Trae Young | Ep 33 | ALL THE SMOKE Full Episode | #StayHome with SHOWTIME Basketball

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on my hospital send we have five guys make the NBA the county right there are those who come before us upon whose shoulders we stand it's nothing that you can do to stop a competitive edge [Music] welcome back to a special quarantine edition we got a real special guys what's up with you Brody with the virtual handshake welcome back to a special quarantine addition to all the smoke I'm out here in LA big smoking Jack what you want mommy huh break dancing get my teeth working on my tick-tock moves [ __ ] our next guest knows all about that tick-tock game and his little brother be on there all the time but man this is fun man I'm excited man this to me best young players in the game excited to watch him I love his enthusiasm he plays with my [ __ ] he makes fools out of people people be getting mad the nutmeg er I probably would have got mad too not even gonna lie but anyway made one of the best young talents in the game Trejo welcome prey yo welcome to the show little bro I appreciate y'all having he's been been too long man I'm taking some time with us so how's everything sweet I asked you okay so you're back at home with in Oklahoma right now with the fam yeah yes I'm back home came back here as soon as they let us to be honest the only reason why is because I was down we're at home but this my house here is the only one that has a basketball go out front so one okay so you work a little bit yeah get some stuff man well speaking of the basketball goal you played in the NBA's horse competition yeah yeah then it didn't work out well for me I don't understand how they did the seating and how they matched me up with a with a I mean a hall-of-famer with Chauncey you can still play still shoot pickup runs and they shy the life then jump it up go nowhere for Big Shot I didn't like it man I didn't like I think horse has to be played in person you know what I mean I think that's not good you know I mean you you can I kind of felt like I'm gonna be honest with you know I'm a real witch right I kind of feel like you took it easy on Big Shot I know I think I didn't take it that serious at that price too though I got a lot of love in charge help me help me a baby is a little bit maybe that's a lot of reason why you want talk to us a little bit about you are and very involved but I love about you is you're very engaging you know I mean I think we've seen more NBA players that particularly be more engaging obviously over this quarantine but obviously you got a little brother and you guys a tick tocking all over the place and you're very heavy into the social media game talk to us a little bit about that and how you enjoy that yeah ya know so I mean me and my brother definitely been making a lot tic TOCs like I told you off air I don't I don't be dancing like that so this is the time that I'm uh just trying to experience the things be around my family be around I mean my close people as much as I can learn new things learn how to cook different going house cooking going yeah I'll try like one or two things they haven't went well so thank guy thank guys you rich you'll have people cooking that shift for you you got me mom and daddy good he got mom and daddy good yeah yeah why do you feel it's important to engage with the fans I think it is very important I think it's I mean obviously we're trying to continue to grow the game and for me I feel like I mean the more I continue to get better and produce and make plays I'm you might I mean more people following me the more people that are looking up to me I think it's for me to use my platform in the right way to stay involved with the fans and make sure they're still loving the game of basketball the way I do so I think it's just like a responsibility for me to be honest with you this is a make sure everybody's can still engage even even with basketballs back players and fans gonna have to be you know kind of separated what's your thoughts on that that's gonna be that's gonna be different I mean it's gonna be it's gonna be obviously something that a lot of the players have never experienced before a lot of fans I've never experienced before so it's gonna be different but I know I mean we have I mean one of its not the best commissioners in in the world and he's gonna make make sure that we're all doing it the right way make sure everybody's safe obviously we all want to have fans in the buildings but if it's not the safest thing to to do I think it's the right thing I know I mean I'm said we're gonna do the best best thing for us have you heard anything being a player about possible return we're hearing a possible 25 day training camp we're hearing some stuff happening in Vegas as a player how closely do you follow that and do you have any kind of update on what's going on yeah yeah I'm following it closely obviously I'm I'm kind of just in the same boat as everybody else I'm trying to wait wait and see just like everybody else is I mean