The Pups Carry Out Rescues To Earn Their Badges

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let's play guess the PAW Patrol [Music] it's time it's Rubble it's liberty it's working [Music] it's Marshall [Music] [Applause] it's Zuma now let's find out how they understand [Music] okay you four Mighty pups who wants to have a go at earning their logo I wonder how you learn them today nearby oh no oh no oh no pups pups I really need your help I was playing hide and seek with robot funding today but he malfunctioned instead of hiding himself he hit four of my potions nearby I need them back all right pups jelly turn your logo if you find one of Professor funding's potions okay yeah we're on it [Music] oh it might give me super powers I feel really really fast brilliant there's a potion uh-oh yes got it oh no he's taking my potion hey Chase foreign [Music] here you are Professor oh good three more to go oh I lost my potion oh and my super speed is ward off but apparently there are three more potions out there well done Chase here's your logo [Music] oh a pizza yummy [Music] there might be a potion in here is that a potion uh-oh hide the potion there and lock the door [Music] Rascal funding have you found a potion uh no I'll take a look in here anyway there's nothing in there I think I'll be the judge of that [Music] oh luckily I can shrink down and go under the door and open it from the inside [Music] yes there was a potion in there thanks rascalfunling oh and I didn't even get to drink it ah you found my smelly fish potion hmm probably for the best that I didn't drink that one then two more potions to find well done tuck here's your logo [Music] nice a burger tasty [Music] ah a tunnel the perfect hiding spot yes I found another potion I'm pretty good at this oh I think I can fly oh nope can't fly but I can jump really high potion Here Comes Skye looks like I'll need to hide this Somewhere Only I can reach the top of the tunnel is there a potion nearby on top of the tunnel oh yes you can't get it you can't get it I'll fly up and get it well I forgot she can fly yes got it no only one more potion left [Music] nice one Skye here's your logo [Music] oh wow a cupcake thank you oh I can't find a potion don't wait there by that log yes oh a potion by the lock why do you want the potion so it can give me special powers oh well then I'd better get there first then oh wake up oh someone's beating us both to it oh the cow drank some little game powers [Music] oh what a waste of the last potion well I've got to save the rest of the potion thank you right yes got it thanks cow here's the last potion well done Rubble here's your logo [Music] oh nice ice cream awesome well folks thanks for saving all four of my potions you're welcome yes well done pups enjoy those treats because you've all definitely earned your logos [Music] Rubble Zuma Marshall oh where are they oh maybe they're playing hide and seek I'll find them [Music] oh no one's there [Music] excuse me Chase I'm trying to make echoes in here oh sorry [Music] oh I can't find them what that was my logo maybe it'll contain a clue I must Rescue It [Music] oh wait I'm not supercharged oops [Music] yes got it now let's see what's inside [Music] well a marshall mashem where Marshall there you are where are the others I don't know why was I in your logo I don't know but maybe there's another pup in your logo yes but where is it Chase did you uncouple my truck yes because it had my logo in it well I need it for a fish delivery oh no more fish is all do you do I really need to go come on truck let's get that fish wow let's go to explore funding's cabin then oh yes look that could be your logo uh-oh but there's Rhino who said that huh Mighty pups ah I'll get ya charge oh what do we do I have an idea let's supercharge each other missed us yes well done Chase [Music] got it open it Marshall okay foreign [Music] phew why was I in your logo we don't know but we need to find your logo next where could it be hmm maybe at the beach good idea Zuma race you there oh we'll never be chasing a race [Music] oh or could we [Music] I win what how did you beat me here we're faster than you think and look there's my logo uh oh I see a shark problem don't worry I can still Rescue It thank you foreign yes got it what's in here then [Music] oh it's Rubble oh hello pups I guess we need to find rubble's logo now do you know where it is uh no sorry I can help you what I can find it using my telescope now let's see logo logo logo that oh look oh tasty cakes diver funling we're looking for rubble's logo oh yes sorry let's see Castle no oh yes there it's by the castle thanks diver funling there oh hello pups what are you doing no wait no what have you done [Music] oh no it took me ages to get that dragon in there I got it oh dragon come back to the tunnel whoa it's you huh thanks for rescuing me Zuma [Music] hey Dragon you can't catch me foreign [Music] oh yes [Music] well a fun thing was inside hello well done you completed our training day Training Day yes the funneling and I set up the whole thing and new pups passed every test well done training day complete breaking news her giant lizard is causing Mayhem on the island [Music] hit the Paw Patrol Pups listening we need your help now [Music] the reporter funding reporting for funneling news oh looks like we have a new Mission pass we need to find this lizard and catch it before it does any more damage this is a perfect time to earn your badges I'll even put a little treat inside each one good luck pups okay Ryder we're