tpope's Vim Config and Plugins

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"I don't use a lot of tmux panes because I find them paneful" - tpope

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Watabou90 📅︎︎ May 30 2014 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/taliriktug 📅︎︎ May 30 2014 🗫︎ replies

Can anyone tell me what plugin (or config) he's using to put values in his status bar (e.g. when he types :Emodel, it shows all the possible models he can edit right in the status bar).

Edit: here's a shot.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 30 2014 🗫︎ replies

\o/ tpope!

This doesn't seem to be on the /r/vim front page right now for some reason.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/gfixler 📅︎︎ May 30 2014 🗫︎ replies

It's interesting to see a vim master use such a simple-looking statusline. It doesn't even have any colors!

Recently I removed the statusbar plugin (lightline? airline? can't recall) and instead handle the format and colors using autocommands.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/spupy 📅︎︎ May 30 2014 🗫︎ replies

Tried to watch this but the shaky handheld camera blurring in and out ruined it for me.

Guess I'm getting too old for bootleg tech talk videos :-/

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tbranyen 📅︎︎ May 30 2014 🗫︎ replies

I found the remark from someone in the audience about kana/vim-submode interesting. I didn't know about that plugin, but it seems to make sense for some bindings in tpope/vim-unimpaired. At least for ]q and ]e, maybe not so much for the rest.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nielsadb 📅︎︎ May 30 2014 🗫︎ replies
all right so I'm trying to do the upstart with just the same thing we did last week go through some configs a lot of the emphases last week was on what's in the actual doc files and probably need more than anyone I don't like having a big duck bakken think I brought about plugins that I can just compose together so I'm gonna start with the plugin I made to an 8 to enable out of this would just sensible about then it's a plugin there's just a bunch of default so that when your first one when you're first getting started with them or you're pairing on machine you don't have a common ground or anything just some very simple universal default so that you're not immediately having to come in and get you know Janice or whatever so yeah and along those lines I also have smoothed up them which is a plug-in to handle all the indent settings where you can just automatically detect where doesn't have any kind of CR configure you've got you know every file climax to have been damaged which is fine that's how it started but it gets teased anything and then that's something you have to have whenever you set up a new system so this just automatically detects that you know it's these two facing into space and one thing that unique characteristic is if I create a new a new file in here and if I automatically detects the two specific index like are this a new file I'll go look at other files in that directory all right I guess you know instead of trying to start by editing my own plugins I'm going to I I won't looking for it's a much of my professional career as in rails I wasn't looking for a simple rails app just worked out in box and the really fine was this this site bike crusher dislikes on my Nick Cortina it's a it's like a some unofficial band fan site but it action works it's on the latest version of rails and I don't know the open the most popular open source and out there by definition are very old and having a lot of stuff in them and I mean you have to be mine so yes yeah suddenly there's a parser of that I know what I'm gonna show so uh test running I guess that's a big one that I saw a lot of and I never saw anyone demo you know my favorite child dispatch that man so it's just a kind it's an asynchronous text Runner and so I got a mapping for it do you enter and it runs the chest and loads the results in a quick fix list so that you can have a failure that's uh something in them fails and instead of just showing it in another window it actually loves the eros it's like here's a there's more areas see marks yes yes yeah I don't think about those convictions they're very a lot of the existing test runs out there I find very concerning to the Vedek all right this is a test runner for Ruby running and t max with a vertical split which I don't I don't like bacon strain that way sometimes I end up running in mac then he went up carrying I don't care if someone have to learn a team ascetic when I'm teaching something they're already having to do it then disrespect me yeah Mac then let's see it won't run over here alright yes Pauline GUI will start up the GUI over from from a command line then it will start to duty so is there a plug in the dissenters that has built in and I don't remember how you for free now my hands commander thing I do remember those keys either well they're maximized I know how to do that do it do that I do that it's running over here and in the terminal there's like so it's actually because I start from t max is running inside of t max but if we go back there and my start new tab in Skyway and what we're in a park sir so now I can have you started to do we but now if we do it should we get out of here size up now there we go so yeah it's of course X we're screening it's of course Windows we're just wanting to kill this problem once and for all and in addition to that it supports like man should just start a terminar whatever and I mean Team X it would start a team exertion but if we start the route sponsor over here mmm-hmm so and then it's also I didn't this is one thing I this is a recent thing I ran