Trading is NOT easy | EP.0

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trading is not easy now i kind of feel weird that i have to make a video about this because it should be common sense or i would like to believe that it's common sense but apparently it isn't i got a message the other day a dm from somebody asking if trading is so easy why doesn't everybody do it and my answer was like because it isn't like who the hell said that trading it easy is easy like who said that and it dawned on me that some people actually believe these things that they see online where there's somebody sitting with a laptop by the beach uh or with his cell phone and being like oh i traded 15 minutes this morning and i made so much money and i'm enjoying my life and life is just so easy they believe that obviously some people have to believe that because that's why these ads and all of these videos are working because some people believe it but this isn't reality so this is what this video is about is about why is there such a big discrepancy between what reality is like and what we see online right it's so huge the discrepancy between those and it's not just in trading it's in every aspect of life i believe and we're going to talk about all of that so i think i narrowed it down for trading especially to three aspects one it's because of all the ads we see two it's because of do you know online influencers youtubers and three it's because of you know the behavior of viewers somebody like you who's watching a video so let's go one by one and try and figure out here why there's this big discrepancy between reality and then what you would see online first of all ads you have ads that are running you have ads everywhere on youtube when you're watching a video there's ads on facebook on instagram that's the business model of all businesses you go you watch stuff or you interact with people and you have ads playing now ads are going to play for people who want to sell you something that's in all the fields now in trading they're going to want to sell you a product whatever that product is something to make your trading easier to make you increase your profits or reduce your risk or whatever it is they're selling your product and it's okay to sell products it's okay to sell products now the problem is this is these sellers are competing so one person is gonna give you an ad and in this ad it's going to say oh you can make this amount of money in this small of a period of time very quickly and then somebody else is going to be like well i want to sell my product so i'm going to say you can make even more money and even less amount of time with no experience no knowledge no time and then somebody else is gonna come and he's gonna say something even more absurd oh you you can trade only with your cell phone by being on the beach and only copying these trades so you just need to click and that's it and then everybody's going to try and you know sell their product so they're going to say even more outrageous things now when i see these things i don't believe them i just i it's like i i know it's not true and nobody in my entourage believes it right i don't think i know one person who believes these things but some people online believe that that's why these ads are running for so long for years you see the same ads and sometimes they just change the the person saying the script that's just a different person a different actor but it's the same ads so obviously they're working now you might not believe the ads but the fact that you're seeing them over and over and over then you kind of believe like oh well okay well maybe i don't believe that that you're going to make money just with your phone while working 10 minutes a day from the beach but you're still going to believe something that's closer to that but even the thing that's closer to that that's not even reality like they're going so far off so far fetched that you know nothing in proximity is real so you have these ads running constantly and this is in every field by the way it's not just uh finance and then these ads to sell you thing things they're gonna tell you oh well it's so easy because you're not gonna buy a product where they're telling you oh it's not that easy you're not gonna buy it now i don't know why people like easy things like for me specifically i've never wanted to do something easy because i understand if something is easy there's there's no money in it like flipping burgers is easy do i want to do that no things that are easy don't make money you got to think of it this way easy things anybody can do they're not hard there's not a lot of money in it in it imagine a diagram and you have a line that goes from less money to more money and you have another access an x-axis that goes from easy to hard so if you want something that's easy it's going to make you less money now if you want like working at burger kings working at mcdonald's that's easy it doesn't make a lot of money the harder something is the more money it makes you so if you want to do something that makes you more money it's going to be hard it's going to be on this side of the quadrant the thing that people want where it's in this side where it's easy and makes you a lot of money that doesn't exist it's not there okay so stop going after this it does not exist you're going to be turning around in circles there are easy things that don't make a lot of money and then there are less easy things that make more money and that's just how it works so you really gotta put it in your head that there is absolutely nothing that is easy in life that's gonna yield you high returns or that you have the potential of making good