on it oh boy boy [Music] we need to go to the location where the lizard was last spotted yes I know the way okay let's go [Music] here we are what a lot of mess this needs tidying up I'm on it [Music] foreign [Music] Liberty everything looks great you've certainly earned your badge [Music] popcorn my favorite thanks Ryder okay so the place looks much cleaner now but the signal is broken and the water tower needs repairing I'm on it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's great Rocky everything's mended and working again here's your badge [Music] cookies lovely we need to find the lizard well I can fly into the sky and see if there are any clues from above good idea Skye [Music] um well there's nothing here [Music] oh there [Music] wait a minute that looks like muddy Footprints going into that cave I'll take a closer look [Music] yes they look like lizard Footprints to me I'll tell the others did you see anything yes there were some muddy Footprints going into a cave by the fun mat I can run over there quickly and use my net to catch it well done the sky here's your badge [Music] oh some fries delicious thank you here we are and yes I see the footprints yes smells like a lizard I'm going in there it is now to use my net well that was easier than I thought I'll just tell the others [Music] I've caught it excellent Chase here's your badge [Music] for delicious Burger thank you well we've caught the lizard what are we going to do with it and where did it come from I can answer that well well I know where the lizard came from it all started early this morning I was waiting for Thomas to bring me my daily supplier potions when I noticed Daisy walking by hello Daisy lovely day isn't it Professor family yes it is she was passing I noticed she'd drop something they Daisy you've dropped something oh thank you Professor funny I went to pick it up for her but didn't notice Thomas had arrived with my potions while I was helping Daisy a lizard jumped into the truck and unfortunately drank one of my potions it must have dropped a growing potion but it ran away before I could stop it oh no what do we do now that you've caught the lizard I can give it some of this shrinking potion and everything should go back to normal again [Music] ah there you are this person will help you stand back it worked now to set it free [Music] off you go little lizards back to your home ah there it goes free at last well that was an exciting Mission and everything turned out right in the end a funding had found some treasure at the beach and was showing it to Rubble look when I found Rubble that's not my treasure where's it gone there's a note in there what does it say hmm it says I've taken your treasure but if you follow my trail I'll lead you to the whereabouts of your Holy Grail inside rubble's logo is where the next clue lies look under a rock to take the first step towards your prize inside my logo so whoever's taking your treasure has made some logos and hidden Clues inside look under a rocky hmm can you see a rock nearby um oh over there yes it's my mighty pup logo but I'll need super strength to move that rock so I'll become a mighty power got it open it my treasure might be inside okay hey my logo huh thanks for finding my logo Rubble uh sorry Thor this is actually my mighty pup logo oh is it oh sorry all right then bye okay foreign what's going on you are inside my logo we're following Clues to find the funding's treasure there was a clue with you inside the logo oh yeah it says well done for finding logo number one but your journey is still far from done logo number two is on the back of a train find it or you'll never see your treasure again so we're looking for a train now yep I'm on it foreign who's got my logo huh it's not diesel [Music] oh yes Thomas has it I've got to get my logo back [Music] yes got it phew you sure are fast Chase oh you've got your logo open it okay oh it's Uma this clue says you're halfway through your search for the prize but to find the next logo you'll have to be wise it's underneath some stones and flowers can you find it using your powers under stones and flowers eh well there's a big pile of stones and flowers over there I'll have a look [Music] I'll wash away the wood and the stones yes got it open it open it okay [Music] oh it's Rocky foreign you're almost there don't give up now there's a train nearby that's broken down fix it to get it out of the cave and there's a good chance your gold will be saved broken down train what oh yes there's that Red Train nearby that's broken down it's over here [Music] yes if I fix it we might find the last logo but to fix it I'll need a hammer a spanner and an oil can right [Music] fixed yes my logo oh I hurt my treasures inside oh all that's inside is this clue hopefully you'll leave us to my treasure though well done everyone you're so close to the end go back to the start I recommend it won't just be me there your Treasure's there too I'm looking forward to finally meeting you go back to the start where's that oh we started at the beach didn't we Rubble come on let's go my treasure there it is well done everyone you followed my Clues and found the treasure you may take it back from me I hope you had fun yeah actually that was good fun wasn't it perks yeah and thanks for helping me get my treasure back
Channel: Funlings Pup Stories
Views: 4,112,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids story
Id: H7owFtpSLGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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