Trading Permanent KITSUNE For 24 Hours (Blox Fruits)

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ladies and gentlemen you see I've got my hands on a permanent kitsun and since this update just came out everyone is losing their minds so I'm going to sit down and casually offer to trade perm kud to see what people say and see how far they're willing to go to get it this right here this right here is a trade it's probably the best come s let's see let's see who's coming all right here comes the first man his name is drippy NZ as you see he's dressed as Luffy I have the perent cude right here he's offering a leopard you know what I may need to open up my inventory to see what they willing to give two leopards Dragon okay hold on hold on you see it right here one fruit storage slot purchase another one purchase now he just said I would put three Leos do it then this is the first trade of the day leopard leopard dragon Venom you only have two spaces ah check you know what I I I need I need a trade that I'm going to I'm going to accept no matter what it is because why not now bro is offering three leopards one Dragon normally especially with the dragon reward coming this could be decent but I ain't accepted nothing unless it's four leopards you heard me let's see who's next I take a c he said GG then that's all I got I put it in this guy's name is blade ow did he just throw in a rocket ready up you know what this is actually the best trade I've ever seen you know this trade will make me happier than I could ever believe you thought bro I never trade you that what do I look like a joke he thought he was going to get it but honestly I don't want fruit I want to make people suffer who's that guy he was the first guy right with the three leopard yo drippy yo you want per kude he said yes surrounding reset your three leopards right now and I'll trade it he said no thank you per kude bro said rocket for per ksun bro out my face I want to see what people are willing to do and if resetting three leopards isn't worth it maybe someone else will think it is wait who have Kit or 2x money I do I have Kit all right his name is lxh clover bro I'm hoping to get someone that'll just give it all up I put the perm kude on the table he said it Kitsune there's no way you asking for perm kude and this is your offer Dragon Mammoth do and South you know what please I want do you really want Ally me let's see how bad he wants it he said okay please I know bro he's not allying he said accept bro he thinks I'm talking about friend request I'm not trying to add you okay there we go he Allied okay bet he papy here's what we going to do reset your dragon and MTH and do and I'll give per I promise get first no shot do it he said I premise okay all right so he tried to negotiate with me I'm not negot apprting is that how you spell it I think I spelled it right neoa all right let me let me turn on my kude so he believes me he said wow yo the story of lxh clover bro are you willing I won't scam you trade please I want perm reset your three fruits I said you got 30 seconds or I'm going give it to someone else I ain't lying bro you going to take the risk all right this is the last chance if he don't take it he going to be so upset when I walk away last chance he's thinking he's sweating he pulled out the bab and do it do it do it woo he fed now don't and dragon and it's yours okay do it yo I know this is hurting about the inside bro is aching oh I feel the pain for him hurry I got more people to give it to there goes the D fruit and now all that's left is his dragon now Dragon then let's go Clover how bad do you want it how bad he pulled out the dragon it's reset dragon and particles okay Bet a deal is a deal he said done a deal is a deal and there it is clover gets the first perb cons four more left he said thank you so much no problem and we got some more where that came from shop gift store and inventory bro got a leopard hey wait no don't don't reset that I didn't tell you to yo if he resets I'm just leaving I'm just going to leave I'm just going to look at him yeah everyone wants to reset their fruits now no put on my K put it on they all got their leopards out I W it my tail in front of him this is bad this is bad I only got four tra left and everyone has their leopards out let they're ready to risk it all for the biscuit all let me walk away in one word and I'll end it all bro that's different don't do it don't do it I'm not going to give you nothing bro I got an idea follow oh wait so everybody got their leopards out no this would be the this would be the craziest troll in the world okay here me out here me out if I put on the kaboa do you guys get what I'm going at and I equip portal no do you guys get where I'm going with this all right hold on what if I just like accidentally help me help oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I did it oh gosh I did it oh gosh I did it oh gosh I did it I got to go I got to go I killed everyone wait wait no there's still people alive no I feel mean I got to escape I got to escape um I trigger War I trigger war that was a bad idea the whole server's after me you know what if this is already this crazy in second see yeah let's do one more second see and then let's head over to third for the last three we do a five total okay we had a new server now this one's a little different I'm going to tell everyone trading km kitsun I'm going to type it in lowercase too I'm not going to capitalize it I'm going just type it and I'm going just sit down I'm going sit down somebody's still saying please do okay this guy's offering do pain love ghost flashing in front of him please his name is Ben Kong and jump what's wrong Ben the cat got your tongue I will kill you he said please no per K I'm walk over here you going to follow me everywhere he go follow me okay you know what this is a good idea this is I can get some free Bounty like this look look look I I just got a flash it in front of everybody first you know I I got a game plan I got a game plan first I'mma show everyone jump