into because lately I found myself working a lot of like SOE X where I'm running three different apps and I mean I cannot keep up with three different terminals my limits to it so yes if you hit console they will go back to the console so if I get lost I can always find my console ok ok so I've been using huh yeah calling dispatch and then dispatch has a default task so this is something provided by rail stock then so the home test here is it wrecks the coin rate command which in turn has a default pass - yeah showing you exactly the commanders running if you can read that I mean you go back to that right any team extra so we can read when it finishes raining we're playing yeah so Kent great tessina incest that's right that's what my old stop Mendez I'm going to start by showing a lot of rails like man that's where I cut my teeth I started trying to generalize some of these things I'm gonna try to get on that the ends sorry alright let's go back to it failure again expose I'm gonna show is unimpaired unimpaired has this was hard to explain I don't even know about this because it's one of those things you don't think you need something like I want to plug in forget or whatever this is a something it's a workflow change hard to think about so here basically it's thrown aback it's got a bunch of pairs of mappings in particularly I'm starting with if you can use this got bracket cubed rocket the two bracket Q's to cycle through the quick fix list so here's our ready for here's all the different things inspectors recycling just by hitting bracket Q other things cycle piston files and put the next file in the directory conflict markers ed blank lines switch lines Tuggle options turn on numbers or off how did you get to this list this is just how quite impaired so yeah kind of here it is it's unplug it's not part of real-time it sounds like a yes you know about a Vince upload all right what is it Vince upload I do not so if you pair sub mode with him unimpaired some load is like it'll let you take a key and then it'll basically lock the key so if you you can have a sub mode for a closed bracket and then every letter that you press will be as if the square blanket is X sounds pretty hot yeah there's off the wave in space which is similar where you can find that if I space and backspace or whatever emotion you made most recently which is in that spirit i bunch of pasting mappings i go through right now it's got also even there's some weird stuff xml encoding I need something the connection I will show you our Ellen 30 which I can end it more importantly decoding which I find helpful a lot of times no really that's another bit yes if you want a quarter spring if we racks it by the string with the backslash hands and all that in skateboards all right so just stepping around commenting is something I found that I could there are a lot of commenting plugins out there I couldn't find one that I want to seem very obsessed with like making those little boxes of stars and splashes that you get like and see code or whatever which I have never fun to be thankful and seem to you know give less attention to just commenting out code I wanted to just be a bit one keystroke and like come out of paragraph so that's just GCE go comments ap a paragraph and IPC you don't do common paragraph that's a very simple plugin what's they're not putting again commentary along some I'm going to come up with some segues but bear with me surround is Nick language things we want to change this in single quarter strain CS double quote single crunch you can like just delete the quotes rep and write the scene he's just stuck for a minute good in those in rise in that spirit and ends and languages like Ruby so don't act Lee as the end at the end it works in a few other languages right my favorite venture it's what's the thing that makes it do and that is a plug-in not by me welcome Bablu is a special case version the one my favorite is to come splitjoin something capital J and it seemed descriptive spaces there but yeah the basic I think yes it converts several different things it works in seven languages like a wagon there's no longer commentary which ones this just to oh I'm gonna go join another farm it's a splits and joins lines and it has support for I this did this file does not have a good example let me let me just read one so funny GJ it combines it into a one-liner and then she and yes it sports several different languages can plug in so Vince trip passes funky line continuation synthetic ideas here it puts the back session and GK joins it back there are I don't even know that the full set of languages for this large how do you navigate between the I don't use a lot of key machines just because I find that painful me yeah there's a Tmax pain and how do I switch I don't remember every go through DJ's if you if you bind them so that the key bindings are the same has been I find it less confusing because I just hit your favorite ski and now everything that you do will team up then you bind like K which is a good when I like control wk in a bit and if you do control a a k2 yeah sort of make sense yeah middle management is hard mm-hmm yeah it is I actually have shift bounds that dislike with your team I explained before spray is long is there's two or less two is kind my limit for a lot of things so what all right so I show them more round stuff then here so this is like by the plugin one I first started learning bin script cuz I mean this is like when you know da Jake said that screencast look at all the stuff I'm not doing it with all all text and everyone loved text me so so yeah I was like wow so he needs to make a bin plugin for this and I waited a month and no one happening so I just dug in yeah that's