money in and that's anything let for example you want to start a restaurant well you know what the failure rates of restaurants is 80 of restaurants fail after five years within the first five years so imagine this you put up your money you're working 12 hour days and after five years there's an 80 chance that you go bankrupt it just doesn't work out does that mean you shouldn't open a restaurant no if you like serving people if you like cooking if you like the ambiance of a restaurant go for it because if it does work out for you that's amazing but know the risks involved know that that's a risk you're taking don't go in being like oh yeah i think if i open a restaurant i'm for sure gonna have the best restaurant and i'm gonna be filter rich and i'm gonna have all the stuff no it's competitive market if you open a restaurant well there's a bunch of other restaurants on the corner you're competing against them so you gotta make sure you're having you know getting the products at a lower cost uh making sure your inventory is rotating so nothing goes to waste making sure you have a really good cook making sure the clients are happy all that stuff and if your restaurant isn't one of the nicest one on the block you're going bankrupt another one is going to be successful so you're competing against other restaurants and it's the same thing you want to open an amazon store okay well do you think it's easy absolutely not because you're competing against everybody else trying to sell these same products so you're going to get your costs too you got to compete on ranking your products you got to do ads you got to make sure your product isn't too long for the warehouse in the warehouse you don't pay fees you got to do all of these things so you're competing against other people anything that you do that people see online because everybody's online trying to figure out how can i make money online easily well you can't make it easily forget the easy word okay when i start the marketing agents it's it's not easy you want to do drop shipping it's not easy you want to build apps you want to build games you want to create websites you want to create web applications whatever it is you want to do it's competitive market you're competing against all the other individuals and in any competitive market you have the majority of people who don't succeed and you have a minority who make all the money and this is why the people who succeed in any of these businesses they make a lot of money because the people who do succeed you don't have all this money that they can make but that's the thing that's competitive market you want to be a real estate broker a real estate agent here 80 percent of real estate agents fail within the first year and that's just being a real estate agent so you have to understand that you know nothing is easy now i know a lot of people that make millions of dollars a year i had an office downtown and because of that office i met a lot of individuals who had other offices that are working in completely different businesses and a bunch of them are filthy rich they're just making so much money and you know i'd go out with them we'll take a beer we'll just go out for lunch and we talk after you know each quarter or each few months and i've never sat down with any of them and they told me oh this quarter was easy every person that i talked to was always like damn it was a struggle this month yeah they made millions of dollars but it's a struggle because they're competing so it's always a competition and you're not going to be in competition and be by the pool with your laptop on vacation because then somebody else is you know how can you compete with somebody else who's you know working and hustling if you're on the beach and that doesn't mean you don't take vacations when i go on vacation i turn my computer off i turn even my phone off because i don't want to do anything that has to do with work so when i see people with their laptop on the beach pretending to trade it just like it gets me so mad because i know that that's just not how life works so you have to forget that part that that's just not reality so regardless of the field you want to be in just understand yes you can make a lot of money but forget about it being easy and you can make a lot of money in any field that you choose okay in any field ever you'll find a lot of people that are very successful in all of them but none of them will be found somebody who comes up and says ah it was just so easy so i sidetracked a bit i talked about ads ads is one of the first reasons why some people believe you know have a false sense of reality now the other thing is online influencers and youtubers so again let's say example me i'm a youtuber now what youtubers are gonna do or online influencers they're gonna show the best side of things they're not gonna show the bad things why because if they show bad things nobody's going to follow them they're not going to get traction so what they're going to do is they're going to show things that make people feel good because if they make you feel good you're going to watch their video you're going to like it there and they're gonna grow now some of these youtubers they also or these influencers they have something to tell but some don't have anything to tell they just want to increase their following right nobody creates a youtube channel and they don't want to increase their following nobody creates an instagram a professional instagram and they don't want to increase their following so if somebody comes out and posts a video for example let's say me if i post a video instead of posting this video if i post a video of me inside of a rented