obviously I want to return back as soon as possible I know I hear all the rumors and different things that that involved was coming back early but what's a 25-day thing but nah I'm still I'm still just in the I don't know stage like a lot of people like a lot of people are right now yeah do you do you feel the NBA handed it the right way I think so I think so this is a crazy time I don't necessarily know how to put it into words I got I think they never know none of us have ever been through something like this so is this hard to put it in words we've never been through nothing like this yeah no yes I mean like you said it's a it's a different time so I think I think maybe I handed it I mean the best day they could are best they thought they could I'll think there's a right or wrong answer to a way where it didn't happen this is first time this has happened so for another one for it to happen I think we handle it the right way and I think - I mean I think we discuss it with other guys I think people started taking it serious after the NBA did cancel the season because knowing how much money that was gonna cost them and the sacrifices this league would make to cancel it I think I know personally like when they said [ __ ] the NBA seizes kiss so that's not just like okay well this is really real and you saw kind of a domino effect of kinda almost the world's shutting down post the NBA like I'm not saying it all happened because the NBA but it yeah possibly it definitely started knocking the dominoes down once they announced the season was gonna be postponed ya know it's uh the NBA is a I mean the big one of the biggest platforms and once once we ended our season it felt like it was just a trickle-down effect to everything else like you said yeah I think we had it the right way and I think we all want boys back but we need we need to make sure it comes back the right way absolutely everybody's safe let's jump to your college career you were a one-and-done at Oklahoma moved a lot of heads turned a lot of eyes you know dubbed as the possible next Steph Curry but you're looking at yourself as the obviously tre young talk to us about your one and done experience because even today which we'll get to that landscape of college basketball started to change but how fun or what was your college experience like for you I had a great college experience it was fine I got to stay home it came down to the two blue bloods Kentucky Kansas and Oklahoma I decided to stay home playing in front of my friends my family to be able to have them come to all my games it was great it was fun kind of hectic it was a hectic year it was Baker Mayfield last year in college so he was obviously the man on campus that first half and then that second half I mean it was basketball season it was kind of it was Trey it was Trey stung it was two different worlds it was fine there's great great experience and I was blessed to be able to stay home and play playing on Oklahoma yes see we have two different kind of outlooks on this because I was talking to some people earlier today because obviously Draven green announced that he's gonna forgo college and go right to the G League so they said he's gonna get pot make up towards of 500k plus get a scholarship for 125,000 to go to college that he wants to go further his education and then also outside in be what I think is MBA training outside of the G League so it's almost like college you know Jack and I were talking before they should have been on this [ __ ] earlier they should have been playing players for what they're worth because now with this move that that this young boy made this could possibly forever change the landscape of how kids look at college kids are gonna like they finally found a way to jump you're trying to tell me I can get paid a half a million dollars possibly get a shoe deal they're gonna pay for my school at a later time and they're gonna pay for my training like what kid is not gonna take that and I think that's the in CAS fault because they be bullshitting and dragging their feet for so long no no I mean to be honest Matt I agree with I mean everything you said I think this is it's all about to change and it sucks it sucks for me because I know how much college basketball it did for me how much does that that that stage and playing on ESPN every day putting on a show every game how much that did for me and my draft status and going top five and I know how much it helped me but I also see why kid like I mean Jalen and many more kids I mean the metal ball like how many more kids are about to start doing this going straight to the I mean G League or taking the overseas route rather than going to NCAA and and send out a year your own basically missing out on money especially with that lightness and they're gonna be bringing that school so much money and not getting anything back from it I mean I I see how this is gonna change yeah seriously cuz we were like I said I was talking about this earlier I have a UCLA group chat with guys that I went to college with should never