(TRACK VLOG) High School Track Tryouts (PART 1) 400m

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wait a minute who are you [Music] what's up guys today is february 19th saturday and today is going to be the first day of track tryouts as you can tell i literally just got up so i'm gonna shower and uh get ready and all that but i thought i would um try and vlog this experience upload it to youtube god my hair's messed up yeah i'm going with josh alicia now and ali i thought i would uh film this vlog document this for memories and hopefully to make it uh an enjoyable viewing experience i'm gonna get ready and then i'll vlog the experience when i'm out there so yep i'll see you in a bit this is my first year on the track team so i'm very nervous for these tryouts i just hope i don't fall on my face and embarrass myself that's the goal i have for the day i just got picked up by josh and ali and now we're gonna get [ __ ] out so we just picked up chanel yeah so now we're probably gonna get ali and jay wrong i'll check in with you later when we're there okay we just got to the track kind of we're in the parking lot we got ollie and jayron and when it hits eight o'clock that's when trials are going to start hello we just got our heat numbers i'm with j one right now but what are you in yeah three stars other vlog here's my tattoo guys three lane seven i'm in heat one lane eight so i don't know what that means so you're going first i'm gonna do the first race hopefully i can set a good example for everybody and i really don't want to be there i mean i want to be a good example i just don't want to be in the first one you know i'm not too excited about that for the standings right now in the boys division we have mean heat one ali and the heat two j-ron and heat three and josh is going to be in heat four and for the girls division we have alien one on chanel was in three now it was the start of tryouts it was past eight o'clock and the whole team is gonna warm up together before anyone gets on my head i know i don't know where my chapstick was so uh please uh don't put that in the comments please thank you what's up we just got done with warm up now it's the first heat not for me we're gonna do girls and them boys for the 400. as you will see in a second i was lied to hello senior i look up to i got heat one and i'm very nervous because i know i'm going first in this race yeah bro don't worry uh the girls always go before the guys so you have some time to rest and then look over at what everyone else is doing oh okay thank you very much senior who i look up to and track and i ask for reliable information because it's only my first year doing this i'm glad that i could trust you with this information and you would never give me false information right oh yeah of course no problem all right i'm gonna go use the restroom now because i'm clearly not going first right boys 400 heat one to your blocks now please hey but didn't you say okay now obviously that's not what happened but i was a little late to get into my blocks because of this anthony what's happening to the vlog he says what up i don't know if you could hear that or not now with the races okay so this is my first ever race like ever in like a team even those tryouts also consider my first rate all right so you're a freeze for him uh what i did there was he said stand up and i just immediately went now i didn't i knew that the race didn't start but he said yesterday i practiced that um we should if the officials ever say stand up that we should automatically do a little run oh great my alarm ruining that voice over you know what i'm not gonna record it who's gonna stop me oh and yeah thank you to uh chanel for being concerned for me and uh thank you for josh for backing me up all right so this is the actual race um yeah this is my first ever race once again keep your head up and your ass down it's go time so let me tell you the 400 meter dash or 400 meter race whatever you call it it doesn't look that hard when you're like watching it through a tv or you know watching it during the olympics and all that but in practice when you're sprinting a quarter of a mile this is so tiring and especially at let's see about right here at this part at this part past like 200 meters or almost like 200 meters this is the most tiring part of the entire race because you have to pace itself throughout the entire thing and oh my god that's when you'll see riley here he's like speeding up on everybody because he can actually pace himself um he's very good yeah it's a it's a very tough race and i'm uh i'm glad i just didn't get less so here's the final stretch to see everybody's going to be battling for it uh there's a group of like probably like five of us or not like probably four of us and then the last two are up there and i am squaring up with dom here at the last stretch and me and him tai and then so i probably got like fifth or fourth or six one of those uh it was a fun race something track has taught me is that coaches do not like when they're uh when their players sit down so right after i got done with that 400 i got up immediately and started recording ali in his race and you can clearly hear that when uh when i'm breathing hard yeah [ __ ] so this is ollie racing um i don't know what he was thinking so yeah i'm trying to call him right now he's gonna stop me hello hello okay um this is for the vlog uh how do you how do you feel about your 400 race [Music] you're welcome in faith well you got the dumb that was good and you gout everybody knows an amazing race thank you all right yeah that's it yeah as you can see he's really uh proud of his performance yeah look