lamborghini and i have some girls in the back and i'm and i'm doing whatever i'm going to get 20 times more views than this video that's a fact so for somebody who wants to grow their following they're going to be like okay well i'm going to do the things that are going to increase my following because i want to have a bigger following now luckily for you and for me i don't really care about my youtube so much that i'm going to do something like that i think since starting this youtube i've uploaded a video on average every three months so i'm not one of these guys doing daily videos because i don't have enough time to do it i do want to try and make more videos so stay subscribed and hit the bell icon but so far i haven't been really good at it because again i have a hard time finding time it takes time to do a video like this so you know when somebody really wants to increase their following they might just not post the bad things and just post the good things so they just have a bigger following so that's another aspect of it and when you're looking at online influencers you should know this this shouldn't be a surprise people only share the nice things and even regular individuals they do that i think the best example i can have is relationships go on your instagram and just find everybody that's been married okay everybody that's god got married or in relationships let's look at marriages because we can compare statistics you would think everybody has the best marriage ever amazing pictures traveling pictures with the kids having a great time like you would think everybody has the best relationship ever but then you look at the statistics and you realize that 50 of marriages end in divorce out of the other 50 a lot of people are together because they have kids and they can it's hard to separate or financially they're it's hard for them to separate and a lot of other are going to couples counseling this is huge so only a very small percentage are actually happy the other are just actually not happy didn't go well but you don't see anybody posting a picture of their divorce no but you don't ever see that people just post the nice things they want to look good it's you know it's self-promotion in a way so the problem with this is you might look at it and your relationship isn't going well and you'll be like damn i'm the only one going through this and everybody else has an amazing life no it's just people don't share the bad things and if you don't know this you might think that you're the problem but in reality no it's just internet isn't the reality internet is just people sharing the best parts and trying to make themselves look as the best possible they can and you can see this everywhere on instagram you go and you see anybody's instagram profile and just looks perfect we think this first person has the best life ever but that's not reality go follow any trainer and you're going to see the before and after pictures of the people who he trained and you'll see people who lost 100 pounds 150 pounds but those trainers selected the best out of everybody they ever had and they just posted them they didn't show you the pictures of the people who failed or who quit after a week or who who stayed with him for a year but didn't lose any weight because their body is having a hard time or whatever they're just showing the best so then you might go work out and you're not losing any weight and you're like oh well i'm the problem no it's just because you're you're comparing yourself to what people are posting about and people are posting the nicest things possible so another thing that adds to this you know this online environment that isn't really again online influencers youtubers some of them are not trying to do anything bad it's just they want to grow their following and they're just omitting some of the bad stuff now the last thing that contributes to this is the viewer it's you guys because again if i posted a video with something with a lamborghini or in a private jet i would get 20 more views so why is that it's because you guys click and watch things that make you feel good instead of watching things that are more real and that's a problem and it has to change because we're we're in 2020 you know it should be like okay let's be more realistic here so for example i talked to this guy he's trading forex and he's having a hard time with fundamentals and i asked him who are you following in this industry and he sends me four instagram profiles each of these instagram profiles was a young guy that was showing was sitting again in front of nice cars in a private jet uh showing nice things selling a lifestyle all of them and i'm like these are the guys you're following one of the guys looked like he was 18 years old and i'm like what what are you learning from this person why aren't you following a 50 year old economist maybe you're gonna learn something from this guy like what are you learning from a guy who's posting constant pictures in lamborghinis nothing you're just trying to daydream about one day having this which how does that help you so then you're look if you're looking at all these pictures all the time and you're not realizing that this isn't real life that causes a huge discrepancy between reality and the things you're looking at so you got to stop looking at these things and look at more real things follow somebody who's more real or follow somebody who's actually teaching you something on how to get good at your craft instead of somebody just showing you nice things that they own so all in all the discrepancy between what reality is actually like and what we see online is called by multiple things like ads online