you know 15-20 years ago we were talking about how fun college was you know what I mean like that was kind of like our chaste chance to kind of be adults but not necessary have adult responsibilities and outside of having kids there was you know some of the funnest times of my life so kids won't get to experience from a standpoint but today the game is more about the business it's the business of basketball back then it was just pure college although guys were getting we're still doing our thing but it was the pureness of it you know now it's about question if you had this opportunity now if you were coming you know the top high school player would you have still gone to Oklahoma for a year or would you have taken possibly another money route uh it was a different situation for me I wasn't that kind of middle middle tier that I was I mean I was a McDonald's all-american but I was I mean they had before fist at my position had me going into school three maybe four years and for me it's just the people that it's hard to really base what I would have done I think I needed college just to really show people I needed to show people that with that platform that I the college basketball brings I think for me that's that's what helped me become a top five pick and so for me and Mott my situation was totally different so but I can see why I got like Michael Porter would have would have sat out I mean a year and went straight to the G League and got more help on his back or whatever just just to sit out I don't I don't know it's just for me it was just a different situation yeah well I mean I definitely think I mean like I said you took the world by storm and raised to a lottery pick you know what I mean so I completely get you know your decision in your choice and obviously you made the right one let's move go ahead Jack let's move a little bit forward though closer to the draft draft night what was that moment like yeah draft night was crazy I was it was exciting obviously the dream come true I always always envisioned myself and dreamed of walking across that stage and getting that that Jersey from the Commissioner I was a great night was blessed enough to have my family are there I had a lot of family in the stands too so it was a great night and it was fun you were swapped for Luger Luka you know I'm saying and arguably the best two draft picks in that draft what was your thoughts I mean even looking at it now you know and see how both of y'all have developed in the league and both became stars like go back to that night didn't come back to present day and what's your thoughts the same whether you look at this different situation different now yes I'm your draft you don't really really focus on I mean the trade as much I mean just could you're so excited I was a fifth pick I was excited I knew I got traded before I got drafted so when the fourth pick happened they my agent tapped on the shoulder and told me all about to get selected to go to Atlanta so I got guys you have any idea about that did you have any idea where you were going no no I had no idea I was going to Atlanta no grass with you at the holiday I guess my agent knew my dad knew but they didn't want to tell me they wanted me just experience the whole draft nine don't keep it between them so they kind of knew I was going to Atlanta all day but whenever it happened it happened and then weeks go by I'm starting here about this trade even more and more and then obviously our rookie years happen and that's all I hear about that's all we talk about so it's a it's gotten asked about it a lot have do you guys have a close friendship you would Lucas yeah yes we talk every now and then we talk talk frequently for sure how do you describe his game very smooth very smooth he's you could score from all three levels can pass it just just super smart um he's just a super smart player and it's I think him playing overseas playing against grown men I mean his whole life I think that I mean that really prepared him to come over and make an immediate impact in the NBA I mean it's such a young age too so it's uh it's good to see he's he's super smart player you started getting compared to Steph Curry you know once you kind of made the the scene and that's a tough person to be compared to but to me you've handled it well you've done your thing you've honestly obviously created their own life for yourself like I said earlier like people compared you to Steph but you know you're try you're you you you you don't need to be compared to no one else you do your own thing you recently went up Shaq's podcast you feel like in the next year you can take over that number one slot from stem talk to us about that you yeah yeah everybody's talking about that a Janos check I mean y'all know Shang I answered it I mean I gave a lot of respects to to Steph which I have a lot of respect for stuff she's done I mean so much I mean MVPs I think for if it weren't for Steph there wouldn't be maybe I'm here Trey young I mean it's definitely first to do I mean do what he's doing and right so