okay two people begging please go to the next table I got to show everyone I got per kits get up go away just following me around like it's nothing all right I got another guy his name is Tyler red Ben is sitting here saying please bro please bro put on the table yo I got to get everyone worked up here's the game plan everyone's about to get worked up he clicks accept this is the happiest he's ever been he's like this is the one this is the trade that's about to it's about to make my life complete her kitune I've waited to long for this me K you don't get out that chair he said please he's really following me okay I'm going just slow walk out the safe Zone he said Pere lava ah he downed yo no this is evil he still said please perm ah back to Cafe you said please perm ice right what do I look like the perm Factory I'm going to lay it on the table quick drop it on the table right there you see it perb kude you got a leopard o some with a leopard oh what else you got my boy you got one leopard what what else you ready you thought you was going to get that eh now I do a slow walk out of the safe Zone see if anybody follows oh it's the same guy next server oh wait a second wait a second I found somebody he's going crazy yo yo yo kentaro ye you want kits come let me show him let me show him I have it so he's looking at it right now right oh yeah he sees it I bet he's so excited I bet he's jumping out his chair vein popping out his forehead yelling with excitement mom mom K just do it he said I'm sorry no no I can give you Ally me his name is kentaro you got to do something for me he said okay he ready and I'll give you k bro he said I'll do anything oh bet this is the energy I like come on bro make a 16 Bar WAP Freestyle right now you won't do it bro is literally a penguin so I'm called kintaro yo he's going right into it yo put drop him drop him a beat DJ so I'm called Karo bro I don't know boo boo he said no guess you don't want kits let me let me walk away hold let me pull my tail out oh well I just walk away nice and slow he said I can't rap bro let's give him some encouragement you can do it all right I tell him to hurry up or I'll leav it he said okay I want Kitsune all right so you better start rapping brother I want Kitsune give me the fruit that that's that's demanding you sound like one of those those criminals no wait okay thought he didn't even start I'll start rapping all right bet all right I'm going drop you a beat he said LOL go ahead I waited I'm from Japan no he's not bro literally a penguin that speak English they call me the man oh okay he's cooking I have them H what RS with h honey lost me I will shoot you with my Serpent's bow what the this is getting rather violent I got made crew on my side bro it's not ring you better let it slide me hey hey who you talking to bro I letting it slide if you are giving me it you wish you never did oh oh oh bro it's thiry I the world's dopest rapper I'm going to be rich that what's bro talking about bro hey what is bro talking about I don't like my wife yo bro thought he's Will Smith but she's a big pain okay honey bringing it back yeah I got to make a song with these bars bro I ain't going to lie I got to make a song with these bars so we're talking smack hashtag more bro can't even type no more bro I broke him all right all right I think he's my functioning he said bro let's look at what we got so far I'm from Japan and they call me the man yep I have them H I will shoot him with the surface bow I got my crew on my side you better let us slide oh if you aren't giving me it you wish you never did I'm the world's dopest rapper I'm going to be rich I Don't Like My Wo I don't like my wife cuz she a big pain so we're talking smack you have shark anchor and I don't I like cude this guy sucks okay come on bro somebody got to help him hold on hold on let me I like myself hey I've had enough monkey tray you is done you did not pass the rapper test down you go buddy he said I like Fiji bro what the should I give him it bro I think I think he tried I really think he tried bro he said where are you ah all right maybe next time man I need somebody else to spit some bars bro I found another guy who seems like he's very eager to get perm Kitsune now now the trade looks good you know leopard three drag especially with the rework coming he said okay kill me he thinks I he thinks I want to kill him now I want you to spit some bars what you mean he said what you mean you want me to rap see yes rap okay I can try all right all right hey hey boy drop him a bee his name is sealed King here we go here we go yo I am a fox The Cutting one bro was literally a fish F life fire in a sun what he's been hold on let him cook sharp eye hold on gleam woo I am on a prow a hunter with silent growl woo okay okay let him cook from city streets the forest deep my stealthy step a m easy what eight to peep leave tracks in Moonlight a whisper on a wind blown Trail red fox Swift and slide got tricks up my sleep hey no Li leaping bound a blur of flame Bish you before you call my NE H I let him cook bro I smart the hounds the traps the snares survival's game I play with flares King of the night the urban maze a riddle WRA in cutting ways oh y okay hold on bro that's my baby this is the last bar how's it going to end it rooftop dancer Shadow's friend I see the city Without End bro bro pack it up pack it up he won he got it he's still going he's still going bro copy and pasting this from somewhere come on bro come on take a seat my boy but he's not a rapper oh come on go ahead go ahead go ahead my boy he said no way I got you let me add him too let me add him bro one spin GG's my boy he said yeah now we've seen what the people in second C could do but what about those in third I about to get jumped by a come here oh don't how they will never learn [Music] ouch got my Lobby kid too all right I am in third SE and I'm already at the Mansion does anyone have Rumble you have new fruit see seor now as you see I'm out of my per kude which means I got to restock and for the next challenge I'm