Tower Hill London Walk: Executions at the Tower of London

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another fine view of the Tower of London. So as part of our difficulty reading it. This is one of the most impressive execution sites tour. This is Tara Hill. And this is Sinead defense against this interface on this side. The wall was by the Romans around 200 AD. It's it's purpose may have been high. So there you have it ladies and gentlemen and battlement so Roman Wall will have been about 6. 4 meters 2000 year old city of London that surrounded it. And just a reinforced by substantial earth rampart. Outside was a wide was found in excavation. It's probably contained a staircase ditch in the far right corner evidence of an internal turret part of this characteristic tile bonding purses was built to thank you personally. It really does make a big as much to control the passage of goods and people as for giving access to the entry century wall. Complete with its are greatly appreciated. I see some regular names all the gems and thank you so much for all your fabulous comments as little bit of history about it over here. The London Wall and time. There's Steve and Tina and Maria and Mike. Uh too many well. And here is a statue believed to be the Roman I'll read this out because I know some of you have surviving sections of London's former city wall. The lower the Church of the Old Hallows by the Tower. So, to get here, history, we do do a tour of the city of London. Be sure and surrounding the city and again, if you are interested in Roman you would take the station here at Tower Hill and this is Tower Hill Station. So, I'm just gonna bring you around here. I Green as well as known as and this is directly opposite the to mention but I will do my best to get back to you all and with some of you. All your donations, no matter how small coffees, and one of my favorites is the new thanks Emperor Trezan. This is evidence of the Roman Wall, the difference to our pockets nowadays. So you really are button that's on YouTube. That's proving a little popular 2000-year-old city of London. This was built by the Romans gonna bring you up here to give you a last amazing view of the of the Tower of London. What's amazing as well is that it's thank for your PayPal contributions, your buy me a all personally and individually. This many to check that out. Once I'm walking, I also wanna thank you execution ehm capital punishment was ruled out in just wanna show you evidence of that Roman Wall, the there. So, just as we're here, so this is Tower Hill, a Tower Tower of London. Framed by the shard and in the background, show you. And that is part of the 2, 000-year-old Roman Wall and you can see this yourself and there is a Roman soldier country when they they actually outlawed capital punishment. Tower of London Now, when I said it was a punishment for revelry surrounding you as you were executed here around this subjects nowadays, ladies and gents but there is just a amazing to think that the Beatles were number one in this London's history. So I'll just give you your view again there little bit around here which is very interesting that I wanna area at the Tower of London. One of the darkest periods in bringing back capital punishment for any treasonous 1746. But can you just imagine the rebel and the drunken So, not so long ago, in fact, but what I wanna do is I'm just 1998. Not current day, of course. I doubt they'll be famous sites again, the site of the ancient scaffold where here treason, you can still be executed. That was up until at the and Lord Balmarino suffered on the 18th of August treason or sedition in this country. So, one of the more 1965. But apparently it can still be reenacted for high about executions ladies and gents in London the last dedication to all the people executed at Tower Hill. Now Seymour was executed here. Thomas Seymour. They were both he objected to his move of supreme head of the Church of sir. Simon of Sudbury. He was an archbishop of Canterbury. Navy Memorial right here. A lot of different memorials. But the Ladies and gents. A lot of memorials. This is a Merchant have the dedication to the people who were executed here more than 125 were put to death. The names of some of king's good servant and God first. Eh the interesting thing whom are recorded here. So we have a couple more. So William Before Thomas Moore's execution he would proclaim I die the stared their lives, stake their lives and lost. On the site, executions proved so popular, they would actually erect most important one is the one we're facing right here. This at the Tower of London Tower Hill. Now this is Tower Hill. here and Samuel Peeps, the famous British, and the reason commemorate the tragic history and in many cases the martyrdom brothers of Jane Seymour Seymour, wife of Henry the Thomas Moore and he was high chance to Henry the eighth and Hill and there's a lovely plaque dedicated to the but on mentioned before that executions were great in 1536. He was the brother of Anne Bolin. Then you had Henry about the impending executions and they themselves scaffolding this day, witnessed the great fire from the very steeple of eighth. You had the likes of George Bolin was executed here some of the more famous that were executed here were sir Howard in 1547 and he was executed here. He was the and up to 20 people died. Now, that's a bit ironic but here we Hallows. Hi, guys. It's by the Tower. Uh for my American cousin of both Amberlin and Catherine Howard actually to of those who for the sake of their faith, country, or ideals festivities. In fact they were like bank holidays or public and you would be facing your execution up here on Tower England or the Anglican Church. So here's some more. Edward scaffolding and there has been reports over the years of you. They would swear at you. They would call you vile names wanna show you where the majority of the public collapsing. One particular time, I believe it collapsed that church. Church of the Old Hallows by the Tower. So, I'm United States of America. Married his English bride in as they call them all coming to celebrate the great public people climbing up that scaffolding overly excited executions and some of the more famous took place here on Tower route, I just wanna show you. This is the Church of the Old back to King's Landing. Um they would throw rotten fruit at place in the Tower of London. The last public execution took Hill. So a terrifying walk to your final death. Now we have eventually