baby face killer I got a lot of love for stuff and everything he's done but for me I mean I'm very confident Jack was trying to get that out of me that's how confident I am myself and my work and what I put in so that's what that's what it is I love there who are some other players that you studied growing up you know obviously Steph is someone that who a lot of kids look up to but are there any other guys you looked up to or or tried to patent your game after as you were working in developing your own skills yeah yeah I mean obviously Steph is one but Steve Nash was the main guy Steve Nash is one my favorite players he's someone who I watched a lot of film off of Chris Paul I mean a lot of guys Chauncey Billups that's why it was fun playing against him in the horse cuz he was one of my my role models my my heart is growing up too so that those those few guys are my my main guys I watched growing up oh that's dope so look your second year you have is $29.99 29 23 29 and 9 god damn 29 9 is second year right that's crazy yeah what's the most what's the most memorable moment of your second year most memorable moment has to be a all-star all-star weekend Vienna in the all-star game starting I saw I saw know your face bro we was done I saw it all on your face yeah I was I was excited I ain't gonna lie I don't I don't get nervous like I always get anxious for games like I'm just ready to play like I'm just ready for it to go but I know a lot all-star tonight was the first night in a long time that I was like I like like this is this is I'm starting to like I think it's the difference is being just just all start in the starter - it's like it's a different feeling so for me I was afraid to go out there and put on a show and have fun and for me be my second years it's a it's a blessing the people that have been around for sure know Congrats man like you said to get voted in to be a starter is a whole nother level especially in your second year with however many you know there's so many talented guards now you mean there's so many talented garcés for you to be on the scene as your second year as a starter man has definitely has off to all the hard work you put in man what you've been able to accomplish I appreciate that so you uh you got caught slippin with a little bit of [ __ ] talking with Jimmy Butler saying that the game was over a little bit too early and they came back and snagged you guys in that game talk to us a little bit about that cuz I personally loved I've talked about it before I love your confidence to me it's not cockiness is confidence because you know how hard you've worked in the work you've put in but talking about that particular exchange cuz Jimmy is a dog - yeah yeah and I love it I love yeah that's what I love about Jimmy he's a dog and yeah I remember that game like it was yesterday we scored I made it past my big man he dunked it they called a timeout it was like we were about six with like 50 seconds left in the game should have it over here I come then they come down here to threes and y'all know what happened he tweeted he tweeted out to the game and I get on the bus and everybody's talk to me about what he said and all this and what he said the media and for me I was thinking about what I was super spawn like after I saw his tweet and I saw his Instagram post I was wondering what I should respond and I always asked my team like like my team young like just what I should say like before I actually post it and they were like just just when she playing begins let that do the talking and so I didn't I didn't say anything after that game and February 20th came along and somebody got the payback toddlers that's your first that's your first 50 ball yeah this big like I said you you let your work do the talk for you how did that feel it felt great if so great I was first came out to all-star first came out to all-star coming back I had this date circled and I was ready to play this game and I just wanted to want to come out in a I mean when I wanted to come out and put on a show and try to win you know that was what I did and it was a great night and I had that's what I was able to say something back so it was fine I loved it I loved it being competition right but what I loved most about it was reporter asked you could you ended up giving quavo shutout quavo you ended up giving Cueva your jersey after the game and someone asked like why did you keep that what was your reply oh damn only get another 50 point against justice coming he would know it was quavo nine Atlanta there it was the arena it was all decked out in quavo stuffs and so that's my boy I just wanted to give it someone his night put a 50/50 point out so that nothing is it is it true that then you keep negative tweets and in comments like that in your phone from use of motivation no I used to when I was in high school in college and especially in college like yeah that's me being an 18 19 year old and taking everything that everybody says and just screenshotted and keeping it to myself from using it as motivation so I used to