think it's something a little more crazy he said that's cool see you want it let see what he says what is that what do you mean do me what do I mean anyone want per K all right here we go we got some takers all right me me me okay okay let's see what they rocking with Rumble portal okay B if you want perf kude you must eat a rocket fruit in front of me but that's not not even the half of it he said I'm sure okay we got a guy his name is Luna oh oh everybody in everybody buching off some Rockets okay yeah okay wa should I make two Rocket Player Spight to the death and then you got to get a kill with it rocket fruit made I boys I managed to get five people in a public server out of nowhere to all eat the rocket fruit and have a battle to the death to see who's going to get per boy yeah I don't know how I started a rocket War but um yeah I kind of did this is good I like this I like this the battle between two rocket through Maids is taking place we have made it to the finals to remain oh it's close it's close icy's going to die and Luna it's our winner my boy I'm fruit yes you are Luda yes you are go ahead go ahead and take it this kid Su belongs to [Music] you oh my God thanks PG can I get a scream with that being said I have two trades left who wants this kitsun now like many third seed trading I'm an empty server Nobody's around but I have an idea maybe this time I can get everyone excited and the first person to find me no one here you know what I got a better idea oh here we go you have per kude crazy oh oh they came running they came running we got we got a little little little is that a Geral what and then this man just sitting in his chair come to trade oh look at all them okay let let me show them let me show them let's see what they willing to do waiting the gerall set down he said n you got Mammoth boy got my LOB kid what about you black 088 and I ain't talk about him what the heck is even that who have Kitsune I have kits what's this naked man will the trade bro Venom leopard dragon do no ain't no way he just took away two fruits Spirit oh wait he tried to op it Ando he said please all right all right I'm telling them I'm telling them I'm giving away free per kit me first please me please poy how do everyone no it's me bro I change my name every week okay I have an idea first person to find me gets free per kude you ready look at that I got I got four people right here waiting he said please sad face okay and go you know what looking at the trades it hasn't been anything like I still want a four leopard trade but I I haven't I haven't seen one maybe that that should be my goal try to get a four leopard trade people just trying to friend me I said find me you know what what if I just make my way to Second see if they don't find me by then that's all them bro I'm I'm going take my time now so far so good hey hey yo hey yo what the heck hey yo yo what is that are those two guys on a boat together H this not looking good they actually F to find me there's no way they know where I am bro they don't even know it's me they just see a guy in a boat before these guys find me yo I'm a troll back in second see and I'm going to see if I can get a really good offer bro this time I actually want like a fire offer that's what I want probably four leopard I'll take maybe three in a dragon like like the first guy we ran into that's a noob Hi how are you bro offer me a flame you know you can't offer me nothing bro Zeon Zeon get out the seat bro who got offer for perit he said Brun nobody y that's what I figured he said two Leos two dragons please that's not bad that's not bad you guys offered two dragons what two Do's you don't even got two dragons to though so that trade I just thought was cool now there's a guy with kude right here and a girl sat down named Lyn you put control on the table I put my kude what you got Lyn what you got E bro she tried to give me just you server all right I'm sitting down with somebody who says they got something crazy for me okay leopard leopard dragon dragon hold on hold on he he mentioned he had a dark blade I said I had dark blade you said he said I will okay waiting I don't even think he can bro I have dark blade you know what this is not a bad trade I got to buy robo so he's about to buy roox okay you know what I'm going to let him I'm going to let him you know what what per fruits do I need telling me two dragons is a lot as well cuz rework for per kude come on bro that fruit B in the game since the game came out come on bro oh someone said trading four leopards yo yo yo someone trading four leopards this guy this gu he said I am come come come come come wait I'm about to do it boys I think I'm about to do it on am I about to get a w trade okay he's sitting down he said he want four leard for perm though H I got something even better perm kud is he going to do it ah he said I'm out of space one sec one sec I got you bro I got you bro fruit storage slot you know what bought it you know what this right here is a trade it's probably the best this is probably the best tra it is this is the best I could get unless I'm getting kitsun Nam there it is thank you so much no thank you my boy no problem I'm shaking now hey bro I love when people get so happy man that was a fruit detected you know what let's end this off with the bag CLE imagine it's a kude imagine could you imagine could you imagine ah Buddha I'll take it subscribe oh
Channel: imFiji
Views: 760,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imfiji, roblox, anime, blox fruits, viral tiktok, blox fruits tiktok, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits tiktok new, blox fruit tiktok hacks, testing viral, testing blox fruits, blox fruits myths, blox fruits secrets, one piece, one piece roblox, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits update 20, blox fruits kitsune fruit, blox fruits admin, kitsune, OP KITSUNE, trading permanent kitsune, trading perm kitsune
Id: pwLESy-xbZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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