the cutoff a month all right so there's several things in there so the dispatch stuff is my new abstraction it started with just like the right the right command with rental rate tasks and it has a default select run from casting all right there's no check there's no test for this file my answer to the fuzzy finder was navigation commands like if I want to hit in a model too much typing I have an e mono command to find a you know play lea search I did tactically I can find them and it segments in fuzzy bunnies in particular they have a huge advantage edition in these projects oh I'm sorry I get why people would go to them but have any having this work we're just like if you got a search model and then I don't understand but there's a search yeah there's the circus controller and the searches tasks and what the e versus alright I started we are because I was thinking around as I tried to make it more of an abstraction I've named it Eve for edit so I'm more slowly phasing out are over the coming years so yeah so that's why I started in switched to another project yes I have two trophy I see the only oddball projects that don't have specific land I will use it generally I mean I dunno I find something like a rails app or a cloture mining in an or a horrabin plug-in or something in one of our hands for templates and I tend to use navigation commands there so let's open up like so after that yes I found it hard I want this on like a plain old ruby gem so I made rape dumped in which that's the same idea you live it'll open but there's a runner command all the same ideas and we can keep going to like I now have a same everyday when I started learning closure I made fireplace for that so if we look at like a clothes rack yes it's like a learning platform very many ideas should work or not so I mean we need to start and I console all right for this apartment how many chests its finest No well as far as I'm concerned my stuff's working something here is not working it's another thing wrapping dispatch that this is the thing I'm currently doing like Ralph FM has a console command and line again that then has a consort command start lying rec well I'm trying to make that makes obstruction because after I do that and everything has a control command now I've got it's like mask where I can just hit DC and it takes you to the front side I mean you should definitely be able to define your own I don't know how that will work in like the context of the rails plugin but I'm definitely trying to make that generalizable now I've got it work I've got like working that you can also find like a arbitrary business console which is a convention I've seen for one-off projects and it will just run that and all the stuff for like finding it is a tooling agnostic should work for anything well right now it's just one issue each plugin is providing inside the thing my exerting too because now that is now that I've had to read implement this a lot of this like 3 times outside it's time to generalize it so I have started a plugin I mean II permit the projectionists where you can just define the delay of other projects and you can define like here's your how your default dispatch test works nearest here's how you complete what to make utility is and it's just that way you've just got a few lines you and you've got a cool tooling around the home base and that's what I'm trying to build a consul in to tell it what your concept Romania is and it just works by having I don't have something that's that just yet just effect some had hot stuff in Magna mercy but that is time how about the other side so one thing that so you had like closure and Ruby for testing mm-hmm so one thing I tried to build one time was a thing that generalized the cross file types for like find the closest tests find the closest test class and find their current that's sweet you thought about that because like cuz like this match if you want like this that's right so you get like this patch test runner and then goodness that you're on the run it's going to differ across projects yeah so the X of the idea is that you define what your textile product see to buy an alternate file so the this is something I first added around something but it has friended everything is version in production it's working its alternate between your tests and your implementation and the second part is defining the what the command is to run your test so you can see that with which focus that's so this is like hard to do which is a component of a projection is to say make sure this is the current directory run the test and approach it up test that corn so just by defining that they all NetBIOS test the core and how you run tests that cord it's hooked up the default this match up so now if we hit D enter it'll probably give us that same error yes but that's separate from the closure from the rails analyzation of test binding for Louie yes so so rails being up her has his own all it ain't grown stuff lots of special cases for doing on that when I mean lining end up them which is what Mac's between your test files here it's just using detriments is a plug-in for projectionists it says alright the test source whatever look in these three spots or source test foo and it looks in a test directory or test the end or spectra a off like four different conventions I've seen them and that and that open a file devil's is what it uses for how to run the test mining in a name that the via the quotes or tool lining at the same manage their project tool which is just this to make your project impossible to spell you don't have to deal with support yeah all right so I need something else I moved I burped and show each tool I use for making been plugins because it kind of follows