TPS Reports And Chotchkie's | Office Space | Scene And Not Herd Episode 9

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[Music] you [Music] get you he you he ladies and gentlemen you are here with uh the main tool mhm the dynamic duo I like that this episode is brought to you by Royal Soul Production Studios my brothers yes sir and also brought to you by who else but US Clothing oh please the label that pays me show show show the brand please know I mean something slight know what I'm the first drop welcome for um another another episode of seen and I heard um I think rap beef is Di done enough for us to actually get to these movies yeah bro we needed a break yes we need a break I did and um um is this our first comedy one of I think if if not our first yeah this may this might be our first comedy so great pallet cleanser yes yeah so uh we went with the classics and I mean as creators that are multi-dimensional multifaceted trying to make the most out of the day you find yourself still being the proud owner of a job yeah and what that does is that brings us to the day-to-day woes of the movie that we seen which was a classic office space office space I mean I'm pretty sure you got some facts so you could start with behind the scenes yeah yeah hit hit a couple points so um let's see office space 1999 good year for good year for movies um we got uh directed by Mike Judge written by Mike Judge loely based off of um his uh he had animated shorts um called Milton which is one of the the characters the glasses y um so yeah and I think this is right after beus but okay like mid90s little I was young so a little bit little bit I was a little older but this is my first time seeing the movie oh word I see I meant I meant to ask you that that's what's up so this this will be good this will be good yeah yep that's really it for for like nothing nothing too crazy behind the scenes just um you know Mike judge's name rings out in the in the creative space so good satire yeah yeah very good um if you are a um if you're a fan of dry humor if um you're a fan of just the um poking fun at your day-to-day hustle and bustle then you're probably going to like easily get kicks out of this if you've ever been around the water cooler annoyed at your job if you've ever gotten with your work crew and um complained about the day at work in the middle of the day this is your Vibe if your work crew becomes your personal crew because you guys are on the same schedule and you don't really talk to many other people this is for you like but um it was such a microcosm of life because that guy's life the main character I mean everything was what's his name Peter Peter yep Peter's life was consumed around work at any given moment his boss could talk to him about overtime he'd just go at any given moment he could like he'd go home his neighbor will talk to him he didn't have a friend group outside of his work friend group it was just his co-workers his neighbor and then he had to like girl you know what I'm saying but exactly you know what happens with that for sure that was crazy but I mean yeah yeah this movie this this is this is a class this is definitely one of my favorite movies man like it it's definitely like it's not something that you have to think too hard about not at all you know what I'm saying it's just an easy watch 90 minutes 85 minutes something like that real quick get in get out so good cast like yeah yep um yeah so I mean without going out of well we're not going to go directly in order but one of the most important things to me when we talk about um you know the more and more we dig into movies it's like yo acting without words physical comedy one of my faor you know physical acting like to watch the traffic jam scene in the beginning and to feel it I was literally in traffic we were just on traffic texting you like dog [ __ ] bridge is crazy exactly and I was like yo if you want to text me that like I was like oh I ain't go that way I want another way but it's crazy because because like when he was there I was like I understood his feeling he was so mad and then he's like oh this Line's moving you know what I'm going go to the fast lane he jumps over there then all of a sudden that one stops then the one that he was just in goes I was like yo I've been there maybe not with a person on a walker yeah right next to me and going ahead but I felt that way like I was like yo I know a snail could actually move faster than one moving like ridiculous you know say like and I know everybody out there understand just understand the late to work energy like I was just in the gas station before I got here and like I seen a fender bender and then like the dude was like yeah it's probably a little fender bender I was like I bet both of them had somewhere to be M I was like it always happens when you rushing yep but yeah yeah like um I like seeing uh Michael in the car bumping gangster music Yoo shout out to the Ghetto Boys shout out to him to turn it down when he got around walking by oh my God yo definitely would have said the N word yo yeah he definitely would have wrapped the N word up he he he he looked like a he looked like a angry nword guy shout out to him being named Michael Bolton yeah I and thinking Michael Bolton was um trash and it's funny right so we we're GNA skip around but um when uh everyone is like oh your name is Michael Bolton they're like oh like the singer I'm so glad bro was born in 91 Jordan's first championship my mom was trying to name me Michael Jordan St Julian oh that would been my dad was like you know all he needs to have you know my name so she changed Jordan Robert thank God I wasn't named Michael Jordan bro because I could have been this dude yo like you would have been Michael B Jordan don't even I mean I can't even yeah that would have been bad Jordan comparison Like You Ever Seen The Wire was you on it was that you are you Wallace yeah Jesus Jesus shout out to the wire see that was a good shout out to the wire yeah one time for my B more people behind the boards behind the boards y be more behind the boards you know I'm saying but um oh man yeah so um yeah we go from you know the morning commute uh for everybody you see Milton waiting for public transportation had to do that which is