hacked her to death with a blows of the axe. A we know of course so much about the great fire of London to baptized in here. John Quincy Adams, the 6th president of the she was sent to the Tower of London. Now, she spent two and brutal end to the contest of Salisbury. Now contrary to she was arrested and her properties were seized. Thomas gonna take you up here. It was a rowdy affair. Sometimes, the produced the shroud of tunic or five wounds of Christ of of executions took place right ahead of you up here where this trio located on Tower Hill. So, you would have been taken from confirmed her devout Catholicism. Six months after a/ 2 years here being brutally interrogated and in the end, he and he missed and she jumped up. Apparently the story goes from the execution block and fled around the tower until he execution and every time I walk this path, I often kind of that tunic. Well, a replica of it in her home which actually inexperienced executioner was brought to chop off her head to England during World War two. But the majority of the You would be marched up here. Now, you would have had a popular belief the majority of public executions did not take rowdy, drunken mob of wenches and drunken men and commoners place here on the 15th of August in 1941 and that was a acknowledge him as Supreme head of the Church of England. So compare it to, if you saw Game of Thrones, ladies and gents, you would have seen Cersei when she did that walk of atonement the pope he declared himself supreme leader of the Anglican your prison cell from the main exit of the Tower of London. 27th of May 1541 her brutal execution began. Now an German spy. His name was Joseph Jakobs. He parachuted in here Cromwell actually searched her property and he in a criminal doubt was a fabrication. She was convicted of treason and she was brought to the tower as I mentioned in 1539 and on the sadistic Henry the eighth was. So, he fled into exile. His the trial, this piece of evidence was logged. So, no the famous nine-day queen, Lady Jane Gray. Uh they are buried been executed in the tower while she was herself mother the countest of Salisbury she also refused to decided he was going to execute her at 65 years of age. Now, as he was in exile in Europe. So, he decided did that he Church of the Church of England. Now, her son was an trial for her. She was convicted of treason because he devout Catholic and a close companion of Henry the eighth's really kind of reserved for the upper echelons of society. They governance for a period of time to Queen Mary who later became last remaining plantagenettes and she was in favour with name was Reginald Pope. Now, trying to exact his revenge on would exact his revenge on his family members including his well Princess Mary who later became the infamous Bloody Mary of London on Tower Hill on Tower Green, my apologies but the majority of executions that we know about inside the Tower imprisoned in there, particularly if you were rich, they paid for the privilege. Now, Sir Walter Rolli spelled which was a treasonous act at the time and we all know how first wife, Catherine of Aragon. In fact, she was a Reginald Pope, he couldn't quite exact his revenge on him which we spoke about at Smithfield's market. However, Henry 8th, Henry the eighth in the court initially. She was a Aragon in the Catholic church and was refused an annulment by outspoken well, he was opposed to Henry the eighth and he was executions inside the Tower but quite interestingly, there were most days and I believe he even grew tobacco inside the Tower of course would have been Anne Berlin and Catherine Howard and think how she must have felt knowing that her mother had imprisoned there, including Elizabeth the first, I often thirty years in there and he lived in there with his wife a bit of background information on her. Now, she was one of the imprisoned in there. Also, Sir Walter Raleigh but it was and two children and he was served very good food and wine the Tower of London and that was the execution of Margaret excellent walking tour of the Tower and we will include a time of the Norman Conquest. Now, if you just look very Pope, otherwise known as the contest of Salisbury and here's very few executions inside the tower and anybody that was family members over the years, even a polar bear at one stage. of London. However, my colleague Margaret published an beef eaters of the tower and he's starting his tour and that when Henry the eighth decided he wanted to divorce Catherine closely straight ahead of you there, you will see one of the did live in quite considerable comforts. They when you were stage as well. Uh exotic animals were gifted two royal tour usually takes place on the hour every hour. It may have lions here. It was always a it was actually a menagerie at one changed right now. Now, you're wondering why there's a two Ladies and gents, the only castle in London built in the Now, we all know about the executions, the most famous gonna start with a stunning view of the Tower of London. coming your way. Um I hope you're enjoying the tours. This but it's not gonna be all doom and gloom. I have some nice Stanley, there's sir Thomas Moore and we have plenty more friends, William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania was holidays. So I'm just gonna across the road here and I here in the city of London. Now, plenty of information link to this video in the description below. So, we're the Tower of London. Now, I'm gonna continue my series of cheery stuff coming as well. Thanks for joining me. Stay execution series of tours. We have a good few coming your way the Tower and Tower Hill, the most notorious execution site executions sites in London and today, as you've guessed it, is tuned. A lot of information and interesting information coming your way. On today's tour, we won't venture inside the Tower Hi, everybody. We're back and we as you can see right here at signing out.
Channel: Free Tours by Foot - London
Views: 30,641
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Keywords: tower hill, tower hill london, Tower Hill executions, tower of london, the tower of london, the tower of london history, tower hill execution, tower of london execution, tower of london executions, london walk, tower hill history, tower of london execution block, executions at the tower of london, tower hill scaffold, tower hill tour, executions at tower hill, london wall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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