the same pattern over licensure k17 needs to be sourced inside of instead of spawning and in terms of playing some tool so I have striptease which has that just say all the sorts of things I found useful in developing plugins so like syntax highlighting it it's hardly turn into bug what's going on it's nice to know what is its index on that cursor so I added something to tell you that's a help special being higher there if you were making a help file its index higher you could know what was going on there this is like to actually look up help let me just open up open up recording so you want to finish command is okay and it takes you to a crawling finish keeping that's like you want to have actually a valid expression here's some stuff that actually hook into the break pointer this arm is a cool one I can like say this is fun you should look for debugging a plug-in also finding out like it I think I could trouble with a you know okay clearly to focus or interfering and started show which ones they are I think this on a plugin so what does a dirty and now I don't have a nerd treatment script uses 15 it's like a crazy foreigner like I want to I want to see what's inside this fugitive buffer object which is the the internal object for he said it works a manager buffer and it's pretty printed out as well we really know preschools useful run time to reload a plugin which is very helpful script name just see what has been loaded in what order they're in and see then has a boat so a lot of these are wrapping built in just to make them less painful lose this but you're just kind of you know you've got the page strip my hands can't search it can't copy it so this is rep set and puts it in a window and it's easy to jump to fire every time have some own something takes businesses for both feature we can see what exactly what's going on so know me you would turn on and run it commands that I got this just wraps it up and then captures it so five verbose edit reload the file and this is everything that's happening when you're reliving five boroughs files a lot of stuff happens something that you that you've seen me use this when I just load something hours of Python at runtime path we're going to go to where to solve a to say plugins slash 50s all right let's gonna fugitive so where do we want to start a fugitive it's got the word in it because it works with yet it was either that or agitating I think that might have been a better choice but it's something pretty basic just just wrap up a command to wraps up like the get commands and a lot of this good stuff in a way like even if you're in if you meant something from like a different directory it will still use the right get command right there path for that directory so I just want to get log or whatever move that a salute status record or change something and look it's changed on stage door opens - whole bunch of stuff there and come back to this if that's interesting blaming difference yeah I was definitely saving planes but you really did sorry so there there's that blank line we have it and you can I come over here and use difficult to choose stages or undo that or on this side if you look at this yet then then has all this built in support for dipping eejit of just hooks that's what creates like that the get stage where has everything ready for the next committee it just edits to her as it is at that stage so that you can and then just operate in an over file you right it stages it so now we go look at the status is now staged Blaine is probably the surprise one for me how often I use it I think you can open up a plane find a change you're looking for for something that's not from the first connect if you can enter we go to where it was added here's the dead anything that go okay well this is the line I was actually trying to look at so let's go here and now you can see it in context in history so when you said you let's go here what keys I'm hitting the enter key junkie caster or something awful like don't even turn on so you can know how quick diverting spell right so that seems like a when you took all of our times yeah I had it like three machines ago at that house alright so anyway again we say all wrong here here this is just it just got moved around this is what we're actually looking for so she blame again cycle continues I think this is one thing I use is a good example like I see - poor offices and people who do them confetti either they go out you know you get Janice and then twelve more plugins and everything in the world and it what happens when you do that if you eventually run into a giant complex and then a lot of people rush it back to the other end where I don't use plugins and I kind of get where they're coming from you know it's like I want to be reading this from the command line I don't wanna be dependent on a tool and there's a point to be made there and I get why you might want to you don't really need a status window just to see what's what changed but when you do something like this from the command line it's very painful if you have to invite a copy I mean you gotta copy the line number blame that you gotta do this there's a huge work for a win just in having a spec that your finger just a illustrate why yes I do this all day long I see a deep so pissed off but yeah thing or two to say about messages before replaying at parent which I don't even know how to do I think my light was there in that window and hit tilde then it'll replaying the line like what yeah I don't I don't even know how to do that was good I don't feel and again we're in this older version in the readme and we keep playing it so we go here I'm going to say well what did it look like right before we change that line and I hit cellos