frustrating like you know waiting just waiting on the bus and you know God forbid just being on a crowded bus crowded train anything like that youo everybody could feel that like yeah it was like like the whole thing is like it's a very simple movie but it it captures so many feelings yeah so when I thought about like just the Vibes of like your boss getting on your nerves bro as soon as you punch in about things that were like problems that were pretty much solved mhm but it's like he just had like you you could see I mean at the end of the day the boss needed something to do mhm like he was walking around like ah who could I piss off ah who can I make uncomfortable like his checklist for the day was like a list of like how many people can I make displeased with this job like you know what I mean like it got under his skin that he couldn't get under dude's skin once dude got hypnotized like he it was it was like it was I mean obviously it's supposed to be exaggerated to make the point of the film but it was like all it did was made me think of like my worst bosses bro and it was just like I've had somebody where I was like yo why why are you bothering me or I've had bosses where it's like wow this is really like this this power Dynamic is really doing a lot for you personally huh I'm like when I clock out I'm the like this is your life I was about to say when I clock out I'm the man yeah I'm good outside of here like this is just some [ __ ] I have to do to keep things going yeah to keep keep the ship afloat yo yeah this is not my life y dead ass but you would feel that way about those people you know what I mean so it's like to see him come up and then like it's like even when you find out that like there was people that you could have fired like I kind of rather torment them I don't care that M like you know it's like yo he's here but it's like I want to keep bugging him yeah hey could you just move further back into the cubicle yeah they do they did Mill so filthy in this movie yo like when he sto when he grabs the stap off his desk he's just like you said just looking around to pest to be a p uncomfortable yeah the way he's looking around the cubicle and he's like oh yeah give me that yeah like oh all right that's the last straw yeah that's the last STW fun fact um I read that um swin line like the the production crew um they like they you know in the script it's a red stapler but they couldn't find a red stapler that that bright red so like they made that stapler specifically for the movie and then once the movie came out on DVD a lot of people started requesting like yo you guys don't sell that red stapler SW line started making that bright red stapler yo shout out to shout out to Ecommerce yo did you know that there was um a UK version of this of this of this movie no Shay told me that shout out to sh see yo you know what s is always here yo yo if I tell you like yo she just gave me like a like whole breakdown of like another of I'll say it it was the Millie vanilla Dock and the parallels it drew to um Man Ray and I was like yo she gave me like this novel of a message and said yeah that's what I got from the first 15 minutes I was like yo I can't even do it yo I was like this is amazing yeah what I got to go I got to stay in office space Dam that's ill though yeah I'm going to show you the message after but we got to get back on but n yo bro I'm telling you like um it was funny I mean just like guy stuff like guys thinking like oh yeah yeah likeo if you like her talk to her C being scared like not really you know what I mean like just being so in his own way with everything he's even calling himself scared like he's like yo I know I'm going to get offer this overtime and I'm but I'm [ __ ] I'm going do it cuz I'm a [ __ ] like yeah he was going crazy on his how crazy is that though like it's a you know I think the most office jobs obviously on Monday through Friday Monday through Thursday type of situation bro you're asking me to come in on not only Saturday and Sunday and Sunday yeah just what's up like imagine if he's salary oh no I'm good and and and it's funny yo so this is very 90s movie so you got two things you got um what he's doing for his job all of that uh he's like all I do is switch over from um 1999 to because of the 2000 switch show and shout out to the Y2K era we were going crazy thought the world was going to end the financial district was going to collapse some [ __ ] like that yo um but then the hyp the hypnotist [ __ ] this is Peak again Peak 90s with all the self-help Miss Cleo yeah all of that type all those self-help books like Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus like all that type of [ __ ] y prevalent I'm trying to think Donna H like yeah mad talk shows y Ricky Lake and all that lots of lots of starting I mean that is the start of the world as we know it I think so yeah I mean because we're definitely started to become a thing we're reaching a height with um I mean at least to date with like focusing on Mental Health focusing on focusing on making sure you know people are in the right space like and I mean like a guy like that even if you compare it today to um then to now is like Prime candidate for like yo give him a remote job work he's like yeah I don't care I'll just do it he's like it only takes me like 20 minutes I'll get i'll get a week's worth of work done he's sitting with the the the two Bobs Y and he's like yeah I come in 15 minutes late every day I sit there and basically ex Z crisis yeah zone out for an hour he's like and I probably do uh 30 minutes of real work like 15 he said 15 oh Lord you know what I'm saying he's literally just punching numbers bro but th those efficiency meetings were funny cuz obviously you're fighting to defend your job but then when you have people basically saying like yo I don't do anything and not just him like he was forthright with the fact that he did nothing but some people were saying it and not realizing it until they said it like so why does your job exist yo when he was like yo I'm here because they can't deal with people so I basically take this and bring it to them yeah it's like that's it y I love I love that scene cuz he's he's breaking down he was already having panic attacks before the meeting a