at him cross that finish line all right and heat three we have the race with uh j-ron he's a really strong sprinter also in the front we have nas here uh he is well i don't know how to describe him he's fast it's like a little usam bolt and as you can see here he kind of maintains that lead throughout the the race it goes nas tommy and then j ron he's gonna be coming in third here great race uh really fun really fun to watch all right going straight into heat four here we got josh here on the stand next to uh amari very strong sprinters as you can see he's immediately just going at it oh wait wait do you guys hear that i think i think it's time for another amazing interview [Music] all right all right hello can you hear me yes yes i can all right so during that 400 meter race uh i want you to give me your thoughts throughout the entire thing yeah that last 100 meters can feel like a mile to some it's very tiring that'll be it have a good workout in the gym here's that final stretch of a josh getting that last 100 meters in and he will as you'll see he'll prevail to get that first place i promise you if this looks easy to you you have never done track in your life because this feels like hell for some of these races i didn't get the entire race but i only got the end of this one this was heat five and i don't know this kid's name but oh my god he had such an amazing lead on everybody it was it was crazy it was like mind blowing there comes alan the next but yeah good race for everybody we have um i believe it's casper and some new kids that's a head and you can see everyone's height because they're on each other's tail and they've both been pushing it all the way throughout the entire 400 and everyone's going crazy um but yeah casper does get the the dove in the end here [Applause] all right in this next race we have uh jonathan and uh charles i mean i call them chuckles but uh yeah they're the two leaders up here and jonathan is gonna be having a good gap on these kids and hold on i should freeze this right here look at those shoes my man doesn't have running shoes on he's rocking the vans and he's just leading the race like that that is crazy and yeah of course everyone else finishes here good race um there's a big group there at the back so you'll see them all coming in just floating at once yeah and do not sleep on tin come in here last again that good hustling nice job good hustle ally you have any last words [Music] all right so this is an alley racing um very fun i believe she took first place in this one and this is very interesting because i've never seen any of my friends do actual races oh here it comes again here comes this price is right music and it better not cut me off hello are you busy right now i'm at dinner why okay just like real quick just like it's gonna take like a minute all right so during your 400 meters what were you thinking i didn't put enough sunscreen on and i was focused on my face and then i was focused on the girl in front of me and i thought she was dying and then i passed her but i was i was sure okay all right very good all right that's it all right that's good all you got first so nice job all right later for this next race only got the last part of it it's heat two and the girl is 400. and this is very interesting because you'll see trinity speeding up there at the very end but naomi will get the win here next race is gonna be heat three um chanel would be participating into this one chanel is a very strong runner and let's uh let's get her thoughts on this one all right so chanel's throw is uh kind of messed up so uh if it doesn't sound like her you know what all right chanel how is it looking hey how you doing i'm good okay um i have a question about your 400 rate yeah what about it during that 400 you know you maintained a really good pace throughout the entire race and i want to know what you were thinking well you know as come anyways uh i was very tired but as i was running alongside my fellow competition i always wanted to keep that pace right right continue so you know it's like track is a track is a mental game and i have a strong mentality so i had to maintain that pace the entire game and that you did it was a really close fight at the end you nearly got first but got swept up at the last second yeah but you know i i just like my team and now it's all about having fun and i believe that we're all strong and we're going to grow together as a team right you know that's so inspirational do you have anything to say to your fans oh just don't don't do drugs please that was a great race everybody nice job [Music] 400 complete now we're doing a 100 i'm gonna have my next race in like approximately three minutes ali got first oh wait let me check my hair [Music] i got yeah yes that's very good so everyone was pushing we all did good izzy did pretty nice nice job it was very fun everyone's very tired so i'm here with another first place that's me that's ali yeah that was good jeez he's so fast i threw up my banana did you actually yeah where'd you go it hurt yeah you see that trash can right there yeah oh yeah all the way back there he threw up in that trash can that was nasty now we're doing 100 meters i am so hyped i'm going against ali dapari dom marcus riley dom it's gonna be it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun see ya i'll catch you in a second all right chanel how are you doing yeah i'm doing good how are you i'm nice um oh my god right here [Music]
Channel: Calliste
Views: 11,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wfpfBoV9g-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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