influencers you the viewer so it's really a multi-factored equation that causes this and it's just important to understand this so when you're online you just realize that look online people just share different things i'm aware that i like looking at nicer things but i'm going to understand that reality is not exactly like that in reality things are not easy there's trials tribulations you got to put hard work there's risk involved you don't get anything that you really want to get with it just being easy and just getting it like that so that being said what i wanted to do is i wanted to create a series and i started thinking what type of series can i make that will maybe for my viewers bridge the gap between what reality is actually like and what the internet would like them to believe reality is like and i in the beginning i was like well maybe you know when i see all these influencers posting about you know trading from the beach i'm going to call them out and i'm going to make a series about this and then i was like no i don't want to start going you know in an online war with somebody and get my channel taken down because if you talk about somebody then they can take you down or something i don't know how that works so i was like you know what i'll make a series about me i'll make a series about because whenever i'm making any videos by the way and i think this is one of the reasons why my videos are getting a bit of traction because again i think we're at 50k followers now uh subscribers and i haven't put in that much work into this channel as other youtubers do you know again but what i do is i try to provide the most value for the viewer and not specifically for me so i'm not trying to be like i'm gonna make a video that's gonna benefit me it's really i'm gonna make a video that benefits my viewer and again i'm talking about this subject this isn't a popular subject you might not wanna you might not finish this video a lot of people might not watch this video because it doesn't make them feel good and because of that youtube might suppress me and that's why a lot of youtubers don't do videos like this but again i don't really care too much about that so i'm okay with it but i try to provide value for the viewer instead of value for myself and i think that's one of the reasons why my videos are getting traction because i call it how it is so what i decided to do is create a series about myself and all the big trading failures that i've had throughout my career so i've had a bunch of trading failures four big failures i i believe so it's gonna probably be a four series a four episode series my first big failure in 2011 when i blew my first trading account it was only a few thousand bucks but it was all the money i had so it was huge for me at the time and my most recent big failure uh which was during the 2018 crypto crash and the subsequent failure of a few cryptocurrency exchanges where i lost a few hundred thousand dollars and in between i had two other big failures so i'm gonna go over each of these failures in depth in detail show exactly what happened and from doing so what i think i could do is provide you value in two ways one you can learn from my mistakes see what i did wrong and hopefully not do the same type of mistakes and then also get value from seeing what life has been for me it doesn't mean that this is how life is going to be for you but just see the things that i went through so that way you're not just saying all the good things that everybody posts about but you can see the hard things that people go through and that might give you a more real sense of reality so that's what i'm gonna be doing it's gonna be one episode per week so make sure to hit the bell icon and the subscribe button if you want to get notified when i post them i will be posting a video per week because i do have a little bit of time now also make sure to tap the like button you don't need to hit it hard and slight tap this really is going to help you know the youtube algorithm figure that this is the type of content that's also beneficial for people because again these types of videos do not get recommended by youtube do not get any traction so it's actually really really helpful for you to like them even share them on your social media or share them wherever you can because people need to actually have a more real sense of reality and not just see the nice things about life right you got to see the hard things too also if you want you can follow me on instagram i actually post on my instagram i post instagram stories every time i lose more than five thousand dollars in a day i've never posted when i made money because again i don't want to contribute to this environment but every single day that i lose five thousand dollars or more i post a story about it so make sure to follow me there because it's more real there should be a link or something somewhere but that being said i hope you guys like this video i hope you guys are gonna stick around for the next one and i'll see you guys next week
Channel: bloom
Views: 47,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trading, stock trading, mohsen hassan, mohsen stock trading, bloom trading, mohsen bloom trading, mohsen hassan education, why traders fail, why traders lose money, my biggest trading mistakes, my biggest trading failures, trader mistakes for beginners, beginner mistakes stocks, trading mistakes to avoid, what not to do as a trader, day trading for beginners, trading is not easy, trading is hard, stock trading is not easy, trading stocks is not easy
Id: Gqi2LEaDKqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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