dude that ran outside I think Smith Kowski or something how he pronounce his last name yeah and he's just like he's like yo I got people skills you he's just friend like just spazzing spazzing take it oh man yeah cuz I I can I've never been in that situation but I've definitely sat down like district managers at at uh at Stop and Shop and [ __ ] you know and they're just like yo so like so what are you doing your what are you doing your daily like I I've had to speak to the VP one time and he was just like yo you know what ises your what does your daily look like and I'm like bro like you at the top of the pyramid you you you should know what my daily looks like bro you know what I'm saying like I'm not about to explain to you how I load a dairy Department bro I'm bro I'm telling you man like it's it's so crazy like I like I personally loath those conversations so when I think of so I think of like the way the movie set up I'm just like yo I really have been there like you know what I mean like cats want to drill you for feedback and then like you know when you say something real it's not even going to get you far right like you know mean I've said I've said honest things that aren't going to like they're not going to get me fired but they're definitely not going to change anything because I'm just like yeah this kind of just how you guys have it set up like you know to tell a I I've told the president of my company like hey man like get annual reviews basically just like show us where we're reprimanded not we're rewarded yeah yeah I'm like yo you walk in there and it's like hey if you do good enough we won't care about you for another year and he was sitting there like and I was like I was like tell I was like show me different yeah show yeah don't tell me different show me different still there still nothing so until I find something else to do here we are just like the movie you know what I'm saying it's just something to do and like I mean like it was funny watching how practical Jennifer Anderson's character was she was just like yo it's just kind of something you have to do yeah like she's like what do you mean you're not going to go to work like you have to go to work she like how you going to pay bills how you going to be all right what you talking about yeah figure it out like maybe I won't go I'm done I love it yo I love it yeah bro the uh going back towards like the beginning of the movie where it's just yo all the the the repetitiveness of coming into a job like like that y not necessarily like dead end jobs but like yo you got the lady on the phone [ __ ] corporate sounds every single call you got so robotic the case of the the case of somebody's got a case of the Mondays yo he's hearing it at his job then they go to the restaurant Lord yo and I just remember bro like I'm so glad I got out of Stop and Shop but like one of the one of the things that I heard yo um constantly is like you know you see see co-workers and passing yo how you doing bro yo live in a dream live in a dream Y at a certain point I'm like yeah wake up cuz this is a [ __ ] nightmare bro not the dream like yo and and and I think you've heard me say it I'm like yo anybody that ever says living a dream yo you're [ __ ] lying yo you're lying you hate you hate this job or you hate the situation that you're in like yo stop just don't say that [ __ ] I'd rather you just be like nah this place [ __ ] sucks bro N word I mean for me it's more like you just be like y another day M another day another dollar straight up like I be like ah another another opportunity you know I mean like yeah yeah no chance to get some coins and get back to it like other than that I mean like yeah like one thing I do know is that like work and not trying to get all about it but like work work Bill's character for sure and when you see people that can't do that you be like okay I get it like I see the difference I see the difference between a person that can't get up and show up you know so it's a good thing yeah but when it comes down to it I kind of relate to dude when he was like when he gave that it was like kind of one of those like random moments in the movie where he says like something just really profound get said he's basically talk about working smarter not harder he was talking about the pet rock oh CEO uh what did he say he's like um no he was like you need to use your mind to create something that um like something really good so you don't have to come back here and I was like yeah I was like sometimes like when I like on my roughest days at work especially with maturity and being older I'm like I just start going like this I'm like like not physically doing it but that's how I'm thinking I'm like yo I have to think my way out of this place word like I'm always like yo I'm not thinking hard enough like there's only so many hours in the day like you can't overtime your way into what you desire like like my goals are bigger than this bu that my goals are bigger than what this currently offers me like I have to think my way out of it like I always be like pushing pushing pushing yeah like trying not to uh like I was trying to find the software um software bug so I could like get 300,000 from my yo listen that that [ __ ] was yeah that that and that that's some funny [ __ ] too where like I like I like um I like callbacks in in movies and I like repetitiveness so like when um they they describe that bug that they they put into the system oh like from Super like from Superman 3 or some [ __ ] like that like multiple people say the same [ __ ] I I really like that yo and that's and that's that shit's funny that's such a small part of this movie too that's not even like what the theft yeah yeah I wanted them to be able to pull it off yo that would have been that would have been ill that would have been ill like I cuz who makes out Milton makes out with the he takes does he I think yeah cuz he ends up in uh at the end so that so that's what you think that was with the footage yeah CU he um he goes into when he's going down office to check but I never seen him grab it oh he it's implied cuz like he opens the door he kind of looks down real quick okay and but then you know I know he just grabbed the stapler yeah like and I know he was on the he