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