Tower Defense Idle Game?! (Grow Turret)

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oh no we're crashing and falling down from the sky oh no i have no idea what's happening guys i just i just opened up the game and this is kind of what's happening so what's going on everyone my name's ryan and welcome my friends to grow turret it's a tower defense game and it looks pretty awesome not gonna lie guys so let's jump right into it guys so click the screen to kill the enemy that seems pretty that seems pretty okay uh well i don't have to click anything oh so it does it automatically but if i sh if i click faster it does it automatically that's actually really cool so we got an upgrade so so you can strengthen your battle cards abilities by using gold so upgrade the damage so now does it do so now it does six damage each so we can click and by clicking we actually shoot faster that's actually super cool i like that a lot let's equip this one instead so oh that's so cool so now we have now we shoot two shots at once so now we can hit multiple zombies i think those are zombies they're spooky whatever they are oh look at these guys these guys got like a these guys got armor plating that's fine we're shooting right through their armor plating we don't care at all we're doing great guys this game is actually pretty awesome so we can get better upgrades so we can get so damage up on the of the control turrets so let's see oh wait we definitely want to upgrade how much gold we get right because the if we upgrade the amount of gold that we get that's always going to be oh my gosh upgraded gold cost 300 now that's gonna be really difficult so we can learn and use skills now so fire two missiles over a period of time sweet so how do we use it oh we're close guys so now we can use this ability let's see what ready guys let's use the ability what oh my gosh it literally just makes you have like a giant shotgun uh oh eliminate the enemy in time i'm not ready oh this guy looks scary we have 40 seconds oh guys we're doing fine we gotta just click really really fast fire the cannons all right that guy got absolutely messed up and we got a present what kind of present we got we got a rock it looks like guys i love rocks i don't know what it is that we got but that's pretty cool so which one we can oh we can choose which one we want to upgrade hmm i kind of like the double shot the double shot is really cool so we can upgrade it using the thing that we got so we upgraded it to plus one now and we have a couple of different upgrades we can get with this so let's upgrade the damage let's upgrade the gold and now so now we get more gold wait the damage didn't go up at all but i guess like once once the damage goes oh we got a critical though that's pretty nice so now we can go ahead and get the damage so now it does eight per shot but that's basically like even more crazy damage so turret box try your luck and summon now all right let's do it so turret times ten wait let's see so a double shot turret a green line pro an ice turret a space turret a poison turret a spear shooter another poison turret a bubble wrap a bomber shot and a macaron okay let's take a look at all these different turrets now these all look pretty cool so i'm not wait can i merge turrets together that doesn't look like it so what does this do so let's equip this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what can i wait oh my gosh we can have multiple turrets down holy cow this changes everything look at how many we can oh my gosh oh we have to get turret points we get more tur okay first of all we had let me just try to beat this guy real fast wait why is this why is this not fire you're not firing the right way sir oh was he not in range interesting okay so we need to get a strategy going here guys we do not have a good strategy so oh yeah look at his range okay so let's let's remove this i think having this guy this guy's good i like having this down so let's uh we can remove that i like what's this a nice turret i don't i don't really care too much about the ice but i think poison could be cool so tp how much tp do we have where does it say that so what about this so that doesn't have a lot of range so maybe we put this guy here or do we put him here yeah let's equip that okay oh there's our tp we have 12 out of 24. oh look at that 80 damage that's really strong and then what about the poison one i kinda wanna oh yeah look at the poison is insane radius so we can put poison there and then let's put the other poison one here oh we don't have enough turret points seven are these all cost seven that only costs five so let's equip that okay so that's all the turrets that we can have down for now that's all we can have down what about is there any events so that's just normal stuff what's in our bags so that's like our inventory collection and that's collection stuff oh wait collection oh my gosh guys look at all these cool turds that we can get oh and by collecting different turrets it gives us gems i'm about it i'm super about it that's really cool i like and we can click and we can just click super fast to make and so this makes the main turret fire really fast okay and those are just going to be automatic either way and we have our quest so we can complete and now what other quest do we have level four thank you thank you oh we leveled up and so every time we level up we get more stuff destroy the enemies and get rubies and enhance stones okay oh wait i went into a battle on accident i think oh no i don't know what i'm doing but all right let's do it why are you firing this way you're firing the wrong way dummies i think we're going to be okay we only have oh yeah guys we're going to be more than fine this we have the this poison turret has some insane range oh yeah and now that it's firing this way just fire fire fire fire oh no there's a boss i don't know how well we're gonna be able to defeat the boss though let's see come on oh we're fine we only have eight hp though ah we got him before we even got there