was on the water at the end yep still getting [ __ ] played still getting played still being annoying too yo just waspy bro that guy needs a representative did you notice like um I I just pick up on weird [ __ ] all the time yo uh when they were having their their group meetings um bro everybody had like the same type of glasses bro oh yeah yeah it was a lot going oh my God them big ass bifocals yo insane it looked like it was more than b focals honestly like it was like really goggles Ty [ __ ] yeah yeah I wonder if that was like you know um part of the satire in my opinion yeah yeah you know you know I just remember bro there so much just so much much corny [ __ ] yo being in like a corporate setting yo like oh Friday we're doing [ __ ] we're doing Hawaiian shirts so you know oh my God hawaian shirt with yo the casual Fridays play like he sound like he sounded like he really thought he was offering good news yeah it was like bro that is the most blah thing in the world he's like hey if you want yeah like he made it like could dust off a Hawaiian shirt and some denim exactly see you Friday oh my God like that that was trash mhm don't want but then you know what that reminded me of like you ever see the meme when um it's like um like staff and it's like we're undervalued and then it be like and then it be like the employer and it be like okay man damn and then you just see a line of pizzas Jesus like show show them you care bro shell out of 100 I got sick of pizza working for stoping shop bro that was every yo birthday every time somebody retired every time somebody was getting transferred to another store like I got I got transferred like two or three times work for that company and each time it was the same [ __ ] y same [ __ ] one of the times I didn't even participate I was just like yeah word I got I got stuff I got to do downstairs like it's my last day let me just yeah you know what I'm saying like I just got tired of it yo yeah man I just I I appreciate this movie for you know even before getting into the corporate like rigoll like it's just like it's just super relatable like I don't you don't have to be in a cubicle to experience the same [ __ ] it just took me down my it took me down my journey of work past yep made me think of like times I I mean I've gotten fir before have you gotten fire before no I never been fired I got fired once funny story qu everything yeah I probably had to tell you I mean I don't care I'll tell you I'll tell you here but we'll get back cuz um like I'm thinking about Peter at the end and I'm like yo I never understood the older people that would be at some of these jobs I had when I was younger because I'd be like you should be doing something else why do you do this MH but like the way the movie was was a perfect depiction of like remember how like how peaceful he felt at the end and they was like yo we went to another software company like like or you know what I mean like they're like yo we went over here we can get he's like n n I'm cool like he was settled and he found peace even though it wasn't like the most glamorous you could see that he was able to find that feeling from when he was you know just to be at ease that he had when he would say what was it um when he was hypnotized right right like he found it in that job where it's just like simple while I'm working it to work out I'm cool I'm G come here I'm G do what I got to do and I'm be out like he was and I was like yeah I was like that makes sense because you see people and you be like you why you hear you 50 or why you hearing you 60 but it's like C be like you don't know what hell I went through MH between 20 and 40 for 20 years and it was so taxing it's like yo they might have went there Mass the fortune and like put half of it in the S&P 500 and was like I'm living off Investments but this is just something to do this is facts like mind your business young y yep hell yeah um what else what else what else got me about the movie oh my God uh the yo the dude that was happy about working at the um restaurant I was that's exactly where I was going with that with the what the flare all the pieces of flare like yeah like 37 I Lov I love the parallels between what Peter's being told by his bosses and then her going through the same [ __ ] again different setting just it's a restaurant you know more service industry I I love how they painted that to be like yo all this [ __ ] is the same it's all [ __ ] it's all [ __ ] and like like imagine like yo you just trying to you just trying to come in and work because you know we didn't we didn't necessarily we can't really say jennif Anderson was a good or bad weight but like she's just there to do her job get her money and then be out you know what I'm saying so and then yo we just want you to you know we want you to want to wear more flare and it's just like yo what does that even mean bro like yo I got I got the flare I'm helping customers you said it has to be 15 I'm doing 15 facts Meanwhile we're arguing because you want me to do more yeah cuz this dude got like 37 so it's like you want me to go above and beyond because that makes you feel on bare minimum because in their head if they said it was 37 then they'd want him to have 50 facts she's like yo if you want me to have 37 just say it and then I'll know that's what I have to do but until then I'm not doing more than what I have to do yeah I'm just doing what's required that's it like you know what I mean like why you acting like I gotta like like it's not top FL security I won't die for this that's a fact like you know what I'm saying like you just want me to do all types of stuff like you like like n you know you're right you're doing what you have to do but we want you to want to do more like no I want to leave I want to not ever have to be here again that's a fact like what's wrong with if there was something better I wouldn't be here like all I need you to do is lock in that's why I wouldn't be a good super I'll just tell the truth I'll be like yo just lock in while you're here yo just do just just do good enough that nobody bothers any of us and we'll all be straight I don't care yeah it's funny because it's a lot of that it's a lot of that goes going in in jobs I don't need like I'm not trying to get