do that a lot I don't do it anymore obviously I in the NBA but I used to do that all the time when I was in in college of coming into the league keep that chip on your shoulder you're obviously the nutmeg King you you've caught people slipping with that you hit one of my young homies one of my little little brothers Trevor Ariza with it and he gave you a little forearm shiver and then I know I'm today after the game you guys talk but talk to me about that movie because I underst I liked both sides I like the fact that you're like [ __ ] it I don't care you want a championship your veteran defender here I'm still gonna play with you but then I like Trevor would Travis you like to [ __ ] this little [ __ ] you not just gonna throw this [ __ ] between my legs and have everyone laughing so I like I said I loved both sides of it talk to us about that situation how would you and Trev talked about that but but this honest thought we miss met with on the side we miss was the role menu' would have played was after trav did that to you where is the teammate to come and take trav out for you hi guys that's miss it's a different game now Jack it's a different game it was that that moment was was fine I mean people people look at me and I mean they may they may think it's I mean it's all fun and games and soft but I'm I mean when I'm on the court I'm I'm a dog like I'm very physical I'm tough so like whatever you did that I mean I would do the same thing like if someone through between my legs in the middle of a game we're in transition they I ain't about to let that happen I may do this thing like people do one look at that and say you say whatever but I mean I love it like that's what I was telling the crowd so the crowd get into it I love it like your next play I felt like Gaza felt like we were at the park because that next possession I got the ball got a screen got a switch back on Trevor just went at it and I think I hit a floater and I got a ten yeah so right it's it felt like a part like I was just that's just what I loud they're hoping me as dope you've been one player that I really think is amazing is you've got photos since you were little coming up with all the people you're playing against now yeah talk to me one about that but then also you know having that opportunity with Kobe yeah yeah no it's a I've been blessed I mean my dad my dad played basketball for a long time played against a lot of best players he played in college at Texas Tech and then I mean a little bit overseas and so he knows a lot of people so growing up obviously I'm 20-30 minutes down from OKC so I was going to Thunder games and even when Chris Paul was here with the city Hornets I was going to game that's where I get a lot of my pictures with Chauncey that's where I met Chauncey met Chris Paul and then my dad and Vanderpool are really close so that's how I was able to meet meet Dame and when David was in OKC that's how I was got to to me to interact with KD and Russ and all these guys that ever came through so I mean just the connections my dad had with people then in the league really helped me I mean be able to meet these these players that I grew up I mean idolizing mm-hmm now you tweeted one time that Kobe is your MJ obviously yeah you were Gigi's favorite player she came and watched you you put on a show for her dropped 45 one game when she was there talk to us just a little bit obviously we all lost her brother but tell me what that connection with that brief connection you had with them and what that connection was like and how much that meant to you yeah so it's uh obviously it's a sad situation Kobe I I recently got to meet Kobe and talked to him even more this past year he uh his daughter obviously loved loves watching me loves watching me play and so Kobe got a got connected with my trainer Alex Bozell and so that's how GG was working with my trainer and she found out so that's how I got connected with Kobe is through my trainer Alex and so me and Kobe got to talk pretty pretty frequently and he just gave me a lot of advice so the two out of the three games he went to this season were once when I played in LA and then other in Brooklyn so it was a crazy crazy Tong is even more heartbreaking for me knowing that I was Gigi's favorite player to watch so it's a sad sad for me sad story and I was just blessed I was able to meet them and had that type of relationship and relationship with them so you did something that I mean honorable you know what I mean when he passed and in the game you wore eight for second and you dropped 45 and 14 talk to us about that cuz I if I'm not mistaken you hit a deep you had a deep shot - didn't you yeah yeah I did I hit one uh almost 3/4 court yeah three three-quarter court and it is just felt like everything went in that game and it's crazy I think if I remember right I was the first person to have 45 and think 14 so I and shoot and shoot a certain percentage against the Wizards since since Kobe so like that day it just felt like I mean he was with me that day it was just a crazy crazy time