and now he's deeded the previous line with whatever was in the first command that's what the caret means you keep any tilde to go all the way on back yeah I mean this is the end that we can get children this one and that's the beginning but yeah unless it has been replaced for me by Jesse I open up the content and actually see see because you can see all of it so if we open up this dead you can say oh we changed it but if it's just a so what do you think what even changed here was just like a one character change I can't even see I did have that taste I checked every single quote so yeah so you can see in ensure now big stroke but if that's not what I'm looking for us like all right looks lame in here so I open that up and keep going then again and now the original version yes that works from the beginning another one we use a lot is G correct which it just rats get correct which is generally my favorite tool I hear a lot about like act I love how people chummy that act is so fast because then you check and it's not gripping half of their project packet in that fast yeah I'm glad we run gladly the Arab area teens at least that's it that's actually it stepped up a surfer G group is part of YouTube it wraps get Greg Agee has a bunch of annoying things up not even company was that alright so yeah figure out G blog this was one of those less useful than I and then I began so yeah it shows it's joining this this hideous format that's designed to get loaded into the commitments but after it gets loaded you can just cycle through each commit that touch this file and it shows you down here with bottom the commit message so you can walk through the changes yeah this is a lot of different variants this right I want to I don't remember my current director if I want to edit something relative to the get route so that's what that family name is Jiri so it is very common you know you've made a bunch of changes and you just want to go back to where you started so and you can do it get checked out but then I'll use all your history there's no way to get that back if you just do you read it's the same thing except this part of your them history and you can undo it she writes stay justify are all things that you did it's a rename and remove wrappers very useful all right we can rename this something else we want for sister story uh-uh gbrowse you can just well in another file well in an ideal world about what I want to do since I'm running in two months it did not open open in the browser we're did it no okay see I can't handle more than two things with me for ten to ten okay got it I tried to cheap around it where extra means you know yeah I did for me to I guess I hadn't tried it lately we crouched I'll use them long as you can move highlight the lines and yes also got an ability to copy grooving it well no it didn't comment it and I believe that fire all right alright so that was the end of fugitive what else do I have kunshi or some number I used to get out of hit commit oh yeah G right just agency file so we can bring back that deletion we just did oh my oh I want to commit this separately G right and zoom it right then can I ask you just fire off no changes show this is my alternative tuner tree okay I'm coming so the drew near work this article that I could maybe fine or not I'm going on internet no wonder the freakin G Brown isn't working so it's over agent so anyway it's talking about how will you not treat being one of those things that coming from another way or you could all I needed tree it's a sidebar but it kind of it once you have that it's doing a lot of tricks to maintain a split and when you have two splits open you have that which what does it open in it's basically like antagonistic musings quit just in general so so my attack then isn't built in browser of his own it's just like it's a very rudimentary one and it's missing the tree has the course it can be helpful is that exp it's a net RW yeah if you use Explorer it's the same thing so I I just want to make that really easy to get to so I'm just going to - Matt that goes up to here so if I wanted to jump over a file I can just hit and then I'll get a list of the contractor I can hop up as much as I need to and that had that has largely filled my need for trees it's not a one-for-one replacement but it solves one of the funds inner tree has what is so for from your perspective what are those problems so the whole antagonism towards splits is the main one so go get this and I've got both of these open if I if I open a fire over here where is it gonna open on the bottom just about happen to be their last it's it can get unwieldy to you so if you get it using nurture what you end up doing is using like tags instead because you can't it's hard to use these here that's missing if you do weird stuff like you'd open help window and and it will pop up above the trees that what you doing it just it can get awkward to work with so I'm gonna say it the nerd tree is superior for like that if you're trying to like you know you've got a brand new product you want to actually open up little trees and subdirectories and all that it can be helpful then but for the basic browsing I have found that to be replacing a more than adequate replacement it gives me beat a block in the sidebar I don't know he's basically our old on-screen but fine stream of Dead's there have been reluctantly moving over it had a release this year two new yeah they like a point release or something no I thought they finally pushed out the official vertical split release now that it's not dead it is dead yeah so I was going to I was eating some map I thought I had for creating a time stamp just create it by hand I'm just showing speed-dating this is this is