either collect a check or you got dudes that's just like yo I'm just trying to stay clear so that nobody even speaks to me like I don't need my plaque on the wall not here right you know what I'm saying like there's spaces in life where I need to go above and beyond and until then like if this is going to fuel that it's like yo I want to be able to come here do everything that's required of me not get any of us in any trouble and then I want to be able to like focus on prepping for my pod I want to focus on something something El you know what I mean Stu that really drives my my my life you my personal life my creative you know the creative part of my brain like yeah they talk about like oh if you're not like not to do your whole living dream thing but like they be like oh if you're not working on your dream You're Building somebody else's like ah very cliche but guess what I'm at work working on mine facts yeah yeah y like literally like in real time bro you know we be on the phone when I'm when I'm doing my Coca-Cola [ __ ] yo you be at the job or katsky be at the job like we all we all grinding but then we're we're not talking about what we're currently going through we talking about some other [ __ ] you know we trying to build our own little Empires and [ __ ] so yeah I could definitely I definitely could see that man dang you never been fired never been fired bro never been fired well I've never been fired and it was my fault how about that okay was this cuz I know I know you worked at was this Raymore no no no no I worked at Bobs oh okay I actually quit that J okay but no I actually got fired when I was a kid I fired from Walgreens oh [ __ ] like first like first job type no not at all my first job was younger than now my first job I was 13 I was I was a junior cam counselor at Martin King Community Center okay yeah word but um but n bro my um my dad my dad got me fired oh sh oh yo not pops oh no sure did certain but he um it's crazy um rest rest in peace but um like a family member passed away my dad was trying to like stockpile the um obituaries as many copies of it as possible so he knew like you know oh after like you know after the days done all the extra papers he was trying to get the extra papers so he went and talk to some supervisor there and was like yeah my son works here and like oh yeah I was like seeing if I can get the I was like you can't do that and he was like and like it looked like I did stuff like that and then my dad just like aggressive like leaned on dude [ __ ] was just like all right do your job gave him the aggressive middle of the backpack like yo I would like the boss gave Peter yo you just oh my God I went in the next day they was like y clean it out me yall went home like bro oh man I'm unemployed thank you damn damn damn damn pops killed me yeah it's crazy I I never I never got fired but I did have a moment like when when Peter's telling the Bobs nah this is what I really do here you know what I'm saying basically try he's like trying to get fired now I wasn't trying to get fired but I knew I was like it was when I was quitting stopping shot however it goes It goes you know what I'm saying manager comes in she pulls up on me cuz I had pretty much told everybody that I was cool with at the store like you know listen my time my time here is done everybody was was like you know giving me their well wishes a couple weeks before I was about to actually give her my two we notice so she was effectively the last one to know she didn't like that so she she pulls up on me in the cooler and it's just like um she's like yo can I can I talk to you about something yeah sure yeah I'm hearing you know I'm hearing that you uh you might have found a new job yeah yeah I did uh yeah that's always a good feeling yeah and and and now mind you you know back up a little bit like I had a lot of issues with this this store manager um things have gotten like real abusive um at least I felt things were getting abusive so I'm just mentally taxing coming into work every day similar to Peter I'm just s bro I would sit in my car like yeah I really got to come in and deal with it's not even the customers that I'm mad at I got to come and deal with her like her specifically so it was just it was just hell for me for a little bit but um so this is like my moment cuz I'm like I'm about to just throw everything at her yeah so she's like yo can I ask you why you're leaving and I was like oh you [ __ ] up like yeah I'm about to tell you I was like yeah I'm leaving because of you I'm leaving because um I feel like you're a bully like I feel like you you know not only do you like uh pick me um out in in uh in meetings I feel like you're abusive to to other team members like I don't appreciate it you know I was a Union steward for the store so it's just like yeah we don't feel this [ __ ] that you're doing like you know I I talk I have conversations with employees personally and yeah you're very abusive like um yeah and I'm just not going to deal with it no more and I was like yeah I was like I was going to give you a a you know formal written two we notice you know I'm saying when I'm ready you know I gave it to her that Friday but you know you want to know now I'm G tell you balance the check out you know what I'm saying and and I'm and it didn't have to be I wouldn't want it to be in front of anybody right this message is for you type [ __ ] so but yeah n never yeah never been fired but that was like that was the only time I quit a job where it was just like got you [ __ ] like I'm out I never had a I never shared a wall with someone like that like as far as like walls being paper thin in your neighbor oh my God yeah that was a lot yeah that was a lot yo like Yo dude sat down he just knew he was home yo yo Peter switch the channel yo man y shout out to him yo cuz yo he's that that was hilarious y he's been in um come he said nah you're not going to ruin my life what's his name uh dedri Bader yeah dude that played Lawrence yeah he's been I think he was on the Drew Cary show he's been he's been in mad [ __ ] he said I'm not going back he said I'm not going over there for you to ruin my life I was mad yo speaking of which when um I think when when uh when Lawrence comes over and and uh Peter just