mm-hmm we're gonna be gonna pivot from Kobe and go to Vince Carter bro no Vince Carter - season any advice he's giving you this is gives me a lot of advice with the past two seasons this one I mean maybe he was just talking about just how to handle I mean stardom I mean he's he's been in that that limelight been a franchise player so for it for me to be at to have a guy like Vince who's been in my position I mean it's been very helpful it's gonna help me moving on hopefully we haven't seen his last game but if we have I mean he's had a hell of a year I have a career and it was fun playing with him he's uh he's been a legend and he helped me a lot especially in this role that I'm in well that's crazy to think you he was in the league before you were born oh right how old are ya I'm 21 yeah so he was been in the league before you were born and and to think that his longevity to be able to get a chance to obviously you know you get a chance to play with him but him to get a chance to play with you when he's a full you know he's twice your age you know I just think ya to me looking I got a chance to play with Vince and to me one of the most talented individuals I've ever seen she was regular jump shots from half court right left-handed we all know what he could do in the dunking game but for his longevity to be able to last as long as he did and you get a chance to play with them I think you have you used to it seemed like you have great respect you got do a jersey on his retirement run how do you look back as you know with some of the guys you grew up with and as they retire and then looking forward to your own future yes so I mean it's a blessing I mean Matt I look at as a blessing as uh I try to I play this game for respect I play this game to get the respect I mean from others um I play super hard I try to put on a put on a show every time I go out go out on the court except for meeting I mean get deep ways Jersey his last time in Atlanta for me to be able to to give Vince Carter his last bucket in the NBA possibly I mean this is a blessing right yeah that's how I look at it and I don't take those moments for granted and I uh I'm always gonna remember these moments that I have with these these people that I looked up looked up to and I'm just gonna cherish these moments don't don't what's your top five point guards of all-time top five point guards at all time you gonna put me on the spot mm-hmm imma imma imma go Steve no it's not one through five just your top five it's not the one through five just to talk okay okay okay good good good all right I got Steve Nash in there I got stuff I have ai I got magic mm-hmm and I got Oh Chris Paul nice guy yeah wait a minute that's a good call I'm gonna put you on the spot again your all time starting five all the time starting five all right Steve Nash at the one mm-hmm Kobe at the two man LeBron at the three here three um I'm gonna put whoa the four is tough I want to go Kady number four at the four he Katie you're cagey I'm gonna go with Katie though and then I'm gonna put Shaq at the 500 gotta finish with diesel yes with diesel everybody he left he lahee he he went with the new he went with comb-over MJ a shooting guard I'm not bad yeah I'm not mad I'm not mad I'm not mad so like go ahead man we got it you got it so you real quick wave all right and you job to fit the piece tonight that is his little thing at the arena he also gave you an ice tray chain what I mean okay besides quavo cuz I noticed your boy artists and songs that you have on repeat right now what artists or song you have a repeat right now Oh see I'm a big J Cole fan mmm big J culture you know I'm a big meek fan I'm a big Drake fan but uh I love love little babies new album everybody does everybody going crazy look most of these cars getting played um but though those are I just like listening to start the artist I don't go a lot like I'm I'm bigging the arm be slow jams like rappers I like rappers who like to tell stories and so yeah yeah I'm which there are B is that that that that biracial in you I'm the same way who's a one rapper or rappers you would like to hear yes yeah name drop you one rapper if I didn't have someone named drop me oh that's tough that's tough um jay-z oh oh oh we just had a job a rent on here he called jay-z old-school but I understand like y'all boys are young for real so them dudes are really like me if you look if you really think about it it is but it caught me and jackoff gark was like but then we grew up with Jay but like that [ __ ] was real I used to shoot his real old-school rally also it's crazy it's crazy that I was talking to my dad I was talking to my dad of the day and we're comparisons and I'm like your school like I mean my dad's like my dad's a just like how would you get think your mind is asking so we do about 40 43 he's a majors jag yeah yeah so he's like so he's uh like his his best player was Michael Jordan on the court jay-z and the the music industry and so for me is it's like LeBron on record LeBron LeBron on the court and then you got I mean