Toyota Corolla common problems

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hello friend welcome back to toyota maintenance youtube channel i have here brand new customer brand new vehicle it's 2006 toyota corolla le with approximately 144 000 miles i'm starting with them with a detailed inspection and i just realized this is a typical example of these corollas with this roughly mileage which i just stated anytime i get new customer with this vehicle similar year it's basically you almost can bet there are very similar problems on it so let me show you that pattern or the items which keeps repeating all the time this vehicle was somehow maintained apparently it has a bunch of flashes here is the cover what's the engine well it's a onesie zfe and you open the hood and you see this well as i promised the owner i will not listen to the fact he told me that some flashes were done i will just ignore that and go and inspect everything because they are paying me for it so i start on the left here does that look to you like the power steering flush was done no it wasn't look at that amount of that black residue on the dipstick that should be nicely clear all the way down that's definitely heavy contamination and that needs to be dealt with i'm not sure what fluids were flushed because the automatic transmission when i pulled the dipstick the fluid is absolutely dark like your darkest hour black residue when i swept my fingers on the dipstick really black residue on my fingers so definitely not on contrary when i use the light through this brake fluid reservoir that seems to be actually clean and very good condition most of the time the valve cover is not leaking it's not leaking around here on the top not on the back it's also not leaking in the coils in those spar plug tubes as you see these coils seems to be aftermarket in my opinion i don't think it's toyota spar plug inside the number one i pulled was correct and was looking recent so that was good do you think you don't see any euler leak up here that the back of the engine will be clean no you know that there is the timing chain tensioner oily always present on the back of engine in this area we will see it a little bit later when i will leave the vehicle very often this coolant expansion tank is not on the top level this one is actually absolutely empty and dry you know never open when hot it even says right here but it's not hot so i open the radiator i don't see any coolant either so there is something happening here now what you don't see very often that somebody barely put that radiator hose on that radiator and do you see that gap that the hose is supposed to go all the way and then you put the clamp i don't know what the heck these people were in so much hurry they didn't put it all the way and on the other side where it enters engine there is actually coolant crystals and seepage so of course i went a little bit backwards right now i started here on the left so first i was looking on serpentine belt but also on the water pump or engine cooling pump i'm using this mirror i will tap on the pulley this is the water pump pulley and sure enough my friend we are missing coolant here here i didn't see it underneath the engine well look on the side of water pump i will put that mirror there we will turn it correctly look at there do you see that coolant do you see that buildup of the crystals from toyota's super long life coolant so there is definitely on the edge it's not the weep hole which is around the shaft but for some reason there is a very slow sea pitch or build up of the coolant on the side of the water pump so that needs to be dealt with too but it's something what you need to check if you buy used one it's not typical i'm not saying i see that happening most of the time that will be wrong information let's go back to those typical ones and of course as you know from this channel i'll just check throttle body so i remove this intake pipe of course the throttle body valve butterfly valve it's completely nasty and dirty of course i clean here the math popped it out of course also math sensor it's completely dirty despite the fact here in the engine filter housing is brand new engine air filter corolla is finally nicely in the air as i said i didn't see any catastrophic coolant leaking anywhere so it's interesting why it is slow when that seepage around the water pump is very minimal but let's go back to that timing chain cover oil leak this is basically what you see all of us it's visible from above i'm i'm on purpose showing it to you from underneath but it's visible from above too if you really look with a mirror behind the engine so this oil it's all over this side and it's not a valve cover it's that o-ring or the seal or the flat seal because turta changed the design of it in some years it was soaring and in some years it's a flat gasket basically so that's that's leaking from up there and that needs to be dealt with the front brakes and cv access right you see this oil it's not from cv excel or anything that's still that timing chain tensioner leaking everything's fine here typical no damages the exhaust it's cool the rear struts i'm not sure if i ever replaced one they never leak so they are good there's no problems with those uh very typical what i see when you have this base model with the drums let me grab the gauge this is that brake gauge which helps to explain customers the thickness and if you look always the rear brake shoe will be three to four millimeters yet the front one it's barely two millimeters red means to replace obviously so again very very typical nobody will remove this drum i had to use those separator bolts it was rusted to this hop it didn't want to go when you see that you almost can bet that this wasn't maintained for a long time and it will be needing service in the future too let's mention as a last item i will show you today the front struts they also normally don't leak but this rubber boot which you see they're hanging it falls apart on those by that h so in the good if you are lucky it will actually stay down here it will just sit down here like that and you are good but let's go look on the other side that's also i keep seeing it all over look at it it's chewed inside instead of just sitting down here it actually got stuck up there and you just hope that it's not affecting the function of that strut so so i hope you enjoyed this little tour of this 2006 corolla and maybe it will help you to have a list of things to check if you are going to shop for used corolla in the future thank you for watching and be subscribed i will more coming your way soon see you later my friend
Channel: Toyota Maintenance
Views: 84,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toyota, Toyotamaintenance, Maintenance, Service, Repair, Fix, Toyota-Maintenance, Toyota Service
Id: BJAMepDyIbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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