talking about his girl he's like I got this feeling that she's cheating on me yo everybody why did everybody know that she was I got that feeling too that was so out of pocket yo like everybody kept saying like yeah I can see that yeah sick sick yeah our boy Peter was going through it for a little bit like I would love to see like the pre the Prelude the prequel to the movie like what was his you know like like how long was it like that how long was it like that yeah yeah crazy like I don't know but but I mean like I feel like that was to depict how it feels like you know I mean like you're in that routine even what he said when he was in the um occupational um I forgot what it was but like the hypnotherapist the hypnotherapist yo bro like he was like what did he say he said like every day was the worst day of his life the therapist is like [ __ ] like like it was too deep for the therapist yo he said yo so is today the worst day of your life he's like yeah he's like oh my God every Dayo he said every day is the worst day of my life like that was intense yeah that's a bar that's like that was was that's like probably the bar of the movie right there like that's that's one you could um utilize like an intro like you know what I mean be very depressing music though but yeah oh my goodness oh man yeah what what else was crazy about this [ __ ] oh the the what is the the um the probability of yo when he's like uh you know Lumberg [ __ ] and there's another dude with the same [ __ ] last name that's a wild ass last name for two people to have in the same is that a wild last name Lumberg well uh I mean that's kind of normal yo but in the same field though like I can understand people having that same last name but like yo they was in the same like office with that and they're not related like that's that's crazy CU yo my man was doing [ __ ] mental gymnastics like yo did my the boss that I hate sleep with the girl that I've been [ __ ] crushing on for a minute yo like that [ __ ] would have got that was sick that was sick yo that was sick he wasn't yo just waking up in cold sweats yo with the coffee mug yo with the with the foot up legs up was ter in his dreams he was going crazy yeah still had the shades on terrible terrible that was different yeah yeah n it's a yeah it's such a I don't know man it's such a quick like I feel like this movie would have failed had it been like a little bit longer like say if it was like 10 20 minutes on like it just wasn't needed y Dred it would have dragged it out because it's like yo they Mike Judge did a really good job like balancing all of the mundane cliche routine [ __ ] just just the the dumb [ __ ] that we go through in the in the workforce you have you ever taken any company property to damage it love that scene um never taken but but we can go to the stopping shop on Liberty Street there's holes in the wall that I that I that that are still there that I guarantee are still there like I he's like I left my mark yeah definitely bro there was definitely graffiti some [ __ ] that I tagged up in that yeah for sure yo for sure um n I've never I've never I never Tak anything to damage y that was so funny when I'm just like you like how'd you sneak that out mhm it's like a big old what was like a I think it was like a fact machine yeah yeah it was O and like the dude like going like when Michael went too far yeah like yo come on bro got to pull him off the funny thing is oh what um what album was that that we just that you was just showing me the um that they did like the um promo and they copied it oh I was yeah I was going to bring that it was um whatever Hit Boy and um big hit and Alchemist is working on yeah it's so funny that they they took that scene yeah I've never seen the movie so now coin now it's funny y you know I mean like now I'm like what you say you was like yo big hit kind of weak or some [ __ ] oh I was just talking hilarious I'm just talking about him rapping like I'm no dis okay I thought I thought when it was when trying to pull him off I'm like oh yeah look like old man struggling no no no dist to him I was just like yo like I get it like he it's like it's like hearing like Drake's dad singing and I'm like I I I get your son made it but like you're not good yeah it's it's okay yeah you're not yeah you're not you're not you're not doped by proxy pops had a dream you know what I [Laughter] mean oh man yeah man yeah n it's um oh man yeah we always we always run into those um random things as like the Judgment of like women's past like is that really a big deal yeah I it's like wow like like you know what I mean like it was like d literally was like yo she gets around yeah and it was like she gets around like she she she she's out here like yo she's really out here bro only one name and said one person I was like yeah we we always get to that where I'm like yeah like you know I'm not trying to I'm not trying to be Uber on the liberated side but I'm also not policing nobody's bodies and stuff like that so it' be like strange yeah never never bothered me anytime anytime somebody even if if I've ever been involved with somebody that another gentleman has told me oh yeah n she blah blah blah that [ __ ] never bother me never never ever bothered me like that's probably like the least of my worries yo if I'm being real that's aun yeah yeah cuz whatever I got going on with Shorty is what I got going on with Shorty that's your business that's our business dead ass trying to see what was the better so what was your favorite scene in the movie favorite scene um damn I would say honestly I think when um you got the Montage um from from when he has uh his meeting with the Bobs and then they're like nah let's promote this guy like and then he just coming in and yo he's playing snake or whatever on his or solit on Tetris on his computer he's literally just coming in and bullshitting every day yo to get a checko it's you know was my favorite when the boss finally seen him and thought it was like business as usual he's standing right in front of him and he's like thinking he's going to tell him off he casually just right around side stepped oh yeah yeah that was beautiful I know that hurt no cuz I was like you know how many people wish they could do that at work like you