we're good guys let's go so we actually got a bunch of cool stuff we got some loot nice alright so now that we got all that stuff i don't really know what it does but wait how many of these are there wait pause wait wait exit i don't want to keep doing this let's get out of here scoob i want to go back to the main game the main game's awesome i would like to upgrade it but i don't know if it's like actually worth it to upgrade it you know upgrade let's just upgrade it a couple times yeah look at how much damage it does and guys we have so much money i feel like we have to get some upgrades going here let's get oh turt no we want we want all of the gold right like we want to just be able to get as much gold as possible because the more gold we get the faster we're going to be able to upgrade all of our towers and our turrets so that way we can fight more monsters that seems pretty good to me what is the hunt oh so this is the hunt and the eradication battle and stuff that we've gone through and that's what gives us like a bunch of like good loot and stuff but right now we don't even really need it i like the bomb shooter is really strong guys like the bomb shooter is really really strong what do we have for upgrades skills so we can upgrade this do we have anything for this we don't oh we have two so what's the duration it only adds point one second for an upgrade that's not that's like never worth it oh wait wait wait guys get ready here we go we're gonna use the bonus watch this we're gonna destroy this guy fire fire the cannons my friends oh this guy's getting annihilated because we use this ability it makes it so much stronger there we go and we get a whole bunch of goodies from that look at that and we got victory we got some nice rocks okay back to back to what we were looking at so this is the normal upgrades upgrade the damage so that's the so damage up of the control turret this is the control turret okay so that's how we could do that level up adventure tickets have been replenished that's also cool unlock the lab strengthen your ability so now we have the lab so in the lab we don't have the currency needed for the lab and it looks like we need to be at stage 50 anyways for like the first thing so i'm not going to worry too much about that what i do want to look into so damage upgrade for all turrets 10 that's really good what's this stuff so damage for all turrets critical chance critical damage gold up by one percent magic chance tp upgrade that seems like probably the best we can just upgrade the damage of everything let's also get gold where's gold where's the gold one percent more gold doesn't seem like a lot but i i assure you that probably is a lot i don't think we're gonna be able to beat this guy in time 7500 health is a lot of health to have to deal with but we're actually doing okay as long as i spam click fast enough ah my fingers hurt yeah come on take him out all right we're fine guys we're fine everyone needs to calm down you guys just just stop panicking guys i i had things under control okay a scrap metal turret not that exciting and we got oh you know what we can do actually is now that we got more tp we can uh go to the turrets and we can actually swap this guy out for the other poison one because the po or what has like a crazy range let's let's get the spacer it oh this is the space turret actually seems pretty awesome not gonna lie yeah now we have a space turret and wait how are we doing with tp yeah we're at max tp 26 out of 26. and we leveled up and so we got even more unlock boss rate destroyed powerful bosses that's actually really cool so there is a boss rate if we want to go try to fight it but that seems like super oh wait we have crafting now so we can like craft what is this i made a scrap metal turret guys oh wait it's a boss oh i'm not ready i was not ready to have to take on a boss guys i wasn't paying attention but it's okay because we're gonna absolutely destroy this guy let's go get out of here you noob and we can get some more upgrades more gold now our gold is at plus seven i don't know how good that is but we have it collection thank you don't mind if i do quest thank you a crossbow turret that's pretty nice i want to get better turrets guys i want to get some like crazy church what do you guys think of this game do you think it's a good game you think it's a bad game let me know in the comment section down below if you guys want me to continue playing this game on the channel this game is pretty fun though i like the idea of it i really do like you have to upgrade your courage to keep fighting to get better church go do some cool things i'd like to go try out like some of the raids and stuff and try to like fight some of the bosses that would be really really fun and i'm very excited to see how that's gonna go for us okay let's go ahead and upgrade our damage and so our control turret damage is gonna go up a little bit more and i'm sure there's like some really strong like strategies and setups that we can get going on here to make everything way stronger all right let's defeat this boss guys he has almost he has a big he has a grenade guys oh my gosh i gotta click so fast guys i gotta focus i'm clicking guys i am clicking so much right now easy that was easy i didn't worry about that at all guys i did not pop multiple blood vessels trying to do that guys but that's gonna end up this episode if you want to see more of this amazing game you know what to do hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications bye guys
Channel: Ryan Phillips
Views: 86,695
Rating: 4.9393563 out of 5
Keywords: Grow Turret, Grow Turret - Idle Clicker Defense, Tower defense game, idle game, clicker game, idle, clicker, tower defense, td, td game, BTD 6 copy, bloons td 6 copy, Tewtiy, Ryan, Ryan Phillips, Grow Turret clicker, Grow Turret idle, grow turret clicker game, mobile game, mobile td, mobile tower defense game
Id: uD5YOL4XiVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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