the plugin where I decided that okay this is not just me solving an injustice me creating because then this is built-in feature we can you know control and increment a number of Pro X decrement which is great too you get a date so this is yes it does it does basically I'm really Minister applying therapy time like I said where I decide I'm creating yeah thanks to the months and everything you drive yeah I think I may be the speed dating is very important to me what's your latest poignant release I guess it would be I guess the lining and clogging which in turn so kind of release but I want to do that soon because even if you ignore the navigation commands which you could prefer I could see the argument for a fuzzy finder one day I may run a fuzzy finder then I'll and fuzzy finders I'm working on one thing I've been working on is i opening up projects I'm still getting the hang of this but soon so that built shell has something called a CD path where I'm gonna turn and I'm going to see the name eunuch and this is over and like sorts them bundle but since it's not my CDs pass that knows where it is so this has been like my technique for navigating around like wind up didn't trying to create equivalent been them has built-in support but there's no tacitly so it's pretty worthless so I have the same thing over here open the Munich and the hard part there was the chat complete use for that yeah I reimplemented this monstrous algorithm from some Emacs plugin and II was this just terrible in this female just has a better run time so yeah sorting with the thing that kind of hung me up cuz now I don't want to ship something this big without making it general and reusable so that's what I'm doing with that that's good stupid trick extract so let's say I want to pull this this extra thing act with some variable pattern so I change it and then if part of my pay so I use a special paste binding that puts the lint and it's all my patterns and so it automatically goes into pattern equal that's gonna be a extract on them it's a very simple plugin like knife we're buying the only challenges every language is different I'm not sure if I want to maintain a million mappings for every language so I might say I'm not certainly gonna have some way to configure it when it's a very simple and something I find surprisingly powerful something right for game right whatever technically what's the thing that gives you just string completion I mean there were a dozen different completion mechanisms in them yeah I'm sure I could show see tag we're still gonna tighten all four things so I don't know who's here is familiar with C tags but it's basically a theory old pool for billing like it makes a resource so there's only like one function in this file but yeah so you hit control bracket and this is not a committed file so it's never Pepsi tax right but let's open up a real plugin so you generate your tag son yes that's what I was building to so I just so I can hit control bracket and jump me in this and it's actually got the tags are actually stored up in here where she's got all the function with a definition the way I do that I've got a blog post explaining this but basically it runs see tanks we're out through the rock perfect route and this is in turn ending my default get template for new projects I might be set up so now I base the C tags are great but they're just a pain to give them they this basically solves it for me except a few cases like like we're not opening up again let's practice this thing this guy so many gems from you guys not in this file not in this file there we go so yeah I've got T tag for cans doing that in turn with a gym rubygems plug-in that generates e-tanks enough got ctags for four rwby most of that quote the person aren't you seen anyway where does something that's not see anyway i generate tax for doping stuff point something yeah there's something kappa very well but here at the appointment I've got the generator the last remaining piece was the Ruby source itself so that's handled by an are being done plugin which basically has solved on 100% for me at least for Ruby and then other projects I thought Viking closure that this got a same I'm cooling for going where to stores or whatever so I don't need it there you see tanks of Java scripts I haven't done enough of it for that to have been a pain point for me yeah I haven't gotten into the army I haven't really done a big you know when he's running framework things yet but when I do I'm sure I'll find a way that helps all right you got anything else let's check the clock again what time do you actually do for these things under wraps what it's my keep release you never mention it the initial so yeah I mean I released an I propose they not because I intended it as a joke because it turned out to be one yeah I mean it's a pretty substantial implementation of yeah I don't have it with me or Internet so but yes you can take my word for it you did one banana remember like a scratch buggers look I can run step in there I just play you can actually like : like so so oh yeah so so yeah this is the part that I hope would have been best suited to implement rather than me trying to command a compiler for somebody's anything but so if I said ignore chase could not resolve on so how do I actually implement even execute I pulled that : because I figure that can be ingrained or abstraction that's in ignore case now we can check it's not saying I started whether it's a baby is yeah we can you okay so in general has a set bang that uh it's uh that's really put all the mutation suggests evil needs an exclamation point so you can you get it interrupts with building things so the VIN syntax for like an ampersand set Bank ignore case one