Drake you name it J Cole Drake name it right so I'm saying like it's just two different generations after like this this generation I mean you see the best players of all time you talk about Jordan and bran mm-hmm I mean it's like different generation yeah oh yeah top three handles of all time and you could throw yourself in that mix if you like whose top three handles of all-time top three handles um got it go with carries in there hey eyes in there and then the og rod Strickland isn't it oh I'm glad you know my history I did you know did you know that's Kerry's Godfather yeah I knew that yes sir yeah yeah without Matt yeah quick hitters man we going first thing to come to mind answer go ahead Jack who should be a guest on all the smoke who do you think and like we always say whoever you say if you had a plug on who you who you think should be on the show you got to with that plug yeah you got to follow through with it okay uh who I think should be honest all to smoke I think Joe Eldon be oh that's gonna be nice that's gonna be my character yeah if you if you got that plug plug us plug it a big fella yeah yeah yeah most underrated player right now most underrated player drew holiday okay everybody stay for a while a day back everybody who are they we've got drew Holliday the most we've had some people say CJ McCullough we've had some people say Bradley Beal but drew Holliday is the constant the constant yeah at home right now in quarantine what you been watching a couple shows Ozark is one we're going yeah so does it those are the two of what I'm a big these are your big me too you're a big what okay yes I wasn't so hard Mike gets autumn Chris doctor thank you yeah dave chappelle stand-up was good and then out of the blue I got a say like someone put me on Deon Cole's stand up have you seen deer a deer a stand that was cold to the right standard was funny as a [ __ ] buddy on so tech ID on Cole's if you have a funny bro is rude quarantine favorite quarantine snack favorite quarantines net powdered doughnuts ooh Jack me powdered donut somebody don't eat them Jackie lips to be looking like you eatin powdered doughnuts but you don't even eat the powdered doughnuts yeah no damn backwards in declare that has the most way ooh deal of the right oh yeah if you can go back you maybe before you're born maybe just before you got to the league and sit courtside to watch any two superstars go at it what would that matchup be so what's any two superstars um good question I watched that all-star game when Jordan and Kobe played against each other who was that Kobe's first a second all-star game that was his hope you showed out yeah that was his first one they went out first that have been diced nice and cozy what's your favorite retro Jersey the the the rafters with the with the dinosaur on the Damon Stoudamire times yeah that's Carter sighs yes dynomite one player that you didn't get a chance to play against there's retired that you wish you got a chance to go head up with or against AI yeah I would've been a bad boys would be yanking each other all over the court gets the answer that event enough fun amen that's a wrap man tre we appreciate your time man thank you for jumping on with us hopefully what all this [ __ ] comes down we can have you come to the studio really [ __ ] with us man of course any time any time trees no doubt having me stay safe enjoy that family time that's a wrap man all the smoke quarantine edition with our brother Trey young Jack great job Trey we appreciate you bro you can catch this on showtime basketball youtube and all platform stream of podcasts all of them i straight a game you there's something about how this place warm is a different kind of person on my high school team we have five guys make the NBA [Music] we had the county right there you mentioned Prince George's County people know it's about it's the mecca of basketball there are those who come before us upon whose shoulders we stand in furnace air you had to have Tufts good the gym became essentially PG County got provide buckets for American French George packs a lot of power a lot of character it's nothing that you can do to stop a competitive and we're pushing a community and a culture for water this life was all I ever wanna I'm not yeah I was hoping you'd say that gotta hit the streets make some money maybe like us let's destroy people like him baccala get Showtime free at Showtime calm you
Views: 268,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showtime basketball, showtime, basketball, shosports, showtime sports, sports, showsports, NBA, Trae Young, KObe, Kobe Bryant, All The Smoke, All The Smoke Podcast, All The Smoke Full Episode, All The Smoke Showtime, All The Smoke Trae Young, Matt Barnes, Stephen Jackson, Trae Young Hawks, Atlanta Hawks, vince Carter, VC3, VC, Steph, Steph Curry, Jimmy Butler, Oklahoma Basketball, Luka doncic, John Collins, Basketball, Alen len, Jimmy Butler Trae Young
Id: DZb4f_oY_Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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