just wish you like yo you wish your boss was like yo and another thing yeah and you part of my keep walking like I was like man I was like part of my trust me I go through situations like that at least once a month yo it's funny where I'm like it would be great to just like not have to entertain this at all when uh when we were going over through the text we were like yo you know what's the next round of movies or shows or whatever we should do and I and I was like yo office space and then you was looking at the trailer and then you literally got annoyed by your manager oh in the moment I'm like yeah n this is Destiny yo we we got we got to run this it's too regular you know what I mean like no disrespect to um my political connects but you know yeah like sometimes it just be unnecessary and and unfortunately like my discernment is high enough to understand when I'm being told something I really need to do something I need to be told as opposed to something that's just fueling your ego to feel like the boss but it's cool I'm in a I'm I'm I'm I'm where I am in this company so I'm I'mma play my role yeah all of that got to just do what's appropriate memo did you get that memo oh my God like yo I got it right here I'll send it yeah I'll like bro what are we talking about yeah yeah it's right here right here bro oh man yeah man per my last email ass [ __ ] oh terrible yeah and and yo and it's funny because um you kind of hinted at it earlier there's just a lot of people a lot of people that are in like power positions that like your job is honestly more pointless than mine you know what I'm saying like you're just there to oversee and you don't [ __ ] you really don't do nothing bro bro when the Bob said like The Bobs are going through the list and then he's like yeah I disagree like he shouldn't be upper manager man why he basically couldn't say just cuz he's I'm not feeling him right now so then they're like well what do you do yeah he pull his file yeah yep yep yeah watch anybody could get it exactly could get C too bro that was crazy holy [ __ ] yeah man oh taking the boss's parking space I've done that I've done that I've done that I've shown up a little early and been like you know what you're always parking there I'm parking here today telling Milton to pass the cake and he was like yo but last time I that I ain't get none and he had to keep passing the cake until there was none yeah yo he said early in the movie but that's another thing like I mean like mle the movie was given away from the beginning yep like d was like first bad day like I got a software I could just run up all the money from this place didn't yo I'll burn this play did it like you know what I mean like everything that happened in the first five minutes of the movie is the movie soon as they took the stapler that's it that's it I'm BR this [ __ ] down yo sick oh my goodness yo yeah n yo such a yeah good it like and it was good to to watch this cuz not that we've had like heavy topics but yeah just a rat beef yo was just it was so consuming yeah bro yeah yeah and it's because we were supposed to do this last week but you know [ __ ] runneth over more more rap y killed us yo so yeah this this was a this was a nice calm nice calm watch show um I mean I think I think we we' talked about trying to do like more comedies and [ __ ] yo yeah for sure you know what I mean so that that this this was definitely fun you know just again don't got to nothing you got to think about y it's right there no hidden meanings it's one of those I mean you know you just don't be labored at this point yeah yeah you know I think I mean obviously we can continue to get into like things that you dealt with at good jobs and stuff like that CU that's just life that's right but you know what I mean like the actual movie oh okay ask you about the Jennifer Anderson situation okay what's up have you ever had a situation where you was like where you and I you never been hypnotized no me Nei okay so we'll do like liquid courage okay did you ever have a situation where you needed something to help you be able to effortlessly talk to the girl uh yeah yeah definitely cuz it was like nothing by the time he was hypnotized yeah yo cuz sidestep sidestep the the normal waiter like yo what you doing for lunch like I think we got something black and chicken yeah you yeah yeah that was kind of that was like real n I've definitely I've definitely I've definitely been there um but then over time though um use that same technique without the the liquid courage like let me embody how I felt with the the Boost and you know that you just as a you know on man [ __ ] yeah you just add it to your your repertoire game yeah you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying I got it when I need it type [ __ ] so but yeah no I've I've definitely been there man I I think most guys have been there at least at least once yeah I mean I I don't think guys naturally it was a very subtle way that like that guys don't admit how shy they can be like but it was very subtle in the movie where it was just like oh look he's he's boosted up now everybody would love to act like that to them yeah and you know what I mean like it's funny because it's like throughout the movie it's like yo you got to answer to somebody MH you got like oh the crackhead thing was funny when the dude said he was um when he said like he was acting like Oh I'm a former crackhead I'm selling magazine yo oh my God yo who was that that's Orlando Brown right I think that's Orlando Brown yeah oh my god oh man came in shot a couple threes real quick you know just yeah that was that was funny that was funny yeah like the fact that they were looking a money laundering such a 90s I remember [ __ ] like that all the subscription based anything I remember mom's yo had a um it was like uh to get like VHS tapes oh yeah and then like you do like the penny CD thing and all that yeah Jesus man yeah what a time I know I know y'all used to do that I know y'all definitely bought them CD subscriptions like you mess 100% like the Columbia House Records like y I got a dollar I need aund of these I need all these yo that's hilarious serous yo oh man CD Rax was on point back in the day telling you yo oh now that we oh my God I'm so now now