myself yes yeah so yeah they're the water the rough edges my concern was that it was I mean I'm compiling down to them script infinite script which is like a very slow extraction and in addition to that the quota itself you've seen I mean it's not known for its start at time and I want to know everything doesn't eager loaded which is not a good fit for like I mean van where you're starting in a lot so I have like a caching compiler but even like the readers it's kind of slow so I think so I'm implementing another languages tedious but I mean there wasn't a lot of design I had to do like a bit of in Iraq so I guess like a certain aspect I feel like a better there would have been a better language to design rather than just whining anything closure but whatever now now I've been planning to list which is the best way to learn this all right presumably it's open source yeah find it go through each of the plugins that you use mm-hmm so yeah the way I do my many good things I start I mean I started this like you know well before I was a a master of it any sense so my vin could say I had like vineyard like my core plugin for the bias that will burst up before I had really decided what it is so like I want that content commentary when the first comment I want everywhere I won't dispatch everywhere think especially things like unit caters when I didn't show I'll come back so that one being a bunch of units from and represent sector just very useful I wouldn't discuss if I just want to have like even if I'm gonna be able to push my powers up to a server and have something to work with so my core steps there and then I need pathogen to install everything else and then I don't have vendored anywhere I just do that ad hoc per machine because this is the stuff I like care about with my development machine which I have one or two at a time most so urges all of my plugins let's grow up that's just the ones I ran I've got like a separate directory those are been dirt in your own fingers well I mean they're on my machine they're not I don't have those in my background but it's basically all my plugins so just look at my github do you have a good way to keep those I mean obviously I can get home not really not really so when I design packaging it was this one was very much a scratch connection area I need that I want to be able to work on my plugins and commit to them so have them loading so that's why I mean that's why it just wraps yet I would like to see your real package manager there are a lot of them that have just wrapped up we one get clone for you or whatever which is I can understand the convenience but not really a transformative thing I want something like the penalties or whatever which I may there may be someone else with chocolate sundae so I said yeah if you're not really doing that something like I know it's probably a slightly more convenient choice Harlow yes another thing this basically just runs to get fall for you I mean I before I came over because I won't running two different machines I just were two little chefs gets easy to eat hotpot you can get cold that's how I got business oh yeah you don't you don't use sub-modules no well so someone will suck but I've used sub-modules then you get it's up my hill for each and then he gave two problems yeah you get two right so yeah yeah I think if you want something where you use storing like a manifest of what you use and you can think I would probably recommend something like fun though alright talk about you take a couple minutes this is such an awesome agenda so it's uh I mean it's most simple stuff but it wrecks something I mean it tightens a lot of instructions like there I mean you can call : RM bang : Orion on a corner I am let's find something I can actually delete so you call so if you call : RM % it works but in like says hey just piling some longer available and you've still got it open whereas if we rewrite it in any park line renew it closes the buffer for you this is how things can move you can move the fire but then you gotta go read edit the files it just wraps up but it's a very simple things some cool studios - alright yeah I can demonstrate that yes some unusual well let's not used to do this is what so I'm going to end this host yeah what is that so then I got a ride I can't ride it but sit oh right and it gets my password type this is my show my screen is so yeah so that would find it yeah fine rats the UNIX fine so that's where I was this is not an exciting product so we're gonna find like one file that's name we should come to powers you make that star I'm not in this directory try again so yeah I think you file and it's like Luke enough where I could cycle through them using yeah bracket cube per minute air tourcoing seen an orphan I can open up the list what's that great it's actually built in if you just use Cohen gret now think I'm gonna since at AG now I said I use you couple of good a fossil if I'm if I'm not in I can get party so grab no it's not said you got I'm in on the baby on this machine so so yeah it runs crap loads in it lasts like miss cycle through or what the necklace all right I guess I'm gonna call it time oh that is just moping I was demonstrating uh nefarious options on works so at CEO our change option relative member and it just shows you know in this design so if you want to go down three line see that one I went to this three lines right three J and I'm there so that's the use case of that yes you
Channel: thoughtbot
Views: 39,010
Rating: 4.8670697 out of 5
Keywords: Vim, thoughtbot, meetup, new york, nyc, New York City (City/Town/Village)
Id: MGmIJyTf8pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Wed May 28 2014
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