Tragic Details About Justin Trudeau's Wife

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A picture-perfect partnership ends with a  surprise split. So who is Sophie Grégoire   Trudeau, the soon-to-be ex-wife of  Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau? Before entering the world of politics,  Sophie worked as a host for "eTalk," an   entertainment news show in Canada. The  Quebec native married Justin in 2005,   and together, the pair have three children. After Justin became prime minister in 2015,  Sophie stepped up to the plate and has been   incredibly vocal about women's rights and mental  health awareness. The latter is especially near   and dear to her heart, as Sophie has been open  about her experience with mental health issues. "What I know is that I'm here to serve  and I want to make a difference." The former TV personality revealed  she lived with an eating disorder,   bulimia nervosa, as a teenager.  In a 2011 interview with life   coach and Global News correspondent  Erica Diamond, Sophie explained, "Eating was my only way of controlling my life, or  so I thought. When you are addicted or suffering   from a mental illness, you think you're in  complete control. But the opposite is true." Sophie told the Toronto Star she was afraid the  news would ruin her career in entertainment when   she first publicly discussed her eating disorder.  However, in the years that have followed, she has   used her political platform to open up discussions  about eating disorders and mental health. In 2023, Sophie posted a throwback  photo of herself smiling in a headshot   on Instagram. In the caption, she  spoke about her experience and wrote, "Does this girl look like she’s  suffering? [...] No one had shown   me how to sit with the pain I was dealing with,   and I didn't know I needed help and guidance to  better understand the roots of my own suffering." In 2017, she spoke at an event for  Canada's Eating Disorder Awareness   Week and revealed candid details about  her life with bulimia and how she felt   ashamed by it. She also touched on how she  was able to overcome the disorder, saying, "The moment I started sharing my story,  obviously I had begun on my road to   recovery. The response and the people who were  opening up towards their own struggles to me   and to other people around them was the  most beautiful gift I've ever received." Sophie has also noted that she had support from  loved ones, which is very helpful when dealing   with an eating disorder. In an interview  with Fashion magazine, she revealed that   she first sought help after confiding in her  mother, Estelle, about her eating disorder. "It opened the door towards healing." According to the Star, she also used  yoga, meditation, and therapy to heal. Sophie told the Toronto Star that she is open  about her eating disorder and wants to remove   the stigma around the topic. She reiterated this  sentiment in an Instagram video from May 2023,   where she encouraged others living with mental  health issues to seek help. Despite being   praised for her mental health initiatives,  Sophie has not been immune to criticism. The Guardian reported that Sophie landed  in hot water in 2016 after she said in an   interview that she needed extra staffers  to help with her responsibilities as the   prime minister's wife. Some opposing politicians  berated her for this comment, while others said   this response was sexist. The Star supported  Sophie's comments in an editorial, writing, "The instant, often spiteful reaction from both   social media and other politicians who  should know better smacks of ignorance   about the requirements of the role the  prime minister's wife has taken on." Moreover, Sophie and Justin were condemned in  2020 when it was revealed that the WE charity,   an organization that had been  given a government contract,   had paid nearly $24,000 for Sophie to make public  appearances, according to the National Post. Although Sophie and Justin  had been married since 2005,   Sophie told Erica Diamond in 2011 that  she had known Justin since they were kids,   and revealed that he played hard-to-get,  but eventually came around. She disclosed, "On our first date, our very first date, he  looked into my eyes, and said, 'I've been   waiting for you 31 years. You're going to be my  wife. We're going to have a family together.'" That they did, but in early August 2023,  Sophie and Justin dropped shocking news,   announcing on Instagram that they were  separating. Sophie wrote, in part, "As always, we remain a close  family with deep love and respect   for each other for everything we have  built and will continue to build." Sophie also posted the news on her Instagram  in French. According to the Guardian,   the two have made a legal separation agreement.  Justin's office released a statement that read, "They have worked to ensure that all  legal and ethical steps with regards to   their decision to separate have been taken,  and will continue to do so moving forward." Sophie is not only a public figure,  she's also a mother. Moreover,   her two oldest children, Xavier and Ella-Grace,   are teenagers — putting them at particular risk  of mental health issues such as eating disorders. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine,  anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa   are most commonly seen in patients between  the ages of 12 and 25. Sophie wants to get   the word out to fellow mothers not only to  safeguard their children's mental health,   but also their own. She told  the Toronto Star in 2021, "I think as parents, we have the  responsibility to tame our own   fears because as adults we have greater  tools with experience, one would hope,   to deal with our emotions, and  then children will feed off that." "Being real is not a strategy; being  real is just showing who you are." She added that parents have to practice  self-care in order to help their kids   deal with their overwhelming emotions.  In her sit-down with Erica Diamond,   Sophie also offered signs for parents that a  child or teen may have an eating disorder, adding, "The most important thing if you suspect  an eating disorder, is to have the awkward   conversation instead of remaining in silence.  Move past the fact that it may be uncomfortable,   and have that conversation. Those  awkward moments could save a life." Now that the Trudeaus have called it quits,  Sophie has to rebuild her image as a private   citizen. As CTV News pointed out, she will no  longer represent the Canadian government in any   capacity. She'll also lose out on the privileges  she formerly enjoyed as the prime minister's wife,   such as attending important international  conferences and high-profile events. She and Justin joined the many  mourners at Queen Elizabeth II's   funeral in September 2022 and returned to  London eight months later to celebrate the   coronation of King Charles III. And while  the prime minister will continue to host   honored visitors to his residence,  Sophie will be left out of the loop. The timing of the split is also regrettable  from a PR standpoint. Just a few months earlier,   Sophie had announced the upcoming publication of  her new book, "Closer Together: Knowing Ourselves,   Loving Each Other." Dropping in April 2024,  the book is described as "a deeply personal   journey toward self-knowledge,  acceptance, and empowerment." Now it remains to be seen whether Sophie will  do any last-minute revisions to reflect recent   events, as Prince Harry did for his memoir,  "Spare," following the death of the queen.   The book's title may also come off as  ironic in the wake of their separation.
Channel: The List
Views: 144,140
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Keywords: the list, justin trudeau, wife, divorce, sophie trudeau
Id: 6GtFLKs-92A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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