I'm down to ster Ro looking at all this you ever had one of the CD changer um stereos in your bedroom or you too young for that oh no no I had one yeah yeah I thought I was the [ __ ] yeah I got one I had to five disc yep went crazy yep uh I was still living in New Bedford um it was either a Christmas or a birthday present y had the 5 CD changer I thought I was lit thought I was lit had Buster Rhymes pun wuang two Cass yep you you now this is Year too young for M you never made a tape oh no I have like actually had to like hold it and actually do it the old school oh no not like that no I had yeah I had I had the the techology yeah yeah yep y but I definitely made it take I remember um it was before I got the CD playero so you know tuning into the hip-hop radio stations trying to catch certain songs and [ __ ] y sure my cousin's uh my cousin had um It's Dark and Hell is Hot on cassette got a blank tape dubbed the whole thing for myself yo I remember the first time I remember the first time I rhymed um we could only do one take sheesh like the whole song sheesh like every like you do your try somebody else imagine yo imagine somebody messing up on like the third verse and everything was like a posy track it's like we just got through one verse two hooks another verse and now here you come and you want to mess up on the third bar Jesus you're not doing yeah yeah you're not in the group no more bro we might cut this song short it might be over oh man that was back in the days damn yo yo shout out to Old technology yo [ __ ] how long it took for that computer to shut down when he was trying to hide out yeah for sure bro I don't know he paper jams oh my God yeah I'd have been out um apparently that that was um they didn't expect that to happen so that's his real reaction where he's like PC load letter the [ __ ] does that mean yo like he that that wasn't supposed to happen apparently so y you know what else was crazy um that we'll just never get um people that are F's names right oh yeah yeah like it's always going to be wrong like I was like oh yeah I was like that that's like a like it's it's me just give me just give me the paper yeah like and you work here like you never asked how to get it right so you could just like know it they played the [ __ ] out of him the two Bobs when they're going through and saying oh we can get rid of this person they're like Naga not going to be here no more like damn B like yo Lear his name now did him filthy filthy yo filthy filthy oh man damn was like I never did nothing wrong all my life now you got me going to jail he was sick he was so mad yo worried about being like deported and [ __ ] yo n for sure yeah yeah yo the funny thing is like like they're sitting there like counting up the cost like they're about to do something really bad and he's like yo so I can have conical visits I can have sex cool I don't mind going to jail I don't mind going to jail she was like he like we're good that's all I needed to hear oh man now office space one for the books one for the books I'm glad I'm glad you liked it yo cuz like we um uh you know just the Inception of this whole pod like it it was dope to me because um I'm a movie nerd you hear me and Katy always of course you know dods and them we're always talking about movies and [ __ ] and you're always like yall haven't seen it haven't seen it but you you've seen movies but like it's cool to experience this because we talk about like um being able to uh enjoy something with somebody when it's their first watch you know what I'm saying like you know because I go through this with Shorty a lot you where she she's she's seen stuff but she hasn't seen the stuff that I've seen right so like yeah we you know I think I told you like we've gone down like the David Fincher rabbit hole and we're just and I'm just I know what's about to I know what's about to come around the corner basically she don't so I'm just watching her reaction and [ __ ] it's it's dope yo it's real it's real dope so that's a fact yeah man yeah um young Jennifer yeah young young Jennifer know that was I think what that was still during her friends run I think right probably yeah yeah yeah personally I like friends think I seen it you know I know go ahead get your get your Supreme black man on and act like you could never enjoy friends like Ross ween on a break is like a is not like a Timeless statement that every man of any color and Creed um Chandler was amazing you know what I'm saying uh my how many people don't use humor as a tool of yard so I will say yes I've seen friends exactly I've seen friends I I didn't always have cable Growing Up So ex you know what I'm saying yo channel 40 channel you know uh Channel 6 whatever I think it was like a fox Channel or some [ __ ] single till I die putting that [ __ ] on before bed yo like again Seinfeld Frasier friends was on there like all of that but Frasier was fire Frasier's fire Frasier might have been one of the first things I experienced where like dialogue was like a thing oh yeah I'm a fan of words so yeah that little snobby vibe that they was getting it was funny yep yep um and their dad was so like blue collar like American yeah yeah yeah yeah but yeah n friends friends was never really my never really my fore it's funny because in our group chat uh with the guys yo you were like yo Living Single is the same [ __ ] yeah but everybody just cuz it's black people be like nah Living Single was crazy I'm like they're both just as funny MH like you know what I mean like they're they're both equally as funny they're both equally going through similar scenarios like yeah you can say it's a bite but it's like y list to a lot of rappers that say things that other rappers say hell yeah like no District but like I listen to Mad Coke rap Ain ain't nobody Reinventing how to bust a brick down like one time for the stove yo that's OJ with the Grizzlies yo on that note I don't know if y'all ready but we good yeah man till next week till next time then what you see it's what you get what you see what you see it's what you get
Channel: Scene And Not Herd
Views: 29
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rX3v8uoLz1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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